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Emotions - joy (g), trust (g), fear (b), surprise (b), sadness (b), disgust (b), anger (g), anticipation (g)
Emotions - joy (g), trust (g), fear (b), surprise (b), sadness (b), disgust (b), anger (g), anticipation (g)
[[category:Base Classes]]
[[category:Base Classes]]

Latest revision as of 14:16, 27 October 2017

The Ardent
Level Special Qi Max Grade Disciplines Powers Known
1 Collective 2 Devotion 1 3
2 Mantle 3 Devotion 1 4
3   4 Devotion 2 5
4 Mantle 5 Devotion 2 6
5   6 Devotion 2 7
6 Mantle 7 Devotion 2 8
7   8 Devotion 3 9
8 Mantle 9 Science 3 11
9   10 Science 3 12
10 Ardent Talent 10 Science 3 13
11   11 Science 4 14
12 Ardent Talent 12 Science 4 15
13   13 Science 4 16
14 Ardent Talent 14 Science 4 17
15   15 Science 5 19
16 Ardent Talent 16 Art 5 20
17   17 Art 5 21
18 Ardent Talent 18 Art 5 22
19   19 Art 6 23
20 Ardent Talent 20 Art 6 24



"I feel... everything."
Jamie, iconic ardent

Hold on to your butts, this is gonna be a bit weird.

So this is modeled loosely after the 4e version of this class, which was a massive departure from the original ardent released during the 3.5 part of d20's run. What that means is that this class has a super weird pedigree.

The ardent is the psionics alt caster. That means that they are a primary caster, slowed down a little compared to the primary, but get an interesting set of abilities to play with that make up for it. We see this in the successful alt casters: bards have music, greasemonkeys have vehicles, callers have summons, incarnates have their transformation deal.

The ardent's flavor is emotion - so where a psionicist is all about being think-y, the ardent is about being feel-y. They use powers, but the route is different, and they can mess explicitly with emotions in a way that the psionic disciplines can't. Because emotions are a lot more fundamental to sentients, ardents can "connect" with people on a significantly deeper level than other manifesters: they can form a subconscious bond with them, forming a collective, which then lets them do stuff.

However, this bond can also be used offensively, so... yeah, I think I see where I'm going with this now.

...and suddenly I don't like the term "PP." Bear with me.

Game Rule Information

Ardents have the following game statistics.

Force Alignment: Psionics.

Force Resistances: SR 5 + level, TR 5 + level.

Abilities: Depending on her selection of disciplines, the ardent can rely on a variety of abilities; most of her class features, however, key off of Wisdom, Charisma, and Bravery.

Hit Points at 1st Level: 5 + Con score.

Hit Points at Each Additional Level: 5 + Con modifier.

Healing Surges: 6 + Con modifier.

Defenses: Fort +2; Ref +0; Will +2; Det +4.

Starting Age: Simple.

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the akashic.


Weapons: Any three.

Armor: Light, mystic.

Implements: Dorjes, orbs.


Ardents are manifesters, and as such make use of powers, applications of mental power to create effects in the physical world.

To use powers, an ardent must first make a manifestation check. In addition, ardents have a reservoir of qi they can tap into to amplify their abilities.


Psionic Disciplines
Discipline Ability Description Base Power
Clairsentience Per Information gathering, foresight, ability to glean knowledge in unusual ways. precognition
Imagiportation Dex Travel and propel objects through space and time. teleport
Metacreativity Cha Crafts metaphysical ideas into physical objects. telefab
Psychokinesis Int Manipulates real objects at a distance, energy manipulation. telekinesis
Ratiovitality Con Mental control over the body, shaping it as you choose. biofeedback
Telepathy Wis Communicate with others nonverbally, probe the minds of others. telepathy


You can use, or manifest, any power you know, at will. To do so, you must make a manifestation check. This is a d20, and you gain a bonus for each power of that discipline you know, equal to the highest grade of that power you know (so +1 for each Devotion, +2 for each Science, +3 for each Art, and so on). If this check fails, you fail to use the power, but suffer no other penalties.

When you use a power, if you have qi, you can choose to spend some on the power. The most qi you can spend on a power is equal to one-half your class level, rounded down, to a minimum of 1. Most powers have augmentations you can spend qi on to improve them in some fashion. In addition, if you spend at least 1 qi on a power, you automatically succeed at the manifestation check to manifest the power.

Your qi replenishes slowly. You regain all of your spent qi after a long rest.

Power Stats by Grade
Grade Minimum Primary Ability Manifestation Check DC
Devotion 11 10
Science 14 13
Art 17 16
Opus 19 20

To use a given power, the ardent must meet the minimum Wisdom score for that grade, as per the table on the right.

The ardent begins with three "powers known" slots. A power known has two possible uses: she can gain knowledge of a new power of any discipline she can access, as a devotion; or, she can improve her understanding of a power she already knows, and improve its grade by one (from devotion, to science, to art); however, she cannot improve her knowledge of a power beyond the max grade, per the class table. She gains knowledge of additional powers each level, as per the class table, above. At fourth level and every four levels after, she can trade out up to two devotion powers she knows (or reduce the grade of a power she knows) for either new powers, or to improve the grade of powers she already knows.

If you would gain access to a discipline, you can choose to instead gain a bonus feat, which must be a feat for which you qualify. If you would gain access to a discipline and already have access to six disciplines, you gain a bonus feat instead.

The ardent's key ability for her psionic attacks is the key ability modifier for the power's discipline.


You can tap into the subconscious of other creatures, binding your minds together at a deep level.

As a standard action, an ardent can join a number willing targets into her collective equal to her Charisma modifier, her Bravery modifier, or half her manifester level, whichever is higher. The ardent must have line of sight to each target, each target must have a Wisdom score of at least 1, and all targets must be within Medium range (100 feet). The ardent is always considered a member of her own collective, and does not count against this limit.

As a standard action, you can also join an unwilling target into your collective. This is a psionic attack against Will, using the best of your Wisdom, Charisma, and Bravery modifiers as the key ability. If you hit, the target is now part of the collective. All of the requirements for a willing target also apply to an unwilling one.

The ardent can choose to remove a member as a free action on her turn, and any willing member can voluntarily leave the collective as a free action on their turn. Any member whose Wisdom drops to zero or who moves out of range of the collective is automatically removed. If a member enters a null psionics field, the connection to the collective is suppressed until that member leaves the field. A member who leaves the collective for any reason immediately loses any and all benefits they may have gained from being a member. An ardent is aware of the status of her collective and can, roughly, sense the presence of each member, although beyond telling if such a creature is still a member, this has no mechanical benefit.

An ardent can manifest her psionic powers through the collective. If a psionic power specifics one or more targets and has a range greater than personal, the ardent can manifest it on a member of the collective regardless of the range of the actual power. All other non-range restrictions still apply.

If a member of the collective dies, the member is removed from the collective.

Creatures that are immune to mind-affecting effects cannot be affected by this ability.


As an ardent, you focus specifically on emotions. This study, combined with your psionic talents, has blossomed into the ability to emanate an emotion so strongly that it crowds out all other emotions.

You can spend a move action on your turn to activate a mantle. Only one mantle can be active at a time, but they are active indefinitely until you deactivate them as a swift action. All members of your collective are affected by your mantle, though some mantles may affect you differently from other members of the collective.

At each of the levels indicated on the class table, you can choose one ability from the following list. Unless otherwise specified, each ability can only be taken once.

▶ Clarity

You exude calmness.

Members of your collective gain a feat bonus to Defenses against opportunity attacks equal to your Wisdom modifier.

▶ Elation

You exude excitement.

Members of your collective gain a +1 feat bonus to damage potency of opportunity attacks.

▶ Terror

You exude fear.

You gain a feat bonus to Defenses against effects that cause fear.

Other members of your collective suffer a feat penalty to opportunity attacks equal to your Wisdom modifier.

Design Notes

Fresh class, t20 v4.

Emotions - joy (g), trust (g), fear (b), surprise (b), sadness (b), disgust (b), anger (g), anticipation (g)

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