Shaman Seeds P-Z
From Trinity Wiki
Revision as of 20:25, 9 January 2008 by GnomeWorks (Talk | contribs)
This is a list of shaman seeds for the Trinity campaign setting. The list will probably be too long for a single page, so in some foresight, I've decided to split it into three.
A - F | G - O | P - Z
Seeds (P - Z)
The following is an alphabetical list of seeds, from P to Z.
Air Blast Element: Air Bending DC: 10 By kicking up dust and sand, you can obscure vision and blind opponents. Dust Cloud: As a standard action, you can make a hemisphere of dust anywhere within your bending range, with a radius of 10 ft. The dust obscures all sight, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet; a creature within 5 feet has concealment (20% miss chance), while creatures farther away than that have total concealment (50% miss chance, and attacker cannot use sight to find the target). A moderate wind disperses the cloud in 4 rounds; a strong wind disperses it in 1 round. This seed does not function underwater, and requires a generous supply of sand or similar material to work with. Increasing the radius of the dust cloud adds +5 to the Bending DC for each 5 ft radius increase. Blind: As a standard action, you can attempt to blind a creature by aiming a spray of dust or sand into their eyes. You must make a ranged touch attack, with a -4 penalty due to attempting to target such a small spot. If the attack is successful, the creature is blinded until the end of its next turn.