Test Page 6

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The Learner
  Memetics Maneuvers
Level Special Active Memes Memory Libraries Max Grade Memes Known Max Grade Schools Maneuvers Known
1 Combat Style, Learning 2 1 1 Common 2 Basic 1 2
2 Pedagogy 2 1 1 Common 3 Basic 1 3
3   2 1 1 Common 4 Basic 1 4
4 Pedagogy 3 1 1 Common 5 Basic 1 5
5   3 1 2 Uncommon 6 Lesser 1 6
6 Pedagogy 3 2 2 Uncommon 6 Lesser 1 6
7   3 2 2 Uncommon 7 Lesser 1 7
8 Pedagogy 4 2 2 Uncommon 8 Lesser 1 8
9   4 2 2 Uncommon 9 Lesser 2 9
10 Learner Talent 4 2 2 Uncommon 10 Lesser 2 10
11   5 3 3 Uncommon 11 Lesser 2 11
12 Learner Talent 5 3 3 Rare 11 Expert 2 11
13   5 3 3 Rare 12 Expert 2 12
14 Learner Talent 5 3 3 Rare 13 Expert 2 13
15   6 3 3 Rare 14 Expert 2 14
16 Learner Talent 6 4 3 Rare 15 Expert 2 15
17   6 4 4 Rare 16 Expert 2 16
18 Learner Talent 7 4 4 Rare 16 Expert 2 16
19   7 4 4 Obscure 17 Greater 2 17
20 Learner Talent 7 4 4 Obscure 18 Greater 2 18



Troi, iconic learner
"Experience is the best teacher."

The petrifying gaze of a basilisk, the lightning breath of a dragon, the soul-draining touch of the undead: these powers are to be feared, most certainly. Some, however, would believe that the best way to fight fire is with fire, and so seek out ways to gain these powers - not through study or research, but through watching those who wield them. This is the way of the learner.

It is impossible to say what a learner is capable of. An individual learner may learn dozens - if not hundreds - of abilities over the course of her lifetime, as varied in power and application as the creatures that walk the world. Calling upon the power of the Blue to enhance her memory and ability to replicate the powers of monsters, the learner is a powerful ally and unpredictable foe.

However, to gain access to these abilities, the learner must see them in action - and that means a life of adventure and danger. As such, learners also train themselves in the arts martial, to acquire the skills needed to do battle with the creatures from which they wish to glean new knowledge. For the budding learner, this also means that they are able to function in an adventuring troupe with minimal fuss; while they are not as well-versed in the ways of combat as true warriors, they are able to hold their own, and once the learner has acquired a stable of useful memes, they can combine their memetics and maneuvers to deadly effect.

Game Rule Information

Learners have the following game statistics.

Force Alignment: Blue.

Force Resistances: TO 5 + level, CO 5 + level.

Abilities: Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma are all equally important to a learner. She gains bonus active meme slots based on her Wisdom, bonus memory based on her Intelligence, and additional belief-space based upon her Charisma.

Hit Points at 1st Level: 15 + Con score.

Hit Points at Each Additional Level: 9 + Con modifier.

Healing Surges: 10 + Con modifier.

Defenses: Fort +2; Ref +2; Will +2; Det +2.

Starting Age: Moderate.

Class Features, Revisited

All of the following are class features of the learner.


Weapons: Choose three.

Armor: Light, Mystic.

Implements: Records, Tomes.

Combat Style

At first level, the learner decides which combat style he will pursue. Choose one of the following; once you have made a selection, it cannot be changed later.

▶ Archer

I... actually don't have the list with me, so I don't recall which ones learners have access to.



While other memeticists study the world memory in an abstract sense, the learner seeks to instead gain knowledge first-hand. By observing how creatures are able to interact with the world, he can deduce their underlying mechanics and, in the process, learn how to replicate the effects.

Whenever a creature uses a special ability, you can make a learning check as a reaction, which is d20 + your level bonus + your Intelligence modifier, against a DC of 10 + half the creature's level. If you hit, you gain a learned meme, which is a copy of that ability in all respects (including recharge value). You can choose to immediately replace one of your active memes with this learned meme; if you do, and the original meme had memory allocated to it, that memory is lost: learned memes cannot have memory allocated. They otherwise function as normal memes, including your need to ready them.

Physical abilities learned through this ability that require an attack roll require a physical attack roll of the appropriate type (melee or ranged), while supernatural abilities require a memetic attack roll.

Abilities that recharge per encounter, recharge for you after a short rest; abilities that have a daily recharge, recharge for you after a long rest. You

This ability cannot be used on class or item abilities.

You can have a total number of learned memes equal to your Intelligence modifier.

Design Notes

Well... turns out that a pure blue mage isn't really doable. That's too bad, but... well, it's been an informative fourteen years or so.

This is a close enough approximation, and with our move on the GM side to more 4e-style mechanics, this particular method of learning works out relatively well. So we're good, I think.