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[[Image:Commanding_Trimental.jpg|400px|right|thumb|A commanding trimental.]]
This creature is my own creation.
This creature is my own creation.
=Trimental, Commanding=
=Trimental, Commanding=
[[Image:Commanding_Trimental.jpg|400px|right|thumb|A commanding trimental.]]
: ''There is a palpable sense of distortion in the air, as though something nearby commands the whole of existence to its whims. Then, you see it: a winged, genie-like creature, skin like stone, with long horns sweeping back from its forehead. It floats in the air effortlessly, its wings seeming to be more an indication of purpose than of any actual use, and the lower half of its body turns into a coiling serpentine limb before fading to translucence. The scales on its tail are a scintillating pattern of red, yellow, and white, while the remainder of its body is covered in a swirling pattern of the same colors.''
: ''There is a palpable sense of distortion in the air, as though something nearby commands the whole of existence to its whims. Then, you see it: a winged, genie-like creature, skin like stone, with long horns sweeping back from its forehead. It floats in the air effortlessly, its wings seeming to be more an indication of purpose than of any actual use, and the lower half of its body turns into a coiling serpentine limb before fading to translucence. The scales on its tail are a scintillating pattern of red, yellow, and white, while the remainder of its body is covered in a swirling pattern of the same colors.''

Latest revision as of 17:21, 20 December 2011

This creature is my own creation.

Trimental, Commanding

A commanding trimental.
There is a palpable sense of distortion in the air, as though something nearby commands the whole of existence to its whims. Then, you see it: a winged, genie-like creature, skin like stone, with long horns sweeping back from its forehead. It floats in the air effortlessly, its wings seeming to be more an indication of purpose than of any actual use, and the lower half of its body turns into a coiling serpentine limb before fading to translucence. The scales on its tail are a scintillating pattern of red, yellow, and white, while the remainder of its body is covered in a swirling pattern of the same colors.

A commanding trimental is one of the known types of triune elemental, composed of the Forces of Magic, Time, and Divine. Their means of formation are unknown, though it is supposed that - in the event of a location with strong enough Force saturation of Magic, Time, and Divine - such a creature could be a "natural" result of such saturation.

Commanding trimentals are actively hostile towards all creatures. If given a choice of targets, they will prefer to attack creatures with Force alignments before those unaligned, but will attack regardless of a creature's particular Force alignment: even a creature that shares a Force alignment with it will be attacked. Commanding trimentals seem to prefer targets that lack the impossible status.

It is believed that commanding trimentals come in four "ages": coalescent, formative, destructive, absorptive. These four ages reflect what is believed to be the "life-cycle" of a triune elemental; the longer a triune elemental has existed, the more powerful it becomes, at an alarming rate of growth.

Commanding trimentals are capable of speech, and understand a number of languages, including Truespeech, much as a divinomental. Whether or not they can communicate has not been determined; all noted instances of such creatures have refrained from communicating in any meaningful way - even when reciting prayers, they do not speak, similar to how divinomentals do not need to speak to use prayers.


A commanding trimental has access to all spells, jikuu, and prayers, of all relevant groupings (paths, spheres, domains), within the traditional scales of power relevant for these Forces. It is known that any commanding trimental of formative age or older also has access to abilities within its composite Forces that transcend the traditional scales of power. While its access to lower-level abilities seems unlimited (as with all force elementals), it is unknown whether or not their access to "epic" abilities is limited in some fashion.

Commanding trimentals have an incredibly aggressive response to effects that negate or remove the impossible status when used in their presence, and in all recorded instances of this occurring the creature immediately responded by simultaneously invoking the effects of the relevant impossible-granting spell, jikuu, and prayer to not only negate the effect, but also further altering the world around them to its whim.

Commanding trimentals produce a field of Force energy that is incredibly disruptive to opposed Forces and strengthening to its composite Forces. The effects of this disruption range from reduced effective Force-user level to complete lack of access to a given Force. The nature of a regulating trimental seems to be such that the unified approach of its composite Forces to their respective Trinities seems to increase its own Force Resistances to opposed Forces; the field of energy the creature produces seems capable of not just causing effects it resists to dissipate, but to potentially absorb some fragment of the effect into itself (perhaps leading to the trimental morphing into a different trimental, or becoming unstable and discorporating), or even reflecting the effect back unto its source.


This creature has existed insufficiently long in Trinity's history to have been studied sufficiently for knowledge of their abilities to be widespread. While basic knowledge regarding triune elementals as a whole is possible, specifics are greatly lacking. A learned Force-user can perhaps guess at the abilities, nature, or other aspects of such a creature, but such information is best-guesses and should not be taken as hard fact.

An individual able to observe a commanding trimental may attempt a Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (Quantum Mechanics), Knowledge (Religion), or Knowledge (The Forces) check to make a guess about the creature's abilities, nature, or other aspects. No result under 35 (or 40 for a Knowledge [The Forces] check) will yield useful results, and even a useful result may turn out to be inaccurate.

Summoning Commanding Trimentals

Commanding trimentals cannot be summoned by any known effect of any Force.