Talk:Class: Archer

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Maneuver List

The following is the archer maneuver list.

1st-Level Archer Maneuvers
Maneuver Name Action Type Effect
Called Shot Standard Strike Spot Check - if succeed, deal +2d6 damage; if fail, -2 to attack roll.
Curveshot Standard Strike Spot Check - if succeed, ignore cover.
Distant Reaper Swift Boost After dropping a creature, make another ranged attack at an adjacent creature.
Hawk's Eyes Swift Stance Increase max range and accuracy of ranged weapons.
Hobbling Shot Standard Strike Attack slows creature's movement.
Hunter's Eyes Swift Stance Increase damage against quarried target.
Manyshot Standard Strike Make two ranged attacks, each at -2 penalty.
Marksman's Shot Full Strike Range penalties reduced by -2, deal +1d6 damage.
Point Blank Threat Reaction Counter Make a ranged attack against a creature that provoked an attack of opportunity from an ally.
Steady Hand Swift Boost Extend a ranged weapon's first range increment by 30 feet for next attack.


2nd-Level Archer Maneuvers
Maneuver Name Action Type Effect
Arc of Mobility Full Strike Move up to your speed; make two ranged attacks during your movement.
Blindside Standard Strike Make ranged attack, target becomes flat-footed.
Feel the Wind Swift Boost Overcome environmental difficulties for ranged combat.
Field of Quills Full Strike You shoot a storm of arrows, dealing damage and causing difficult terrain in a 10-foot burst.
Hammerblow Shot Standard Strike Ranged attack deals +2d6 damage, can bull rush target.
Hidden Thorn Swift Boost Make a ranged attack at -2 penalty.
Intercepting Shade Reaction Counter Make an opposed attack against an incoming attack against you or nearby ally, success negates the attack.
Mighty Arrows Swift Boost Your ranged attacks against targets within 30 feet deal +1d6 damage for 1 round.
Pierce the Shadows Swift Boost You can see invisible and ethereal creatures and objects for 1 round.
Rhythm of Air Full Strike Make three ranged attacks, each at -2 penalty.


3rd-Level Archer Maneuvers
Maneuver Name Action Type Effect
Arrow Onslaught Full Strike Ranged attack becomes a 30-foot cone, at -4 penalty.
Confound the Blade Standard Strike Ranged attack deals +3d6 damage, can disarm target.
Deft Shot Standard Strike Ranged attack deals +1d6 damage, resolve as touch attack, ignores DR, Hardness, and protect.
Flanking Shot Standard Strike Ranged attack deals +2d6 damage, target is treated as flanked for 1 round.
Hail of Arrows Full Strike Ranged attack hits all creatures in 20-foot radius burst, at -4 penalty.
Impaling Shot Full Strike Ranged attack becomes a 60-foot line attack, at -4 penalty.
Mercy of the Hunter Swift Boost Ranged attacks get +4 to hit against bloodied creatures, +8 against critical creatures.
Stalking Hunter Stance Swift Stance May make ranged attacks while moving, +4 AC against ranged attacks.
Sure Shot Standard Strike Ranged attack gets +20 to hit, deals +2d6 damage.
Unerring Shot Standard Strike Ranged attack ignores cover and concealment.


4th-Level Archer Maneuvers
Maneuver Name Action Type Effect
Arc of Accuracy Swift Boost Shots fired within first range increment ignore cover.
Called Shot, Greater Standard Strike Spot Check - if succeed, deal +6d6 damage and target is flat-footed; if fail, -2 to attack roll.
Celeritous Volley Standard Strike Make a full attack action. All your attacks must be ranged attacks.
Farsighted Focus Move Boost You can visualize the battlefield from another angle.
Interjecting Shot Reaction Counter Negate melee attack within 30 ft. with opposed attack roll.
Moment of Fate Swift Boost When you miss with a ranged attack, reroll the attack roll with a +2 bonus.
Rebuke of the Heavens Full Strike Make a full attack; target may gain a status effect dependant on how many attacks hit.
Searing Break Swift Boost All ranged attacks deal +3d6 damage for one round.
Sniper's Stance Swift Stance Suffer only a -5 penalty to Hide checks after shooting.
Unveiling Shot Standard Strike Ranged attack; if you hit, dispel any illusion effects on the target.


5th-Level Archer Maneuvers
Maneuver Name Action Type Effect
Blinding Shot Standard Strike Ranged attack deals +6d6 damage, can blind target.
Felling Volley Full Strike Make a full attack; target gains status effects dependant on how many attacks hit.
Focused Shot Standard Strike Ranged attack deals +5d6 damage, can pin target.
Golem Smasher Swift Boost Your next ranged attack ignores DR, Hardness, and protect.
Horizon Seeker Standard Strike Ranged attack deals +5d6 damage, ignores penalties for range.
Interception Standard Strike Intercept a ranged attack.
Point Blank Opportunist Reaction Strike Make a ranged attack against a creature within 30 feet who has just been struck by an ally.
Quick Nock Swift Boost Make two ranged attacks, one at your highest attack bonus, the second at -5.


6th-Level Archer Maneuvers
Maneuver Name Action Type Effect
Arrow Onslaught, Greater Full Strike Ranged attack becomes 60-foot cone, at -4 penalty.
Covering Fire Swift Boost Designate a 20-foot radius area; make ranged attacks against creatures that enter as a reaction.
Hunter's Mark Swift Boost All ranged attacks threaten a critical if they hit for one round.
Mind-Clearing Shot Standard Strike Ranged attack deals no damage, but can remove mental status ailments.v
Reaving Arrows Swift Boost All your ranged attacks deal +5d6 damage for one round.
Shot of Reversal Standard Strike Ranged attack deals +6d6 damage, target may be staggered.
Sublime Marksmanship Swift Stance Your ranged attacks ignore all concealment and cover less than total.


7th-Level Archer Maneuvers
Maneuver Name Action Type Effect
Arresting Shot Reaction Counter Make an attack against a creature that moves within 30 feet of you and stop their movement.
Called Shot, Supreme Standard Strike Spot Check - Ranged attack deals +12d6 damage, can stun target.
Deadeye Swift Boost Your next ranged attack deals maximum damage.
Eagle's Eye Swift Boost Spot Check - Ranged attacks against your quarry are resolved against their touch AC for one round.
Furious Pull Swift Boost Take a penalty to ranged attack rolls, add double that as bonus to ranged damage.
Gigas Shot Standard Strike Ranged attack deals +6d6 damage, ignores DR, Hardness, and protect.
Heartseeker Standard Strike Spot Check - Ranged attack ignores range penalties, cover, concealment, deals +15d6 to flat-footed enemy.
Seeking Arrows Swift Boost Gain a +10 insight bonus on all ranged attacks for one round.


8th-Level Archer Maneuvers
Maneuver Name Action Type Effect
Aurora Break Swift Boost All your ranged attacks deal +8d6 damage for one round.
Confusion Shot Standard Strike Ranged attack deals +12d6 damage, can confuse target.
Hail of Arrows, Greater Full Strike Ranged attack hits all creatures in 20-foot radius burst, at -4 penalty; attacks deal +3d6 damage.
Lightning Nock Swift Boost Make three ranged attacks: one at your highest attack bonus, the second at -5, the third at -10.
Paralyzing Shot Standard Strike Ranged attack deals +12d6 damage, can paralyze target.
Storm of Arrows Full Strike Make a number of ranged attacks equal to your initiator modifier, all at your highest attack bonus.
Transcendant Gaze Swift Boost Gain true seeing for one round.


9th-Level Archer Maneuvers
Maneuver Name Action Type Effect
All Creation Full Strike Make two full attack actions; all attacks must be with a ranged weapon; attacks deal +2d6 damage.
Doom Arrow Standard Strike Spot Check - Ranged attack deals +140 damage, can inflict doom.
Eagle Eye Swift Boost All of your ranged attacks automatically hit targets that you can see for one round.
Fight in the Shade Full Strike Ranged attack hits all creatures in 20-foot radius burst; attack deals +80 damage.
Impossible Shot Standard Strike Make a ranged attack against a target you cannot hit.