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#REDIRECT [[Blue:_Memes_Index]]
<div id="Amanuensis">
{|class="collapsible" width="90%" style="border:1px solid silver; text-align:center; clear:both; font-size:75%; font-family:verdana;"
! style="background:#2C5197;" align="left"|<div style="margin-left:15px;"><font color="white" style="font-size:13.5px; font-family:tahoma;">AMANUENSIS</font></div>
|-style="background:white;" align="left"
|'''Classes:''' [[Class:_Akashic|Aka]]
|- align="left"
|'''Activation Time:''' Standard action
|- align="left"
|'''Range:''' Touch
|- align="left"
|'''Target:''' One book, document, akashic stone, or similar
|- align="left"
|'''Duration:''' Instantaneous
|- align="left"
|'''Saving Throw:''' None
|- align="left"
|'''Blue Opposition:''' Yes
|''With a touch, you rapidly absorb information.''
|You absorb the contents of an item that contains information, be it written, pictorial, or memetic (such as an akashic stone). You can absorb roughly one page, one picture, or one memory with each use of this ability. If the information contained pertains to an event, you can use ''[[#Event_Loresight|event loresight]]'' on that event so long as you retain the memory.
|'''Memory:''' For each point of memory you have invested in this meme, you can absorb one additional page, picture, or memory.
|'''Belief-Space:''' While this meme is part of your belief-space, you are drawn to non-interactive sources of information. You gain a +1/memory invested insight bonus to ''delve into blue'' checks. However, you are much less aware of your own memories, and so lose one active meme slot, plus an additional active meme slot for every four memory invested.
<div id="Amnesia">
{|class="collapsible" width="90%" style="border:1px solid silver; text-align:center; clear:both; font-size:75%; font-family:verdana;"
! style="background:#2C5197;" align="left"|<div style="margin-left:15px;"><font color="white" style="font-size:13.5px; font-family:tahoma;">AMNESIA</font></div>
|-style="background:white;" align="left"
|'''Classes:''' [[Class:_Akashic|Aka]] [Mind-affecting]
|- align="left"
|'''Activation Time:''' Standard action
|- align="left"
|'''Range:''' 0 feet
|- align="left"
|'''Area:''' 60-foot radius spread, centered on you
|- align="left"
|'''Duration:''' 1 round
|- align="left"
|'''Saving Throw:''' Will negates
|- align="left"
|'''Blue Opposition:''' Yes
|''You intercept information packets with haphazard and jumbled memes, preventing information in your immediate vicinity from becoming permanent.''
|When you use this meme, you can choose whether or not you are affected by it.
|For the duration of this effect, events that occur are effectively transient, incapable of becoming permanently settled in either creatures' or the world memory. After a time, the entirety of time of this effect's duration becomes cloudy in creatures' minds, and they become unable to precisely recall what occurred.
|Any attempt to gain information regarding anything that occurred within this effect's duration must make a Force-user level check against DC 11 + your memeticist level. If you opted to retain memory of what transpired, the DC is instead 5 + your memeticist level, and a ''[[#Recall_Memory|recall memory]]'' used on you will remove the check entirely, opening the memory up to the world (as well as all creatures, objects, and locations that were present for the time).
|'''Memory:''' For each point of memory you have invested in this meme, this effect lasts an additional round.
|'''Belief-Space:''' While this meme is part of your belief-space, you become secretive and protective of knowledge, but your recollection of knowledge is enhanced by your constant awareness of it in your mind. You gain a +1/memory invested insight bonus to all Knowledge checks, but each time you would share information with someone, you must make a Will save against this meme or else opt not to share. Effects that attempt to read your memory, such as ''[[#Creature_Loresight|creature loresight]]'', must succeed on a Force-user level check against DC 11 + your memeticist level, or else reveal nothing; and you gain a +2/memory invested insight bonus to Will saves against ''[[#Learn_Secret|learn secret]]'' and similar effects.
<div id="Autotoxic_Meme">
{|class="collapsible" width="90%" style="border:1px solid silver; text-align:center; clear:both; font-size:75%; font-family:verdana;"
! style="background:#2C5197;" align="left"|<div style="margin-left:15px;"><font color="white" style="font-size:13.5px; font-family:tahoma;">AUTOTOXIC MEME</font></div>
|-style="background:white;" align="left"
|'''Classes:''' [[Class:_Akashic|Aka]] [Mind-affecting]
|- align="left"
|'''Activation Time:''' Standard action
|- align="left"
|'''Range:''' Close (25 feet + 5 feet/2 memory invested)
|- align="left"
|'''Target:''' One creature
|- align="left"
|'''Duration:''' 1 round + 1 round/memory invested
|- align="left"
|'''Saving Throw:''' Will negates
|- align="left"
|'''Blue Opposition:''' Yes
|''You force an autotoxic meme into a creature's mind, which pushes it into a murderous frenzy.''
|The target begins ''raging'', as a barbarian, and must engage opponents in melee combat.
|'''Memory:''' For each point of memory you have invested in this meme, the duration is increased by 1 round.
|'''Belief-Space:''' While this meme is part of your belief-space, your understanding of autotoxic information increases tenfold, by virtue of having one take up residence in your mind. Creatures affected by this meme will attack a creature that attacks them until they or their target is dead. However, you are incapable of paying attention to your own well-being, and as such suffer a -4 penalty to your AC, and when you take damage, you take half again as much.
<div id="Creature_Loresight">
{|class="collapsible" width="90%" style="border:1px solid silver; text-align:center; clear:both; font-size:75%; font-family:verdana;"
! style="background:#2C5197;" align="left"|<div style="margin-left:15px;"><font color="white" style="font-size:13.5px; font-family:tahoma;">CREATURE LORESIGHT</font></div>
|-style="background:white;" align="left"
|'''Classes:''' [[Class:_Akashic|Aka]]
|- align="left"
|'''Activation Time:''' Standard action
|- align="left"
|'''Range:''' Touch
|- align="left"
|'''Target:''' One creature (living or dead)
|- align="left"
|'''Duration:''' Instantaneous
|- align="left"
|'''Saving Throw:''' Will negates (Object)
|- align="left"
|'''Blue Opposition:''' Yes (Object)
|''You touch an creature, and information regarding it floods your mind.''
|If the creatures fails a Will save, you gain information regarding it.
{|class="collapsible" align="center" width="90%" style="border:1px solid silver; text-align:center; clear:both; font-size:95%; font-family:verdana;"
! colspan="2" style="background:#A4D3EE;" align="left"|<div style="margin-left:15px;"><font color="black" style="font-size:12px; font-family:tahoma;">Facts Learned</font></div>
|-style="background:white;" align="left"
|align="center"|'''1st''' || Creature's race or type.
|align="center"|'''2nd''' || Creature's name (if none, then skip).
|align="center"|'''3rd''' || Creature's class (if none, then skip).
|align="center"|'''4th''' || How the creature died (if not applicable, then skip).
|align="center"|'''5th''' || Creature's most recent, basic goal.
|align="center"|'''6th''' || Creature's attitude towards you.
|align="center"|'''7th''' || Creature this creature interacted with most recently, other than you.
|align="center"|'''8th''' || Creature's most valuable possession, if any.
|align="center"|'''9th''' || Location of the creature's home or lair, if any.
|align="center"|'''10th''' || Creature's current thoughts. If dead, you learn the creature's last thoughts.
|align="center"|'''11th''' || Most significant event in the creature's life of which you are unaware.
|Multiple uses of this meme allow you to gain more information. If you already know all of the above, you continue to learn more significant events, though their significance decreases over time.
|'''Memory:''' For each point of memory you have invested in this meme, you learn an additional fact per use.
|'''Belief-Space:''' While this meme is part of your belief-space, you have the ability to incorporate a creature's memories into yours, giving you benefits in interacting with it. This gives you a +1/two memory insight bonus to any checks made to interact with a creature (such as Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Sense Motive) on whom you have used this meme. This bonus lasts for 1 round/memory invested.
|While this meme is bound to your belief-space, you have a preoccupation with the importance of people and the role they play in the creation of history; in particular, this preoccupation overrides your interest in places, objects, or events. You cannot have this meme bound to your belief-space and any other ''loresight'' meme bound at the same time.
<div id="Detect_Force">
{|class="collapsible" width="90%" style="border:1px solid silver; text-align:center; clear:both; font-size:75%; font-family:verdana;"
! style="background:#2C5197;" align="left"|<div style="margin-left:15px;"><font color="white" style="font-size:13.5px; font-family:tahoma;">DETECT FORCE</font></div>
|-style="background:white;" align="left"
|'''Classes:''' [[Class:_Akashic|Aka]]
|- align="left"
|'''Activation Time:''' Standard action
|- align="left"
|'''Range:''' 30 feet + 10 feet/memory invested
|- align="left"
|'''Area:''' Cone extending from you to extreme edge of range
|- align="left"
|'''Duration:''' Instantaneous
|- align="left"
|'''Blue Opposition:''' Yes
|''Through investigating the world memory, you learn of the presence of other Forces.''
|You detect the presence of the nine Forces.
|'''Memory:''' For every two points of memory you invest in this meme, you learn more and more specific information.
|With two memory, you determine the number of different Force auras, their alignments, and the strength of the most potent aura.
|With four memory, you can determine the strength and location of each aura.
|With six memory, you determine which creatures within range are Force-users, and if so, what Forces they can access, and the strength of the most powerful ability they can access within that Force.
|'''Belief-Space:''' While this meme is part of your belief-space, you are attuned to the presence of the Forces. If Force usage occurs anywhere within 10 feet/memory invested of you, you immediately know it, though you must still make the relevant skill check to identify the ability being used. However, your attunement to the Nine as a whole reduces your attunement to the Blue, giving you a -1/memory invested penalty to all ''delve into blue'' checks.
<div id="Immunity_Suppression">
{|class="collapsible" width="90%" style="border:1px solid silver; text-align:center; clear:both; font-size:75%; font-family:verdana;"
! style="background:#2C5197;" align="left"|<div style="margin-left:15px;"><font color="white" style="font-size:13.5px; font-family:tahoma;">IMMUNITY SUPPRESSION</font></div>
|-style="background:white;" align="left"
|'''Classes:''' [[Class:_Akashic|Aka]] [Mind-affecting]
|- align="left"
|'''Activation Time:''' Standard
|- align="left"
|'''Range:''' Medium (100 feet + 10 feet/memory invested)
|- align="left"
|'''Target:''' One creature
|- align="left"
|'''Duration:''' 1 round/memory invested
|- align="left"
|'''Saving Throw:''' Will negates
|- align="left"
|'''Blue Opposition:''' Yes
|''You craft an insidious meme, one that burrows into the mind and reduces its bearer's ability to resist new ideas.''
|If the target fails a Will save, it suffers a -2 penalty to all Will saves against memetic effects.
|'''Memory:''' For each point of memory you have invested in this meme, the target suffers an additional -1 to its Will saves.
|'''Belief-Space:''' While this meme is part of your belief-space, your mind is much more susceptible to memes, but can also manage more at a time. You gain an additional active meme slot, plus an additional active meme slot for every five memory invested. However, you suffer a -4 penalty to all Will saves, and an additional -2 penalty for each memory invested.
<div id="Inconsistent_Schema">
{|class="collapsible" width="90%" style="border:1px solid silver; text-align:center; clear:both; font-size:75%; font-family:verdana;"
! style="background:#2C5197;" align="left"|<div style="margin-left:15px;"><font color="white" style="font-size:13.5px; font-family:tahoma;">INCONSISTENT SCHEMA</font></div>
|-style="background:white;" align="left"
|'''Classes:''' [[Class:_Akashic|Aka]] [Mind-affecting]
|- align="left"
|'''Activation Time:''' Standard action
|- align="left"
|'''Range:''' Close (25 feet + 5 feet/2 memory invested)
|- align="left"
|'''Target:''' One creature
|- align="left"
|'''Duration:''' 1 round + 1 round/memory invested
|- align="left"
|'''Saving Throw:''' Will negates
|- align="left"
|'''Blue Opposition:''' Yes
|''You scramble a creature's internal ideosphere, making its beliefs seem contradictory and thereby confusing.''
|The target becomes ''confused.''
|'''Memory:''' For each point of memory you have invested in this meme, the duration is increased by 1 round.
|'''Belief-Space:''' While this meme is part of your belief-space, your understanding of the intricate interplay of belief systems is enhanced, and you grasp keenly how inconsistent schemes are transmitted. A creature affected by this meme is contagious, and if it is able to speak, on its turns, creatures within 30 feet of it must make a Will save against this meme or also be ''confused'' for the same duration as the original target was confused. A creature can be infected multiple times, each time resetting the duration. However, you must take pains to avoid contemplating the inconsistent schemas within your own mind, and thus you lose and cannot regain immunity to mind-affecting effects while this meme is bound to your belief-space.
<div id="Learn_Secret">
{|class="collapsible" width="90%" style="border:1px solid silver; text-align:center; clear:both; font-size:75%; font-family:verdana;"
! style="background:#2C5197;" align="left"|<div style="margin-left:15px;"><font color="white" style="font-size:13.5px; font-family:tahoma;">LEARN SECRET</font></div>
|-style="background:white;" align="left"
|'''Classes:''' [[Class:_Akashic|Aka]]
|- align="left"
|'''Activation Time:''' Standard
|- align="left"
|'''Range:''' Touch
|- align="left"
|'''Target:''' One creature, event, location, or object
|- align="left"
|'''Duration:''' Until expended
|- align="left"
|'''Saving Throw:''' Will negates
|- align="left"
|'''Blue Opposition:''' Yes
|''With a touch, you gain access to the most intimate of secrets of that which you touch.''
|If using this meme on an event, you must be touching an item that you know for certain was present for that event, or be touching an item storage device (such as a book or an akashic stone) that has information pertinent to that event.
|If using this meme on a creature or object that is attended, it gains a Will save against this effect.
|Regardless of the particular target of this meme, you gain a +5 insight bonus to the next check you make interacting with the creature, event, location, or object you used it on.
|''Creature:'' You learn something about the creature that is incredibly rare knowledge. In effect, you automatically make a DC 40 ''delve into blue'' check to learn something about the creature. You can choose to specify a question when you use this meme, to which the creature must answer truthfully (this is a reflection of your acquisition of their memory, not an actual conversation); alternatively, you can simply let the Blue bring something from their past to your mind. (''Belief-Space:'' Once you use this meme on a creature, you forever gain a +2 insight bonus to an interaction skill of your choice against that creature. Once chosen against a creature, your selection can never be changed, and the insight bonus only applies while ''learn secret'' is bound to your belief-space.)
|''Event:'' You learn something about the event that would be nigh-impossible to learn, such as a part of a conversation that was never recorded and then erased from all but one person's mind who is now long-dead. You can choose to specify a question when you use this meme, to which the event must answer truthfully; alternatively, you can simply let the Blue bring something from that event to your mind. (''Belief-Space:'' Once you use this meme on an event, you forever gain a rough memory of that event. You can use this to use ''event loresight'' on the event, but only while ''learn secret'' is bound to your belief-space.)
|''Location:'' You learn something about the location that would be incredibly difficult to learn, such as gaining a glimpse of the architectural blueprints or knowledge of how the materials were gathered. You can choose to specify a question when you use this meme, to which the location must answer truthfully; alternatively, you can simply let the Blue bring something from that event to your mind. (''Belief-Space:'' Once you use this meme on a location, you forever can roughly picture it in your mind, accurately enough to ''teleport'' there with minimal chance of failure, and can use ''location loresight'' on it even while not there. You gain access to this information only while ''learn secret'' is bound to your belief-space.)
|''Object:'' You gain intimate knowledge of the object, learning something about it that would be incredibly hard to come by. You can choose to specify a question when you use this meme, to which the object must answer truthfully; alternatively, you can simply let the Blue bring something from that event to your mind. (''Belief-Space:'' Once you use this meme on an object, you forever gain a +2 insight bonus on checks to interact with it or otherwise use it. You gain access to this information only while ''learn secret'' is bound to your belief-space.)
|'''Memory:''' For each point of memory you have invested in this meme, the insight bonus on your next check increases by +2.
|'''Belief-Space:''' While this meme is part of your belief-space, you are preoccupied with the information you have gained from using this meme in the past. You suffer a -1 insight penalty to all Perception-based checks for each creature, event, location, and object you have used it on in the past. This penalty does not apply towards creatures or objects you have used it on, nor in locations on which you have used it. The benefits you gain from having this meme bound to your belief-space are outlined above.
<div id="Location_Loresight">
{|class="collapsible" width="90%" style="border:1px solid silver; text-align:center; clear:both; font-size:75%; font-family:verdana;"
! style="background:#2C5197;" align="left"|<div style="margin-left:15px;"><font color="white" style="font-size:13.5px; font-family:tahoma;">LOCATION LORESIGHT</font></div>
|-style="background:white;" align="left"
|'''Classes:''' [[Class:_Akashic|Aka]]
|- align="left"
|'''Activation Time:''' Standard action
|- align="left"
|'''Range:''' 0 feet
|- align="left"
|'''Area:''' 30-foot radius spread
|- align="left"
|'''Duration:''' Instantaneous
|- align="left"
|'''Saving Throw:''' None
|- align="left"
|'''Blue Opposition:''' Yes (Object)
|''You allow the history of an area to flood your mind, gaining information relating to it.''
|You learn significant facts about the area in which you stand. Though the radius is listed as a 30-foot burst, this effects basically affects the room in which you stand.
{|class="collapsible" align="center" width="90%" style="border:1px solid silver; text-align:center; clear:both; font-size:95%; font-family:verdana;"
! colspan="2" style="background:#A4D3EE;" align="left"|<div style="margin-left:15px;"><font color="black" style="font-size:12px; font-family:tahoma;">Facts Learned</font></div>
|-style="background:white;" align="left"
|align="center"|'''1st''' || When the location was created. If natural, you learn roughly the time-period in which it came to its present appearance.
|align="center"|'''2nd''' || Name of last creature to pass through location, if any, other than you.
|align="center"|'''3rd''' || Race of last creature to pass through location, if any, other than you.
|align="center"|'''4th''' || Name of location's creator (if natural, the creator is "Nature").
|align="center"|'''5th''' || Race of location's creator, if any.
|align="center"|'''6th''' || Name of location's longest occupant, if any.
|align="center"|'''7th''' || Race of location's longest occupant, if any.
|align="center"|'''8th''' || Name and race of location's current owner or master of the location, if any.
|align="center"|'''9th''' || Brief description of most significant event that happened in location.
|align="center"|'''10th''' || Force ability or property of location, including Nature elements present (random if more than one).
|align="center"|'''11th''' || Most significant event that occurred in location of which you are unaware.
|Multiple uses of this meme allow you to gain more information. If you already know all of the above, you continue to learn more significant events, though their significance decreases over time.
|'''Memory:''' For each point of memory you have invested in this meme, you learn an additional fact per use.
|'''Belief-Space:''' While this meme is part of your belief-space, you have the ability to incorporate the history of the location into your memory, giving you increased ability to interact with it. This gives you a +1/two memory insight bonus to any Hide, Search, and Survival checks in any location in which you have used this meme. This bonus lasts for 1 round/memory invested.
|While this meme is bound to your belief-space, you have a preoccupation with the importance of locations and the role they play in the creation of history; in particular, this preoccupation overrides your interest in creatures, objects, or events. You cannot have this meme bound to your belief-space and any other ''loresight'' meme bound at the same time.
<div id="Memory_Bolt">
{|class="collapsible" width="90%" style="border:1px solid silver; text-align:center; clear:both; font-size:75%; font-family:verdana;"
! style="background:#2C5197;" align="left"|<div style="margin-left:15px;"><font color="white" style="font-size:13.5px; font-family:tahoma;">MEMORY BOLT</font></div>
|-style="background:white;" align="left"
|'''Classes:''' [[Class:_Akashic|Aka]] [Mind-affecting]
|- align="left"
|'''Activation Time:''' Standard action
|- align="left"
|'''Range:''' Close (25 feet + 5 feet/2 memory invested)
|- align="left"
|'''Target:''' One creature
|- align="left"
|'''Duration:''' Instantaneous
|- align="left"
|'''Saving Throw:''' Will negates
|- align="left"
|'''Blue Opposition:''' Yes
|''You overload a creature's memory processing with a barrage of information.''
|The target takes 1d6 psychic damage.
|'''Memory:''' For each point of memory you have invested in this meme, the damage increases by an additional die.
|'''Belief-Space:''' While this meme is part of your belief-space, your mind is randomly occupied with conflicting ideas and hordes of memes, prepared to be shared. However, most of this information is not terribly useful, and instead clutters your mind, making thinking harder. The base damage of this meme increases to 1d10, but the activation time for all other memes increases by one step.
<div id="Object_Loresight">
{|class="collapsible" width="90%" style="border:1px solid silver; text-align:center; clear:both; font-size:75%; font-family:verdana;"
! style="background:#2C5197;" align="left"|<div style="margin-left:15px;"><font color="white" style="font-size:13.5px; font-family:tahoma;">OBJECT LORESIGHT</font></div>
|-style="background:white;" align="left"
|'''Classes:''' [[Class:_Akashic|Aka]]
|- align="left"
|'''Activation Time:''' Standard action
|- align="left"
|'''Range:''' Touch
|- align="left"
|'''Target:''' One item
|- align="left"
|'''Duration:''' Instantaneous
|- align="left"
|'''Saving Throw:''' Will negates (Object)
|- align="left"
|'''Blue Opposition:''' Yes (Object)
|''You touch an object, giving you a clearer understanding of its history.''
|If the object fails a Will save (note that only attended or Force items can attempt such a save), you learn something about the item.
{|class="collapsible" align="center" width="90%" style="border:1px solid silver; text-align:center; clear:both; font-size:95%; font-family:verdana;"
! colspan="2" style="background:#A4D3EE;" align="left"|<div style="margin-left:15px;"><font color="black" style="font-size:12px; font-family:tahoma;">Facts Learned</font></div>
|-style="background:white;" align="left"
|align="center"|'''1st''' || Age of object.
|align="center"|'''2nd''' || Name of last creature to touch the object, if any (other than you).
|align="center"|'''3rd''' || Race of last creature to touch the object, if any (other than you).
|align="center"|'''4th''' || Name of the object’s creator (a natural object, like a rock, was created by Nature).
|align="center"|'''5th''' || Race of the object’s creator, if any.
|align="center"|'''6th''' || Object’s intended purpose.
|align="center"|'''7th''' || Material(s) that makes up the object.
|align="center"|'''8th''' || Location of the object’s creation.
|align="center"|'''9th''' || Name of the most recent owner of the object, if any.
|align="center"|'''10th''' || Force ability of the object, if any (random if more than one).
|align="center"|'''11th''' || Most significant event the item has been present for of which you are unaware.
|Multiple uses of this meme allow you to gain more information. If you already know all of the above, you continue to learn more significant events, though their significance decreases over time.
|'''Memory:''' For each point of memory you have invested in this meme, you learn an additional fact per use.
|'''Belief-Space:''' While this meme is part of your belief-space, you have the ability to incorporate an object's history into your understanding of the world, giving you insight into its function. This gives you a +1/two memory insight bonus to any checks made to manipulate an object on which you have used this meme. This bonus lasts for 1 round/memory invested.
|While this meme is bound to your belief-space, you have a preoccupation with the importance of inanimate objects and the role they play in the creation of history; in particular, this preoccupation overrides your interest in persons, places, or events. You cannot have this meme bound to your belief-space and any other ''loresight'' meme bound at the same time.
<div id="Query">
{|class="collapsible" width="90%" style="border:1px solid silver; text-align:center; clear:both; font-size:75%; font-family:verdana;"
! style="background:#2C5197;" align="left"|<div style="margin-left:15px;"><font color="white" style="font-size:13.5px; font-family:tahoma;">QUERY</font></div>
|-style="background:white;" align="left"
|'''Classes:''' [[Class:_Akashic|Aka]]
|- align="left"
|'''Activation Time:''' 1d8+1 rounds
|- align="left"
|'''Range:''' Personal
|- align="left"
|'''Effect:''' One response
|- align="left"
|'''Duration:''' Instantaneous
|- align="left"
|'''Saving Throw:''' None
|- align="left"
|'''Blue Opposition:''' No
|''You let your mind become one with the akashic record, seeking an answer to a question.''
|You align your mental processes with the Blue, allowing you to access it deeper than you can casually. This gives you unparalleled ability to answer questions and learn information about the world.
|You may ask the Blue a question, of any complexity. More complex questions have a greater chance to fail, as attempting to correlate information from throughout the whole of memory is a difficult and complex process.
|The base chance of success is 50%. More complex questions reduce this, while simpler questions improve it; in general, a complex question will have a success chance of 25%, while simple questions will have a success chance of 75%. If you succeed, you learn the answer to your question. If you fail, you do not, and the chance of success for asking the question again is reduced by 25%.
|If you are interrupted while activating this meme, you can begin where you left off if you activate it again with the same question within a number of rounds equal to your Intelligence modifier. Otherwise, you must start over (rolling a new activation time).
|'''Memory:''' For each point of memory you have invested in this meme, the chance of success increases by 5%.
|'''Belief-Space:''' While this meme is part of your belief-space, you become more inquisitive, and your mind automatically turns to the Blue when pondering a particular question or situation; however, this introspection often leads you on mental tangents, inhibiting your ability to notice the world around you. You gain a +1/two memory invested bonus to all Knowledge checks, and suffer a -1/memory invested penalty to all Perception-based checks.
<div id="Recall">
{|class="collapsible" width="90%" style="border:1px solid silver; text-align:center; clear:both; font-size:75%; font-family:verdana;"
! style="background:#2C5197;" align="left"|<div style="margin-left:15px;"><font color="white" style="font-size:13.5px; font-family:tahoma;">RECALL</font></div>
|-style="background:white;" align="left"
|'''Classes:''' [[Class:_Akashic|Aka]]
|- align="left"
|'''Activation Time:''' Immediate
|- align="left"
|'''Range:''' Personal
|- align="left"
|'''Target:''' You
|- align="left"
|'''Duration:''' Instantaneous
|- align="left"
|'''Blue Opposition:''' Yes
|''Your intimacy with information and the causal chain allows you to ignore attempts to subvert it.''
|When a creature attempts to modify you temporally, such as through ''time hop'', ''lag'', or ''slow'', you can use this meme to counter the effect (in general, if a temporal jikuu is of the (manipulation) or (modification) subgroups, you can counter it). You must succeed on a memeticist level check against DC 11 + Force-user level of the effect's origin.
|'''Memory:''' For each point of memory you have invested in this meme, you gain a +2 insight bonus on the memeticist level check to counter effects.
|'''Belief-Space:''' While this meme is part of your belief-space, you aware of the precise march of time. You always know what time it is, your current time-error (if you have any), and the initiative order when in combat.
<div id="Scan">
{|class="collapsible" width="90%" style="border:1px solid silver; text-align:center; clear:both; font-size:75%; font-family:verdana;"
! style="background:#2C5197;" align="left"|<div style="margin-left:15px;"><font color="white" style="font-size:13.5px; font-family:tahoma;">SCAN</font></div>
|-style="background:white;" align="left"
|'''Classes:''' [[Class:_Akashic|Aka]] [Mind-affecting]
|- align="left"
|'''Activation Time:''' 1d8+1 rounds
|- align="left"
|'''Range:''' Touch
|- align="left"
|'''Target:''' One creature, area, or object
|- align="left"
|'''Duration:''' Instantaneous
|- align="left"
|'''Saving Throw:''' Will negates
|- align="left"
|'''Blue Opposition:''' Yes
|''You focus solely on a single idea, the essence of what makes a thing itself, using sensory data to "zero in" on the information you seek. You then combine your thirst for knowledge with the world memory, and let your subconscious do its work.''
|While using this meme, you are unaware of your surroundings.
|When you activate this meme, you can ask one question regarding the target. At the end of the activation, you gain the answer to your question, unless something is actively blocking the knowledge, in which case you must succeed at a memeticist level check against a DC unknown to you.
|'''Memory:''' For every two points of memory you have invested in this meme, you can ask another question.
|'''Belief-Space:''' While this meme is part of your belief-space, you gain incredible insight, but seem unable to soften the harsh truths you perceive. You gain a +2/memory invested bonus to Sense Motive checks, but suffer a -1/memory invested penalty to Diplomacy checks.
<div id="Status">
{|class="collapsible" width="90%" style="border:1px solid silver; text-align:center; clear:both; font-size:75%; font-family:verdana;"
! style="background:#2C5197;" align="left"|<div style="margin-left:15px;"><font color="white" style="font-size:13.5px; font-family:tahoma;">STATUS</font></div>
|-style="background:white;" align="left"
|'''Classes:''' [[Class:_Akashic|Aka]]
|- align="left"
|'''Activation Time:''' Standard action
|- align="left"
|'''Range:''' Close (25 feet + 5 feet/2 memory invested)
|- align="left"
|'''Target:''' All allies within range
|- align="left"
|'''Duration:''' 1 round + 1 round/memory invested
|- align="left"
|'''Saving Throw:''' Will negates (Harmless)
|- align="left"
|'''Blue Opposition:''' Yes
|''You tap into the immediate past of your allies, allowing you to track their status.''
|You are aware of direction and distance to the creatures and any conditions affecting them: unharmed, wounded, disabled, staggered, unconscious, dying, nauseated, panicked, stunned, poisoned, diseased, confused, or the like. Once the meme has been activated and the subjects affected, the distance between them and the activator does not affect the meme as long as they are on the same plane of existence. If a subject leaves the plane, or if it dies, the meme ceases to function for it.
|'''Memory:''' For each point of memory you have invested in this meme, increase the duration by 1 round.
|'''Belief-Space:''' While this meme is part of your belief-space, a part of your mind is continually tracking your surroundings, keeping you subconsciously aware of everything happening around you. You gain a +1/memory invested insight bonus to initiative and gain uncanny dodge. However, this focus on the general comes at the cost of the specific, and you suffer a -1/memory invested penalty to all Spot and Listen checks.

Latest revision as of 03:36, 3 July 2013

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