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{| class="collapsible" width="98%" style="border:1px solid silver; text-align:center; clear:both; font-size:75%; font-family:verdana;"
! colspan="7;" style="background:#00688B;" align="center"|<div style="margin-left:0px;"><font color="white" style="font-size:13.5px; font-family:tahoma;">The Trainer</font></div>
| colspan="2"|&nbsp;
| colspan="5" style="background:#5097B0;"|'''Memetics'''
|width="30%" align="left"|'''Special'''
|width="12%"|''Active Memes''
|width="12%"|''Max Grade''
|width="12%"|''Memes Known''
|1 || align="left"|Mementos || 2 || 1 || 1 || Common || 3
|2 || align="left"|Trainer's Secret || 2 || 1 || 1 || Common || 4
|3 || align="left"|&nbsp; || 2 || 1 || 2 || Common || 5
|4 || align="left"|Trainer's Secret || 3 || 1 || 2 || Uncommon || 6
|5 || align="left"|&nbsp; || 3 || 2 || 2 || Uncommon || 7
|6 || align="left"|Trainer's Secret || 4 || 2 || 2 || Uncommon || 8
|7 || align="left"|&nbsp; || 4 || 2 || 3 || Uncommon || 9
|8 || align="left"|Trainer's Secret || 4 || 2 || 3 || Uncommon || 11
|9 || align="left"|&nbsp; || 5 || 3 || 3 || Rare || 12
|10 || align="left"|Trainer Talent || 5 || 3 || 3 || Rare || 13
|11 || align="left"|&nbsp; || 6 || 3 || 4 || Rare || 14
|12 || align="left"|Trainer Talent || 6 || 3 || 4 || Rare || 15
|13 || align="left"|&nbsp; || 6 || 4 || 4 || Rare || 16
|14 || align="left"|Trainer Talent || 7 || 4 || 4 || Obscure || 17
|15 || align="left"|&nbsp; || 7 || 4 || 5 || Obscure || 19
|16 || align="left"|Trainer Talent || 8 || 4 || 5 || Obscure || 20
|17 || align="left"|&nbsp; || 8 || 5 || 5 || Obscure || 21
|18 || align="left"|Trainer Talent || 8 || 5 || 5 || Obscure || 22
|19 || align="left"|&nbsp; || 9 || 5 || 6 || Secret || 23
|20 || align="left"|Trainer Talent || 9 || 5 || 6 || Secret || 24
[[Image:test_image_a.jpg|thumb|650px|right|Locke'mejis and Ashe'cathari, iconic trainers]]
: ''"Shorts are comfy and easy to wear. Let's fight!"''
The world of Trinity is a dangerous place. Some, such as the commonfolk, rely upon their well-trained members of their society to defend them from attackers; others are those defenders themselves. However, some societies lack the comfort of walls or homes, always on the move. [[Halfling | Halflings]], [[Selkie | selkies]], and even [[Lunari | lunari]] often find themselves almost always on the move or lacking stable fortifications. While the more aged among their people may be able to fend off an attack, their children are not always so able. Thus: the trainer.
In times past, when the halflings were under attack from [[Prophet_Moth | prophet moths]], they sought a manner of assistance from the [[Gnome | gnomes]]. The gnomes gifted them with knowledge of the blue, of learning to use the abilities of monsters. However, this was ill-suited for the halflings' intentions: they needed a weapon, easily wielded, with which they could arm their children. Taking the lessons taught to them from the gnomes, however, the halflings devised a new idea: rather than learn the abilities of monsters, capture the monsters themselves, and ensure that they could only fight what they were directed to.
The halflings devised a new method of interacting with the blue, which they called meme crystals - small items that were capable of storing a creature or item in the world's memory, such that it could be summoned back at any time. They then began capturing small monsters of [[Sarteri | Sarteri]] and training them, then giving the meme crystals in which the creatures were stored to children, instructing them to only use them in dire need. As they grew older, the children were taught the ways of the gun, and passed their meme crystals on to the children that came after them.
Some halflings, however, decided not to become gunslingers, and instead focused on raising the monsters they had been gifted with. Through trial and error, they determined that some creatures were better-suited to some abilities; they devised a basic understanding of genetics, and began breeding creatures to attain desired traits: small, but ferocious, with unalarming appearances so that children would not be frightened to use the creatures.
Centuries have passed since then, and trainers are still relatively rare - but not unheard of. The way of the trainer has spread throughout the world, and though it is often thought of as the path of cowards, it is a welcome relief to those who must fight but have no formal training.
==Game Rule Information==
Trainers have the following game statistics.
'''[[The_Forces#Force_Alignment | Force Alignment]]:''' Blue.
'''[[The_Forces#Force_Resistance | Force Resistances]]:''' TO 5 + level, CO 5 + level.
'''Abilities:''' Dexterity is important to a trainer, as - in order to capture new creatures - they must be agile enough to accurately throw a meme crystal. Charisma is also important, as a more powerful personality allows them to more successfully exert control over creatures.
'''Hit Points at 1st Level:''' 5 + Con score.
'''Hit Points at Each Additional Level:''' 5 + Con modifier.
'''Healing Surges:''' 6 + Con modifier.
'''Defenses:''' Fort +0; Ref +4; Will +0; Det +4.
'''Starting Age:''' Simple.
==Class Features==
All of the following are class features of the trainer.
<div id="Proficiencies">
{| class="collapsible" width="98%" style="text-align:left; clear:both; font-size:75%; font-family:verdana;"
! style="background:#00688B;" align="left"|<div style="margin-left:15px;"><font color="white" style="font-size:13.5px; font-family:tahoma;">Proficiencies</font></div>
'''Weapons:''' Any two ranged, any one melee, any one.
'''Armor:''' Light, mystic.
'''Implements:''' [[D20_Mechanic:_Implements#Records|Records]], [[D20_Mechanic:_Implements#Tomes|tomes]].
<div id="Memetics_Feature">
{| class="collapsible" width="98%" style="text-align:left; clear:both; font-size:75%; font-family:verdana;"
! style="background:#00688B;" align="left"|<div style="margin-left:15px;"><font color="white" style="font-size:13.5px; font-family:tahoma;">Memetics</font></div>
Trainers are memeticists, and as such make use of ''memes'', conceptual packets of information that are essentially programs that interact with the data that comprises the world in some fashion.
To use ''memes'', a trainer must first ''ready'' it, an arduous process that must be performed on a regular basis, updating the ''meme'' to ensure that its various structures are synchronized with the world.
{| class="collapsible" width="80%" align="center" style="border:1px solid silver; text-align:center; clear:both; font-size:75%; font-family:verdana;"
! colspan="57;" style="background:#00688B;" align="center"|<div style="margin-left:0px;"><font color="white" style="font-size:13.5px; font-family:tahoma;">Blue Libraries</font></div>
|width="90%" align="left"|'''Description'''
|Abstract || align="left"|Directly interfacing with the structures that form the very core of existence, this library gives you extremely powerful but limited ways to manipulate reality.
|Data || align="left"|You can delve into the caches of information storage hidden "beneath" the world, learning answers to impossible questions.
|Instance || align="left"|Through introduction of new pointers and structures, you can create temporary objects and creatures.
|Lambda || align="left"|Relatively simple and direct commands, these memes are useful to modify reality quickly and in fashions similar to those wielded by other Forces.
|System || align="left"|Manipulating processes, you can take control of the real world in a wide variety of ways.
|Virus || align="left"|Rather than attempt to produce particular effects, you can instead corrupt existing data and processes, causing them to decay or behave erratically.
To access his memes, a trainer must ''ready'' them into his ''active meme'' slots. A trainer can only modify his ''active meme'' slots after a ''long rest'', in a process that takes ten minutes.
{|class="collapsible" width="15%" align="right" style="border:1px solid silver; text-align:center; clear:both; font-size:75%; font-family:verdana;"
! colspan="5;" style="background:#00688B; border:1px solid silver; text-align:center;" align="left"|<div style="margin-left:0px;"><font color="white" style="font-size:13.5px; font-family:tahoma;">Meme Grades</font></div>
! width="50%"|Grade
! width="50%"|Minimum Wisdom
| Common || 9
| Uncommon || 10
| Rare || 11
| Obscure || 12
| Secret || 14
| Forgotten || 16
To use a given ''meme'', the trainer must meet the minimum Wisdom score for that grade, as per the table on the right.
When an trainer ''readies'' his ''memes'', he can also choose to put them into his personal ''memory'', using his own informational process to improve the ''meme'' in some fashion. You can change which ''memes'' you have ''allocated'' into ''memory'' with a ''short rest''.
When you ''process'' a ''meme'', it becomes temporarily scrambled after its interaction with the world, and you cannot use it again until it ''recharges''. At the beginning of each of your turns, if you have any ''memes'' that need to ''recharge'', you roll your ''recharge die'', which is 1d6. If the result of the ''recharge die'' is equal to or greater than the ''recharge value'' for a given ''meme'', that ''meme recharges'', and you can ''process'' it again. The ''recharge value'' of a meme is dependent upon the highest grade of ''meme'' you can access, per the table below.
All of your ''memes'' automatically ''recharge'' after a ''short rest''.
You gain additional ''active meme'' slots based on your Intelligence modifier; at each even level, you gain a bonus ''active meme'' slot, until you have a total number of bonus slots equal to your Intelligence modifier.
{| class="collapsible" width="80%" align="center" style="border:1px solid silver; text-align:center; clear:both; font-size:75%; font-family:verdana;"
! colspan="8;" style="background:#00688B;" align="center"|<div style="margin-left:0px;"><font color="white" style="font-size:13.5px; font-family:tahoma;">Memes: Recharge Values</font></div>
| width="16%"|&nbsp;
| width="84%" colspan="6" style="background:#5097B0;"|'''Meme Grade'''
|'''Highest Meme Grade Accessible'''
|Common || 5 || --- || --- || --- || --- || ---
|Uncommon || 4 || 6 || --- || --- || --- || ---
|Rare || 3 || 5 || 6 || --- || --- || ---
|Obscure || 2 || 4 || 5 || 6 || --- || ---
|Secret || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6 || ---
|Forgotten || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6 || 6
The trainer begins with three known ''memes''. He gains knowledge of additional ''memes'' each level, as per the class table, above. At fourth level and every four levels after, he can trade out up to two ''memes'' for new ''memes'' from any ''library'' he can access.
If you would gain access to a ''library'', you can choose to instead gain a bonus feat, which must be a feat for which you qualify. If you would gain access to a ''library'' and already have access to six ''libraries'', you gain a bonus feat instead.
The trainer's ''key ability'' for his ''memetic attacks'' is his Charisma.
<div id="Mementos">
{| class="collapsible" width="98%" style="text-align:left; clear:both; font-size:75%; font-family:verdana;"
! style="background:#00688B;" align="left"|<div style="margin-left:15px;"><font color="white" style="font-size:13.5px; font-family:tahoma;">Mementos</font></div>
By exerting his belief on a meme crystal, a trainer can ''control'' the creature held within.
On each of his turns, the trainer can expend a move action to direct the actions of a ''controlled'' creature. If he does so, the ''controlled'' creature behaves like a summoned monster, until the start of his next turn; if he does not, the creature will defend itself but otherwise take no action, and an uncontrolled [[D20_Mechanic:_Status_Effects#Bloodied|bloodied]] creature will retreat if possible. A trainer cannot ''control'' a creature whose level is greater than his trainer class level. An uncontrolled creature will act independently once released, until returned to its meme crystal.
Due to this being a memetic effect, the trainer can issue complex commands to a ''controlled'' creature without the need for a shared language. However, the trainer cannot actually communicate with the creature.
{|class="collapsible" width="50%" align="right" style="border:1px solid silver; text-align:center; clear:both; font-size:75%; font-family:verdana;"
! style="background:#00688B;" align="center" colspan="7"|<div style="margin-left:0px;"><font color="white" style="font-size:12px; font-family:tahoma;">Base Statistics By Role</font></div>
! width="16%"|&nbsp;
! width="14%"|Skirmisher
! width="14%"|Brute
! width="14%"|Sentinel
! width="14%"|Lurker
! width="14%"|Controller
! width="14%"|Ravager
| '''HP @ 1st''' || 10 + Con || 20 + Con || 15 + Con || 10 + Con || 5 + Con || 5 + Con
| '''HP per Add'l Level''' || 7 + Con mod || 11 + Con mod || 9 + Con mod || 7 + Con mod || 5 + Con mod || 5 + Con mod
| '''Healing Surges''' || 8 + Con mod || 12 + Con mod || 10 + Con mod || 8 + Con mod || 6 + Con mod || 6 + Con mod
| '''Fort''' || +2 || +4 || +4 || +0 || +0 || +2
| '''Ref''' || +4 || +0 || +0 || +4 || +2 || +2
| '''Will''' || +0 || +0 || +2 || +2 || +4 || +2
| '''Det''' || +0 || +2 || +4 || +0 || +2 || +2
| '''Technics Known''' || 4 || 3 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 4
Releasing a creature from a meme crystal is a standard action, and the creature appears in an unoccupied square adjacent to the trainer. A trainer can return a creature to its meme crystal by touching the meme crystal to the creature: if the creature is within the trainer's reach, this is a move action, otherwise the meme crystal can be thrown at the creature as a standard action (in such an instance, the trainer automatically hits the creature's Reflex if the creature is currently ''controlled'', but may miss due to concealment or other factors; the trainer must roll to hit an uncontrolled creature normally).
You can apply the ''controlled'' condition to a single creature in a meme crystal. You can also apply the ''controlled'' condition to additional creatures, but each additional creature requires you to expend one ''memory'' to do so; treat this ''memory'' as though it were allocated to a ''meme''.
In addition, a trainer can improve a creature's abilities, increasing its level in its role. The creature must be within its meme crystal, and the trainer must meditate for the duration of a ''short rest'', after which the creature gains a level. The trainer cannot grant a level to a creature that would make the creature's level higher than the trainer's class level. Unlike characters, once the trainer begins training a creature in a role, the creature always gains levels in that role.
The trainer can also grant roles to creatures that do not have them, as is the case for many monsters. Once the trainer has captured a creature in a meme crystal (see below), the trainer can spend a ''short rest'' to give the creature a role. A creature so trained immediately loses all of its natural statistics, which are replaced as though it had levels in a role equal to its level. The exception to this are all attacks the creature possessed, as well as all racial abilities and traits; in essence, only the statistics on the Roles table are replaced.
: '''''Example:''' Locke captures a 5th-level metroid. Metroids do not have roles, and so he wants to spend a'' short rest ''to give it the lurker role, and teach it a meme he thinks will be useful for it. The metroid loses all of its original statistics and becomes a 5th-level lurker, but retains its racial bonuses to ability scores and any abilities it had.''
The [[Blue:_Mementos|mementos]] page has more information on how a trainer's creatures work.
<div id="Trainer's Secret">
{| class="collapsible" width="98%" style="text-align:left; clear:both; font-size:75%; font-family:verdana;"
! style="background:#00688B;" align="left"|<div style="margin-left:15px;"><font color="white" style="font-size:13.5px; font-family:tahoma;">Trainer's Secret</font></div>
At 2nd level, and every two levels thereafter until 10th, the trainer gains insight into the handling of creatures and the art of training. Choose one of the following abilities; unless otherwise noted, each ability can only be taken once.
<div id="Craft Meme Crystal">
{| class="collapsible" width="98%" style="text-align:left; clear:both; font-size:75%; font-family:verdana;"
! style="background:#9FC6D4;" align="left"|<div style="margin-left:25px;"><font color="black" style="font-size:13.5px; font-family:tahoma;">▶ Craft Meme Crystal</font></div>
The trainer becomes capable of crafting his own meme crystals. Constructing a meme crystal requires one hour and supplies worth 100 gp; a meme crystal is considered a Blue item for purposes of force resistance.
A meme crystal is used as a thrown weapon, and is treated as a ranged touch attack, with a range of 20 feet; if it hits, the creature takes ''potency 1'' subdual damage. If this damage is enough to knock the creature unconscious, it is captured by the meme crystal. Once a meme crystal has captured a creature, the meme crystal takes a mental "snapshot" of the creature, before it is sent into the Blue; this is so that, when the meme crystal is activated once more, it is able to retrieve the creature from the world memory. This information becomes imprinted into the meme crystal when it first captures a creature; once a meme crystal is imprinted, it cannot be used to store a different creature. A meme crystal is incapable of capturing creatures that can take class levels - the imprinting process is too complicated to allow for a sentient being to be imprinted. In addition, a meme crystal is also incapable of capturing a creature that has already been imprinted into a meme crystal: the method by which the meme crystal retrieves a creature from world memory makes it impossible for two objects to both refer to the same creature in memory.
<div id="Craft Improved Meme Crystal">
{| class="collapsible" width="98%" style="text-align:left; clear:both; font-size:75%; font-family:verdana;"
! style="background:#9FC6D4;" align="left"|<div style="margin-left:50px;"><font color="black" style="font-size:13.5px; font-family:tahoma;">▶ Craft Improved Meme Crystal</font></div>
'''Prerequisites:''' Craft Meme Crystal
The trainer can construct an improved meme crystal. Such a meme crystal requires supplies costing 500 gp. When an improved meme crystal strikes a creature, it deals ''potency 2'' subdual damage.
<div id="Double Team">
{| class="collapsible" width="98%" style="text-align:left; clear:both; font-size:75%; font-family:verdana;"
! style="background:#9FC6D4;" align="left"|<div style="margin-left:25px;"><font color="black" style="font-size:13.5px; font-family:tahoma;">▶ Double Team</font></div>
You can have up to two ''controlled'' creatures out of their meme crystals at once. On your turn, you can expend a standard action to command two creatures; if you only expend a move action, you can only command one creature, not both (you can choose which creature you command when you do so).
<div id="Teamwork">
{| class="collapsible" width="98%" style="text-align:left; clear:both; font-size:75%; font-family:verdana;"
! style="background:#9FC6D4;" align="left"|<div style="margin-left:50px;"><font color="black" style="font-size:13.5px; font-family:tahoma;">▶ Teamwork</font></div>
'''Prerequisites:''' Double Team
Choose a [http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/teamwork-feats Teamwork feat] whose prerequisites you meet. When you have at least one ''controlled'' creature out of its meme crystal, you and all of your ''controlled'' creatures gain the benefit of that feat. You can take this secret multiple times; each time you do, you can choose a new feat.
<div id="Heal Creature">
{| class="collapsible" width="98%" style="text-align:left; clear:both; font-size:75%; font-family:verdana;"
! style="background:#9FC6D4;" align="left"|<div style="margin-left:25px;"><font color="black" style="font-size:13.5px; font-family:tahoma;">▶ Heal Creature</font></div>
A trainer can use the power of her memories to restore wounded creatures to a significantly healthier state. By spending a full round action, the trainer allows one of his ''controlled'' creatures to spend a ''healing surge''. Only a creature stored in a meme crystal can be healed in this fashion.
<div id="Revive Creature">
{| class="collapsible" width="98%" style="text-align:left; clear:both; font-size:75%; font-family:verdana;"
! style="background:#9FC6D4;" align="left"|<div style="margin-left:50px;"><font color="black" style="font-size:13.5px; font-family:tahoma;">▶ Revive Creature</font></div>
'''Prerequisites:''' Heal Creature
You can revive a creature that has died. Doing so requires that you return the body to its meme crystal, and you must spend an hour concentrating. Once the revivification is complete, the creature cannot be recalled from its meme crystal for 24 hours.
<div id="Soothing Healing">
{| class="collapsible" width="98%" style="text-align:left; clear:both; font-size:75%; font-family:verdana;"
! style="background:#9FC6D4;" align="left"|<div style="margin-left:50px;"><font color="black" style="font-size:13.5px; font-family:tahoma;">▶ Soothing Healing</font></div>
'''Prerequisites:''' Heal Creature
When you heal a creature using ''heal creature'', you also remove all negative status effects (except for the ''dead'' status) from the creature.
<div id="Wild Empathy">
{| class="collapsible" width="98%" style="text-align:left; clear:both; font-size:75%; font-family:verdana;"
! style="background:#9FC6D4;" align="left"|<div style="margin-left:25px;"><font color="black" style="font-size:13.5px; font-family:tahoma;">▶ Wild Empathy</font></div>
The trainer can improve the initial attitude of an animal. This ability functions just like a Diplomacy check to improve the attitude of a person. The trainer rolls 1d20 and adds her trainer level and her Charisma bonus to determine the wild empathy check result. The typical domestic animal has a starting attitude of indifferent, while wild animals are usually unfriendly. To use wild empathy, the trainer and the animal must be within 30 feet of one another under normal visibility conditions. Generally, influencing an animal in this way takes 1 minute, but, as with influencing people, it might take more or less time. The trainer can also use this ability to influence a magical beast with an Intelligence score of 1 or 2, but she takes a –4 penalty on the check.
<div id="Monster Talk">
{| class="collapsible" width="98%" style="text-align:left; clear:both; font-size:75%; font-family:verdana;"
! style="background:#9FC6D4;" align="left"|<div style="margin-left:50px;"><font color="black" style="font-size:13.5px; font-family:tahoma;">▶ Monster Talk</font></div>
'''Prerequisites:''' Wild Empathy
The trainer becomes able to communicate directly with animals and plants, as though benefiting from permanent ''[http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/s/speak-with-animals speak with animals]'' and ''[http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/s/speak-with-plants speak with plants]'' effects.
The following are akashic memes, ordered by library, then by grade.
==Abstract Library==
{|class="collapsible" width="85%" style="border:1px solid silver; text-align:left; clear:both; font-size:75%; font-family:verdana;"
! colspan="4;" style="background:#00688B;" align="left"|<div style="margin-left:0px;"><font color="white" style="font-size:13.5px; font-family:tahoma;">Common Abstract Memes</font></div>
|- style="background:#5097B0"
! width="12%"|Meme Name
! width="8%"|Action
! width="80%"|Effect
|-style="background:white;" align="left"
|CD || Move || Teleport a short distance.
|-style="background:#9FC6D4;" align="left"
|CP || Swift || Temporarily overwrite one of your active meme slots with a meme from one of your other active meme slots.
|-style="background:white;" align="left"
|GREP || Standard || Search local memory for a particular term, and find out what nearby creatures, objects, or locations are related to it.
|-style="background:#9FC6D4;" align="left"
|LS || Standard || You gain knowledge of all objects in a small area, including hidden ones.
|-style="background:white;" align="left"
|MAN || Standard || You can learn basic information about a creature, object, location, or event.
|-style="background:#9FC6D4;" align="left"
|MV || Swift || Replace one of your active memes with a meme you know but don't currently have active.
|-style="background:white;" align="left"
|PS || Standard || You gain knowledge of all active effects in a small area, including hidden ones.
|-style="background:#9FC6D4;" align="left"
|WHO || Standard || You gain knowledge of all creatures in a small area, including hidden ones.
==Data Library==
{|class="collapsible" width="85%" style="border:1px solid silver; text-align:left; clear:both; font-size:75%; font-family:verdana;"
! colspan="4;" style="background:#00688B;" align="left"|<div style="margin-left:0px;"><font color="white" style="font-size:13.5px; font-family:tahoma;">Common Data Memes</font></div>
|- style="background:#5097B0"
! width="12%"|Meme Name
! width="8%"|Action
! width="80%"|Effect
|-style="background:white;" align="left"
|Amanuensis || Standard || Absorb knowledge from a touched book or other data storage.
|-style="background:#9FC6D4;" align="left"
|Anticipate Peril || Standard || Target gains a +4 power bonus on Initiative checks.
|-style="background:white;" align="left"
|Comprehend Languages || Standard || You gain the ability to understand, but not speak, other languages.
|-style="background:#9FC6D4;" align="left"
|Identify || 5 minutes || You can identify the functions of Force items.
|-style="background:white;" align="left"
|Libra || Standard || You gain ''libra''.
|-style="background:#9FC6D4;" align="left"
|Memetic Tracking || Standard || You can track a creature through its impressions on world memory, rather than its physical tracks.
|-style="background:white;" align="left"
|Query || Standard || Ask a simple question that can be answered with a "yes" or a "no."
|-style="background:#9FC6D4;" align="left"
|Read Memory || Standard || Read the recent memory of a creature, learning its surface thoughts.
==Instance Library==
{|class="collapsible" width="85%" style="border:1px solid silver; text-align:left; clear:both; font-size:75%; font-family:verdana;"
! colspan="4;" style="background:#00688B;" align="left"|<div style="margin-left:0px;"><font color="white" style="font-size:13.5px; font-family:tahoma;">Common Instance Memes</font></div>
|- style="background:#5097B0"
! width="12%"|Meme Name
! width="8%"|Action
! width="80%"|Effect
|-style="background:white;" align="left"
|Abundant Ammunition || Standard || Create a small amount of specialty ammunition.
|-style="background:#9FC6D4;" align="left"
|Air Bubble || Standard || Creates a small pocket of air around your head or an object.
|Fabricate I || 1 minute || Create a simple object of wood or cloth.
|-style="background:#9FC6D4;" align="left"
|Glue || Standard || Cover an area in glue, making it sticky and difficult for creatures to leave the area.
|Grease || Standard || Cover an area in grease, making it slippery and difficult for creatures to move through it and remain upright.
|-style="background:#9FC6D4;" align="left"
|Instantiate Monster I || 1 round || Create a temporary creature that fights for you.
|Repair || Standard || Restore an object of ''potency 3'' hit points.
|-style="background:#9FC6D4;" align="left"
|Web || Standard || Create an area of entangling web.
==Lambda Library==
{|class="collapsible" width="85%" style="border:1px solid silver; text-align:left; clear:both; font-size:75%; font-family:verdana;"
! colspan="4;" style="background:#00688B;" align="left"|<div style="margin-left:0px;"><font color="white" style="font-size:13.5px; font-family:tahoma;">Common Lambda Memes</font></div>
|- style="background:#5097B0"
! width="12%"|Meme Name
! width="8%"|Action
! width="80%"|Effect
|-style="background:white;" align="left"
|Aero || Standard || Burst of wind deals ''potency 3'' wind damage to a creature, potentially knocking them prone.
|-style="background:#9FC6D4;" align="left"
|Eerie Sound Wave || Standard || Remove a status boon from the target.
|Flash || Standard || Attempt to ''blind'' nearby creatures.
|-style="background:#9FC6D4;" align="left"
|Goblin Punch || Standard || Make a ''physical attack'' that has the potential for significant damage.
|Limit Glove || Standard || When you are ''critical'', you can use this meme to deal ''potency 8'' physical damage.
|-style="background:#9FC6D4;" align="left"
|Magic Hammer || Standard || Reduce the target's ability to call on Force effects.
|Roulette || Standard || A random creature gains ''doom''.
|-style="background:#9FC6D4;" align="left"
|Self-Destruct || Standard || Explode, dealing fire damage to yourself and those near you equal to your hit points.
==System Library==
{|class="collapsible" width="85%" style="border:1px solid silver; text-align:left; clear:both; font-size:75%; font-family:verdana;"
! colspan="4;" style="background:#00688B;" align="left"|<div style="margin-left:0px;"><font color="white" style="font-size:13.5px; font-family:tahoma;">Common System Memes</font></div>
|- style="background:#5097B0"
! width="12%"|Meme Name
! width="8%"|Action
! width="80%"|Effect
|-style="background:white;" align="left"
|Boost Experience || Standard || Target gains a ''positive level'' for a short time.
|-style="background:#9FC6D4;" align="left"
|Causal Chains || Standard || Temporarily lock a creature's initiative in place.
|-style="background:white;" align="left"
|Lock Time || Standard || Prevent creatures from taking actions out of turn.
|-style="background:#9FC6D4;" align="left"
|Normalize Time || Standard || Remove both beneficial and harmful temporal effects from a creature.
|-style="background:white;" align="left"
|Pattern Recognition || Standard || Gain a significant bonus on checks made to search areas.
|-style="background:#9FC6D4;" align="left"
|Predict System I || Swift || At the end of your turn, accept the outcome or decide to change something.
|-style="background:white;" align="left"
|Status || Standard || Know creatures' status.
|-style="background:#9FC6D4;" align="left"
|Vaccime || Swift || Remove a mental status ailment from an ally.
==Virus Library==
{|class="collapsible" width="85%" style="border:1px solid silver; text-align:left; clear:both; font-size:75%; font-family:verdana;"
! colspan="4;" style="background:#00688B;" align="left"|<div style="margin-left:0px;"><font color="white" style="font-size:13.5px; font-family:tahoma;">Common Virus Memes</font></div>
|- style="background:#5097B0"
! width="12%"|Meme Name
! width="8%"|Action
! width="80%"|Effect
|-style="background:white;" align="left"
|Amnesia || Standard || Target gains the ''amnesia'' status, or forgets the last few minutes.
|-style="background:#9FC6D4;" align="left"
|Autotoxic Meme || Standard || Target gains the ''berserk'' status.
|Cancel Memory || Varies || Nullify an ongoing memetic effect, or counter one being processed.
|-style="background:#9FC6D4;" align="left"
|Inconsistent Schema || Standard || Target gains the ''confusion'' status.
|Language Virus || Standard || Target gains the ''babel'' status.
|-style="background:#9FC6D4;" align="left"
|Memory Bolt || Standard || Disrupt a creature's memories, dealing ''potency 4'' psychic damage.
|Memory Trap || Standard || Plant a trap in a specific meme, causing those who process it to suffer a negative effect.
|-style="background:#9FC6D4;" align="left"
|Purge Experience || Standard || Target gains a ''negative level''.
=Design Notes=
Had to kind of redo this from the ground up, a little bit.
Trainers are alt casters, and so have to also have memes. Sorry Garth, but I had to mess with the concept a bit to make it fit the setting. Don't worry, learners are going to get the same treatment...
t20 v4.
[[category:Base Classes]]

Revision as of 10:47, 26 February 2017
