5e Mechanic: Implements

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Implements are to sparks what weapons are to warriors: tools of the trade, enhancing your abilities within a particular realm. For implements, each beam has at least one type of implement associated with it: these are item types that are, by their nature, naturally aligned to the beam in question, and through investing beam energy into these types of items, that energy can be returned in the form of impact upon the user's abilities.

Materia and Desynthesis

Implements, like weapons and armor, can have materia slots.

Because of their intrinsic abilities, implements can be desynthesized into materia. This process is somewhat involved, taking an hour, and requires a spark of the same beam as the accessory in question. When the process is completed, the item is transformed into a materia that, when slotted into an item, allows that item's wearer or wielder to benefit from the materia as though the item it is slotted into were also the original item.

Materia created through desynthesis can be slotted into any item, but has a lower attunement cost when slotted into an item of the same type. Materia created in this fashion have the same Force alignment as the item it was desynthesized from.

The attunement cost of a materia created through desynthesis depends on the item's rarity: if common, 1; if uncommon, 2; if rare, 4; if mythic, 8. If you slot a materia into an item that is of a different type than the item from which the materia was made, the attunement cost increases by +1.

Bonuses provided by materia do not stack; that is, if you have two materia that grant you an enhancement bonus to your Reflex, only the highest bonus applies.

Economics of Implements

Implement Costs
    currency mox
Common 40000 ---
Uncommon (160000) 16
Rare --- 32
Mythic --- 64
Artifact --- (100)
Desynthesis Common 2000 ---
Uncommon 10000 1
Rare --- 2
Mythic --- 4
Artifact --- ---
(X) Can only be sold in the listed economy as though it had X value.

Implements provide no benefit beyond those found in each individual implement enhancement's description.

Common implements can be purchased for the price of 4000 gp, and can be purchased through the gold economy. The imbuing of Force energies into these objects is not as complex or demanding as more powerful items, and the reagents required to permanently bind the powers to such an item do not require powerful components. Any spark or adept is capable of desynthesizing these implements, and so charge only a nominal fee in the gold economy. Common implements have no place in the mox economy.

Uncommon implements cannot be purchased in the gold economy, but can be sold in it as though they had a price of 16000 gp. Uncommon implements are the beginnings of true power, in terms of Forces: these are items whose effects are significant, or are combinations of existing abilities set into one item, making it that much more useful. Any spark or adept capable of crafting implements can desynthesize uncommon implements; as such, while the availability is reduced, this service can still be attained in the gold economy, though such individuals are also willing to take mox economy currency for their trouble. Uncommon implements cost 16 dp in the mox economy.

Rare implements cannot be traded in the gold economy whatsoever. Rare implements are true power, being imbued with as much energy from their aligned Forces as most mortals can muster: either entire suites of less-powerful abilities, or an effect synonymous with "epic" from its parent Force. Sparks or adepts capable of desynthesizing rare implements are much rarer, due to required spark level checks; as such, availability is significantly reduced, and those who can render it will expect mox economy goods for the service. Rare implements cost 32 dp in the mox economy.

Mythic implements cannot be traded in the gold economy whatsoever. Mythic implements are extreme expressions of power, being unique one-of-a-kind items imbued with strange and unusual powers that, while not indestructible, are particularly resilient to deconstruction. Sparks or adepts capable of desynthesizing mythic implements are ridiculously rare and are often loathe to do so, as such items are incredibly - if not outright impossible - to replicate. Such items are often not traded in the open market, but can sometimes be found in high-brow auctions. Mythic implements cost 64 dp in the mox economy.

Artifact implements cannot be purchased in any economy whatsoever; they can be sold in the mox economy as though they had a value of 100 dp to someone who is looking for that particular artifact. There is no particular market for them: to trade an artifact, you must find seek out (or be found by) an individual who wants it. Artifacts are not just unique items, they are also nigh-indestructible fonts of incredible power, and thus cannot be desynthesized. Mortals are incapable of intentionally creating artifacts.

Implement Item Descriptions

Descriptions of implements follow.


This totem is decorated with symbols of light and life.
Implement - Totem
Beam: Primal
Special: This item's property only functions if you are a shaman.
When you bend an evocation that heals hit points, any creature healed by that evocation regains an additional 1d6 hit points.
When you bend an evocation that heals hit points, any creature healed by that evocation regains an additional 2d6 hit points.
When you bend an evocation that heals hit points, any creature healed by that evocation regains an additional 3d6 hit points.

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