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#REDIRECT [[Class:_Mimic]]
|+'''The Mimic'''
! width="50"|Level !! width="50"|BAB !! width="50"|Fort !! width="50"|Ref !! width="50"|Will !! Special
! bgcolor="lightgray"|1
| bgcolor="lightgray"|+0 || bgcolor="lightgray"|+0 || bgcolor="lightgray"|+2 || bgcolor="lightgray"|+0 || bgcolor="lightgray"|Mimic
! 2
| +1 || +0 || +3 || +0 || Target Mimic
! bgcolor="lightgray"|3
| bgcolor="lightgray"|+1 || bgcolor="lightgray"|+1 || bgcolor="lightgray"|+3 || bgcolor="lightgray"|+1 || bgcolor="lightgray"| Mimic Save
! 4
| +2 || +1 || +4 || +1 || Memory Mimic
! bgcolor="lightgray"|5
| bgcolor="lightgray"|+2 || bgcolor="lightgray"|+1 || bgcolor="lightgray"|+4 || bgcolor="lightgray"|+1 || bgcolor="lightgray"| 1st Ability Mimic
! 6
| +3 || +2 || +5 || +2 || Skill Mimic
! bgcolor="lightgray"|7
| bgcolor="lightgray"|+3 || bgcolor="lightgray"|+2 || bgcolor="lightgray"|+5 || bgcolor="lightgray"|+2 || bgcolor="lightgray"|
! 8
| +4 || +2 || +6 || +2 || Feat Mimic
! bgcolor="lightgray"|9
| bgcolor="lightgray"|+4 || bgcolor="lightgray"|+3 || bgcolor="lightgray"|+6  || bgcolor="lightgray"|+3 || bgcolor="lightgray"| Extended Mimic
! 10
| +5 || +3 || +7 || +3 || 2nd Ability Mimic
! bgcolor="lightgray"|11
| bgcolor="lightgray"|+5 || bgcolor="lightgray"|+3 || bgcolor="lightgray"|+7 || bgcolor="lightgray"|+3 || bgcolor="lightgray"|
! 12
| +6/+1 || +4 || +8 || +4 || Improved Mimic
! bgcolor="lightgray"|13
| bgcolor="lightgray"|+6/+1 || bgcolor="lightgray"|+4 || bgcolor="lightgray"|+8 || bgcolor="lightgray"|+4 || bgcolor="lightgray"| Quick Mimic
! 14
| +7/+2 || +4 || +9 || +4 || Counter Mimic
! bgcolor="lightgray"|15
| bgcolor="lightgray"|+7/+2 || bgcolor="lightgray"|+5 || bgcolor="lightgray"|+9 || bgcolor="lightgray"|+5 || bgcolor="lightgray"| 3rd Ability Mimic
! 16
| +8/+3 || +5 || +10 || +5 || Greater Mimic
! bgcolor="lightgray"|17
| bgcolor="lightgray"|+8/+3 || bgcolor="lightgray"|+5 || bgcolor="lightgray"|+10 || bgcolor="lightgray"|+5 || bgcolor="lightgray"| Dual Mimic
! 18
| +9/+4 || +6 || +11 || +6 || Final Mimic
! bgcolor="lightgray"|19
| bgcolor="lightgray"|+9/+4 || bgcolor="lightgray"|+6 || bgcolor="lightgray"|+11 || bgcolor="lightgray"|+6 || bgcolor="lightgray"|
! 20
| +10/+5 || +6 || +12 || +6 || Mimic Mastery, 4th Ability Mimic
=The Mimic=
The mimic is among the strangest occupations available in Trinity. Rather than taking up his own profession, the mimic simply copies what others do - which, in the wrong company, can make him next to useless. In some groups, however, a mimic can make his presence strongly felt.
==Game Rule Information==
Mimics have the following game statistics.
'''[[The_Forces#Force_Alignment | Force Alignment]]:''' None.
'''[[The_Forces#Force_Resistance | Force Resistances]]:''' None.
'''Abilities:''' All stats are of equal importance to a mimic, as he never knows what exactly he will be mimicking.
'''Hit Die:''' d6.
'''Class Skills:''' The mimic's class skills are Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Disguise (Cha), Listen (Per), Perform (Cha), Search (Per), and Spot (Per).
'''Skill Points at Each Level:''' 4 + Int.
'''Alignment:''' Any.
'''Starting Age:''' As a rogue.
'''Starting Gold:''' 6d4 x 10gp.
'''Favored By:''' None.
==Class Features==
All of the following are class features of the mimic core class.
'''Weapon and Armor Proficiency:''' A mimic is proficient with simple weapons and light armor, but not shields.
'''Mimic:''' The mimic's sole ability is the ability to mimic the actions of others. Whenever the mimic uses this ability to mimic an action, he makes a special mimic roll, which is a d20 + his mimic level + the key ability modifier for the action taken (for instance, if mimicking a melee attack, the mimic would add his Strength). If there is no key ability modifier, use the mimic's Perception modifier. When using this ability, the mimic mimicks the last move or standard action taken; using this ability counts as a standard action.
A mimic can mimic any action taken, presuming he has the facilities to do so.
'''''Example:''' To mimic lighting a torch, the mimic must have a torch.''
Mimics can mimic any spell-like, supernatural, or other similar ability, but cannot mimic extraordinary abilities.
''Mimicked Spells:'' When a mimic mimicks a spell or other such ability, the spell's effective spell level is treated as one-fourth the mimic's mimic level (rounded down, minimum 1st).
'''Target Mimic:''' When the mimic uses Mimic, he may choose any target for the copied action.
'''Mimic Save:''' When the mimic is required to make a saving throw, if anyone else is required to make a save, the mimic may use their result instead of his own. He must make this choice before the saving throws are made.
'''Memory Mimic:''' When the mimic uses Mimic, he may choose any action taken since his last action.
'''Skill Mimic:''' In the morning when a wizard would study, the mimic may choose one skill in which he has no ranks. He gains a bonus to that skill equal to his mimic level + 3, and can make checks using that skill, even if it cannot be used untrained. This bonus lasts 24 hours.
'''Feat Mimic:''' In the morning when a wizard would study, the mimic may choose one feat for which he qualifies. He gains that feat for 24 hours.
'''Extended Mimic:''' When the mimic uses Mimic, he may copy any move, standard, or full-round action taken since his last action. If the action being copied was a full-round action, then using Mimic is a full-round action.
'''Ability Mimic:''' In the morning when a wizard would study, the mimic may choose one first-level ability of any core class. The mimic gains that ability for 24 hours.
The second time this ability is gained, the mimic may choose another first-level ability of any core class, or a second-level ability of any core class for which he has memorized a first-level ability.
The third time this ability is gained, the mimic may choose another first-level ability of any core class, or a second-level ability of any core class for which he has memorized a first-level ability, or a third-level ability of any core class for which he has memorized a second-level ability.
The fourth time this ability is gained, the mimic may choose another first-level ability of any core class, or a second-level ability of any core class for which he has memorized a first-level ability, or a third-level ability of any core class for which he has memorized a second-level ability, or a fourth-level ability of any core class for which he has memorized a third-level ability.
These gained abilities do not stack. For example, choosing rogue for all four Ability Mimics, and choosing Sneak Attack for 1st and 3rd, would give the mimic Sneak Attack +2d6, not +3d6.
'''Improved Mimic:''' When the mimic uses Mimic, he rolls a Perform (Mimickry) check instead of the special Mimic check.
'''Quick Mimic:''' When the mimic uses Mimic, copying an action that takes 1 round to perform requires a full-round action, copying a full-round action requires only a standard action, and copying a standard action is a move action. The mimic can only copy one action per round.
'''Counter Mimic:''' As an immediate action, the mimic can mimic an action just take that affected him. The mimic can copy one less action on his next turn.
'''Greater Mimic:''' When the mimic uses Mimic, he may choose to use the copied action's original roll rather than his own. He must make this choice before rolling.
'''Dual Mimic:''' The mimic can now use Mimic twice in one turn. The mimic cannot copy the same action twice.
'''Final Mimic:''' If an action would drop the mimic below 0 hit points, the mimic may, as an immediate action, mimic the action that caused him to fall below 0 hit points.
'''Mimic Mastery:''' When using Mimic, copying a full-round action requires only a move action, copying an action that takes 1 round is a standard action, and copying an action that takes 2 rounds is a full-round action. Anything less than a full-round action can be done as a swift action. The mimic is still limited to copying two actions each round, and the second action counts as at least a move action.

Latest revision as of 13:11, 1 October 2009

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