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Don't mind me, just playing with an idea...
The Thief
Level CMB FRC SKL Fort Ref Will Det Special Expertise Die Knacks Tricks
1 +0 +0 +1 +0 +2 +0 +1   1d4 1 4
2 +1 +1 +2 +1 +3 +1 +2   1d4 1 6
3 +2 +1 +3 +1 +4 +1 +2   1d6 1 7
4 +3 +2 +4 +1 +4 +1 +3   1d6 1 8
5 +3 +2 +5 +2 +5 +2 +3   1d6 2 10
6 +4 +3 +6 +2 +6 +2 +4   1d6 2 11
7 +5 +3 +7 +3 +7 +3 +5   1d8 2 12
8 +6 +4 +8 +3 +7 +3 +5   1d8 2 14
9 +6 +4 +9 +3 +8 +3 +6   1d8 3 15
10 +7 +5 +10 +4 +9 +4 +6 Thief Talent 1d8 3 16
11 +8 +5 +11 +4 +10 +4 +7   1d10 3 18
12 +9 +6 +12 +4 +10 +4 +8 Thief Talent 1d10 3 19
13 +9 +6 +13 +5 +11 +5 +8   1d10 4 20
14 +10 +7 +14 +5 +12 +5 +9 Thief Talent 1d10 4 22
15 +11 +7 +15 +6 +13 +6 +9   1d12 4 23
16 +12 +8 +16 +6 +13 +6 +10 Thief Talent 1d12 4 24
17 +12 +8 +17 +6 +14 +6 +11   1d12 5 26
18 +13 +9 +18 +7 +15 +7 +11 Thief Talent 1d12 5 27
19 +14 +9 +19 +7 +16 +7 +12   1d20 5 28
20 +15 +10 +20 +8 +16 +8 +12 Thief Talent 1d20 5 30



Baggins, iconic thief
"I steal from the rich, and give to... uh, well, me."

What is this? This is an experimental class... there are a lot of notions flying about here, but the catalyst was this post. We've been running around in circles on skills for awhile now, but in a class-based system, I think skills just... muddy the waters. Not to mention they're always a giant pain in the ass for leveling purposes: it's the only mechanic in the game that requires players to spend points in such a way that is permanent. If you put points into a skill that never comes up... why have the skill? We let casters trade out spells every few levels so they don't get screwed, but we have no similar mechanic for skills, and to attempt to do so would be messy because of the way you get skill points.

We tried the jobs concept, which I think was mostly a bust, but it paved the way for a better understanding of mechanics. Learn from failures, and try new angles.

So: what is this? The thief is going to be one of several new classes I'm going to try to do justice to, which round out the class list. They're not force-aligned, they're not combatants, but they let you do other shit. We're going to do this in concert with the idea of saying "fuck you" to multiclassing penalties, so that if a character wants to pick up a level or two of thief, they're totally allowed to do that. Because of how we handle casting now, this should - generally - not be as terribad an idea as it may sound... speaking of which, I need to bring back the Versed in the Force feat and fix it so that it applies to any class (basically, it will allow you to not fuck yourself if you take a couple levels here and there in other classes, in terms of casting and what-not).

Further contemplation on that idea... nah. We're good. If you take a level in thief, you're only a level behind, and because of potency, you're not actually missing out on anything - you've just expanded your breadth in a different direction than you would have if you had kept leveling in the one class.

So yeah. We're cool.

Game Rule Information

Thieves have the following game statistics.

Force Alignment: None.

Force Resistances: None.

Abilities: Dexterity, Bravery, and Luck are all important here.

Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Con score.

Hit Points at Each Additional Level: 7 + Con modifier.

Healing Surges: 8 + Con modifier.

Class Skills: The Thief's class skills are... surprise! None. This experiment involves a radical idea for d20: skills and classes don't mix. So we're going to assume that skills don't exist in the classic sense.

Starting Age: Simple.

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the thief.


Weapons: Any four.

Armor: Cloth, leather.

Implements: None.


Thieves engage in thievery, with individual sorts of tasks being referred to as tricks which are grouped into knacks, specializations that exist under the umbrella of thievery as a whole.


Thievery Knacks
Knack Secondary Ability Description
Crack Int Locks, vaults, traps: you know your way around security measures, and know how to bypass them.
Eyes Per Part of a successful heist is the lookout, and you're trained to keep a sharp eye.
Grift Cha It's easier to convince someone to give you their key than to force the lock, and this skill set teaches you how.
Lift Brv The classics never die, and for thieves, that means taking what isn't yours.
Sneak Dex That which is never seen, never gets caught: you know to move silently and invisibly.


The thief can make use of any of his tricks at any time; when he does, he usually makes a thievery check, which is d20 + his SKL + his trick's knack's secondary ability modifier + his expertise die. Some tricks are constantly active, provided you meet their conditions, while others have additional requirements you must meet in order to use them.

If the thief is not stressed, he can take 10 on his thievery checks, acting as though he had rolled a 10 on the d20 and adding his normal bonuses.


The following are a selection of feats that are relevant to thieves.


You've dabbled in the more... clandestine arts.
Prerequisites: No levels in thief.
Benefit: You gain access to a single thief knack, and learn two thief tricks of your choice from that knack. Your expertise die is d2.
Special: If you take a level in thief, you must immediately retrain this feat; the new feat cannot be a [Job] feat.