Race: Zzithrani

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Several zzith, the composite insects of a zzithrani

This concept was originally found on the WotC forums, but has apparently been lost to the ages.


"We are aware of our ztrangenezz to you. But you are ztrangenezz to ourzelvez."

Wherever life can exist, some will find a way to flourish: nowhere else is this made as abundantly clear as in the case of the zzithrani people. On the harsh plains of Ganymede, insects similar to those found on Adnez found a way to survive and, in time, flourish. What began as something similar to bees became, eventually, something more: a true hivemind appeared, aware of itself, but only when the hive came together did the mind establish itself.

Evolution took its course, and specialization appeared: individual insects in the hive became more specialized: some forming dense carapaces of chitin, akin to bone; some developing flight, to allow them to better forage for the hive; and a dozen other functions, all working towards the health of the hive, at the center of which is always a queen zzith, the focal point of the hivemind.

Researchers in more recent years who have studied the zerg and tyranids have found a striking resemblance between the zzithrani and the two alien races from beyond the edges of the Philomenic system, and believe that it is possible the zzith were originally a tyranid offshoot, much like the zerg. However, unlike the tyranids or zerg, the zzithrani developed multiple independent hive minds. It is theorized, however, that continued zzithrani evolution may lead to a similar species.

However, unlike the tyranids and the zerg, zzithrani seem friendly enough towards most other races - they are not driven to consume all before them, apparently, and instead possess similar curiosity about other races as other races do about them. While they are certainly alien and bizarre in their thinking, they are welcome enough in Ganymedian societies.

Personality: Later.

Vital Statistics
    Starting Age Aging Effects  
  Adulthood Simple Moderate Complex Middle Age Old Venerable Max Age
Age 2 years +1 +1d2 +1d4 7 years 14 years 21 years +2d4
  Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier
Asexual 2' 3" +2d6" 15 lbs. x(1d2) lbs.

Physical Description: Later.