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This is the base page for equipment as it functions in Trinity.
This is the base page for equipment as it functions in Trinity.

Revision as of 13:11, 20 December 2015

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This is the base page for equipment as it functions in Trinity.


Everybody likes stuff.

Part of what makes an adventurer just that - an adventurer - is skill; part of it training; part of it raw determination. One thing that sets adventurers apart from others is the pursuit of "asymmetrical power:" that is, having more power available to them than they have earned to that point in time. The main source of this sort of asymmetrical power is gear, ranging from mundane items that give minor utility boosts, to mythical belts that make them nigh-impossible to kill.

Equipment in Trinity is mostly based off of d20 and Pathfinder, with some significant influence from the Tomes. The goals here are several: to revamp the magic item system; to make item customization significantly easier; and to make basic items count for more. Along the way we have some other smaller goals, like simplifying encumbrance, but those will be addressed along the way.

Bonus Types

Equipment can give a character a wide variety of bonuses, so it's important to note how they all work.

The types of bonuses are as follows:

This type of bonus is only gained from armor, and is applied to your AC.
This type of bonus is only gained from a shield, and is applied to your AC and your Reflex.
This type of bonus is the "default" bonus type Force equipment can grant you.
This type of bonus is granted by feats or class talents.
This type of bonus is granted by maneuvers or Force effects, but can also be granted by some items.
This type of bonus is granted by items.
Circumstance (Stackable) 
This type of bonus is never granted by equipment, only by scenarios in the setting itself. The DM will tell you (or you can ask) if you have a circumstance bonus (or penalty) in a given instance.
Untyped (Stackable) 
In certain instances, an item, ability, or effect will simply give a bonus without specifying a type. These "untyped" bonuses stack with each other, and with all other bonuses.


This section gives an overview of each of the subsections for Equipment.

Wealth and Economies 
This is an overview of how wealth and economics work in Trinity. Much of this information is setting-oriented, but you can also find here the exchange rates for currencies, as well as descriptions of specific currency types within each economy (whereas in all other pages, only the base currency of each economy is used).
This section gives an overview of the mechanics of weapons, including how weapon sizes work. If you are looking for a weapon, this page is for you, with the exception of firearms (which are a unique case, and are listed under Technology in the section on the Forces). Also included here is the list of specific Force weapons that exist.
This section discusses implements, a new type of equipment we've imported from D&D 4e. Implements are to sparks what weapons are to warriors: wielding an implement gives you bonuses to using your Force abilities, and can sometimes have other nifty effects. Every Force has an associated implement.
This section gives an overview of armor in Trinity, as well as shields; how these two elements function is a significant departure from d20. Specific Force armors are also listed here, as well as shield enhancements.
This section discusses accessories, which are items you can wear that give you a benefit; not all of them increase your statistics, with a significant number providing alternative benefits. While accessories have accessory slots (head, feet, ring, etc), these are not intended to restrict your ability to wear them (so you could, for instance, be wearing three different "feet" items simultaneously); instead, this is used to determine materia attunement costs (see below).
Utility Items 
What once were called "wondrous items" now have a significantly less wondrous name, but is more indicative of their purpose. Utility items are general items that anyone can use that do not have to be worn for you to benefit from them. Utility items have a number of sub-categories, similar to accessories.
Consumables are things like scrolls and potions, typically one-use items that perform some effect and then go away. Much like accessories and utility items, consumables also have a variety of sub-categories. In general, use of a consumable requires the expenditure of at least one healing surges, though there are exceptions.
Last but not least, we have materia, which are items that can be inserted into materia sockets that are built into other items. Typically reserved for equipment, materia allows you to transfer the benefits of one item to another, allowing the user to gain (almost) the full benefits of both items. However, socketed materia requires power from somewhere, and it draws that power from the wielder, reducing the personal strength you can invest into the item and thus reducing its benefit to you.

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