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The Explorer
Level Special Moxie Max Grade Knacks Skills
1 Mapmaking 2 Basic 1 4
2 Cartography 2 Basic 1 6
3   3 Lesser 1 7
4 Cartography 3 Lesser 1 8
5   4 Lesser 2 10
6 Cartography 4 Lesser 2 11
7   5 Lesser 2 12
8 Cartography 5 Expert 2 14
9   6 Expert 2 15
10 Explorer Talent 7 Expert 2 16
11   7 Expert 3 18
12 Explorer Talent 8 Expert 3 19
13   8 Greater 3 20
14 Explorer Talent 8 Greater 3 22
15   9 Greater 3 23
16 Explorer Talent 9 Greater 3 24
17   10 Greater 3 26
18 Explorer Talent 10 Master 3 27
19   11 Master 3 28
20 Explorer Talent 11 Master 3 30



Trish, iconic explorer
"There's a whole lot out there to see."

There are plenty of places to explore in the worlds of Trinity: ancient ruins lost to the ravages of time; desolate lands that haven't seen a sentient face in ages; and many other secrets. Exploring these out-of-the-way places requires a surprisingly large skill set, and some choose to specialize on improving those skills, becoming explorers in the process. Everything from the logistics of planning a foray to the search for hidden passages is within the explorer's purview, and - since the world is a dangerous place - many also know their way around a weapon, even if aren't particularly graceful with one, and explorers who survive their expeditions often become an incredibly hardy lot. Explorers are as likely to find work as the scout for an adventuring party as they are to band together and hire a mercenary to deal with anything dangerous on their travels.

Game Rule Information

Thieves have the following game statistics.

Force Alignment: None.

Force Resistances: None.

Abilities: Dexterity, Bravery, and Luck are all important here.

Hit Points at 1st Level: 15 + Con score.

Hit Points at Each Additional Level: 9 + Con modifier.

Healing Surges: 10 + Con modifier.

Starting Age: Simple.

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the explorer.


Weapons: Any four.

Armor: Cloth, leather.

Implements: Kits.


Explorers are experts, and as such make use of skills, specific ways that they can interact with the world that they have learned through training and experience in their particular field.

To use skills, explorers must expend moxie, which they regain slowly while resting.


Explorer Knacks
Knack Primary Ability Description
Urbexor Int Most at home in cities, urbexors learn how to traverse cities in unusual ways, and are by far the most social of explorers.
Dungeoneer Per Seemingly able to keep maps in their heads, dungeoneers focus on exploring catacombs, fortresses, and other sorts of ruins or complexes.
Pathfinder Wis Able cartographers and able to navigate almost by instinct, pathfinders specialize in overland travel through forests, deserts, and mountains.


Skills are completely mundane in nature, representing only an individual's honed senses and experience. Skills are divided into knacks, which represent particular areas of expertise in the given expert's field. The moxie cost and minimum primary ability needed to use a skill are indicated on the table to the right.

Maneuver Stats by Grade
Grade Minimum Primary Ability Moxie Cost
Basic 10 1
Lesser 12 2
Expert 14 3
Greater 16 5
Master 18 8

The explorer has a maximum amount of moxie, based upon his class level. You gain a bonus to this amount equal to the highest of your Perception, Intelligence, and Bravery modifiers; this bonus is limited to half your class level, rounded down.

After a long rest, you automatically regain all moxie.

During a short rest, you can spend a healing surge to regain 1 moxie. You can only spend one healing surge per short rest in this manner.

To use a skill, you must expend some amount of moxie, the amount required is determined by the grade of the skill.

The explorer begins with four known skills. He gains knowledge of additional skills each level, as per the class table, above. At fourth level and every four levels after, he can trade out up to two skills for new skills from any knack he can access, of any grade he can access.

If you would gain access to a knack, you can choose to instead gain a bonus feat, which must be a feat for which you qualify. If you would gain access to a knack and already have access to three knacks, you gain a bonus feat instead.

The explorer's key ability for his exploration checks is the primary ability for the knack of the skill in question.


The following is the explorer skill list, ordered by knack, then by grade.

Archaeology Knack

The field of archaeology, in the sense that explorers use it, is focused on finding what you were not meant to find. Archaeologist explorers excel at finding the hidden treasure, secret passages, and lost tomes that often elude adventurers, and can often glean details of a site just from examining small sections of it. However, their process is slow and methodical; in addition, their attention to detail can sometimes make them miss obvious dangers. As such, while archaeologist explorers get many skills related to finding hidden details, they are often less adept at fully exploring a site, and get no training in noticing traps or denizens of the dark.


Archaeology Basic Skills
Skill Name Effect
Analysis, Basic Make an exploration check against the current zone. If you hit, you make progress and gain libra (exploration) against it.
Awareness, Basic Make an exploration check against the current zone. If you hit, you make progress and determine the presence of hidden details.
Identify Learn the properties of an item.
Investigate, Basic Make an exploration check against the current zone with a -4 power penalty. If you hit, you make no progress, but you uncover a hidden detail.
Sift, Basic Make an exploration check against a clutter; if you hit, gain progress against it per your kit.


Infiltration Knack

Infiltration Basic Skills
Skill Name Effect
Danger Sense, Basic In response to a hazard check, gain a +2 power bonus to defenses against it.
Get Back! In response to a creature encounter, gain a +4 power bonus on the exploration check made to determine the encounter type.
Open Lock, Basic Make an exploration check against a lock; if you hit, gain progress against it per your kit.
Scrutiny, Basic Make an exploration check against the current zone. If you hit, you make progress and learn one zone encounter.
Stealth, Basic Make an exploration check against the current zone. If you hit, you make no progress, but gain potency 4 stealth while in the zone.


Pathfinding Knack

Pathfinding Basic Skills
Skill Name Effect
Examination, Basic Make an exploration check. If you hit, you gain a +1 power bonus to the potency to your progress.
Navigate Terrain, Basic Make an exploration check against an obstacle; if you hit, gain progress against it per your kit.
Search, Basic Make an exploration check with a +2 power bonus.
Shepherd Traverse to a new zone via a known passage without expending actions.
Survey, Basic Make an exploration check. If you hit, you make no progress, but you discover a passage.
Sweep, Basic Make two exploration checks, each with a -4 power penalty.
Triangulate Make an exploration check against an adjacent zone. If you hit, you make no progress, but if that zone has a passage to a zone you have already found, you discover that passage, and make potency 1 progress against the target zone.



The following are a selection of feats that are relevant to explorers.


You know a few things about getting along on the road.
Prerequisites: No levels in explorer.
Benefit: You gain access to a single explorer knack, and learn two explorer tricks of your choice from that knack. Your expertise die is d2.
Special: If you take a level in explorer, you must immediately retrain this feat; the new feat cannot be a [Job] feat.


Design Notes

Second expert class.

Feb 14, 2017: Experts will have 8 skills per grade per knack. That's 120 I need to write. For each grade of each knack, four of the skills will be "standard" skills that appear at each grade level, while the other four will be other miscellaneous abilities that seem appropriate to that skill level. That seems like a decent enough starting point... I'm sure we'll think of more as time goes on.

Mar 26, 2017: Modifying knacks to account for exploration rules now having a solid foundation.