Class: Anarch

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The Anarch
Level Special Deck Size Max Hand Size Max Grade Idioms Whims Known
1 Fudge 7 2 Subtle 1 4
2 Stack the Deck 8 2 Subtle 1 6
3   9 2 Subtle 2 7
4 Stack the Deck 9 3 Lesser 2 8
5   10 3 Lesser 2 10
6 Stack the Deck 11 3 Lesser 2 11
7   12 3 Lesser 3 12
8 Stack the Deck 12 4 Lesser 3 14
9   13 4 Greater 3 15
10 Anarch Talent 14 4 Greater 3 16
11   15 5 Greater 4 18
12 Anarch Talent 15 5 Greater 4 19
13   16 5 Greater 4 20
14 Anarch Talent 17 5 Greater 4 22
15   18 6 Greater 5 23
16 Anarch Talent 18 6 Overwhelming 5 24
17   19 6 Overwhelming 5 26
18 Anarch Talent 20 7 Overwhelming 5 27
19   21 7 Overwhelming 6 28
20 Anarch Talent 21 7 Overwhelming 6 30



Edward, iconic anarch
"Throw out logic and do the impossible!"

The term "chaos" has many meanings: freedom, randomness, entropy, discord, uncertainty. These concepts are all very disparate from one another, their only commonality that they refuse to play by the rules that most sensible individuals think they should. Freedom fights against tyranny and oppression; randomness fights against societal expectations; entropy resists the procession of time and even continuation of life itself; discord rebels against the notion that there must be agreement; and uncertainty is what makes the notion of free will possible.

Anarchy - and the anarchs who practice it - is the combination of all of these concepts into one nonsensical whole. Tapping into the force of Chaos is to tap into unpredictability itself, and even the anarch is uncertain what powers it will grant him. Through tuning himself to the factors that Chaos rages against, the anarch gains abilities that are linked to those concepts, but only tangentially and briefly: in essence, the anarch simply reacts in ways that should not be possible. Yet it is the realm of impossibility with which anarchs work, and they laugh in the face of anyone who claims that what they do should not be possible: after all, those who do so are simply sheep, content to live in a reality filled with rules and regulations, from the pettiest despot's heavy taxation to the rules of time itself.

The anarch wants to break everyone free of the shackles of sense and rules, to smash the system and make everyone free... or sometimes, to use their powers to subvert the system to make it work for their own ends. Chaos cares not one whit what an individual anarch seeks to do, and distributes its power both fairly and unfairly.

Game Rule Information

Anarchs have the following game statistics.

Force Alignment: Chaos.

Force Resistances: UO 5 + level, TO 5 + level.

Abilities: Luck and Bravery are most important for an anarch. Luck allows him to access whims - expressions of Chaotic power - while Bravery allows him to use them when he sees fit.

Starting Age: Simple.


Hit Points at 1st Level: 5 + Con score.
Hit Points at Each Additional Level: 5 + Con modifier.
Healing Surges: 6 + Con modifier.
Defenses: Fort +0; Ref +2; Will +2; Det +4.


Hit Die: d6.
BAB: Poor.
Saving Throws: Fort (Poor); Ref (Good); Will (Good).
Skill Points: 4 + Int modifier.
Class Skills: Acrobatics (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Disable Device (Dex), Escape Artist (Dex), Fly (Dex), Knowledge (chaos) (Int), Perception (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spellcraft (Int), Use Magic Device (Cha).

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the anarch.


Weapons: Any three.

Armor: Light, mystic.

Implements: Coins, Dice.


The anarch's ability to call upon Chaos is known as anarchy. Individual abilities of Chaos are known as whims and are grouped into idioms, which are particular applications of Chaotic power.


Chaotic Idioms
Idiom Description
Discord Where there is disharmony, there is chaos - and so you sow the seeds of distrust and danger.
Dynamics It's said that all of existence is governed not just by physics, but by something even greater. This idiom teaches you how to twist, bend, and eventually break those rules.
Entropy All good things must end, and you know how to manipulate that process.
Freedom You seek to become unshackled from the rules not just of society, but of reality itself.
Random To be unpredictable is to be powerful... or whatever else suits your fancy at this moment.
Uncertainty True knowledge is impossible, and you manipulate that notion to its breaking point.


As events occur around the anarch, some of them trigger his Chaotic abilities. An anarch has a number of triggers equal to the number of idioms he would have access to at his class level, even if he has access to fewer or more idioms. You select triggers from the trigger lists of idioms you can access; you can change your trigger selection with a short rest.

Whim Grades
Grade Minimum Luck
Subtle 10
Lesser 13
Greater 16
Overwhelming 20
Inconceivable 23

To access his powers, an anarch builds a deck out of the whims to which he has access. You can have up to four copies of the same whim in your deck, but the number of whims in the deck must precisely match the number on the class table, above, for your level. You can change out the whims in your deck with a long rest. Whims are placed in a deck in a random order.

When a trigger occurs - when you are triggered - you must draw the indicated number of whims from your deck; the exception is if you (and only you) decide to use a reaction instead, which forfeits your draw. At the end of each of your turns, if you have more whims than your max hand size, you must discard whims until you have a number of whims equal to your max hand size. Discarded whims go into your discard pile.

If at any time your deck is empty, you reshuffle: refill your deck with all whims from your discard pile at random.

When you effect a whim, you remove it from your hand and put it in your discard pile. If you have not been triggered within the last five minutes, you automatically discard your entire hand and reshuffle.

To use any given whim, the anarch must meet its minimum Luck score, per the table on the right.

When not in a combat or stressful situation, the anarch can use any whim in his deck with a few moments' worth of "screwing around."

The anarch begins with four known whims. He gains knowledge of additional whims each level, as per the class table, above. At fourth level and every four levels after, he can trade out up to two whims for new whims from any idiom he can access.

The anarch's key ability for his chaotic attacks is his Luck.


When things happen that you don't like, you do what any self-respecting anarchist would do: you cheat.

Whenever the result of a d20 roll is made that you do not like, be it a roll made by a player or the GM, you can spend an action point to force a reroll. The results of the second roll stand, and cannot be further modified by this ability.

Stack the Deck

An anarch learns how to twist fate, luck, and the general tendencies of the universe to his favor. At 2nd level, and every two levels after until 10th, you can choose one of the following abilities. Unless otherwise specified, each ability can only be taken once.

▶ Paradoxical

Silly things like the causal chain is of no concern for an anarch.

Whenever you are triggered but instead use a whim to negate the trigger, you can draw as though the original trigger were still in effect. In this context, "negating" the trigger means taking an action such that the triggering action would not have originally triggered you.

▶ Feat

You can take a feat whose prerequisites you meet.

You can select this option multiple times.

Anarch Talent

At tenth level, and every two levels thereafter, the anarch's ability to bend reality to his whim improves. He may select one of the following talents.

▶ Trick Cards

You can choose another stack the deck ability.

▶ Feat

You can take a feat whose prerequisites you meet.

You can select this option multiple times.


The following are anarch whims, ordered by idiom, then by grade. Also in this section are anarch triggers.


Each of the listed triggers has a maximum range of Medium (100 feet) - that is, you must be within that range of the creature or effect in question in order for you to benefit from being triggered.


Anarch Triggers
Trigger Draw
A creature attacks one of it's allies. 3
A creature gains the confusion ailment. 3
A creature gains the invisible, malice, or fade status. 3
A creature's Force Resistance negates an effect. 2
A status ailment is negated or removed. 2
An effect is countered. 3
You are triggered (this effect cannot trigger itself). 1
You deal damage to an ally. 2
You opt not to spend a healing surge when an effect would allow you to do so. 3
You roll a 10 or higher on a d20. 1
You roll a 9 or lower on a d20. 2
You spend an action point. 2
You take damage. 2
Your Determination is targeted. 1
Your Fortitude is targeted. 1
Your Initiative is changed. 3
Your Reflex is targeted. 1
Your Will is targeted. 1


Discord Idiom

Subtle Discord Whims
Whim Name Action Effect
Attraction Standard Target has an attraction you specify.
Aversion Standard Target has an aversion you specify.
Backstab Standard Target makes a basic attack against a creature of your choice.
Compulsion Standard Compel subject to follow a specific course of action.
Distract Standard Target suffers penalties to Perception checks, Initiative.
Empathic Projection Standard Alter the target's mood.
Ghost Sound Standard Create an illusory sound.
Judge Standard Learn the target's emotions, surface thoughts, and ethos.
Sense Minds Standard Detect non-mindless creatures with pinpoint accuracy.
Ventriloquism Standard Throw your voice.


Dynamics Idiom

Subtle Dynamic Whims
Whim Name Action Effect
Cheat Free Draw two whims.
Cocked Die Reaction Target can reroll a d20.
Forge Damage Reaction Take half damage from an attack or effect.
Forget Stacking Rules Reaction Target effect that grants a typed bonus grants a stacking untyped bonus instead.
Fudge Reaction Target gains +2 power bonus to a d20 roll.
Lucky Break Reaction When target spends an action point, target gains a temporary action point.
Mark It Zero Reaction Reduce a bonus or penalty to 0.
Nudge Mini Standard Slide a creature up to 20 feet.
Read the Monster Entry Standard Gain libra.
Tabletalk Standard You and allies gain telepathy, but only with each other.


Lesser Dynamic Whims
Whim Name Action Effect
Confuse the Minis Standard Switch a number of creatures' positions.
Forget Status Standard Remove a status effect from a creature.
Loaded Dice Reaction Target gains a +4 power bonus to a d20 roll.
Lose Mini Standard Target becomes invisible for a short time.
Party Loot Standard Gain the benefits of an ally's force item.
Pencil Death Standard Target has no maximum hit points.
Read the Module 10 minutes Ask the GM questions about the current adventure.
Screen Peek Standard Remove invisible from creatures and objects in area, learn all creatures' locations.


Entropy Idiom

Subtle Entropy Whims
Whim Name Action Effect
Bane Standard Target suffers a -2 power penalty to d20 rolls and defenses.
Breach Standard Force open a stuck or locked door or similar closure.
Cloud Mind Standard Erase knowledge of your presence from a creature's mind.
Corrode Standard Deal potency 6 acid damage to an object.
Decelerate Standard Reduce one creature's Initiative.
Disable Standard Target incorrectly believes they are disabled.
Entropic Shield Standard Ranged physical attacks and rays have a 20% chance to miss you.
Reciprocity Reaction When you take damage, make the source take half that damage.
Lapse Standard Reduce the duration of an effect or status.
Sluggishness Standard Target gains hobbled.


Freedom Idiom

Subtle Freedom Whims
Whim Name Action Effect
Burst Swift Gain a power bonus to your movement speed for a short time.
Conceal Thoughts Standard Hide your mind and conceal your motives from others.
Converse Standard You can communicate with intelligent creatures.
Deny Gravity Standard You gain float.
Empty Mind Reaction Gain a bonus to your Will defense against one effect.
Equilibrium Standard You can walk on non-solid surfaces for a short time.
False Future Standard Mislead destiny, causing a creature to act on false information.
Escape Move You can teleport a short distance.
Nimble Moves Standard Target can ignore difficult terrain, is resistant to being grabbed.
Suppress Compulsion Standard Attempt to momentarily free a creature from mind control.


Random Idiom

Subtle Random Whims
Whim Name Action Effect
Big-Lipped Alligator Moment Standard Summon a creature inappropriate to the current terrain to fight for you or otherwise do your bidding.
Chaos Seed Standard Target gains a random status effect.
Confuse Standard Target gains confused for 1 round.
Double Rainbow Standard Temporarily fascinate creatures.
Gamble With Life Reaction When a creature makes a death save, change their chances.
How Does It Work Standard You react randomly to a chosen energy type.
Luck Reaction When you fail a roll, you gain a temporary action point.
Shoutout Reaction Deal potency 6 sonic damage in a cone in reaction to being silenced or muted.
Unpredictable Moves Reaction Gain a +5 power bonus to Reflex against an area attack.
Wild Surge Reaction Randomly increase or decrease the power of a Force effect.


Uncertainty Idiom

Subtle Uncertainty Whims
Whim Name Action Effect
Clown Car Standard You can share space with friendly creatures, ignore squeezing penalties for being in small spaces.
Deceit Reaction A lie you tell registers as truth.
Incorrect Reaction A statement made by someone else registers as false.
Jink Reaction Target suffers a -5 penalty to Reflex against one attack or effect.
Light Delay Standard You gain a 10% miss chance for a short time.
Mistrust Standard Target is not considered an ally or willing by any creature for a brief time.
Not Yet Reaction You can delay a negative effect until your next turn.
Random Spark Reaction You interact with Forces as though you were a member of a different Force.
Skew Standard Target gains a +2 power bonus or suffers a -2 power penalty to all d20 rolls for a brief time.
Vanish Standard Target becomes invisible until the end of your next turn.



The following are a selection of feats that are relevant to anarchs.


You can hang on to more chaotic power than others.
Prerequisites: Anarchist.
Benefit: Your max hand size increases by one. You can take this feat multiple times; its effect stacks.


EXTEND WHIM [Metawhim]
You can make a whim last longer than normal.
Prerequisites: Anarchist.
Benefit: An extended whim increases its duration by one step. A whim with a duration of concentration, instant, or permanent is not affected by this feat.
Cost: Discard one whim.


Your breadth of knowledge of chaos is expansive.
Prerequisites: Anarchist, access to five or fewer idioms.
Benefit: You gain access to another chaotic idiom of your choice. You can take this feat multiple times; its effect stacks.


You are so triggered right now.
Prerequisites: Anarchist.
Benefit: You have an additional trigger slot. You can take this feat multiple times; its effect stacks.


You don't have a cause.
Prerequisites: No levels in an anarchist class.
Benefit: You gain access to a single chaotic idiom, and learn two subtle whims of your choice from that idiom. You can have one trigger at a time, have a max deck size of 4, and a max hand size of 1.
Special: If you take a level in any anarchist class, you must immediately retrain this feat; the new feat cannot be a [Job] feat.


You have unlocked the secrets of a whim that lies outside the traditional scales of power.
Prerequisites: Anarchist, ability to effect at least one overwhelming whim, 21st+ level.
Benefit: You can learn one inconceivable whim of your choice from an idiom you can access. You can take this feat multiple times; each time, you can select a new inconceivable whim to learn.


You can control your whims easier.
Prerequisites: Anarchist.
Benefit: Your max deck size becomes a range. You can have one fewer, or one additional, whim in your deck. You can take this feat multiple times; its effect stacks.


WHIM FOCUS [Chaotic]
Your applications of some chaotic powers are harder to resist.
Prerequisites: Anarchist.
Benefit: Choose a chaotic idiom you can access. You gain a +2 feat bonus on chaotic attacks with whims of that idiom. You can take this feat multiple times; each time you do, select an idiom you can access for which you have not taken this feat.


You have investigated the complexities of chaos deeper than your peers.
Prerequisites: Anarchist.
Benefit: You gain knowledge of two additional whims of any grade you can access, of any idiom you can access.


Your familiarity with certain applications of chaos allows you to call upon them more often.
Prerequisites: Anarchist.
Benefit: Choose a number of whims equal to your Bravery modifier (min 1). You can have up to two additional copies of those whims in your deck.
Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Each time you do, you can select new whims, or whims you have already selected with this feat; its effect stacks.


Design Notes

Complete overhaul. t20 v3... I mean, v4.

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