Journey: Feats

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Feats and such. Yay!


Each feat has the following elements.

  • Name: The name of the feat.
  • Prerequisites: What skills, attributes, and feats you must have in order to take the feat.

Combat Feats

Talent: Quick Strike
  You have learned how to make rapid strikes with a weapon. 

  Prerequisites - Attribute: Dexterity (1d4), Skill: Melee (1d4), Feat: Combat Finesse.
  Cost: 2

  When you make a melee attack on your turn, you may opt to remove your Dexterity dice pool from the attack roll. If you do, you
  gain a bonus to your Speed rating equal to your Dexterity dice pool for your initiative that turn.
Feat: Combat Finesse
  You choose to rely on agility over strength, when it comes to melee.

  Prerequisites - Attribute: Dexterity (1d4).
  Cost: 4

  You use Dexterity as the base attribute for your Melee skill, rather than Strength.
Talent: Fighter
  You focus on the art of mortal combat, believing that striking fast and hard is the best route to victory.

  Prerequisites - Skill: Melee (1d4).
  Cost: 5

  You gain access to a weapon token pool. The maximum number of weapon tokens you can have at any time is equal to your maximum
  Melee skill result.

  Whenever you successfully hit a creature, you gain a number of weapon tokens equal to your Potential.
Feat: Arcane Bolt
  You are able to channel mana into a silvery bolt of energy.

  Prerequisites - Talent: Mage.
  Cost: 2

  You gain access to Task: Arcane Bolt.

  Task: Arcane Bolt [Magic, Opposed]
    Mana Cost: 0 (see text)
    Action Cost: 10
    Action Type: Attack (Spell)
    Range: 50 feet
    Target: One creature
    Dice Pool: Arcana + Intelligence
    Opposed By: Reflex or Will
    Take Min/Avg/Max?: No / Yes / No

    You must have at least one mana token to perform this task. You may choose to expend a number of mana tokens up to your minimum
    Arcana skill result.

    You make a single attack against a creature. If you successfully overcome the opposed roll, make an Arcana skill check. You
    deal arcane damage to your target equal to the result plus the amount of mana tokens expended.
Feat: Teleport
  You are able to appear elsewhere.

  Prerequisites - Talent: Mage.
  Cost: 2

  You gain access to Spell: Teleport.

  Spell: Teleport [Magic]
    Mana Cost: 2+
    Action Cost: 5 (Channeled)
    Action Type: Utility (Spell)
    Range: 10 feet + 10 feet/mana token

    When you cast this spell, you may choose to expend additional mana tokens, up to your minimum Arcana skill result.

    This spell instantly transports you to a designated location, which must be within 10 feet + 10 feet per each mana token
    expended. You must be able to clearly see the location to which you are teleporting, and it must be free of obstruction.
Feat: Arcane Shield
  You are able to turn mana into a shield.

  Prerequisites - Talent: Mage.
  Cost: 2

  You gain access to Spell: Arcane Shield.

  Spell: Arcane Shield [Magic]
    Mana Cost: 3
    Action Cost: 5 (Channeled)
    Action Type: Utility (Spell)
    Dice Pool: Spellcraft + Intelligence

    You are enveloped in a visible, tangible field of arcane force. While not capable of absorbing blows, it is capable of
    deflecting them.

    When you are attacked, you may react as though you had a shield (that is, you may Block), using the dice pool for this spell. In
    addition, this spell grants you Armor equal to your minimum Arcana skill result.