Journey: Bestiary

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Here are some critters!


A carbunkle.

A carbunkle is a small, greenish creature, with a bright red bone-like protusion set in its forehead. The creature vaguely resembles a cross between a rabbit and a fox, with greatly exaggerated ears and tail.

Str: d2 [1]
Dex: d8 [4]
Con: d4 [2]
Int: d2 [1]
Per: d6 [3]
Wis: d6 [3]
Cha: d4 [2]
Luc: d6 [3]
Spi: d8 [4]

Health : d6+d4
Move   : d8
Size   : d2
Resolve: d6+d8
Mettle : d2+d4
Evade  : d8+d8
Endurnc: d2
Speed  : d6+d8
Acumen : d6+d6
Wits   : ---
Logic  : ---
Insight: ---

 -- Abilities -- 
Token Pools: Mana (80)

Discipline: Resistance [d6]

Discipline: Barrier [d6]
-- Reflect [6]	d8+d12 (11)	M: 21, T: S [6]  (D: 30t, U: IR x 3)
-- Shell [2]	d8+d4 (7)	M:  9, T: M [8]  (D: 25t)
-- Protect [2]	d8+d4 (7)	M:  7, T: M [8]  (D: 25t)
-- Bubble [1]	d8+d2 (6)	M:  6, T: L [11] (D: 15t)
-- Null [1]	d8+d2 (6)	M:  4, T: M [8]  (D: 15t)

Discipline: Affliction [d4]
-- Addle [4]	d8+d8 (9)	M: 24, T: L [11] (D: 35+t)
-- Mute [2]	d8+d4 (7)	M:  9, T: S [6]  (D: 25+t)
-- Hold [2]	d8+d4 (7)	M: 10, T: M [8]  (D: 25+t)

 -- Combat -- 
Health : 10 (Max Wds: 5)
Energy : 12
Hit Table: Beast

Dodge: d8 [4]
Parry: ---
Block: ---
AV: 1
DM: 0

ATK: Bite (d4) [2]
DMG: Bite (d4) [2]

SPD: 8 [ F - 12 / L - 10 / M - 8 / S - 5 / Q - 3 / I - 2 ]
ACU: 7 [ F - 13 / L - 11 / M - 8 / S - 6 / Q - 3 / I - 2 ]
WT : 0
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