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A list of psychometabolism powers for the [[Class:_Psionicist|psionicist]] class. The list got too long, so it's split into five pages now.
#REDIRECT [[Psionics:_Ratiovitality_Power_List]]
The power index includes a full index of all powers in all disciplines, as well as an explanation of some of the terms used in these descriptions.
'''[[Psionics:_Power_List|Power Index]]''' | [[Psionics:_Psychokinesis_Power_List|Psychokinesis]] | [[Psionics:_Psychometabolism_Power_List|Psychometabolism]] | [[Psionics:_Telepathy_Power_List|Telepathy]] | [[Psionics:_Psychoportation_Power_List|Psychoportation]] | [[Psionics:_Metacreativity_Power_List|Metacreativity]] | [[Psionics:_Clairsentience_Power_List|Clairsentience]]
=Psychokinesis Power Descriptions=
The following are the psychokinesis powers in alphabetical order.
<div id="Biofeedback">
{|class="collapsible" width="90%" style="border:1px solid silver; text-align:center; clear:both; font-size:75%; font-family:verdana;"
! style="background:#68228B;" align="left"|<div style="margin-left:15px;"><font color="white" style="font-size:13.5px; font-family:tahoma;">BIOFEEDBACK</font></div>
|-style="background:white;" align="left"
|'''Disciplines:''' Psychometabolism
|- align="left"
|'''Level:''' [[Class:_Psionicist|Psi]] Sci
|- align="left"
|'''Manifestation DC:''' 16
|- align="left"
|'''Manifestation Time:''' Standard action
|- align="left"
|'''Range:''' Personal
|- align="left"
|'''Target:''' You
|- align="left"
|'''Duration:''' Concentration (move)
|- align="left"
|'''Saving Throw:''' None
|''You take conscious control of your body's restorative mechanisms, allowing you to heal faster.''
|During your turn, you may spend a swift action to heal 1 point. You cannot use this ability more than once each turn.
|'''Augmentation ('''1 PP'''):''' When you spend a swift action to heal yourself, heal 1 additional point.
|'''Augmentation ('''2 PP'''):''' Increase the duration by 1 round after you stop concentrating on it.
|'''Augmentation ('''5 PP'''):''' Each round, you may spend a swift action to make a new saving throw against any one negative physical status effect.
|'''Augmentation ('''6 PP'''):''' Each round, you may spend a swift action to gain regeneration 0 for 1 round.
<div id="Chameleon">
{|class="collapsible" width="90%" style="border:1px solid silver; text-align:center; clear:both; font-size:75%; font-family:verdana;"
! style="background:#68228B;" align="left"|<div style="margin-left:15px;"><font color="white" style="font-size:13.5px; font-family:tahoma;">CHAMELEON</font></div>
|-style="background:white;" align="left"
|'''Disciplines:''' Psychometabolism
|- align="left"
|'''Level:''' [[Class:_Psionicist|Psi]] Dev
|- align="left"
|'''Manifestation DC:''' 13
|- align="left"
|'''Manifestation Time:''' Standard action
|- align="left"
|'''Range:''' Personal
|- align="left"
|'''Target:''' You
|- align="left"
|'''Duration:''' Concentration (move)
|- align="left"
|'''Saving Throw:''' None
|''You modify your skin tone, allowing you to blend in with your surroundings.''
|You gain a +2 insight bonus to Hide checks.
|'''Augmentation ('''1 PP'''):''' Increase the bonus to Hide checks by +2.
|'''Augmentation ('''1 PP'''):''' Increase the duration by 1 round after you stop concentrating on it.
|'''Augmentation ('''5 PP'''):''' While this power is active, you can use the Hide skill in environments that do not grant cover or concealment.
|'''Augmentation ('''10 PP'''):''' While this power is active, you can use the Hide skill even while being observed.
<div id="Cocoon">
{|class="collapsible" width="90%" style="border:1px solid silver; text-align:center; clear:both; font-size:75%; font-family:verdana;"
! style="background:#68228B;" align="left"|<div style="margin-left:15px;"><font color="white" style="font-size:13.5px; font-family:tahoma;">COCOON</font></div>
|-style="background:white;" align="left"
|'''Disciplines:''' Psychometabolism
|- align="left"
|'''Level:''' [[Class:_Psionicist|Psi]] Dev
|- align="left"
|'''Manifestation DC:''' 13
|- align="left"
|'''Manifestation Time:''' Standard action
|- align="left"
|'''Range:''' Personal
|- align="left"
|'''Target:''' You
|- align="left"
|'''Duration:''' Concentration (swift)
|- align="left"
|'''Saving Throw:''' None
|''You harden your skin into a tough carapace.''
|You gain a +1 natural armor bonus to AC.
|'''Augmentation ('''1 PP'''):''' Increase the duration by 1 round after you stop concentrating on it.
|'''Augmentation ('''2 PP'''):''' Increase the natural armor bonus by +1.
|'''Augmentation ('''4 PP'''):''' While this power is active, you gain DR 1/-. You can take this augmentation multiple times; each time you do, improve the DR by 1.
<div id="Cognition_Control">
{|class="collapsible" width="90%" style="border:1px solid silver; text-align:center; clear:both; font-size:75%; font-family:verdana;"
! style="background:#68228B;" align="left"|<div style="margin-left:15px;"><font color="white" style="font-size:13.5px; font-family:tahoma;">COGNITION CONTROL</font></div>
|-style="background:white;" align="left"
|'''Disciplines:''' Psychometabolism
|- align="left"
|'''Level:''' [[Class:_Psionicist|Psi]] Sci
|- align="left"
|'''Manifestation DC:''' 16
|- align="left"
|'''Manifestation Time:''' Standard action
|- align="left"
|'''Range:''' Personal
|- align="left"
|'''Target:''' You
|- align="left"
|'''Duration:''' Concentration (move) + 1 minute
|- align="left"
|'''Saving Throw:''' None
|''You modify your nervous system, greatly improving your mental faculties.''
|When you manifest this power, choose a mental ability score (Int, Wis, Cha, or Per). You gain a +2 enhancement bonus to that ability score so long as you concentrate on this power.
|'''Augmentation ('''1 PP'''):''' Increase the duration by 1 minute after you stop concentrating on it.
|'''Augmentation ('''2 PP'''):''' Choose an additional ability score. You gain a +2 enhancement bonus to that ability score for the duration of this effect.
|'''Augmentation ('''4 PP'''):''' Choose an ability score you have improved with this power. Increase the enhancement bonus granted by +2.
<div id="Empathic_Transfer">
{|class="collapsible" width="90%" style="border:1px solid silver; text-align:center; clear:both; font-size:75%; font-family:verdana;"
! style="background:#68228B;" align="left"|<div style="margin-left:15px;"><font color="white" style="font-size:13.5px; font-family:tahoma;">EMPATHIC TRANSFER</font></div>
|-style="background:white;" align="left"
|'''Disciplines:''' Psychometabolism
|- align="left"
|'''Level:''' [[Class:_Psionicist|Psi]] Dev
|- align="left"
|'''Manifestation DC:''' 13
|- align="left"
|'''Manifestation Time:''' Standard action
|- align="left"
|'''Range:''' Touch
|- align="left"
|'''Target:''' One living creature
|- align="left"
|'''Duration:''' Concentration (swift)
|- align="left"
|'''Saving Throw:''' None
|''Using your own physiology as a map, you heal the wounds of another creature by transferring them to yourself.''
|Each round you concentrate on this power and maintain physical contact with the target, you heal the target for 1 point of damage. For every point of damage you heal, you take 1 point of damage; nothing can prevent this damage.
|While you concentrate on this power, you can break contact with a creature and change your target to another creature you touch. If you do so, you do not begin healing the new target until your next turn.
|'''Augmentation ('''1 PP'''):''' Increase the duration by 1 round after you stop concentrating on it.
|'''Augmentation ('''3 PP'''):''' You heal the target for an additional point.
|'''Augmentation ('''5 PP'''):''' You can use this power to heal ability score damage to physical abilities (Str, Dex, Con, or Per). For every point of ability damage you heal, you take 1 point of ability damage to the same ability score.
<div id="Energy_Adaptation">
{|class="collapsible" width="90%" style="border:1px solid silver; text-align:center; clear:both; font-size:75%; font-family:verdana;"
! style="background:#68228B;" align="left"|<div style="margin-left:15px;"><font color="white" style="font-size:13.5px; font-family:tahoma;">ENERGY ADAPTATION</font></div>
|-style="background:white;" align="left"
|'''Disciplines:''' Psychometabolism
|- align="left"
|'''Level:''' [[Class:_Psionicist|Psi]] Sci
|- align="left"
|'''Manifestation DC:''' 16
|- align="left"
|'''Manifestation Time:''' Standard action
|- align="left"
|'''Range:''' Personal
|- align="left"
|'''Target:''' You
|- align="left"
|'''Duration:''' Concentration (swift)
|- align="left"
|'''Saving Throw:''' None
|''You modify your physiology to resist, ignore, or even absorb a certain type of energy.''
|When you manifest this power, choose an energy type. You gain resist 10 against that energy.
|'''Augmentation ('''1 PP'''):''' Increase the duration by 1 round after you stop concentrating on it.
|'''Augmentation ('''2 PP'''):''' Increase the energy resist granted by this power by 10.
|'''Augmentation ('''3 PP'''):''' Choose another energy type. You gain resist against that energy equal to the resist you gain against the original energy type you chose.
|'''Augmentation ('''6 PP'''):''' Choose one of the energy types you gained resistance to via this power. You instead gain immunity to that energy type.
|'''Augmentation ('''10 PP'''):''' Choose one of the energy types you gained resistance to via this power. You instead gain energy absorb against that energy, equal to one-half the energy resist this power granted against that energy type.
<div id="Hammer">
{|class="collapsible" width="90%" style="border:1px solid silver; text-align:center; clear:both; font-size:75%; font-family:verdana;"
! style="background:#68228B;" align="left"|<div style="margin-left:15px;"><font color="white" style="font-size:13.5px; font-family:tahoma;">HAMMER</font></div>
|-style="background:white;" align="left"
|'''Disciplines:''' Psychometabolism
|- align="left"
|'''Level:''' [[Class:_Psionicist|Psi]] Dev
|- align="left"
|'''Manifestation DC:''' 13
|- align="left"
|'''Manifestation Time:''' Standard action
|- align="left"
|'''Range:''' Personal
|- align="left"
|'''Target:''' You
|- align="left"
|'''Duration:''' Concentration (swift)
|- align="left"
|'''Saving Throw:''' None
|''You modify your physiology to make your unarmed attacks significantly more dangerous.''
|While you concentrate on this power, your unarmed attacks deal 1d6 damage, and deal lethal damage. You are considered armed, even if unarmed, while this power is active.
|'''Augmentation ('''1 PP'''):''' Increase the duration by 1 round after you stop concentrating on it.
|'''Augmentation ('''3 PP'''):''' Improve your unarmed damage by one step.
<div id="Hustle">
{|class="collapsible" width="90%" style="border:1px solid silver; text-align:center; clear:both; font-size:75%; font-family:verdana;"
! style="background:#68228B;" align="left"|<div style="margin-left:15px;"><font color="white" style="font-size:13.5px; font-family:tahoma;">HUSTLE</font></div>
|-style="background:white;" align="left"
|'''Disciplines:''' Psychometabolism
|- align="left"
|'''Level:''' [[Class:_Psionicist|Psi]] Sci
|- align="left"
|'''Manifestation DC:''' 16
|- align="left"
|'''Manifestation Time:''' Swift action
|- align="left"
|'''Range:''' Personal
|- align="left"
|'''Target:''' You
|- align="left"
|'''Duration:''' Instantaneous
|- align="left"
|'''Saving Throw:''' None
|''You rapidly accelerate your metabolism, allowing you to take an additional action.''
|You can an additional move action this turn. You can only use this move action for purely physical actions - that is, you cannot use it to concentrate on powers.
|Using this power is incredibly draining. At the end of your turn, you are ''fatigued'', and remain so for 1d6+1 rounds.
|'''Augmentation ('''2 PP'''):''' Reduce the duration of the ''fatigued'' effect by 1 round.
|'''Augmentation ('''6 PP'''):''' The manifestation time for this power becomes one immediate action. The duration of the ''fatigued'' effect is doubled.
<div id="Metabolic_Control">
{|class="collapsible" width="90%" style="border:1px solid silver; text-align:center; clear:both; font-size:75%; font-family:verdana;"
! style="background:#68228B;" align="left"|<div style="margin-left:15px;"><font color="white" style="font-size:13.5px; font-family:tahoma;">METABOLIC CONTROL</font></div>
|-style="background:white;" align="left"
|'''Disciplines:''' Psychometabolism
|- align="left"
|'''Level:''' [[Class:_Psionicist|Psi]] Sci
|- align="left"
|'''Manifestation DC:''' 16
|- align="left"
|'''Manifestation Time:''' Standard action
|- align="left"
|'''Range:''' Personal
|- align="left"
|'''Target:''' You
|- align="left"
|'''Duration:''' Concentration (move) + varies (see text)
|- align="left"
|'''Saving Throw:''' None
|''You take direct control of your metabolic, muscular, and skeletal systems.''
|When you manifest this power, choose one of the following options.
|'''Physical Enhancement'''
|Choose a physical ability score (Str, Dex, Con, or Per). You gain a +2 enhancement bonus to that ability score so long as you concentrate on this power.
|This use of this power lasts for an additional minute after you cease concentrating on it.
|'''Accelerate Metabolism'''
|You can accelerate your metabolism, giving you the benefit of ''haste''.
|This use of this power lasts for an additional round after you cease concentrating on it.
|Using this power is incredibly draining. At the end of your turn, you are ''fatigued'', and remain so for 1d6+1 rounds.
|'''Augmentation ('''2 PP'''):''' Increase the additional duration by one unit (so one minute for physical enhancement, or one round for accelerate metabolism).
|'''Augmentation ('''6 PP'''):''' The manifestation time for this power becomes one immediate action. The duration of the ''fatigued'' effect is doubled.
<div id="Monitor">
{|class="collapsible" width="90%" style="border:1px solid silver; text-align:center; clear:both; font-size:75%; font-family:verdana;"
! style="background:#68228B;" align="left"|<div style="margin-left:15px;"><font color="white" style="font-size:13.5px; font-family:tahoma;">MONITOR</font></div>
|-style="background:white;" align="left"
|'''Disciplines:''' Psychometabolism
|- align="left"
|'''Level:''' [[Class:_Psionicist|Psi]] Dev
|- align="left"
|'''Manifestation DC:''' 13
|- align="left"
|'''Manifestation Time:''' Standard action
|- align="left"
|'''Range:''' Touch
|- align="left"
|'''Target:''' One living creature
|- align="left"
|'''Duration:''' Instantaneous
|- align="left"
|'''Saving Throw:''' Fort negates (harmless)
|''Using your knowledge of biology, you can touch a creature and instantly know its status.''
|You immediately know how many hit points the touched creature has, and its maximum hit points.
|'''Augmentation ('''1 PP'''):''' You also learn what the creature's physical ability scores are, and if they are suffering ability damage, ability drain, and/or ability disintegration.
|'''Augmentation ('''1 PP'''):''' You also learn if the creature is suffering from poison, disease, or radiation, and if so, what kind.
|'''Augmentation ('''2 PP'''):''' You also learn what physical status effects are affecting the creature, if any.

Latest revision as of 09:28, 31 October 2015