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This is a list of [[Shaman_Seeds|shaman seeds]] for the Trinity campaign setting. The list will probably be too long for a single page, so in some foresight, I've decided to split it into three.
#REDIRECT [[Nature:_Gift_List]]
[[Shaman_Seeds_A-F|A - F]] | [[Shaman_Seeds_G-O|G - O]] | '''P - Z'''
==Seeds (P - Z)==
The following is an alphabetical list of seeds, from P to Z.
<div id="Palm_Bow">
'''Palm Bow'''
  '''Element:''' Air
  '''Bending DC:''' +10 (Template)
  Create a windtunnel in your hands, allowing you to throw projectiles faster.
  ''Applications:'' By adding the Bending DC of this seed to the Bending DC of an [[Shaman_Seeds_A-F#Air_Blast|Air Blast]] (Throw), you can use multiple
  projectiles in the attack. As a full-round action, if you have enough projectiles on hand, you may use ''air blast'' to throw them
  all simultaneously. You may launch up to one-half your level in projectiles in a line up to your maximum Bending range. This line
  deals damage to all creatures in the line equal to the damage dealt by all the projectiles you used; all creatures are allowed a
  Reflex save for half damage.
<div id="Particles">
  '''Element:''' Air
  '''Bending DC:''' 10
  By kicking up dust and sand, you can obscure vision and blind opponents.
  ''Dust Cloud:'' As a standard action, you can make a hemisphere of dust anywhere within your bending range, with a radius of 10
  ft. The dust obscures all sight, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet; a creature within 5 feet has concealment (20% miss chance),
  while creatures farther away than that have total concealment (50% miss chance, and attacker cannot use sight to find the target).
  A moderate wind disperses the cloud in 4 rounds; a strong wind disperses it in 1 round. This seed does not function underwater,
  and requires a generous supply of sand or similar material to work with. Increasing the radius of the dust cloud adds +5 to the
  Bending DC for each 5 ft radius increase.
  ''Blind:'' As a standard action, you can attempt to blind a creature by aiming a spray of dust or sand into their eyes. You must
  make a ranged touch attack, with a -4 penalty due to attempting to target such a small spot. If the attack is successful, the
  creature is blinded until the end of its next turn.
<div id="Run_as_the_Wind">
'''Run as the Wind'''
  '''Element:''' Air
  '''Bending DC:''' 10
  Manipulate the air to allow you to run faster or up walls.
  ''Burst of Speed:'' As a swift action, you can manipulate air currents around you, reducing your wind resistance and accelerating
  your speed. When you use this seed, you increase your base movement speed by 5 feet, with an additional 5 feet for every 4 points
  by which you exceed the seed's Bending DC. This additional movement lasts 1 round.
  ''On the Walls:'' As a swift action, you can manipulate the air around you, allowing the air to support your weight even against
  gravity. So long as you move at least 60 feet, you can run on a vertical surface, including a wall or pillar, at no penalty. You
  must remain moving the entire time, and stopping for any reason while on a vertical surface causes you to fall immediately.
<div id="Windsphere">
  '''Element:''' Air
  '''Bending DC:''' 15
  You can compress air into a whirling sphere.
  ''Transport:'' As a full-round action, you can compress air currents into a rideable sphere of air. While riding the sphere, you
  have a move speed of 60 feet, and can ride the windsphere on any surface, including vertical surfaces; the windsphere can also
  traverse over water, lava, thin ice, and similar normally impassable terrain. This effect lasts 1 round/level.
[[category:Force Abilities]]

Latest revision as of 09:11, 2 May 2017

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