Shaman Seeds A-F

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This is a list of shaman seeds for the Trinity campaign setting. The list will probably be too long for a single page, so in some foresight, I've decided to split it into three.

A - F | G - O | P - Z

Seeds (A - F)

The following is an alphabetical list of seeds, from A to F.

Air Blast
  Element: Air
  Bending DC: 5
  Focus air currents around you into a jetstream, forcefully pushing objects.

  Fling: As a standard action, you can produce an air blast, a line extending for 20 ft/level, with which you can hurl objects
  or creatures. The total weight moved cannot exceed 10 lbs/level. The target object or creature must be either within the shaman's
  reach, or somewhere in the area affeced by the Air Blast, and the object or creature can be pushed anywhere along the line, up to
  10 feet beyond the extreme edge of the range; creatures pushed this way may make a Fortitude save to avoid the effect. In
  addition, objects within the line can be picked up and used as projectiles; doing so requires a ranged touch attack, and weapons
  or similarly-sized objects deal their normal damage when thrown using this seed.

  Push: As a standard action, you can produce a single mighty blast of air, which you can use to attempt to push a creature; the
  target must be within 20 feet/level. This effect is treated as a bull rush, with the shaman using her Wisdom modifier rather than
  her Strength modifier; the shaman also gains a bonus to her bull rush attempt equal to one-half her shaman level.

  Throw: You can manipulate the air currents around a held object, allowing you to throw it with much greater velocity than
  normal. Throwing the weapon in conjunction with this seed is a standard action; doing so doubles the weapon's normal range
  increment, and the shaman may add one-half her shaman level to the attack roll.

  Gust: As a standard action, you can manipulate the air around you into a large blast of wind; this effect affects all
  creatures and objects in a line out to your Bending range. Diminutive creatures are knocked prone by the force of wind, or if
  flying are blown back 1d6x10 feet; flying Tiny creatures are forced back 1d6x5 feet. Small or larger creatures are unaffected by
  the gust, and the gust cannot move a creature beyond the limit of your Bending range. Any creature struck by the gust that would
  be forced to move can make a Fortitude save to avoid the movement effect. The force of the gust automatically extinguishes
  candles, torches, and similar unprotected flame; it causes protected flames to dance wildly, and has a 50% chance to extinguish
  such lights. This effect can also produce any effect that a sudden gust of wind would be expected to do, such as propel a small
  watercraft, blow sand from a flat surface, or send a stack of papers flying. The size category of creature affected by this seed
  increases by one for every 10 points by which your Bending check exceeds the Bending DC.