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The Genji

The Genji are a special sect of samurai that are especially devoted to upholding the nation of Colianth and the clavat race in general. While any clavat can become a samurai, only the descendents of those Konoe Ishikaru specifically selected can become a Genji.

Genji Prestige Class

The Genji prestige class operates much as the Kensai class from Complete Warrior, with the following exceptions. Information here that would supercede information found in that book does so.


Race: Clavat.

Skills: Concentration 8 ranks, Iaijitsu Focus 8 ranks.

Feats: Genji Heritage, Weapon Focus (Katana).

Class Features

BAB: Good.

Reflex Save: Good.

Class Skills: Add: Iaijitsu Focus (Cha). Remove: Diplomacy (Cha).

Ki Projection: Removed.

Soul of the Genji (Ex): At 4th level, the Genji can channel the spirit of Konoe, his armor becoming as the legendary Genji set Konoe himself used. In order to use this ability, the Genji must be wearing or wielding the appropriate piece of armor. When the Genji uses this ability, he chooses one of the following effects, which lasts for 1 round per Genji level. This ability is usable once per day per two Genji levels.

  • Glove of the Genji: The Genji's gloves are imbued with amazing speed. He may make an additional attack at his highest attack bonus whenever he takes an attack action.
  • Armor of the Genji: The Genji's armor becomes as hard as crystal. He gains DR /- equal to his Genji level.
  • Shield of the Genji: The Genji's shield becomes as reflective as a mirror. He gains the force resistance of his choice equal to 10 + his Genji level.

Blade Grasp (Ex): At 10th level, the Genji can stop melee attacks by grasping weapons with his hands. When he is attacked with a melee weapon, if he has a free hand, he may attempt to make a Reflex save against the attack roll. If successful, the attack deals no damage.