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: '''Move along, nothing to see here.'''
What we're doing here is establishing a baseline for social combat, which - in turn - may be a baseline for other non-combat minigames.
{| class="collapsible" width="98%" style="border:1px solid silver; text-align:center; clear:both; font-size:75%; font-family:verdana;"
Part of the problem with something like social combat is that we want things that are analogous to weapons, but you don't buy a red herring argument. Well... okay, there is always the theory that you can purchase social tactics by spending some kind of currency you gain by doing research, but that's a whole other ''thing'' and gets complicated. So we're not going to touch that for right now.
! colspan="11;" style="background:#733D1A;" align="center"|<div style="margin-left:0px;"><font color="white" style="font-size:13.5px; font-family:tahoma;">The Anarch</font></div>
| colspan="6"|&nbsp;
| colspan="4" style="background:#dec49c;"|'''[[#AA|Active Avaos]]'''
| &nbsp;
|width="7%" align="left"|'''BAB'''
|width="20%" align="left"|'''Special'''
|width="17%"|'''Max Anarchy Tokens'''
|1 || align="left"|+0 || +0 || +1 || +2 || align="left"|[[#CS|Chaos Trigger]], [[#LR|Limitless Reaction]] || 1 || --- || --- || --- || 2
|2 || align="left"|+1 || +0 || +2 || +3 || align="left"|[[#SC|Sense Chaos]], Stack the Deck || 2 || --- || --- || --- || 3
|3 || align="left"|+1 || +1 || +2 || +3 || align="left"|&nbsp; || 2 || --- || --- || --- || 3
|4 || align="left"|+2 || +1 || +2 || +4 || align="left"|Stack the Deck || 3 || --- || --- || --- || 4
|5 || align="left"|+2 || +1 || +3 || +4 || align="left"|&nbsp; || 3 || 1 || --- || --- || 4
|6 || align="left"|+3 || +2 || +3 || +5 || align="left"|Stack the Deck || 3 || 1 || --- || --- || 5
|7 || align="left"|+3 || +2 || +4 || +5 || align="left"|&nbsp; || 3 || 2 || --- || --- || 5
|8 || align="left"|+4 || +2 || +4 || +6 || align="left"|Stack the Deck || 3 || 2 || --- || --- || 6
|9 || align="left"|+4 || +3 || +4 || +6 || align="left"|&nbsp; || 3 || 2 || --- || --- || 6
|10 || align="left"|+5 || +3 || +5 || +7 || align="left"|Anarch Talent || 3 || 3 || 1 || --- || 7
|11 || align="left"|+5 || +3 || +5 || +7 || align="left"|&nbsp; || 3 || 3 || 1 || --- || 7
|12 || align="left"|+6/+1 || +4 || +6 || +8 || align="left"|Anarch Talent || 3 || 3 || 2 || --- || 8
|13 || align="left"|+6/+1 || +4 || +6 || +8 || align="left"|&nbsp; || 3 || 3 || 2 || --- || 8
|14 || align="left"|+7/+2 || +4 || +6 || +9 || align="left"|Anarch Talent || 3 || 3 || 2 || --- || 9
|15 || align="left"|+7/+2 || +5 || +7 || +9 || align="left"|&nbsp; || 3 || 3 || 2 || 1 || 9
|16 || align="left"|+8/+3 || +5 || +7 || +10 || align="left"|Anarch Talent || 3 || 3 || 3 || 1 || 10
|17 || align="left"|+8/+3 || +5 || +8 || +10 || align="left"|&nbsp; || 3 || 3 || 3 || 2 || 10
|18 || align="left"|+9/+4 || +6 || +8 || +11 || align="left"|Anarch Talent || 3 || 3 || 3 || 2 || 11
|19 || align="left"|+9/+4 || +6 || +8 || +11 || align="left"|&nbsp; || 3 || 3 || 3 || 2 || 11
|20 || align="left"|+10/+5 || +6 || +9 || +12 || align="left"|Anarch Talent || 3 || 3 || 3 || 2 || 12
=Basic Tactics=
The following is the list of basic social tactics in Trinity.
<div id="Tactics">
[[Image:New_Anarch.jpg|thumb|325px|right|Edward, iconic anarch]]
{|class="collapsible" width="40%" style="border:1px solid silver; text-align:center; clear:both; font-size:75%; font-family:verdana;"
: '' "Your world and your rules cannot contain me." ''
! colspan="13;" style="background:#4682B4;"|<div style="margin-left:15px;"><font color="white" style="font-size:13.5px; font-family:tahoma;">TACTICS</font></div>
Freedom, randomness, entropy - these are the essences of Chaos, in the Trinity sense. While the Blue is constricting with its memories and insistence that cause precedes effect, and Time's assures that all things move forward in lockstep unless otherwise told, Chaos is the memory that can't stay put, the time that can't be pinned down. Chaos laughs in the face of causality, and mocks the certainty of the passage of time.
For the anarch, Chaos is supreme. Too many Forces are insistent that there are rules to be followed, or none to be broken in the first place - but Chaos would demand otherwise. Nothing can be contained forever, nothing goes on forever. The anarch grabs a hold of all these wildly disparate concepts that Chaos is composed of and mashes them together, wielding the power of uncertainty and lawlessness to whatever end seems best at the moment.
==Game Rule Information==
Anarchs have the following game statistics.
'''[[ The_Forces#Force_Alignment | Force Alignment]]:''' Chaos.
'''[[ The_Forces#Force_Resistance | Force Resistances]]:''' UO 5 + level, TO 5 + level.
'''Abilities:''' Charisma is the most important ability for an anarch. To laugh in the face of causality requires a good deal of strength of personality, of certainty in the self. Wisdom is also important, as it allows the anarch to pull forth more raw power from the Chaos.
: '''''Special:''' If using the [[Luck|Luck]] ability score, the anarch's avaos are based off of Luck, rather than Charisma (in essence, whenever you see "Charisma," replace it with "Luck").
'''Hit Die:''' d6.
'''Class Skills:''' The Anarch’s class skills are Avaocraft (Int), Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Open Lock (Dex), Search (Per), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), and Tumble (Dex).
'''Skill Points at Each Level:''' 2 + Int.
'''Alignment:''' Any chaotic.
'''Starting Age:''' As a rogue.
'''Starting Gold:''' 4d4 x 10gp.
'''Favored By:''' None.
==Class Features==
All of the following are class features of the anarch.
'''Weapons and Armor Proficiency:''' Anarchs are proficient with simple weapons and light armor, but not shields.
<div id="AA">
'''[[Avaos|Avaos]] (Av):''' Avaos are the raw essence of Chaos - fuelled by randomness, the anarch can call upon these abilities.
At the beginning of each day, the anarch chooses a number of avaos, per the table above. Through his innate connection to Chaos, he can use these abilities at will - they are manifestations of the anarch's raw Chaotic power, and thus can always be used regardless of his control over other Chaotic abilities. However, because they are ripped from their contexts, they are often less powerful than they would be if used in their native manner.
Active avaos can be used at will.
A number of avaos have random durations. These durations are determined in secret by the DM, and the anarch is incapable of determining their precise duration.
Note that not all avaos may have an Active use; if this is the case, the avao cannot be readied as Active.
All anarchs have access to all avaos of the appropriate grade; at 1st level, an anarch only has access to Subtle avaos, but as he progresses, he learns to tap into more powerful aspects of Chaos. At 5th level, he gains access to Lesser avaos; at 10th, he gains access to Greater avaos; and at 15th, he gains access to Overwhelming avaos.
Saving throw DCs for avaos is always set based upon the anarch's Charisma. The base DC for Subtle avaos is 11; for Lesser, 13; for Greater, 15; and for Overwhelming, 17.
The anarch must have a Charisma score of 10 or higher to access Subtle avaos; a score of 13 or higher to access Lesser avaos; a score of 16 or higher to access Greater avaos; and a score of 19 or higher to access Overwhelming avaos.
{|class="collapsible" width="30%" align="right" style="border:1px solid silver; text-align:center; clear:both; font-size:75%; font-family:verdana;"
! colspan="1;" style="background:#733D1A; text-align:center;" align="left"|<div style="margin-left:0px;"><font color="white" style="font-size:12px; font-family:tahoma;">Sidebar: Playing Cards</font></div>
|Before using a deck of playing cards for use as an anarch, remember to add the jokers and remove the 10's from all suits, as decks in Trinity do not have 10's.
'''Anarchy Tokens (Ch):''' An anarch always has access to Chaos in its natural state. His ability to react to the world in strange and unusual ways is represented by his anarchy tokens.
Anarchs begin with 0 anarchy tokens. This is the balanced state: chaos deals in probability, and chance is fair in that it affects everyone equally. Tip the dice too far in one direction, and chaos will work to even the scales through its own methods. However, an anarch is well aware of this, and can sometimes play the odds: for it is well within the purview of chaos to work the system, even the means by which chaos is expressed.
Every time an anarch uses a causal or precausal ability, which can be done as an immediate action if the avao's conditions are met, the anarch may gain or lose anarchy tokens. An anarch with fewer than 0 anarchy tokens is said to be in ''anarchy debt'', while one with more than 0 anarchy tokens is in ''anarchy surplus''. Thus each time an anarch triggers a causal or precausal avao, he reveals the top card of a shuffled deck of cards - if black, he loses anarchy tokens; if red, he gains them; if a joker, his token pool is automatically reset to 0, and the avao used causes no increase or decrease. In this way, a shrewd anarch can begin to predict, over time, how his chaos will behave: though the law of averages here is enforced, he can still manipulate it in other ways.
Revealed cards are put aside and not returned to the deck. When the last card is revealed, all the cards are shuffled together and replaced. When you rest and set your active avaos, any modifications you have made to the deck are reset.
The precise number of anarchy tokens gained or lost is dependent on the grade of the avao used: a subtle avao causes 1 token; a lesser avao causes 2 tokens; a greater avao causes 4 tokens; and an overwhelming avao causes 8 tokens.
An anarch's anarchy token pool has a maximum size; regardless of whether this is expressed as ''debt'' or ''surplus'', if this number is reached, he can no longer use causal or precausal avaos. In addition, it represents the fact that the anarch has tilted the tables exceedingly far in his favor, and Chaos itself demands recompense if the anarch is to use his abilities further in the immediate future.
Alternatively, the passage of time allows for the probabilistic blip caused by the anarch to subside; on the anarch's turn, if he has used no causal or precausal uses of his avaos since the start of his last turn, his token pool is adjusted towards 0 by one token (thus, if negative, he gains one; if positive, he loses one).
The anarch adds his Wisdom modifier to the maximum size of his anarchy token pool.
<div id="LR">
'''Limitless Reaction (Ex):''' Unlike other characters, an anarch is not limited to one immediate action each round. Instead, an anarch can take any number of immediate actions each round, provided that he gains or loses anarchy tokens in the process (in this way, an anarch can trigger any number of avaos in a round, but only take a single normal swift or immediate action).
Note that an avao can only be triggered once in response to a triggering action. If an avao can be triggered off of a continuous effect - such as you having 0 hit points, or similar - it can continue to be triggered indefinitely.
<div id="CT">
'''Chaos Trigger (Ch):''' Whenever the anarch triggers an avao (by gaining or losing anarchy tokens), the anarch suffers a cosmetic change with severity roughly equivalent to the grade of avao triggered.
For instance, a Subtle avao being triggered might cause an anarch's hair color to change slightly, or his eye color to change completely.
A Lesser avao might cause his hair to completely change color, or for the coloration of his clothing to change slightly.
A Greater avao might cause his clothing to completely change appearance, or his whole appearance to change slightly (but still the same gender and race).
An Overwhelming avao might cause his appearance to change drastically, possibly even changing apparent race or gender.
These changes offer no actual benefits or penalties; they are merely cosmetic. The effects last one minute, after which they go away (if the effect arose due to a Subtle avao), or the effect lessens so as to be similar to an effect due to a less powerful avao (for instance, the side-effects of a Lesser avao would remain for one minute, after which time the side-effects would lessen to those of a Subtle avao for one minute).
<div id="SC">
'''Sense Chaos (Ch):''' At 2nd level, the anarch has become attuned to the powers of Chaos, such that he can detect them at will. The anarch gains [[ Detect_Spells|detect magic]] as a permanent chaotic effect, replacing "magic" with "chaos." The anarch must concentrate to activate this ability, but he can do so at will, and cease using it at will.
'''Stack the Deck:''' At 2nd, 4th, 6th, and 8th levels, the anarch's study of Chaos allows him to gain a measure of control over the probability that dictates his access to Chaos - or, at the very least, manipulate it in some fashion. At each of the listed levels, the anarch chooses one of the following abilities.
* ''Ace Up My Sleeve (Av):'' As a standard action, you can secret away a sliver of probability, holding it in reserve for later. Remove the top card of the deck and hold onto it; you can look at this card. When you trigger an avao, you can instead use this held card instead of revealing the top card of the deck. You can only have one held card at a time. If the deck would be shuffled, you must add your held cards to the deck before doing so. You can take this ability multiple times; each time you do, you can hold one additional card.
* ''Defy the Odds (Ch):'' When you trigger an avao, you can make the improbable probable. Instead of revealing a card from the top of the deck, you can instead choose one of the cards in the discard pile; this is treated as the revealed card. Put that card on the bottom of the deck.
* ''Double Up (Ch):'' When you trigger an avao, you can choose to reveal the top two cards instead of only one. If you do, you suffer the effects of both, but you can use the triggered avao twice instead of only once in response to the single triggering action. If a joker is revealed as one of these cards, it resets your anarchy tokens to 0 before the effects of the other card are applied.
* ''Hit Me (Ch):'' As a swift action, you can reveal the top card of the deck. If it is black, subtract its value from the number of anarchy tokens you have; if red, add its value instead; Jacks count as 10, Queens as 11, and Kings as 12. If the card is a joker, your token pool resets to 0 as normal.
* ''Loaded Dice (Ch):'' When you set your active avaos for the day, you can tweak probability very slightly. You can search your deck and remove two cards from it; these cards are not considered part of the deck, and thus are not put back in when you shuffle.
** ''Shaved Dice (Ch):'' When you use ''loaded dice'', you can remove one additional card from the deck. You can take this ability multiple times; its effect stacks. (''Prerequisites:'' Loaded Dice)
* ''Take a Peek (Ch):'' As a swift action, you can cheat your chances. Reveal the top card of the deck; you can choose to either put it back on top of the deck or move it to your discard pile.
* ''Reset (Ch):'' As a swift action, you reorder probability. Add all the currently removed cards from the deck, and shuffle.
'''Anarch Talent:''' At tenth level, and every two levels thereafter, the anarch's ability to bend reality to his whim improves. He may select one of the following talents.
* ''Can't Touch This (Ex):'' You gain ''evasion''.
** ''No, Really, Can't Touch This (Ex):'' You gain ''improved evasion''. (''Prerequisites:'' Can't Touch This)
** ''The Jitters (Ch):'' You gain immunity to the ''immobilize'' status. (''Prerequisites:'' Can't Touch This)
*** ''Can't Stand Still (Ch):'' You gain immunity to the ''paralyzed'' status. (''Prerequisites:'' Can't Touch This, The Jitters)
*** ''Only One Speed (Ch):'' You gain immunity to the ''slow'' status. (''Prerequisites:'' Can't Touch This, The Jitters)
* ''Do What I Want (Ex):'' You gain ''mettle'', but only in respect to Will saving throws.
** ''Mad As A Hatter (Ex):'' You gain ''improved mettle'', but only in respect to Will saving throws. (''Prerequisites:'' Do What I Want)
** ''I'm Already Confused (Ch):'' You gain immunity to the ''confusion'' status. (''Prerequisites:'' Do What I Want)
*** ''Can't Forget What I Don't Know (Ch):'' You gain immunity to the ''amnesia'' status. (''Prerequisite:'' Do What I Want, I'm Already Confused)
*** ''Talking Past Each Other (Ch):'' You gain immunity to the ''babel'' status. (''Prerequisite:'' Do What I Want, I'm Already Confused)
* ''Free Will (Ch):'' Effects that attempt to ascertain your future, either by predicting or predetermining it, fail unless their user can make a Force-user check against DC 11 + your anarchist level.
** ''Where Am I? (Ch):'' Creatures that attempt to ''scry'' upon you or use similar means of remote viewing must make a Force-user check against DC 11 + your anarchist level, or else the attempt fails; a creature that fails cannot attempt to ''scry'' upon you again for 24 hours. (''Prerequisites:'' Free Will)
** ''Who Are You? (Ch):'' Creatures that attempt to ascertain facts about you (such as via ''creature loresight'') via non-mundane means must make a Force-user check against DC 11 + your anarchist level, or else the attempt fails to return any useful information. A creature that fails this check cannot attempt to use such means to learn information about you again for 24 hours. (''Prerequisites:'' Free Will)
** ''What Year Is This? (Ch):'' Creatures that attempt to gain access to your memories, learn of events for which you were present, or glean information regarding your personal timeline must make a Force-user check against DC 11 + your anarchist level, or else the attempt fails; a creature that fails cannot attempt to access your memories, learn of events for which you were present, or glean information regarding your timeline for 24 hours. (''Prerequisites:'' Free Will)
** ''Where Are My Pants? (Ch):'' Creatures that attempt to learn information from items that have been in your possession for at least 24 hours (such as by using ''object loresight'') must make a Force-user check against DC 11 + your anarchist level, or else the attempt fails. A creatures that fails to learn information from such an item cannot attempt to learn information regarding that item for 24 hours. (''Prerequisites:'' Free Will)
** ''You're Not My Real Mom! (Ch):'' Effects that would force the anarch to behave in a certain manner (such as ''charm person'') fail unless their origin can make a Force-user check against DC 11 + your anarchist level. A creature that fails at such an attempt cannot attempt to use abilities to force the anarch to act or otherwise control his actions for 24 hours. (''Prerequisites:'' Free Will)
* ''Infinite Chaos (Av):'' Choose one active use of an avao you can access with a duration measured in minutes or higher. When you activate that avao, its effect lasts for 24 hours. You can choose this talent more than once; each time you do, choose a new avao.
** ''When Will It Stop? (Av):'' Choose one active, causal, or precausal use of an avao you can access with a duration measured in rounds. When you activate that avao, it lasts for an additional 1d6 rounds/four anarch levels. You can choose this talent more than once; each time you do, choose a new avao. (''Prerequisites:'' Infinite Chaos)
* ''My Rules (Av):'' You gain access to the ''my rules'' avao. (''Prerequisites:'' Anarchist level 16th+, must be able to access Overwhelming avaos)
* ''Need More Juice (Ch):'' When you would allocate your active avao slots, you may choose to not fill any number of active slots. For every slot not filled, you increase your max anarchy token pool by an amount equal to one-half the caused anarchy tokens by an avao of that grade (subtle slots count as half, thus you need to leave two subtle slots unfilled to gain +1 max pool size).
* ''Surprise (Av):'' When you could make an attack of opportunity, you may instead use an active use of an avao.
* ''Trick Cards:'' An anarch can choose an additional ''stack the deck'' ability in place of a talent.
* ''Feat:'' The anarch may gain a bonus feat in place of a talent.
=Anarch [[Avaos|Avaos]]=
==Subtle Avaos==
<div id="Sub">
{|class="collapsible" width="90%" style="border:1px solid silver; text-align:center; clear:both; font-size:75%; font-family:verdana;"
! colspan="3;" style="background:#733D1A;" align="left"|<div style="margin-left:0px;"><font color="white" style="font-size:13.5px; font-family:tahoma;">Subtle Avaos</font></div>
|width="15%" align="left"|'''Avao Name'''
!width="50%" align="left"|Name
|width="40%" align="left"|'''Active Effect'''
!width="50%"|Key Stat
|width="45%" align="left"|'''Causal/Precausal Effect'''
|-style="background:white;" align="left"  
|align="left"|Allegory || Intelligence
|[[Chaos:_Avaos_A-K#Chaosflame|Chaosflame]] || Hurl a ball of chaotic flame. || Take fire damage. <=> Become wreathed in flame.
|-align="left" style="background:#CDB38B;"
|align="left"|Baiting || Bravery
|[[Chaos:_Avaos_A-K#Clown_Car|Clown Car]] || You can share squares with friendly creatures. || Extradimensional space used. => Cause space to spill its contents.
|[[Chaos:_Avaos_A-K#Deny_Gravity|Deny Gravity]] || You float a small distance above the ground. || Fall. <=> Fall slowly.
|-align="left" style="background:#CDB38B;"
|[[Chaos:_Avaos_A-K#Entropic_Shield|Entropic Shield]] || Ranged attacks sometimes miss. || Get hit. <=> All attacks sometimes miss.
|[[Chaos:_Avaos_A-K#Free_Mind|Free Mind]] || Gain +4 bonus on Will saves. || Affected by mind-influencing. => Potentially gain immunity to mind-affecting effects from that source.
|-align="left" style="background:#CDB38B;"
|[[Chaos:_Avaos_A-K#Gamble_with_Life|Gamble with Life]] || --- || Nearby creature attempts to stabilize. => Double the numbers for the attempt.
|[[Chaos:_Avaos_A-K#Gambling_Strike|Gambling Strike]] || --- || You attack a creature. => Crit or fumble.
|-align="left" style="background:#CDB38B;"
|[[Chaos:_Avaos_A-K#Know_Chaos|Know Chaos]] || Identify a chaotic item. || ---
|[[Chaos:_Avaos_L-Z#Luck|Luck]] || Gain a limited reroll. || Fail a roll. <=> Gain a reroll.
|-align="left" style="background:#CDB38B;"
|[[Chaos:_Avaos_L-Z#Non_Sequitur|Non Sequitur]] || Daze a creature. || Targeted by language-dependent effect. => ''Confuse'' origin of effect.
|[[Chaos:_Avaos_L-Z#Random_Spark|Random Spark]] || You trigger sparking as though a member of a different force. || ---
|-align="left" style="background:#CDB38B;"
|[[Chaos:_Avaos_L-Z#Reciprocity|Reciprocity]] || When you take damage, deal some to your attacker. || Take damage to deal damage. / Deal damage, but next attack against you automatically hits.
|[[Chaos:_Avaos_L-Z#Shoutout|Shoutout]] || Talk when it's not your turn. || Get silenced or muted. => Gain a sonic attack.
|-align="left" style="background:#CDB38B;"
|[[Chaos:_Avaos_L-Z#Unpredictable_Moves|Unpredictable Moves]] || Gain a +2 dodge bonus to AC. || Affected by an area effect. <=> Gain Evasion.
|[[Chaos:_Avaos_L-Z#Wild_Surge|Wild Surge]] || --- || Be near a Force effect. => Randomly increase or decrease that effect's caster level.
==Lesser Avaos==
<div id="Lsr">
{|class="collapsible" width="90%" style="border:1px solid silver; text-align:center; clear:both; font-size:75%; font-family:verdana;"
! colspan="3;" style="background:#733D1A;" align="left"|<div style="margin-left:0px;"><font color="white" style="font-size:13.5px; font-family:tahoma;">Lesser Avaos</font></div>
|width="15%" align="left"|'''Avao Name'''
|align="left"|Emotional Appeal || Wisdom
|width="40%" align="left"|'''Active Effect'''
|width="45%" align="left"|'''Causal/Precausal Effect'''
|align="left"|Flattery || Charisma
|-style="background:white;" align="left"
|[[Chaos:_Avaos_A-K#Bear_Hands|Bear Hands]] || Gain a bonus to Strength. || Remove hand gear. => Gain claw attacks.
|-align="left" style="background:#CDB38B;"
|[[Chaos:_Avaos_A-K#Break Health|Break Health]] || Target's current hit points can exceed maximum hit points for 1 round. || ---
|[[Chaos:_Avaos_A-K#Break Status|Break Status]] || Target is unaffected by one status ailment for 1 round. || ---
|-align="left" style="background:#CDB38B;"
|[[Chaos:_Avaos_A-K#Chaos_Nova|Chaos Nova]] || Deal 1d6 damage in a burst around you. || Die. <=> Deal 1d6/level damage in a burst.
|[[Chaos:_Avaos_A-K#Crazy_Random_Happenstance|Crazy Random Happenstance]] || --- || Need an item. => Happen to have it on-hand.
|-align="left" style="background:#CDB38B;"
|Disrupt Chaos || Interrupt chaotic effects. || Your chaotic effect is disrupted. => Disrupt next chaotic effect used by source.
|[[Chaos:_Avaos_A-K#Escape_Bonds|Escape Bonds]] || Gain a +4 bonus against touch-based effects. || Grappled or Bound. => Gain ''Freedom of Movement''.
|-align="left" style="background:#CDB38B;"
|Free Your Mind || Target creature gets +4 on saves against mental influence. || Another creature is affected by mind-influencing. => That creature becomes immune.
|[[Chaos:_Avaos_A-K#Fumbling_Strike|Fumbling Strike]] || --- || A creature fumbles. <=> A creature crits.
|-align="left" style="background:#CDB38B;"
|How Does It Work || Random reaction to magnetic effects. || Magnetic effect occurs. => Modify magnetic effect.
|[[Chaos:_Avaos_A-K#Ice_Fractal|Ice Fractal]] || Freeze the ground in a fractal pattern. || Take cold damage. <=> Nearby creatures also take cold damage.
|-align="left" style="background:#CDB38B;"
|[[Chaos:_Avaos_L-Z#Lend_Luck|Lend Luck]] || Get a luck bonus on saves. || Fail a save. <=> Others get a bonus on that save.
|Look At Me || Gain a bonus to Charisma. || Creature attacks target adjacent to you. <=> Creature takes penalties to attack targets other than you.
|-align="left" style="background:#CDB38B;"
|Reflection || Gain a +2 deflection bonus to AC. || Hit by a ray effect. => Ray effect instead affects a random target.
|[[Chaos:_Avaos_L-Z#Right_Behind_You|Right Behind You]] || Gain a bonus to Perception. || Creature says your name. <=> Teleport to be adjacent to that creature.
|-align="left" style="background:#CDB38B;"
|Self-Expression || Lie even if effects would prevent doing so. || ---
|Splinter || --- || Your weapon is sundered. <=> Adjacent creature is blinded temporarily.
|-align="left" style="background:#CDB38B;"
|[[Chaos:_Avaos_L-Z#Surprise|Surprise]] || Gain sneak attack. || Become flanked. => Gain improved uncanny dodge.
|[[Chaos:_Avaos_L-Z#This_is_Bat_Country|This is Bat Country]] || Frighten a creature. || Illusion effect. => Can interact with a known illusion as though it were real.
|-align="left" style="background:#CDB38B;"
|[[Chaos:_Avaos_L-Z#Thunderstrike|Thunderstrike]] || --- || An electricity effect occurs. => The effect occurs again.
|[[Chaos:_Avaos_L-Z#Uncomfortably_Energetic|Uncomfortably Energetic]] || Gain ''haste'', but with drawbacks. || Creature is ''hasted''. <=> Creature suffers penalties to finesse- and social-based checks.
|-align="left" style="background:#CDB38B;"
|[[Chaos:_Avaos_L-Z#Unexpected_Angle|Unexpected Angle]] || Restrictions on moving loosen. || Creature charges you. => Free 5-foot step.
|Watch the Sharp End || --- || Disarmed. <=> Free attack with that weapon.
==Greater Avaos==
<div id="Gtr">
{|class="collapsible" width="90%" style="border:1px solid silver; text-align:center; clear:both; font-size:75%; font-family:verdana;"
! colspan="3;" style="background:#733D1A;" align="left"|<div style="margin-left:0px;"><font color="white" style="font-size:13.5px; font-family:tahoma;">Greater Avaos</font></div>
|width="15%" align="left"|'''Avao Name'''
|align="left"|Logic || Intelligence
|width="40%" align="left"|'''Active Effect'''
|width="45%" align="left"|'''Causal/Precausal Effect'''
|align="left"|Mockery || Bravery
|-style="background:white;" align="left"
|[[Chaos:_Avaos_A-K#20_Cooler|20% Cooler]] || Make an item more useful. || A Force effect occurs. => Intensify the effect.
|-align="left" style="background:#CDB38B;"
|[[Chaos:_Avaos_A-K#Big-Lipped_Alligator_Moment|Big-Lipped Alligator Moment]] || Summon a creature inappropriate to current terrain. || ---
|[[Chaos:_Avaos_A-K#Chaostouch|Chaostouch]] || Touch deals Wisdom damage. || Creature reads your mind. <=> Creature becomes ''confused''.
|-align="left" style="background:#CDB38B;"
|[[Chaos:_Avaos_A-K#Chaotic_Energy|Chaotic Energy]] || Half of damage you produce is chaotic. || Hit by energy type. => Change the energy's type.
|Coin Flip || --- || Target makes a roll against a DC. => Target has 50% chance to succeed.
|-align="left" style="background:#CDB38B;"
|Disrupt Remembrance || Interrupt blue and temporal effects. || ---
|[[Chaos:_Avaos_A-K#Door_to_Nowhere|Door to Nowhere]] || Find a passage through solid material. || Door is opened => Door leads nowhere.
|-align="left" style="background:#CDB38B;"
|[[Chaos:_Avaos_A-K#Double_Rainbow|Double Rainbow]] || ''Fascinate'' a creature. || Pattern effect. => Apply a meta feat to the effect.
|[[Chaos:_Avaos_A-K#Entropic_Reversal|Entropic Reversal]] || --- || A creature is healed. <=> That creature is harmed instead.
|-align="left" style="background:#CDB38B;"
|Equivalent Exchange || --- || Conjuration effect. <=> Random creature nearby blinks out.
|Inversion || --- || Creature gains a circumstantial or effect-based modifier to a roll. => Change the sign of the modifier.
|-align="left" style="background:#CDB38B;"
|[[Chaos:_Avaos_A-K#Karma|Karma]] || Take 10 on all rolls. || Roll a natural 1 now. <=> Get a natural 20 for later.
|[[Chaos:_Avaos_L-Z#Miss_the_Ground|Miss the Ground]] || --- || Hit the ground from falling. => Fly.
|-align="left" style="background:#CDB38B;"
|[[Chaos:_Avaos_L-Z#My_Time|My Time]] || Ignore the initiative order. || Your initiative is changed. <=> Gain a move action now.
|[[Chaos:_Avaos_L-Z#|Not Lupus]] || Gain bonuses on saves against negative status effects. || Gain a status effect. <=> Gain a lesser version of a status effect.
|-align="left" style="background:#CDB38B;"
|[[Chaos:_Avaos_L-Z#Out_of_Sight|Out of Sight]] || Gain limited invisibility. || Affected by teleportation effect. => Go invisible instead.
|[[Chaos:_Avaos_L-Z#Shell_Game|Shell Game]] || --- || Conjuration effect. <=> Illusion effect.
|-align="left" style="background:#CDB38B;"
|[[Chaos:_Avaos_L-Z#Spatial_Jump|Spatial Jump]] || Travel through space in a random direction. || Teleport effect. => Modify the chances of failure.
|What's This Button Do || --- || Interact with an item for the first time. => Gain a bonus on first check made to manipulate it in some fashion.
|-align="left" style="background:#CDB38B;"
|[[Chaos:_Avaos_L-Z#Will_It_Blend|Will It Blend]] || Create a cyclone of whirling blades. || ---
==Overwhelming Avaos==
<div id="Ovr">
{|class="collapsible" width="90%" style="border:1px solid silver; text-align:center; clear:both; font-size:75%; font-family:verdana;"
! colspan="3;" style="background:#733D1A;" align="left"|<div style="margin-left:0px;"><font color="white" style="font-size:13.5px; font-family:tahoma;">Overwhelming Avaos</font></div>
|width="15%" align="left"|'''Avao Name'''
|align="left"|Presence || Charisma
|width="40%" align="left"|'''Active Effect'''
|width="45%" align="left"|'''Causal/Precausal Effect'''
|align="left"|Red Herring || Wisdom
|-style="background:white;" align="left"
|[[Chaos:_Avaos_A-K#Break Death|Break Death]] || Target ignores ''dead'' for 1 round. || ---
|align="left"|Rhetoric || Intelligence
|-align="left" style="background:#CDB38B;"
|[[Chaos:_Avaos_A-K#Break Movement|Break Movement]] || Target's movement speed is "arbitrarily large" for 1 round. || ---
|align="left"|Wit || Bravery
|[[Chaos:_Avaos_A-K#Break Resource|Break Resource]] || Target's next special ability within 1 round uses no resources. || ---
|-align="left" style="background:#CDB38B;"
|[[Chaos:_Avaos_A-K#Butterfly_Effect|Butterfly Effect]] || --- || An avao would be triggered. => Trigger any avao.
|[[Chaos:_Avaos_A-K#Chaos|Chaos]] || Generate a random effect. || ---
|-align="left" style="background:#CDB38B;"  
|Chasm || Split the earth. || Get tripped or bullrushed into a wall. => Split the surface of what you fell into.
|[[Chaos:_Avaos_A-K#Destabilize_Time|Destabilize Time]] || Delay onset of negative effects. || Random roll is made. => Resolve roll later.
|-align="left" style="background:#CDB38B;"
|[[Chaos:_Avaos_A-K#Disrupt_Force|Disrupt Force]] || Interrupt Force effects. || Force effect => Attempt to counter that effect.
|No Luck || Target creature obeys the bell curve. || Critically fail a roll. => Take 10 on future roll.
|-align="left" style="background:#CDB38B;"
|[[Chaos:_Avaos_L-Z#Noncausa|Noncausa]] || Creature gains the ''noncausa'' status for a short time. || ---
|[[Chaos:_Avaos_L-Z#Pandemonium|Pandemonium]] || Creatures are no longer considered enemies or allies. || Change an ally-or-enemy effect's targets. / Negate an effect's target change.
|-align="left" style="background:#CDB38B;"
|[[Chaos:_Avaos_L-Z#Retcon|Retcon]] || --- || Change actions you took in the past. / Take two sets of actions, and choose one that actually happens.
|[[Chaos:_Avaos_L-Z#Ripple_Effect|Ripple Effect]] || --- || An avao was triggered last turn. => Trigger two avaos this turn.
|-align="left" style="background:#CDB38B;"
|Weird || --- || Affected by something. => Suffer a different but related random effect.
|[[Chaos:_Avaos_L-Z#Uncertainty|Uncertainty]] || Gain concealment. || Die. => Act like you're not dead.
The following are a selection of feats that are relevant to anarchs.
<div id="Avao_Focus">
{|class="collapsible" width="90%" style="border:1px solid silver; text-align:center; clear:both; font-size:75%; font-family:verdana;"
! style="background:#733D1A;" align="left"|<div style="margin-left:15px;"><font color="white" style="font-size:13.5px; font-family:tahoma;">AVAO FOCUS [Entropic]</font></div>
|-style="background:white;" align="left"
|Your avaos are particularly strong in chaotic power.
|'''Prerequisites:''' Access to at least subtle avaos.
|'''Benefit:''' Increase the Saving Throw DC of all your avaos by +1. You can take this feat multiple times; its effect stacks.
<div id="Chaotic_Flow">
{|class="collapsible" width="90%" style="border:1px solid silver; text-align:center; clear:both; font-size:75%; font-family:verdana;"
! style="background:#733D1A;" align="left"|<div style="margin-left:15px;"><font color="white" style="font-size:13.5px; font-family:tahoma;">CHAOTIC FLOW [Entropic]</font></div>
|-style="background:white;" align="left"
|You have attuned yourself to one particular aspect of chaos, making it come to you easier.
|'''Prerequisites:''' Access to at least lesser avaos.
|'''Benefit:''' Choose one avao with a causal and/or precausal use. Reduce the number of anarchy tokens caused by that avao by 1, to a minimum of half the normal amount.
|'''Special:''' You can take this feat multiple times. Each time you do, you can choose the same avao, reducing its caused anarchy tokens by 1, or choose another avao.
<div id="Epic_Avaos">
{|class="collapsible" width="90%" style="border:1px solid silver; text-align:center; clear:both; font-size:75%; font-family:verdana;"
! style="background:#733D1A;" align="left"|<div style="margin-left:15px;"><font color="white" style="font-size:13.5px; font-family:tahoma;">EPIC AVAOS [Epic, Entropic]</font></div>
|-style="background:white;" align="left"
|Your understanding of chaos transcends mortal bounds.
|'''Prerequisites:''' Access to overwhelming avaos, anarchist level 21st+.
|'''Benefit:''' You gain an additional active overwhelming avao slot. You can take this feat multiple times.
<div id="Extra_Active_Slot">
{|class="collapsible" width="90%" style="border:1px solid silver; text-align:center; clear:both; font-size:75%; font-family:verdana;"
! style="background:#733D1A;" align="left"|<div style="margin-left:15px;"><font color="white" style="font-size:13.5px; font-family:tahoma;">EXTRA ACTIVE SLOT [Entropic]</font></div>
|-style="background:white;" align="left"
|You are more capable than others in unbinding chaotic effects from their causes.
|'''Prerequisites:''' Access to lesser avaos.
|'''Benefit:''' You gain an additional active avao slot for a single grade, up to one lower than the highest grade you can access. You can take this feat multiple times.
<div id="Extra_Anarchy">
{|class="collapsible" width="90%" style="border:1px solid silver; text-align:center; clear:both; font-size:75%; font-family:verdana;"
! style="background:#733D1A;" align="left"|<div style="margin-left:15px;"><font color="white" style="font-size:13.5px; font-family:tahoma;">EXTRA ANARCHY [Entropic]</font></div>
|-style="background:white;" align="left"
|You are closer to chaos than others, allowing you to call upon it more often.
|'''Prerequisites:''' Access to at least subtle avaos.
|'''Benefit:''' Your max anarchy token pool size increases by one.
|'''Special:''' You can take this feat multiple times. Its effect stacks.
<div id="Extraordinary_Talent">
{|class="collapsible" width="90%" style="border:1px solid silver; text-align:center; clear:both; font-size:75%; font-family:verdana;"
! style="background:#ADACAC;" align="left"|<div style="margin-left:15px;"><font color="black" style="font-size:13.5px; font-family:tahoma;">EXTRAORDINARY TALENT [Epic]</font></div>
|-style="background:white;" align="left"
|You are more talented than your experience would otherwise suggest.
|'''Prerequisites:''' Character level 21st+.
|'''Benefit:''' You gain a talent from the talent list of one of your classes.
Line 495: Line 37:
=Design Notes=
==Other Stuff==
A significantly more randomized, yet more probabilistic, way of accessing chaos.
Now for something completely different...
==The Wager Mechanic==
C: E, yo.
On his turn, as a swift action, the anarch can offer a ''wager'' to Chaos, selected from ''Table C-1: Anarchy Wagers''. Once selected, the anarch reveals the next card in the deck; if that would bring the anarch's total anarchy tokens below his maximum, his anarchy token pool is adjusted accordingly. If the revealed card would not adjust his token pool towards 0, he suffers the effect listed under "lose," but his anarchy token pool is unaffected. If a joker is revealed, the anarch wins the wager, reduces his anarchy token pool to 0 as normal, and suffers no ill effects - there is always a chance to game the system, after all.
: '''''Design Notes:''' Removed because it feels contrived, but held here for posterity, just in case.''
Dizumel, Pathfinder of Spite
Vosrigod, Mind Herder
Zenol, Drone of Destruction
Gujul, Sentinel of Entropy
Rankal, Maw of Decay
Temolog, Drifter of Nightmares
Kinnad, Silent Walker
Nettle Hulk
[[category:Base Classes]]
Bleak Lurker
Chittering Skimmer
Writhing Sage
Prie Depleter
Extinction Drifter
Turmoil Shrieker
Delirious Reclaimer
Grave Seer
Cryptic Negator

Latest revision as of 10:05, 8 December 2017

What we're doing here is establishing a baseline for social combat, which - in turn - may be a baseline for other non-combat minigames.

Part of the problem with something like social combat is that we want things that are analogous to weapons, but you don't buy a red herring argument. Well... okay, there is always the theory that you can purchase social tactics by spending some kind of currency you gain by doing research, but that's a whole other thing and gets complicated. So we're not going to touch that for right now.

Basic Tactics

The following is the list of basic social tactics in Trinity.

Name Key Stat
Allegory Intelligence
Baiting Bravery
Emotional Appeal Wisdom
Flattery Charisma
Logic Intelligence
Mockery Bravery
Presence Charisma
Red Herring Wisdom
Rhetoric Intelligence
Wit Bravery


Other Stuff

Now for something completely different...

C: E, yo.

Dizumel, Pathfinder of Spite
Vosrigod, Mind Herder
Zenol, Drone of Destruction
Gujul, Sentinel of Entropy
Rankal, Maw of Decay
Temolog, Drifter of Nightmares
Kinnad, Silent Walker
Nettle Hulk
Bleak Lurker
Chittering Skimmer
Writhing Sage
Prie Depleter
Extinction Drifter
Turmoil Shrieker
Delirious Reclaimer
Grave Seer
Cryptic Negator