Class: Warlord

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The Warlord
Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special Maneuvers Readied Maneuvers Known Max Maneuver Level
1 +0 +1 +1 +1 Born Leader, Command Bonus (+2), Presence 3 2 1st
2 +1 +2 +2 +2   3 3 1st
3 +2 +2 +2 +2   4 4 2nd
4 +3 +2 +2 +2 Always Prepared 4 5 2nd
5 +3 +3 +3 +3 Command Bonus (+4) 5 6 3rd
6 +4 +3 +3 +3 Leadership 5 7 3rd
7 +5 +4 +4 +4   6 8 4th
8 +6/+1 +4 +4 +4 Tactical Assistance 6 9 4th
9 +6/+1 +4 +4 +4   7 10 5th
10 +7/+2 +5 +5 +5 Warlord Talent, Command Bonus (+6) 7 11 5th
11 +8/+3 +5 +5 +5   8 12 6th
12 +9/+4 +6 +6 +6 Warlord Talent 8 13 6th
13 +9/+4 +6 +6 +6   9 14 7th
14 +10/+5 +6 +6 +6 Warlord Talent 9 15 7th
15 +11/+6/+1 +7 +7 +7 Command Bonus (+8) 10 16 8th
16 +12/+7/+2 +7 +7 +7 Warlord Talent 10 17 8th
17 +12/+7/+2 +8 +8 +8   11 18 9th
18 +13/+8/+3 +8 +8 +8 Warlord Talent 11 19 9th
19 +14/+9/+4 +8 +8 +8   12 20 9th
20 +15/+10/+5 +9 +9 +9 Warlord Talent, Command Bonus (+10) 12 21 9th



Agrias, iconic warlord
"Heed my words, and know victory!"

Trinity has, many times in its history, known war. And though the presence of powerful individuals often tips the scales of balance, the actions of those select groups are often made possible by the actions of armies, whose purpose in this world is not to be the primary force, but the secondary: an alternative should those with significant personal power fail in their endeavors.

In the course of warfare as it is known in Trinity, tactics and stratagems were slow to come to the fore, progress made in fits and spurts by individuals who saw opportunity in taking command of troops in mass combat. Those strategies, it was later found, were equally applicable to those small elite forces: warlords became known as force multipliers, whether on the field of battle or in the depths of dungeons, whether they commanded a thousand men or directed the actions of a select few.

Warlords forgo the specialization in equipment that most other combat-oriented classes acquire; instead, they specialize on learning how to identify openings, how to direct others, and how to improve morale. Warlords learn the basics of weapons and armor, and are able to hold their own against most others, but their martial training falls short of those more focused on taking direct action themselves. Thus, while it is not uncommon for warlords to lead the charge, most take on a support role, leading from the rear and giving direction without getting directly involved themselves.

There are many styles of leadership, and different warlords take advantage of different schools of thought. Exposure to new strategies and different sorts of engagements encourages budding warlords to study other tactics, as well, giving them increasing versatility on the battlefield.

Game Rule Information

Warlords have the following game statistics.

Force Alignment: None.

Force Resistances: None.

Abilities: Intelligence and Charisma are most important for warlords, though some who lead from the front of the fight may also want to focus on Strength and Constitution.

Hit Die: d8.

Class Skills: The warlord's class skills are Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Initiative (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Martial Lore (Int), Presence (Cha), Reason (Int), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Per), Swim (Str), and Vitality (Con).

Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Alignment: Any.

Starting Age: Simple.

Starting Gold: 6d4 x 10gp.

Favored By: None.

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the warlord.


A warlord is proficient with all simple weapons, a number of martial weapons equal to 3 + her Intelligence modifier, and light and medium armor. She is proficient with bucklers and light shields, but not heavy shields or tower shields.


Warlords come from a variety of different backgrounds, with diverse schools of thought regarding battlefield tactics. Often these differing styles have a very strong impact on how a given warlord approaches combat, especially in how they comport themselves on the field of battle: thus, these are referred to as presences.

Each presence has a number of effects: you automatically learn a 1st-level warlord maneuver (this maneuver does not count against your maneuvers known), which can be readied additional times; you gain a presence ability modifier, which is used for some of your maneuvers; you gain bonus class skills; and may have effects on some maneuvers.


Warlord Presences
Presence Ability Class Skills Description Base Maneuver
Bravura Str Analysis (Int), Initiative (Dex) You lead through a combination of daring attacks and aggressive tactics. inevitable wave
Insightful Per Balance (Dex), Tumble (Dex) You lead through careful observation and a knack for predicting your enemies' actions. brash assault
Inspiring Cha Disguise (Cha), Perform (Cha) You lead by exhortation, encouragement, and inspiration. inspiring word
Resourceful Con Balance (Dex), Sleight of Hand (Dex) You adapt to the mistakes and openings your enemies provide and endeavor to create opportunities. opening shove
Skirmishing Dex Autohypnosis (Con), Vitality (Con) You help allies by sharpening their timing, directing their maneuvers, and pointing out targets. paint the bullseye
Tactical Int Diplomacy (Cha), Sense Motive (Wis) Your leadership takes the form of quick commands, cunning strategies, and tactical superiority. wolf pack tactics


When you ready your presence's base maneuver, you can place it an additional time on your strategy wheel (see below); at 10th level, you can place it two additional times (for a total of three). If you have multiple presences, this applies to all of your presences' base maneuvers.

At higher levels, you may have the opportunity to learn new presences; if you do, all their effects stack.

Your presence impacts your access to maneuvers: your presence ability score must be at least 10 + maneuver level in order to use a maneuver. If you have multiple presences, you can use any of your presence ability scores.


A warlord is an initiator, and gains maneuvers as she progresses in her knowledge of the ways of war. Her initiator level is equal to her class level.

Warlords have access to a number of maneuver subtypes that are not used by other initiators, namely [Command] and [Tactic] maneuvers. These new descriptors are described below.

Unlike other initiators, who primarily focus on their own movements, warlords are concerned with the battlefield as a whole: themselves, their allies, and their foes. As such, warlords are trained to keep a keen eye, watching for any and all opportunities to put their knowledge to use. To represent this, warlord maneuvers are somewhat more random than other initiators - you cannot control the flow of battle, only react to it, and not all tactics will be usable all the time.

When you ready your maneuvers, you must build a strategy wheel, numbered 1 through 6. You assign your readied maneuvers as you see fit to each number on the wheel; in addition, your presence (see above) may impact your strategy wheel. If a maneuver you have readied is of a maneuver level lower than your highest maneuver level you can access, you can assign it to additional numbers on the wheel equal to the difference. A given maneuver cannot be assigned to the same number more than once.

At the beginning of your turn, all of your maneuvers become expended, and you roll a strategy die, which is 1d6. You recover all the maneuvers on your strategy wheel associated with the result.

Maneuvers of the Command, Tactic, and Stance types are exceptions to this rule; these maneuvers do not go on the strategy wheel, are always available to you if readied, and cannot be expended.

Born Leader

The warlord adds her Command Bonus (see below) to all Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Sense Motive checks.

Command Bonus

Many of the warlord's abilities involve the granting of bonuses to other individuals through her understanding of tactics and strategy. As the warlord gains levels, her understanding of battle improves, and she can provide greater bonuses.

Her Command Bonus at first level is +2, and increases by +2 for every five warlord levels.

Some maneuvers call upon your Command Bonus for bonuses, while other maneuvers can temporarily modify your Command Bonus.

Always Prepared

At 4th level, the warlord adds her Command Bonus to her Initiative checks and checks made to avoid surprise.


At 6th level, the warlord learns how to integrate new tactics into how those under her command function. This ability grants a number of bonuses.

First, the warlord gains a teamwork feat as a bonus feat (she must meet the prerequisites for this feat to select it).

As a standard action, the warlord and allies within 30 feet of her can share teamwork feats that they possess with each other, acting as if they all possessed the teamwork feat that they are sharing. The warlord can only share one teamwork feat at a time, either one of her own, or that one of her allies has access to, chosen at the time when she first activates this ability.

The warlord and allies retain the use of this feat so long as the warlord maintains it; doing so is a swift action. If the warlord becomes unconscious or otherwise unable to direct her allies, they lose the benefit of this ability.

Tactical Assistance

At 8th level, the warlord's gift for helping his allies in combat improves. The character may use the aid another action for any single ally within 30 feet of her position as a move action, and she grants her Command Bonus, rather than the normal bonus for aid another.

Warlord Talent

At 10th level, every two levels thereafter, the warlord's knowledge of the arts of war improves. Choose one of the abilities below.

  • Art of War (Ex): You gain access to another presence, and gain all of its benefits. You can take this talent multiple times; each time you do, select a new presence.
  • Daring Defense (Ex): Bold and reckless, you use your endless nerve to avoid dangers. The warlord may add her Charisma modifier in addition to her Dexterity modifier to determine her Reflex save bonus.
    • Evasion (Ex): The warlord gains evasion. (Prerequisites: Daring Defense)
  • Force of Personality (Ex): Where others use personal serenity, awareness of the world around them, or plain old sensibility, the warlord gets by with endless nerve. The warlord may add her Charisma modifier in addition to her Wisdom modifier to determine her Will save bonus.
    • Mettle (Ex): The warlord gains mettle. (Prerequisites: Force of Personality)
  • Improved Leadership (Ex): You can activate your leadership ability as a move action.
    • Expanded Leadership (Ex): When you use leadership, you can share an additional teamwork feat. If you share more than one teamwork feat, the action to activate leadership is a standard action. You can take this talent multiple times; its effect stacks. (Prerequisites: Improved Leadership)
  • Tactical Mind (Ex): You can maintain an additional [Tactic] maneuver with the same swift action. You can take this talent multiple times; its effect stacks.
  • Feat: A warlord may take a bonus feat in place of a warlord talent.

Maneuver List

The following is the warlord maneuver list.

1st-Level Warlord Maneuvers
Maneuver Name Action Type Presence Bonus Effect
Alarm Move Command Awaken all allies; they can stand from prone as a free action.
Brash Assault Standard Strike Insightful Strike a creature, luring it to hit you back; if it does, an ally can attack it.
Commander's Strike Standard Command Grant an ally a melee attack against a creature you both threaten.
Direct the Strike Standard Command Grant an ally a ranged attack against a creature.
Furious Smash Standard Strike Attack deals light damage, grants an ally bonuses to attack and damage against the target.
Inevitable Wave Standard Strike Bravura Melee attack; allies who charge the target deal extra damage.
Inspiring Word Standard Boost Inspiring Heal an ally for potency 2 damage, or grant temporary hit points.
Intuitive Strike Standard Strike Melee attack; allies who have combat advantage against the target gain a bonus to attack rolls.
Opening Shove Standard Strike Resourceful Make an attack; if you hit, no damage, but push creature and a nearby ally can move or attack the target.
Paint the Bullseye Standard Strike Skirmishing Make a ranged attack; if you hit, allies deal extra damage to the target.
Risky Shot Standard Strike Make a ranged attack that deals extra damage; you become flat-footed.
Rousing Assault Standard Strike Make a melee attack; if you hit, your next healing ability increases in potency.
To Arms Move Command All allies can ready a weapon as a free action.
Viper's Strike tandard Strike Make a melee attack; if you hit, the target provokes opportunity attacks for any movement.
Wolf Pack Tactics Standard Strike Tactical Make a melee attack; before the attack, an ally adjacent to you or target can shift 5 feet.


1st-Level Warlord Maneuvers
Maneuver Name Action Type Effect
Alarm Move Command Awaken all allies; they can stand from prone as a free action.
Coordinated Defense Standard Tactic Allies gain a morale bonus to AC equal to your Command Bonus.
Coordinated Offense Standard Tactic Allies gain a morale bonus to attack rolls equal to your Command Bonus.
Hammer and Anvil Standard Strike Make an attack, grant an ally an attack of opportunity against the same enemy.
Knight's Move Move Command Grant an ally a move action.
Leaf on the Wind Standard Strike Make an attack; if successful, you or adjacent ally swap places with target.
Paint the Target Standard Strike Make an attack, all allies gain your Command Bonus on attack rolls against that creature.
Rallying Cry Reaction Command Allies can immediately reroll a Will save against a [fear] effect.
To Arms Move Command All allies can ready a weapon as a free action.


2nd-Level Warlord Maneuvers
Maneuver Name Action Type Effect
Crushing Blow Standard Strike Attack deals +1d6 damage, target is flat-footed.
Focus Attack Move Command Allies' attacks against a designated creature deal bonus damage equal to your Command Bonus.
Hold the Line Move Command Allies in a burst gain your Command Bonus to AC, cannot be moved.
Inspire Fortitude Standard Tactic Allies gain a morale bonus to Fortitude saves equal to your Command Bonus.
Inspire Reflex Standard Tactic Allies gain a morale bonus to Reflex saves equal to your Command Bonus.
Inspire Will Standard Tactic Allies gain a morale bonus to Will saves equal to your Command Bonus.
Pincer Strike Standard Strike Attack deals +1d6 damage, target is immobilized so long as adjacent to at least two allies.
Reposition Standard Command All allies can take a 5-foot step immediately.
Tactician Standard Tactic Grant you and allies a teamwork feat temporarily.
Watch and Ready Standard Tactic Allies gain bonus to Initiative checks equal to your Command Bonus.


3rd-Level Warlord Maneuvers
Maneuver Name Action Type Effect
Aerial Commander Standard Tactic Allies gain a morale bonus to Fly checks, Ride checks, and charge attack rolls while airborne equal to your Command Bonus.
Agile Steps Standard Tactic Allies gain a morale bonus to Tumble checks and all checks made to avoid being tripped or made prone equal to your Command Bonus.
Cavalry Commander Standard Tactic Allies gain a morale bonus to Handle Animal checks, Ride checks, and charge attack rolls while mounted equal to your Command Bonus.
Defensive Positions Move Command Allies can brace for a charge.
Forward Observer Standard Tactic Allies can ignore cover and concealment for one enemy you designate.
Guard Target Standard Tactic Allies can protect a creature you designate.
Kill the Wounded Standard Strike Allies that attack your target deal +2d6 damage.
Siegemaster Standard Tactic Allies gain a morale bonus to Profession (siege engineer) skill checks and attack and damage rolls with siege weaponry equal to your Command Bonus.
Stand Tough Standard Command All allies gain the benefit of your inspiring word.
Watch Your Back Standard Command Allies cannot be flanked for a number of rounds equal to your Command Bonus.


Design Notes

There is a little overlap between the warlord's maneuver list and the einhander's list, thus far. Not a lot, but enough to be... intriguing.

I imagine that, at some point, we may wind up also grabbing a maneuver or two off the defender's list: probably vigilance, maybe a couple other things that are specifically about allies.

Regarding new maneuver types... commands are basically boosts you use on other people, and tactics are basically stances that affect all your allies. Keeping up a stance isn't an action, but for warlords, keeping up a tactic is a swift action: they have to continue to evaluate the situation and update the battle plan, even if the overall strategy remains the same.

Level: War 1
Action: Standard
Range: Weapon
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Your bold lunge leaves you open to an enemy’s counterattack, but that’s just what you want.
Make a melee attack against the target. If you hit, you deal normal damage.
The target can make a melee basic attack against you as a free action and gains a +2 bonus on the attack roll. If the target makes this attack, an ally of your choice within 30 feet of the target can make a basic attack against the target as a free action and gains your Command Bonus as a bonus on the attack roll.
If the target of this maneuver chooses to attack you, an adjacent ally of your choice gains an insight bonus to AC equal to your Command Bonus until the start of your next turn.


Level: War 1
Action: Standard
Range: Reach
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
With a shout, you command an ally to attack.
One ally who threatens the target can take a free action to make a melee basic attack against the target. The ally gains a bonus to the damage roll equal to your Command Bonus.


Level: War 1
Action: Standard
Range: 60 feet
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
You direct an ally to attack as an enemy lowers its guard.
The target can take a free action to make a ranged basic attack against the target.


Level: War 1
Action: Standard
Range: Weapon
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
You drive your shoulder into your foe's gut. Your attack doesn’t do much damage, but your anger inspires your ally to match your ferocity.
Make a melee attack against the target; this attack is resolved against Fortitude.
If you hit, your weapon deals potency 1 damage, and choose an ally adjacent to you or to the target. The ally gains an insight bonus to the next attack roll and damage roll that he or she makes against the target before the end of his or her next turn. The insight bonus equals your Command Bonus.


Level: War 1
Action: Standard
Range: Weapon
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
You and your allies charge a foe with the relentless power of the incoming tide.
Make a melee attack against the target.
If you hit, you deal normal damage, and any ally who charges the target deals extra damage equal to your Command Bonus.
Special: When you charge, you can use this maneuver instead of a basic attack.
When an ally charges the target of this maneuver, before that ally makes an attack roll, they can choose to take advantage of this feature. If they do and the attack hits, the ally can either make another basic melee attack against the target of this maneuver or move up to their speed as a free action; if they do and the attack misses, that ally is flat-footed until the start of their next turn.


Level: War 1 [Healing]
Action: Standard
Range: 60 feet
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
You call out to a wounded ally and offer inspiring words of courage and determination that helps that ally heal.
The target of this maneuver can choose to spend a healing surge. If she does, she is healed for potency 2 damage.
If the target does not spend a healing surge, the target instead gains temporary hit points equal to your Command Bonus + your presence ability modifier.
If the target chooses to spend a healing surge, she is healed for additional damage equal to your Command Bonus + your presence ability modifier.


Level: War 1
Action: Standard
Range: Weapon
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Your strike puts your opponent off-guard, allowing your allies to better exploit the enemy's openings.
Make a melee attack against the target; this attack is resolved against Will.
If you hit, your weapon deals potency 1 damage, and any ally who attacks the target with combat advantage gains a bonus to attack rolls equal to your Command Bonus. (A creature who is flat-footed, denied their Dexterity bonus to AC, flanked by, or otherwise unaware of a creature grants that creature combat advantage.)


Level: War 1
Action: Standard
Range: Reach
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
You knock your foe off-balance while shouting a quick command to an ally.
Make a melee attack against the target; this attack is resolved against Reflex.
If you hit, you deal no damage; instead, you push the creature 5 feet, then choose one ally you can see within 60 feet. That ally either shifts up to 5 feet per point of your Command Bonus, or makes a melee basic attack against the target. (A shift is movement that does not provoke attacks of opportunity.)
If the ally you chose makes an attack, she deals bonus damage equal to your Command Bonus.
If the ally you chose moves, she gains temporary hit points equal to your Command Bonus + your presence ability modifier.


Level: War 1
Action: Standard
Range: Weapon
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
You fire a red-fletched missile into your foe, creating a target for your allies to focus on when attacking the creature.
Make a ranged attack against the target.
If you hit, you deal normal damage, and until the start of your next turn, allies who attack that creature gain a bonus to damage equal to your Command Bonus.
For the duration of this maneuver, when an ally attacks the target of this maneuver, that ally shift 5 feet per point of your Command Bonus. (A shift is movement that does not provoke attacks of opportunity.)


Level: War 1
Action: Standard
Range: Weapon
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
You wait until the last possible moment to strike, dealing a more potent blow at the expense of defense.
Make a ranged attack against the target.
If you hit, you deal normal damage, plus extra damage equal to your Command Bonus.
You are flat-footed until the beginning of your next turn.


Level: War 1
Action: Standard
Range: Weapon
Target: One creature
Duration: 1 round
Your bold attack lends strength to your words of inspiration.
Make a melee attack against the target.
If you hit, you deal normal damage, and your next warlord maneuver you use that causes healing has its potency increased by 1; this effect lasts for up to 1 round.


Level: War 1
Action: Standard
Range: Weapon
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
You trick your adversary into making a tactical error that gives your comrade a chance to strike.
Make a melee attack against the target.
If you hit, you deal normal damage.
If the target moves (even shifting) before the start of your next turn, it provokes an attack of opportunity from an ally of your choice. (A shift is movement that does not provoke attacks of opportunity.)


Level: War 1
Action: Standard
Range: Weapon
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Step by step, you and your friends surround the enemy.
Make a melee attack against the target.
If you hit, you deal normal damage.
Before the attack, an ally adjacent to you or to the target can shift 5 feet as a free action. (A shift is movement that does not provoke attacks of opportunity.)
Until the start of your next turn, any ally who attacks the target of this maneuver gains a bonus to their attack roll equal to your Command Bonus.