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Line 1,938: Line 1,938:
|When you make a ''basic attack'' with this weapon, if you hit, you can spend a ''healing surge''. If you do, you gain ''haste'' for 5 rounds, instead of healing.
|When you make a ''basic attack'' with this weapon, if you hit, you can spend a ''healing surge''. If you do, you gain ''haste'' for 5 rounds, instead of healing.
|style="background:#B7BDC5; padding-left: 2em;"|'''PROPERTY (t20v4)'''
|style="background:#B7BDC5; padding-left: 2em;"|'''PROPERTY (5e)'''
|When you take the Attack action, you can choose to make only a single attack. If you do, and if you hit, you can spend a Hit Die. If you do, you gain ''regen'' for 1 minute. ''(A creature with regen regains hit points as though  
|When you take the Attack action, you can choose to make only a single attack. If you do, and if you hit, you can spend a Hit Die. If you do, you gain ''regen'' for 1 minute. ''(A creature with regen regains hit points as though  

Revision as of 16:43, 25 March 2022

In addition to modifying how defenses work, T20 also seeks to modify how weapons function and put them onto a potency track. It is also the author's opinion that d20 has too many damn weapons, and as such I have sought to generalize weapons, much as we have done with armor. This means that players have significantly more leeway in determining their weapons' specific appearances. I hope to alleviate the concern of "sameness" in weapons by also introducing weapon qualities that can be attached to weapons to modify their function, leading to more customization than just relying on Force qualities.


This section explains how the mechanics for weapons work.

All weapons have a key stat: this is the ability score used to determine your attack roll with that weapon type, as well as your damage.

Weapons of a particular weapon group target a defense, and almost every attack made with a weapon will target that defense. Some abilities, such as maneuvers, may call for targeting a specific defense; in all cases, if another source tells you to target a defense other than the one indicated by your weapon, you use that source's targeted defense before you use the weapon's.

All weapons deal damage rated in potency. The damage output of a weapon is dependent upon its size.

Weapons come in three general sizes: light, one-handed, and two-handed. Light weapons are significantly easier to conceal, and - if a melee weapon - can be thrown with a range increment of 10 feet. One-handed weapons are weapons you can use in one hand, while two-handed weapons require two hands and preclude the use of a shield. If you are two-weapon fighting, the penalties you suffer are based on the size of the weapons in question. The size category of creature that a weapon is made for has no impact on its damage; however, the relative difference between your size and the size of the weapon you are wielding does impact the damage (so if you are Medium, and wield a Large weapon, that weapon will deal more damage), but will also result in an attack penalty.

Weapons have three damage types: bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing. Some creatures are resistant to some types of weapon damage. If a weapon has multiple types listed, you must choose which type when you purchase the weapon, or will be told the type when the weapon is found.

All weapons have a speed. When you make an attack action with a weapon, you apply the listed speed modifier to your Initiative. If you are attacking with multiple weapons, you apply the lowest speed modifier among weapons you used in that action.

Ranged weapons have a listed range, which is the range increment of the weapon. Attacks made within the first range increment suffer no penalty; every range increment after the first incurs a -5 penalty.

Some weapons have qualia; see below.

All weapons have a cost, which - on this table - is measured in kp.

Critical Hits

All weapons threaten a critical hit on a natural 20. You can spend an action point to confirm a critical hit.

If you confirm a critical hit with a weapon, you double the damage you deal.

Note that some weapons have an increased threat range, which means you threaten a critical hit on more than just a 20.

Likewise, some weapons have a higher critical multiplier, which means that they deal more than double damage with a critical hit.


Every weapon falls into one of twenty-five categories.

Basic Weapons

The following is the list of weapons in Trinity. These are basic weapons; that is, they are not Force aligned, with the exception of rifles, which are always Force-aligned.

  Damage (Potency)   Cost
Name Key Stat Defense Light One-Handed Two-Handed Damage Type Speed Range Qualia Light One-Handed Two-Handed
Axe Strength Fortitude 1d3 1d3+1 1d4+2 Slashing -2 --- --- 8 kp 10 kp 12 kp
Claw Strength Reflex --- 2 --- Slashing +0 --- --- --- 6 kp ---
Club Strength Reflex 1 2 3 Bludgeoning -2 --- --- 1 kp 1 kp 1 kp
Flail Strength Fortitude --- 1 2 Bludgeoning or Piercing +0 --- Reach --- 2 kp 4 kp
Foil Dexterity Reflex 1 2 --- Piercing +2 --- Defensive 3 kp 6 kp ---
Glove Constitution Fortitude --- 1 --- Bludgeoning +2 --- --- --- 1 kp ---
Greatsword Bravery Reflex --- --- 4 Slashing +0 --- Knockback --- --- 20 kp
Hammer Constitution Fortitude 2 4 6 Bludgeoning -4 --- --- 6 kp 9 kp 12 kp
Katana Wisdom Reflex --- 3 4 Slashing +2 --- --- --- 15 kp 20 kp
Knife Dexterity Reflex 1 --- --- Piercing +4 --- --- 2 kp --- ---
Knuckle Dexterity Fortitude --- 1 --- Piercing +2 --- Knockback --- 3 kp ---
Mace Wisdom Fortitude 2 3 5 Bludgeoning -2 --- --- 8 kp 12 kp 16 kp
Pick Strength Reflex 1 2 3 Piercing -2 --- High Crit 6 kp 9 kp 12 kp
Pole Dexterity Will 1 1 1 Bludgeoning +0 --- Defensive 1 kp 1 kp 1 kp
Scythe Dexterity Reflex 2 3 5 Slashing -2 --- High Crit 2 kp 4 kp 6 kp
Spear Constitution Reflex 1 2 4 Piercing or Slashing +0 --- Reach 6 kp 10 kp 12 kp
Sword Strength Reflex 1 2 4 Slashing +0 --- --- 4 kp 6 kp 8 kp
Unarmed Strength Reflex 1 --- --- Bludgeoning +2 --- --- --- --- ---
Blowgun Constitution Fortitude --- 1 2 --- -2 30 ft. Ammo --- 1 kp 2 kp
Boomerang Strength Reflex 1 2 --- Bludgeoning +0 20 ft. Returning, Thrown 2 kp 4 kp ---
Bow Dexterity Reflex --- --- 4 --- +0 80 ft. Ammo --- --- 16 kp
Crossbow Dexterity Fortitude 1 2 3 --- +0 50 ft. Ammo 8 kp 10 kp 12 kp
Handbomb Perception Reflex 1 2 --- --- -2 20 ft. Ammo, Area 8 kp 12 kp ---
Racket Wisdom Will 1 2 4 Bludgeoning +0 20 ft. Force 6 kp 10 kp 14 kp
Rifle Perception Fortitude 2 3 5 --- +0 50 ft. Ammo, Force 20 kp 40 kp 60 kp
Thrown Dexterity Reflex 1 --- --- --- +2 20 ft. Ammo, Thrown 2 kp --- ---


The name of the weapon group.
Key Stat 
You gain the listed ability's ability modifier as a bonus to attack rolls made with the weapon. Some abilities may allow you to substitute a different ability score.
This is the Defense targeted by your attack rolls made with the weapon. If you are using an ability that allows you to make a physical attack against a different Defense, you target the Defense specified by the ability instead.
This is the amount of damage a successful attack deals, rated in potency.
Damage Type 
This is the damage type of the weapon.
Whenever you make an attack roll with the weapon with an action on your turn, regardless of the action spent, you apply the weapon's Speed to your Initiative.
This is the effective range of the weapon. You can make attacks with the weapon beyond its range; if you do, you suffer a -2 penalty to the attack roll for each range increment beyond the first.

Weapon Qualia

Weapons have qualia, which are modifiers to a weapon's mechanics.

This weapon requires ammo to be fired. See the section on ammunition, below.
This weapon affects a 10-foot radius. Rather than attacking a creature, you must attack a grid intersection, which has an effective Defense of 5 + 2 per 5 feet you are from it. If you miss, the weapon scatters (the GM will roll for your targeted intersection randomly). Your attack roll made to hit the intersection is used against the Defense of creatures within the affected area.
You can use this weapon as though it were a shield.
This weapon is double-ended, and is effectively two different weapons. Enhancements to one "head" of the weapon do not affect the other "head." You can attack with this weapon as though you were wielding two weapons, treating the heads as separate weapons; if you do, you are treated as wielding a one-handed weapon and a light weapon for purposes of two-weapon fighting penalties.
This weapon is Force-aligned.
High Crit 
This weapon threatens a critical hit on a natural result of 19 or higher on your attack roll.
When you successfully hit a creature and deal at least 1 point of damage, you can push the target of your attack 1 square.
Your threatened reach is doubled while wielding this weapon.
When you throw this weapon, it returns to you after your attack.
When you use this weapon, it is thrown at your target.


Weapon Ammunition Ammo Die Basic Ammo Damage Type
Blowgun Dart d8 Onion Dart Piercing
Bow Arrow d10 Onion Arrow Piercing
Crossbow Bolt d8 Onion Bolt Piercing
Handbomb Bomb d4 Onion Bomb Slashing
Rifle Shot d6 Onion Shot Piercing
Thrown (Bludgeoning) Stone d8 Onion Stone Bludgeoning
Thrown (Piercing) Dart d8 Onion Dart Piercing
Thrown (Slashing) Shuriken d8 Onion Shuriken Slashing

Ammunition comes in several varieties.

When you purchase a weapon with the ammo qualia, you are assumed to always be carrying "enough" of the basic ammunition for that weapon: that is, you effectively never run out of the basic ammunition, except in circumstances in which you lose access to your gear; if you find loot that includes a ranged weapon that requires ammunition, you also find "enough" ammo to go with it. This basic ammunition has no effect on any of the weapon's mechanical statistics.

More advanced ammunition follows different rules. When you make an attack with a ranged weapon that requires ammunition, and you are using ammunition other than the basic ammunition, you must also roll an ammo die, dependent upon the weapon you are using. If you roll a 1 on the ammo die, your ammunition of that type is depleted and you no longer have access to it. You can have multiple copies of a given type of ammunition, which represents multiple quivers or bags of that ammunition: if you do, when you roll a 1 on the ammo die, only one of your copies of that ammunition is depleted.

Ammunition, like weapons, can be enhanced as a Force item. If both your weapon and your ammunition are so enhanced, your attacks benefit from the qualities of both; note that the same effect does not stack with itself, and the attunement bonus to attack and damage rolls granted by Force items does not stack. Ammunition cannot be improved with materia, but ammunition can be turned into materia.

Note that some ranged weapons share ammo types; in those cases, the ammunition is interchangeable between the weapons.

Weapon Customization

You can customize weapons by adding properties to them. If you would add a property to a weapon that already has a property, first multiply its cost by the number of properties it would have once the new property is added.

Example: Serge wants to make his swallow - a defensive double one-handed sword - masterwork, so he can add magical properties to it. Swords have a base cost of 6 kp, so defensive made that 7 kp 1 yp (6 x 1.2 x 1), and double made it 36 kp (7.2 x 2.5 x 2). The cost of his weapon after adding masterwork will be 108 gp (36 x 3, converted to the gold economy). If he wants to also make it a reach weapon at the same time, the cost of the weapon would be 648 gp (108 x 1.5 x 4).


Cost: ×1.8
Requirements: None
This weapon's key stat is Dexterity.


Cost: ×1.1
Requirements: Melee one-handed only
This weapon can be used as both a one-handed and a two-handed weapon. You can change its handedness as a swift action.


Cost: (Cost of both weapons) ×2
Requirements: Weapons must have the same handedness
This weapon is a combination weapon; similar to a double weapon (see below), but instead of both heads being identical, they are different weapons. Enhancements to one head of the weapon do not affect the other head. You can attack with this weapon as though you were wielding two weapons, treating the heads as separate weapons; if you do, you are treated as wielding a one-handed weapon and a light weapon for purposes of two-weapon fighting penalties.
When you make multiple attacks as a single action while wielding this weapon, you can use the heads in any combination you choose.
Each head of a combination weapon keeps its own qualia and properties (for example, it is possible to have a combination weapon with one head with reach, and the other with ammo).
A combination weapon's handedness is the handedness of its constituent weapons.


Cost: ×1.2
Requirements: None
You can use this weapon as though it were a shield.


Cost: ×2.5
Requirements: Melee only, Light or One-handed only
This weapon is a double weapon, which means that it has a head on each end of the weapon. Enhancements to one head of the weapon do not affect the other head. You can attack with this weapon as though you were wielding two weapons, treating the heads as separate weapons; if you do, you are treated as wielding a one-handed weapon and a light weapon for purposes of two-weapon fighting penalties.
When you make multiple attacks as a single action while wielding this weapon, you can use the heads in any combination you choose.
A double weapon is always a two-handed weapon.


Cost: Convert this weapon's cost from kp to gp
Requirements: None
This weapon can be further enhanced with Force properties.


Cost: ×1.5
Requirements: Melee only
This weapon is a reach weapon, which means that you double your threatening reach while wielding it.
A reach weapon increases the base weapon's handedness by one category, to a maximum of two-handed.


Cost: ×1.8
Requirements: None
This weapon's key stat is Wisdom.


Weapon Enhancements

Descriptions of weapon enhancements. This section is divided into a separate section for each weapon type, as well as a generic category that can be applied to any weapon.

You can temporarily disable a weapon's property as a free action; reactivating a property is a standard action.

Weapons and Energy Damage

Some weapons have properties that cause them to deal half their damage as energy damage, such as fire.

If a weapon has multiple properties of this type, half of the weapon's damage is physical damage, while the remaining half is divided evenly among the energy types it would deal.

Example: Tony the einhander is using a sumihomura katana, with a zanmato materia. The sumihomura deals half its damage as entropic damage, while the zanmato deals half its damage as holy damage. When Tony makes an attack with this weapon, it will deal half its damage as physical, quarter as entropic, and quarter as holy.

This also applies to Force abilities that temporarily cause weapons to deal half damage of a particular type.

General Properties

This section details properties that any weapon, regardless of type, can have.


Weapons - General Properties
Name Description Rarity Cost
Accurate This weapon is so well-balanced, it makes finding your opponents' weak points a breeze. Uncommon 16
Ancient This weapon seems as old as time itself. Common 4000
Blazing When you draw this weapon, it bursts into flame. Common 4000
Blessed This weapon is inscribed with prayers. Common 4000
Caustic As you draw this weapon, acid sizzles on its business end. Common 4000
Cerebral Part of this weapon is forged from calcified brains. Common 4000
Chancemade This weapon seems as though it had fallen together, rather than being intentionally given this form. Uncommon 16
Clamoring When you draw this weapon, it sounds as though you were an army, rather than just one. Common 4000
Conductive When you draw this weapon, it becomes covered in crackling electricity. Common 4000
Crystal Parts of this weapon have been cut from crystal. Common 4000
Dazzling When you draw this weapon, the entirety of it lights up as though it were the sun. Common 4000
Decayed This weapon has been crafted from the leftover bits of defeated creatures. Common 4000
Degenerative When you draw this weapon, it seems pristine, but seems to rust and crumble before your very eyes. Common 4000
Eclipsed When you draw this weapon, it seems as though it were enshrouded in darkness. Common 4000
Enchanted When you draw this weapon, it glows faintly, and images of arcane runes trace its path as you swing it. Common 4000
Epiparsed This weapon is composed of entirely of data given physical form. Uncommon 16
Erudite This weapon has a scholarly appearance, and pieces seem to flicker into bits of data. Common 4000
Ferrous This weapon has large components of meteoric iron, which makes it rather magnetic. Common 4000
Frozen When you draw this weapon, a sheening layer of frost immediately appears on it. Common 4000
Gearwrought Every component of this weapon has been manufacted by machinery and automated processes. Uncommon 16
Glowing This weapon glows slightly with a pulsing, sickly green color. Common 4000
Haphazard This weapon seems to have not been so much made as happened to have formed in the shape of a weapon. Common 4000
Hollow This weapon seems hollow, as though part of its existence had been erased. Common 4000
Howling When you draw this weapon, it seems to move about of its own accord, as though with a strong breeze. Common 4000
Industrial This weapon reeks of oil and has many sharp edges, as though it were mass-manufacted. Common 4000
Infected This weapon somehow looks as though it were infected with some sort of disease. Common 4000
Infinite When you draw this weapon, those who see it seem to always be looking at it from the wrong perspective, making it look much larger. Common 4000
Mindwracked This weapon was brought into existence fully formed from the mind of one who only envisioned its used. Uncommon 16
Reincycled This weapon seems to be composed of pieces of other weapons and tools, given new life as a new object. Uncommon 16
Righteous This weapon has been touched by a Divine presence. Common 4000
Runed Magical runes have been inlaid into this weapon. Common 4000
Soulburned This weapon seems less like a physical object and more like a hole in existence in the shape of a weapon. Uncommon 16
Spellbound This weapon is more composed of arcane energy than anything else. Uncommon 16
Terrene This weapon seems to have been made by entirely natural processes, however unlikely that may be. Common 4000
Timewarped The age of this weapon is impossible to determine - some parts look not even hours old, while others seem to have seen centuries. Uncommon 16
Torrential When you draw this weapon, it is accompanied by a small blast of water, drenching it. Common 4000
Tremor When you draw this weapon, the earth rumbles beneath your feet, and the weapon itself seems to rock as though it were a mobile earthquake. Common 4000
Truefelt When you lift this weapon, you feel as though you can hear the song of creation in your head. Uncommon 16


This weapon is so well-balanced, it makes finding your opponents' weak points a breeze.
Weapon - Any
Rarity: Uncommon
You gain an item bonus to physical attacks with this weapon equal to your attunement bonus.


This weapon seems as old as time itself.
Weapon - Any
Rarity: Common
This weapon counts as a temporal implement.
You can socket materia into this weapon as though it were an implement.


When you draw this weapon, it bursts into flame.
Weapon - Any
Rarity: Common
Physical attacks made with this weapon deal half their damage as fire damage.


This weapon is inscribed with prayers.
Weapon - Any
Rarity: Common
This weapon counts as a divine implement.
You can socket materia into this weapon as though it were an implement.


As you draw this weapon, acid sizzles on its business end.
Weapon - Any
Rarity: Common
Physical attacks made with this weapon deal half their damage as acid damage.


Part of this weapon is forged from calcified brains.
Weapon - Any
Rarity: Common
Physical attacks made with this weapon deal half their damage as psychic damage.


This weapon seems as though it had fallen together, rather than being intentionally given this form.
Weapon - Any
Rarity: Uncommon
Physical attacks made with this weapon are also treated as chaotic attacks.


When you draw this weapon, it sounds as though you were an army, rather than just one.
Weapon - Any
Rarity: Common
Physical attacks made with this weapon deal half their damage as sonic damage.


When you draw this weapon, it becomes covered in crackling electricity.
Weapon - Any
Rarity: Common
Physical attacks made with this weapon deal half their damage as lightning damage.


Parts of this weapon have been cut from crystal.
Weapon - Any
Rarity: Common
This weapon counts as a psionic implement.
You can socket materia into this weapon as though it were an implement.


When you draw this weapon, the entirety of it lights up as though it were the sun.
Weapon - Any
Rarity: Common
Physical attacks made with this weapon deal half their damage as radiant damage.


This weapon has been crafted from the leftover bits of defeated creatures.
Weapon - Any
Rarity: Common
Physical attacks made with this weapon deal half their damage as necrotic damage.


When you draw this weapon, it seems pristine, but seems to rust and crumble before your very eyes.
Weapon - Any
Rarity: Common
Physical attacks made with this weapon deal half their damage as entropic damage.


When you draw this weapon, it seems as though it were enshrouded in darkness.
Weapon - Any
Rarity: Common
Physical attacks made with this weapon deal half their damage as shadow damage.


When you draw this weapon, it glows faintly, and images of arcane runes trace its path as you swing it.
Weapon - Any
Rarity: Common
Physical attacks made with this weapon deal half their damage as arcane damage.


This weapon is composed of entirely of data given physical form.
Weapon - Any
Rarity: Uncommon
Physical attacks made with this weapon are also treated as memetic attacks.


This weapon has a scholarly appearance, and pieces seem to flicker into bits of data.
Weapon - Any
Rarity: Common
This weapon counts as a memetic implement.
You can socket materia into this weapon as though it were an implement.


This weapon has large components of meteoric iron, which makes it rather magnetic.
Weapon - Any
Rarity: Common
Physical attacks made with this weapon deal half their damage as magnetic damage.


When you draw this weapon, a sheening layer of frost immediately appears on it.
Weapon - Any
Rarity: Common
Physical attacks made with this weapon deal half their damage as ice damage.


Every component of this weapon has been manufacted by machinery and automated processes.
Weapon - Any
Rarity: Uncommon
Physical attacks made with this weapon are also treated as technological attacks.


This weapon glows slightly with a pulsing, sickly green color.
Weapon - Any
Rarity: Common
Physical attacks made with this weapon deal half their damage as radiation damage.


This weapon seems to have not been so much made as happened to have formed in the shape of a weapon.
Weapon - Any
Rarity: Common
This weapon counts as a chaotic implement.
You can socket materia into this weapon as though it were an implement.


This weapon seems hollow, as though part of its existence had been erased.
Weapon - Any
Rarity: Common
This weapon counts as a void implement.
You can socket materia into this weapon as though it were an implement.


When you draw this weapon, it seems to move about of its own accord, as though with a strong breeze.
Weapon - Any
Rarity: Common
Physical attacks made with this weapon deal half their damage as wind damage.


This weapon reeks of oil and has many sharp edges, as though it were mass-manufacted.
Weapon - Any
Rarity: Common
This weapon counts as a technological implement.
You can socket materia into this weapon as though it were an implement.


This weapon somehow looks as though it were infected with some sort of disease.
Weapon - Any
Rarity: Common
Physical attacks made with this weapon deal half their damage as poison damage.


When you draw this weapon, those who see it seem to always be looking at it from the wrong perspective, making it look much larger.
Weapon - Any
Rarity: Common
Physical attacks made with this weapon deal half their damage as cosmic damage.


This weapon was brought into existence fully formed from the mind of one who only envisioned its use.
Weapon - Any
Rarity: Uncommon
Physical attacks made with this weapon are also treated as psionic attacks.


This weapon seems to be composed of pieces of other weapons and tools, given new life as a new object.
Weapon - Any
Rarity: Uncommon
Physical attacks made with this weapon are also treated as natural attacks.


This weapon has been touched by a Divine presence.
Weapon - Any
Rarity: Common
Physical attacks made with this weapon deal half their damage as holy damage.


Magical runes have been inlaid into this weapon.
Weapon - Any
Rarity: Common
This weapon counts as a magical implement.
You can socket materia into this weapon as though it were an implement.


This weapon seems less like a physical object and more like a hole in existence in the shape of a weapon.
Weapon - Any
Rarity: Uncommon
Physical attacks made with this weapon are also treated as void attacks.


This weapon is more composed of arcane energy than anything else.
Weapon - Any
Rarity: Uncommon
Physical attacks made with this weapon are also treated as magic attacks.


This weapon seems to have been made by entirely natural processes, however unlikely that may be.
Weapon - Any
Rarity: Common
This weapon counts as a natural implement.
You can socket materia into this weapon as though it were an implement.


The age of this weapon is impossible to determine - some parts look not even hours old, while others seem to have seen centuries.
Weapon - Any
Rarity: Uncommon
Physical attacks made with this weapon are also treated as temporal attacks.


When you draw this weapon, it is accompanied by a small blast of water, drenching it.
Weapon - Any
Rarity: Common
Physical attacks made with this weapon deal half their damage as water damage.


When you draw this weapon, the earth rumbles beneath your feet, and the weapon itself seems to rock as though it were a mobile earthquake.
Weapon - Any
Rarity: Common
Physical attacks made with this weapon deal half their damage as earth damage.


When you lift this weapon, you feel as though you can hear the song of creation in your head.
Weapon - Any
Rarity: Uncommon
Physical attacks made with this weapon are also treated as divine attacks.



This axe has a broad, almost circular head, making it easy to recover from your swings.
Weapon - Axe
Rarity: Common
This weapon increases its speed quality by +2.


This axe has two broad heads, which you can use to both slay your enemies and defend yourself.
Weapon - Axe
Rarity: Common
You can use this weapon as though it were a shield of its size.


This axe has an enlarged, elongated head, with a wicked curve to it.
Weapon - Axe
Rarity: Common
Attacks made with this weapon against creatures larger than you gain a +1 item bonus to their damage potency.


Well-balanced and with a keen edge, vicious strikes with this axe let you follow through and continue your assault.
Weapon - Axe
Rarity: Common
When you make a critical hit with this weapon, you can make a basic melee attack against the same target as a free action.


Balanced for throwing and with an aerodynamic head, this axe can be thrown no matter its size.
Weapon - Axe
Rarity: Common
You can make a ranged attack with this weapon as though it had the thrown quality, regardless of its size. If you do, its range is 30 feet.



More chakram than boomerang, this disc is imbued with rays of dawn's first light.
Weapon - Boomerang
Rarity: Uncommon
Physical attacks made with this weapon deal half their damage as radiant damage.
Attacks with this weapon gain bane (undead). (An item with bane deals double damage against the indicated creature origin, type, or subtype.)


The garish colors painted on this boomerang make it an ideal distraction.
Weapon - Boomerang
Rarity: Uncommon
When you make a basic attack with this weapon, if your attack with a -5 penalty also hits the target's Will, the target is confused until the end of your next turn.



"I often thought that, should I run out of arrows in the midst of battle, I could pull off one of the thorns and shoot that instead." - The Study of Arms
Weapon - Bow
Rarity: Common
Your ammo die when using this weapon is one size larger (from d4 to d6, d6 to d8, d8 to d10, or d10 to d12); this is considered an item bonus.



Flail weapon enhancements.


Weapon - Flails
Name Description Rarity Cost
Aerobute With every lash of this whip, the winds sing of its power. Rare 32
Dancing Whip This whip moves of its own accord to unheard music while in battle. Common 4000
Dragon Beard This whip is fashioned out of the hairs of a dragon's beard. Given that dragons don't have beards, that's rather impressive. Rare 32
Lamia Tail The tail of a lamia worked into a weapon, it retains some of the powers of that creature. Uncommon 16
Mandragora Made from the fibers of a rootkin, this whip tangles up your foes. Uncommon 16
Reginleif This simple leather whip smells of fresh hay and horses chocobos, a reminder of a simpler time. Uncommon 16
Rosethorn The thorn of an impossibly-large rose, worked to be supple yet deadly. Common 4000
Ryozan Silk Silk interwoven with thin filaments of steel, supple yet capable of striking hard. Common 4000
Scorpion Tail A whip made in the image of a scorpion's tail... complete with venomous stinger. Common 4000
Shock Whip With a rubber handle and thin metal filament for its business end, this weapon is rather intimidating. Uncommon 16
Taming Lash Sometimes pain is the best educator, as those who wield this weapon would confirm. Common 4000
Strange Vision Those who wield this weapon claim it has the power to see the future. Rare 32


With every lash of this whip, the winds sing of its power.
Weapon - Flail
Rarity: Rare
You gain innate immunity (wind).
Physical attacks made with this weapon deal half their damage as wind damage.
As a standard action, you can use aeraga, using your attack bonus with this weapon as your bonus for the memetic attack.


This whip moves of its own accord to unheard music while in battle.
Weapon - Flail
Rarity: Common
You gain innate compress (2).


This whip is fashioned out of the hairs of a dragon's beard. Given that dragons don't have beards, that's rather impressive.
Weapon - Flail
Rarity: Rare
When you make a basic attack with this weapon, if your attack with a -5 penalty also hits the target's Will, the target gains sealed until the end of its next turn. (A creature that is sealed cannot use force abilities.)
When you make a basic attack with this weapon, if your attack with a -5 penalty also hits the target's Determination, the target gains pacified until the end of its next turn. (A creature that is pacified cannot use maneuvers.)
Attacks with this weapon gain bane (dragonkin). (An item with bane deals double damage against the indicated creature type.)


The tail of a lamia worked into a weapon, it retains some of the powers of that creature.
Weapon - Flail
Rarity: Uncommon
You treat the sealed status ailment as always being "save ends."
When you make a basic attack with this weapon, if your attack with a -5 penalty also hits the target's Will, the target is subject to magic hammer.


Made from the fibers of a rootkin, this whip tangles up your foes.
Weapon - Flail
Rarity: Uncommon
When you make a basic attack with this weapon, if your attack with a -5 penalty also hits the target's Reflex, the target gains slowed until the end of your next turn. (A creature that is slowed loses its move action on each of its turns.)
When you make a basic attack with this weapon, if your attack with a -5 penalty also hits the target's Fortitude, the target gains lag (2) for 5 rounds. (A creature with lag reduces its Initiative by the indicated amount at the end of each round.)


This simple leather whip smells of fresh hay and horses chocobos, a reminder of a simpler time.
Weapon - Flail
Rarity: Uncommon
You gain immunity (negative levels).
As a swift action, you can spend a healing surge. If you do, you do not gain healing, but instead gain one positive level for 5 rounds.


The thorn of an impossibly-large rose, worked to be supple yet deadly.
Weapon - Flail
Rarity: Common
You gain an item bonus to opportunity attacks equal to your attunement bonus.


Silk interwoven with thin filaments of steel, supple yet capable of striking hard.
Weapon - Flail
Rarity: Common
When you make a basic attack with this weapon, if your attack with a -5 penalty also hits the target's Reflex, the target is immobilized until the end of your next turn.


A whip made in the image of a scorpion's tail... complete with venomous stinger.
Weapon - Flail
Rarity: Common
When you make a basic attack with this weapon, if your attack with a -5 penalty also hits the target's Fortitude, the target gains ongoing poison damage with potency 2 for 5 rounds.


With a rubber handle and thin metal filament for its business end, this weapon is rather intimidating.
Weapon - Flail
Rarity: Uncommon
You gain innate barrier (lightning).
When you make a basic attack with this weapon, if your attack with a -5 penalty also hits the target's Fortitude, the target gains disabled until the end of your next turn. (A creature with disabled cannot take standard actions.)


Those who wield this weapon claim it has the power to see the future.
Weapon - Flail
Rarity: Rare
You gain innate immunity (psychic).
Physical attacks made with this weapon deal half their damage as psychic damage.
When you make a basic attack with this weapon, if you hit, you gain libra against the target until the end of your next turn.


Sometimes pain is the best educator, as those who wield this weapon would confirm.
Weapon - Flail
Rarity: Common
Attacks with this weapon gain bane (beasts). (An item with bane deals double damage against the indicated creature origin, type, or subtype.)



Glove weapon enhancements.


Say good morning to your enemy's face with these flaming knuckles: the fires of the sun in your hand.
Weapon - Glove
Rarity: Uncommon
You gain innate haste.
Physical attacks made with this weapon deal half their damage as fire damage.


Light, sturdy knuckles made for maximum impact.
Weapon - Glove
Rarity: Uncommon
When you take bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage, reduce that damage by your proficiency bonus.
Weapon attacks you make with this weapon score a critical hit on a roll of 18–20.



Greatsword weapon enhancements.


Weapon - Greatswords
Name Description Rarity Cost
Barong This hefty sword is surprisingly agile in the hand. Common 4000
Claymore Wielding a sword such as this is not a warrior's right. It is his privilege. Common 4000
Dagriohm Longtime wielders of this sword would be hard-pressed to say whether they broke it in, or it broke them. Common 4000
Defender Frills are for dresses, not swords. A practical sword for practical swordsmen. Common 4000
Hardedge This straight-bladed sword looks like a bar of solid iron and is about as subtle. Uncommon 16
Lohengrin A sword befitting a noble knight, or a squire with noble dreams. Uncommon 16
Oblige What better symbol of courage and love than a sword? Uncommon 16
Save the Queen Prayers are inscribed along the length of this holy blade to ease the passing of its victims. Rare 32
Tournesol With its beautiful sun-flared hilt, this large sword cuts down all who stands in its way. Rare 32
Vajra "I drew this sword and heard chanting; a prayer in a tongue I do not care to hear again." - The Study of Arms Uncommon 16
Vigilante A sword forged for a hero who cherished justice. Rare 32
Zweihander Two hands may wield, but no scabbard can hold this titanic blade. Common 4000


This hefty sword is surprisingly agile in the hand.
Weapon - Greatsword
Rarity: Common
When you make a basic attack with this weapon, if your attack with a -5 penalty also hits the target's Determination, the target is weakened until the end of your next turn.


Wielding a sword such as this is not a warrior's right. It is his privilege.
Weapon - Greatsword
Rarity: Common
When you make a basic attack with this weapon, if your attack with a -5 penalty also hits the target's Fortitude, one of the target's weapons or implements (your choice) becomes broken. (An item that is broken does not grant an enhancement bonus, suffers a -2 penalty to attack rolls made with it, and the user cannot make use of any of the item's powers or properties.)


Longtime wielders of this sword would be hard-pressed to say whether they broke it in, or it broke them.
Weapon - Greatsword
Rarity: Common
You can use this weapon as though it were one hand lighter; this effect does not stack with monkey grip.


Frills are for dresses, not swords. A practical sword for practical swordsmen.
Weapon - Greatsword
Rarity: Common
When you make a basic attack with this weapon, if you hit, you gain a +2 item bonus to all your Defenses until the end of your next turn.


This straight-bladed sword looks like a bar of solid iron and is about as subtle.
Weapon - Greatsword
Rarity: Uncommon
You gain innate immunity (doom).
When you make a basic attack with this weapon, if you hit, you gain an item bonus to this weapon's potency equal to the total number of status ailments the target has (this ability cannot exceed the damage cap).


A sword befitting a noble knight, or a squire with noble dreams.
Weapon - Greatsword
Rarity: Uncommon
PROPERTY (t20v4)
When you make a basic attack with this weapon, if you hit, you can spend a healing surge. If you do, you gain regen for 5 rounds, instead of healing.
When you make a basic attack with this weapon, if you hit, you can spend a healing surge. If you do, you gain haste for 5 rounds, instead of healing.
When you take the Attack action, you can choose to make only a single attack. If you do, and if you hit, you can spend a Hit Die. If you do, you gain regen for 1 minute. (A creature with regen regains hit points as though

it had rolled its Hit Die at the start of each of its turns if it begins its turn with at least 1 hit point.)

When you take the Attack action, you can choose to make only a single attack. If you do, and if you hit, you can spend a Hit Die. If you do, you gain haste for 1 minute. (A creature with haste can take an additional action or bonus action on each of its turns.)


What better symbol of courage and love than a sword?
Weapon - Greatsword
Rarity: Uncommon
You gain innate immunity (charm).
You gain innate immunity (dominate).


Prayers are inscribed along the length of this holy blade to ease the passing of its victims.
Weapon - Greatsword
Rarity: Rare
You gain innate immunity (holy).
Physical attacks made with this weapon deal half their damage as holy damage.
When you make a basic attack with this weapon, if you hit, you can spend a healing surge. If you do, you and all allies you can see gain astra for 5 rounds, instead of healing.


With its beautiful sun-flared hilt, this large sword cuts down all who stands in its way.
Weapon - Greatsword
Rarity: Rare
You gain innate immunity (slow).
When you make a basic attack with this weapon, if you hit, you can spend a healing surge. If you do, you gain reraise for 5 rounds, instead of healing.
You do not automatically become unconscious when at zero hit points.


"I drew this sword and heard chanting; a prayer in a tongue I do not care to hear again." - The Study of Arms
Weapon - Greatsword
Rarity: Uncommon
You gain innate immunity (lightning).
Physical attacks made with this weapon deal half their damage as lightning damage.


A sword forged for a hero who cherished justice.
Weapon - Greatsword
Rarity: Rare
You gain innate immunity (confusion).
When you make a basic attack with this weapon, the target cannot use reaction abilities in response.
When you make a basic attack with this weapon, if you hit, you can spend a healing surge.


Two hands may wield, but no scabbard can hold this titanic blade.
Weapon - Greatsword
Rarity: Common
When you make a basic attack with this weapon, if your attack with a -5 penalty also hits the target's Reflex, you gain a +2 item bonus to this weapon's damage potency. (This effect does not allow you to break the damage cap.)



Hammer weapon enhancements.


This weapon has explosives built into its business end, allowing you to "shock and awe" those who would stand in your way.
Weapon - Hammer
Rarity: Rare
PROPERTY (t20v4)
You gain innate immunity (fire).
Physical attacks made with this weapon deal half their damage as fire damage.
As a standard action, you can use fireball, using your attack bonus with this weapon as your bonus for the magic attack.
You gain immunity to fire damage.
As an action, you can use fireball as a power of the power source of this item. If you do, choose your choice of Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma for the power save DC. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus; you regain expended uses when you finish a long rest.


It is said that Gaia, the spirit of the universe, favors the brute force approach to combat.
Weapon - Hammer
Rarity: Uncommon
Physical attacks with this weapon deal half their damage as earth damage.
When you make a basic attack with this weapon, if your attack with a -5 penalty also hits the target's Will, the target gains sealed until the end of your next turn. (A creature that is sealed cannot use force abilities.)


It is said that a traveler of time and space grew to hate statues of any sort, and designed this weapon specifically to destroy them.
Weapon - Hammer
Rarity: Uncommon
Attacks with this weapon gain bane (constructs). (An item with bane deals double damage against the indicated creature origin, type, or subtype.)
While you wield this weapon, you cannot be flanked.


It is said that a child on a distant world favored this hammer.
Weapon - Hammer
Rarity: Common
When you make a basic attack with this weapon, if your attack with a -5 penalty also hits the target's Determination, you can push the target up to 4 squares.


This hammer is less weapon and more "heavy rock on a stick."
Weapon - Hammer
Rarity: Common
When you make a basic attack with this weapon, your attack is penetrating.



Katana weapon enhancements.


Weapon - Katanas
Name Description Rarity Cost
Adazakura "The last enemy had been slain, the last banner burnt, yet the sword still rang with the din of battle." - The Study of Arms Common 4000
Ama-no-murakumo A sacred blade plucked from the tail of a great dragon, with a hilt carved from its bones. Rare 32
Asura This fiery sword has kindled the blood-rage in many. It is a testament to its quality that it always finds a new owner afterward. Uncommon 16
Kiku-ichimonji A sword so beautiful, the thought of using it is enough to reduce one to tears. Uncommon 16
Kiyomori This exquisitely crafted katana has a beautifully patterned blade and an incredible cutting edge. Common 4000
Kotetsu You may wonder how such a rough-hewn blade cuts so cleanly. It is because the sword knows no such doubt. Uncommon 16
Masamune, the Edge Undarkled, the Blade Untincted A shining katana with a core of alien red metal, brought to this world from one who Wanders, from a time and place unknowable. It is whispered that it exists in all times, the final weapon against an evil both from ancient history and far-flung futures... Mythic 64
Murasame Soft rains fell when this sword was forged, and the dew still rises on it each evening to wash off the day's blood. Uncommon 16
Nosada This war sword was forged by a master bladesmith in a faraway land. Common 4000
Osafune The problem with iron helms is the weight and the heat - and the fact that this sword cuts right through them. Common 4000
Ragetsu-denbu It is said this sword was inspired by a famed flower of striking beauty and cutting fragrance. Common 4000
Sumihomura A sword of unknown origin. Black flames seem to trail behind it as it glides through the air. Rare 32
Zanmato Wards against evil have been carven deep into this giant sword. Rare 32


"The last enemy had been slain, the last banner burnt, yet the sword still rang with the din of battle." - The Study of Arms
Weapon - Katana
Rarity: Common
When you make a basic attack with this weapon, if your attack with a -5 penalty also hits the target's Determination, the target gains doom (3).


A sacred blade plucked from the tail of a great dragon, with a hilt carved from its bones.
Weapon - Katana
Rarity: Rare
You gain innate absorb (holy).
Physical attacks made with this weapon deal half their damage as holy damage.
When you make a basic attack with this weapon, if your attack with a -5 penalty also hits the target's Determination, the target loses all status boons.


This fiery sword has kindled the blood-rage in many. It is a testament to its quality that it always finds a new owner afterward.
Weapon - Katana
Rarity: Uncommon
Physical attacks made with this weapon deal half their damage as fire damage.
When you make a basic attack with this weapon, if your attack with a -5 penalty also hits the target's Will, the target is confused until the end of your next turn.


A sword so beautiful, the thought of using it is enough to reduce one to tears.
Weapon - Katana
Rarity: Uncommon
When you make a basic attack with this weapon, if your attack with a -5 penalty also hits the target's Fortitude and Will, the target gains doom (3); if you hit least one of Fortitude or Will after the attack penalty, but not both, the target gains sleep instead.
When you make a basic attack with this weapon, if your attack with a -5 penalty also hits the target's Reflex, the target gains blind until the end of your next turn.


This exquisitely crafted katana has a beautifully patterned blade and an incredible cutting edge.
Weapon - Katana
Rarity: Common
When you make a basic attack with this weapon, your attack is penetrating.


You may wonder how such a rough-hewn blade cuts so cleanly. It is because the sword knows no such doubt.
Weapon - Katana
Rarity: Uncommon
When you make a basic attack with this weapon, if your attack with a -5 penalty also hits the target's Determination, the target is immobilized until the end of your next turn.
When you make a basic attack with this weapon, if your attack with a -5 penalty also hits the target's Will, the target gains berserk until the end of your next turn.


A shining katana with a core of alien red metal, brought to this world from one who Wanders, from a time and place unknowable. It is whispered that it exists in all times, the final weapon against an evil both from ancient history and far-flung futures...
Weapon - Katana (two-handed)
Rarity: Mythic
Force: Temporal
Physical attacks made with this weapon deal half their damage as wind damage.
While you wield this weapon, you automatically know the current time and your current time error.
You gain innate absorb (cosmic) and innate absorb (entropic).
You gain innate immunity (stop) and innate immunity (eject).
You gain innate haste and innate freedom. (A creature with freedom can move and attack normally even under the influence of effects that impede movement, such as paralysis, immobilize, hobble, slow, or similar. The creature can automatically escape from a grab as a free action. The creature can move and attack normally in environments that might otherwise impede or interfere with movement, such as underwater, in space, or similar conditions.)
When you make a basic attack with this weapon against a creature with the spawn of Lavos or thrall of Lavos quality, you can spend an action point as a free action to automatically hit (as though affected by true strike).
As a move action, you can split this weapon into two one-handed katanas, named Masa, the Edge Undarkled and Mune, the Blade Untincted. Each weapon's physical attacks deal half their damage as wind damage, and both allow the wielder to know the current time and the wielder's current time error: Masa grants innate absorb (cosmic), innate immunity (stop), innate haste, and allows you to true strike on creatures with the spawn of Lavos quality; Mune grants innate absorb (entropic), innate immunity (eject), innate freedom, and allows you to true strike on creatures with the thrall of Lavos quality. These weapons can be recombined as a move action. If either weapon is turned into a materia and socketed into the other, that weapon transforms into Masamune, the Edge Undarkled, the Blade Untincted.


Soft rains fell when this sword was forged, and the dew still rises on it each evening to wash off the day's blood.
Weapon - Katana
Rarity: Uncommon
Physical attacks made with this weapon deal half their damage as water damage.
When you make a basic attack with this weapon, if your attack with a -5 penalty also hits the target's Fortitude, the target gains sealed until the end of your next turn.


This war sword was forged by a master bladesmith in a faraway land.
Weapon - Katana
Rarity: Common
When you make a basic attack with this weapon, if your attack with a -5 penalty also hits the target's Will, the target is confused until the end of your next turn.


The problem with iron helms is the weight and the heat - and the fact that this sword cuts right through them.
Weapon - Katana
Rarity: Common
When you make a basic attack with this weapon, you may choose to deal half damage before knowing the result of your attack roll. If you do, and if your attack with a -5 penalty hits all of the target's Defenses, the target gains dead.


It is said this sword was inspired by a famed flower of striking beauty and cutting fragrance.
Weapon - Katana
Rarity: Common
When you make a basic attack with this weapon, you gain the benefits of the Dual Wield feat; if you already have it, you can choose one additional dual wield option. This counts as an item bonus.


A sword of unknown origin. Black flames seem to trail behind it as it glides through the air.
Weapon - Katana
Rarity: Rare
You gain innate immunity (doom).
Physical attacks made with this weapon deal half their damage as entropic damage.
As a standard action, you can inflict dying on yourself. If you do, all allies you can see can spend any number of healing surges, and lose all status ailments.


Wards against evil have been carven deep into this giant sword.
Weapon - Katana
Rarity: Rare
You gain innate immunity (shadow).
Physical attacks made with this weapon deal half their damage as holy damage.
When you make a basic attack with this weapon, if your attack with a -5 penalty also hits the target's Determination, the target gains amnesia until the end of your next turn.



A knife small enough to conceal in one's hand, or an enemy's rib cage.
Weapon - Knife
Rarity: Common
Attacks made with this weapon during a surprise round have advantage.


The slender blade on this knife is keen enough to shave the feathers off a chocobo.
Weapon - Knife
Rarity: Common
When you take an Attack action to attack with this weapon, if you only make one attack and your attack roll also hits the target's Charisma save defense, the target is sealed until the end of your next turn. (A sealed creature cannot use Force abilities.)


Your enemy's gasp at the exquisite decorations on the pommel of this knife will be their last.
Weapon - Knife
Rarity: Common
You have advantage on saving throws against effects that cause the disabled condition. (A creature with the disabled condition cannot take actions other than movement.)


A knife with a unique pommel that prevents the wielder's grip from slipping.
Weapon - Knife
Rarity: Uncommon
While wielding this weapon, you have advantage on ability checks and saving throws made to avoid being disarmed.
When you take an Attack action to attack with this weapon, if you only make one attack and your attack roll also hits the target's Constitution save defense, you gain 5 temporary hit points that last until after a short or long rest.


This impressive knife is so large, it's often mistaken for a shortsword.
Weapon - Knife
Rarity: Common
PROPERTY (t20v4)
When you make a basic attack with this weapon, if your attack with a -5 penalty also hits the target's Will, the target is confused until the end of your next turn.
When you take an Attack action to attack with this weapon, if you only make one attack, if your attack roll also hits the target's Wisdom save defense, the target is confused until the end of your next turn. (A confused creature rolls randomly to determine its actions on its turn.)



Rifle weapon enhancements.


Weapon - Rifles
Name Description Rarity Cost
Aldebaran Some say that the star this imposing rifle is named after was a world destroyed by a dark menace. Uncommon 16
Altair A light and agile weapon, named after the North Star as a reminder to explorers who carry it. Common 4000
Antares Named after the Evening Star for its power to destroy all who stand before it. Rare 32
Arcturas This powerful gun was first fashioned on the alien world Arcturas, and named after it. Rare 32
Betelgeuse Named for the brightest star in the constellation known as the Trickster. Uncommon 16
Capella This strangely-built rifle is made to mask its acoustics and muzzle flash. Common 4000
Fomalhaut A heavy gun named for a distant star visible only during the darkest of nights. Rare 32
Polaris "A chill ran down my spine as I hefted the gun, as though it had seen worlds beyond this one." - The Study of Arms Common 4000
Ras Algethi Heavy, but powerful rifle. Accurate and easy to aim. Uncommon 16
Sirius It is said this sword was inspired by a famed flower of striking beauty and cutting fragrance. Common 4000
Spica "The gun seemed eager to harm its foes; I could almost feel the spite emanating from it." - The Study of Arms Uncommon 16
Vega Some say that the design for this gun came from the star for which it was named. Common 4000


Some say that the star this imposing rifle is named after was a world destroyed by a dark menace.
Weapon - Rifle
Rarity: Uncommon
Physical attacks made with this weapon deal half their damage as earth damage.
You gain +5 hit points, and an additional +2 hit points for every level beyond first. This is considered an item bonus.


A light and agile weapon, named after the North Star as a reminder to explorers who carry it.
Weapon - Rifle
Rarity: Common
You gain a +1 item bonus to your movement speed (in squares).


Named after the Evening Star for its power to destroy all who stand before it.
Weapon - Rifle
Rarity: Rare
You gain innate immunity (slow).
Physical attacks made with this weapon deal half their damage as cosmic damage.
When you make a basic attack with this weapon, if your attack with a -5 penalty hits all of the target's Defenses, the target gains dead.


This powerful gun was first fashioned on the alien world Arcturas, and named after it.
Weapon - Rifle
Rarity: Rare
You gain innate immunity (amnesia).
Physical attacks made with this weapon deal half their damage as water damage.
If you score a critical hit with this weapon, it deals triple potency damage, rather than double.


Named for the brightest star in the constellation known as the Trickster.
Weapon - Rifle
Rarity: Uncommon
Whenever you use an ability that requires you to expend resources (such as rage, mana, etc), you can choose to spend a healing surge instead (you gain no healing from this expenditure).
You gain an additional swift action on each of your turns. This counts as an item bonus.


This strangely-built rifle is made to mask its acoustics and muzzle flash.
Weapon - Rifle
Rarity: Common
When you make a basic attack with this weapon, if your attack with a -5 penalty also hits the target's Determination, you gain fade against the target until the end of your next turn.


A heavy gun named for a distant star visible only during the darkest of nights.
Weapon - Rifle
Rarity: Rare
You gain innate immunity (stop).
You gain innate immunity (eject).
When you make a basic attack with this weapon, if your attack with a -5 penalty also hits the target's Determination, the target is stopped until the end of your next turn.


"A chill ran down my spine as I hefted the gun, as though it had seen worlds beyond this one." - The Study of Arms
Weapon - Rifle
Rarity: Common
When you make a basic attack with this weapon, if your attack with a -5 penalty also hits the target's Reflex, the target is immobilized until the end of your next turn.


Heavy, but powerful rifle. Accurate and easy to aim.
Weapon - Rifle
Rarity: Uncommon
You gain innate immunity (blind).
When you make a basic attack with this weapon, you gain an item bonus to the attack roll equal to your attunement bonus.


Named for a bright red star.
Weapon - Rifle
Rarity: Common
You can use your second wind as a move action, rather than as a standard.


"The gun seemed eager to harm its foes; I could almost feel the spite emanating from it." - The Study of Arms
Weapon - Rifle
Rarity: Uncommon
You gain innate immunity (confusion).
When you make a basic attack with this weapon, your attack is penetrating.


Some say that the design for this gun came from the star for which it was named.
Weapon - Rifle
Rarity: Common
You gain a +1 item bonus to this weapon's critical threat range.



Scythe weapon enhancements.


An enormous adamantine scythe, seemingly too large for any mere mortal to lift. First wielded by a gria whose soul was returned to the mortal coil by the dwindling power of an ancient goddess, it thirsts for the blood of those who would oppose the reign of deities...
Weapon - Scythe (two-handed)
Rarity: Mythic
Force: Magic, Divine
While you wield this weapon, you can stand up from prone as a free action that does not provoke opportunity attacks.
When you make a basic attack with this weapon, you gain a +2 item bonus to its damage potency. This effect can break the damage cap. (When you break the damage cap, roll damage as though you were dealing two different sets of damage, each one-half of the original attack; if your total potency is odd, round up for one potency roll, and down for the other. If any effect on your damage allows you to break the damage cap, all sources of bonus damage for that attack are allowed to break the damage cap.)
When you make a basic attack with this weapon, your attack is penetrating. (A penetrating effect ignores any effect on its target that would reduce its damage.)
When you make a basic attack with this weapon against a creature with the enemy of Viraxis quality, choose one: deal an additional potency 3 arcane damage, or deal an additional potency 3 holy damage.
When you make a basic attack with this weapon, you can make critical hits against undead.
When you initiate a maneuver that increases your damage dealt, you can spend an action point. If you do, you recover any resources expended on that maneuver, and it is immediately ready to use again.
When you gain dying, you can spend an action point. If you do, you can spend any number of healing surges.


Design Notes

Note to self: immunities cannot be on common-grade items, especially not to complex status ailments like petrify. Simple energy immunities might be acceptable, and maybe some of the lower-tier status ailments, but petrify is certainly not one of them.

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