Campaign: Naxx'rithal

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"There is a Ronkan phrase, though who first uttered it is uncertain. Angelus errare, where angels lose their way... it is said that there are places in the world where things simply disappear, or where things appear that could not or should not be. I've never seen such a thing, but they have a name - should it be so surprising, in these modern times, where so many seem to be lost, that a place would appear in which even angels lose their way?"


Time, as the epochents say, is a strange and mutable thing. The alternate timelines they tap into - they are not real, perhaps, to us, but they are certainly real in a quantum sense. They say that every moment gives birth to a billion more, each slightly different from its mother: in one, you chose to go left, in another, you chose to go right.

It is the year 392 by Common Reckoning. Rumors of war have been brewing for months, and preparations are being made on both sides: the Coldlands Territory quietly summons its allies, among which is the flying gnomish city of Urilaulri, to prepare for war with the elven Ashkian Empire.

Yet as turbulent as this time is, there are those who know that the destruction about to be wrought on the world is insignificant compared to the danger lurking throughout time. A lone psionicist working to unknown ends, traveling throughout the ends of time, manipulating events to his own purpose...

A courier ship arrives at the city of Urilaulri, delivering the request for assistance. The Council of Urilaulri agrees to assist their ally, and a course for the northern-most reaches of the Coldlands. The courier ship, its job completed, prepares to set sail amidst the skies...

...and disaster strikes.

Out of nowhere, an enormous ship - nay, a palace, a ziggurat - appears out of nowhere and rams the city. Sparks fly and masonry falls to the waters far, far below. Dragons - dragons! - issue forth from the alien craft, as Urilaulri mobilizes its aerial forces to defend itself, the massive cannons built into its massive outer shell turning upon the unknown foe.

In its wake, the strange ship leaves a jagged rip across the sky, a window - a door - into another world. An elderly gnome peers into a blue crystal to oversee the attack, and his eyes widen as he sees the scar. "Angelus errare." He says quietly, unable to believe what he is seeing yet unable to deny that he is, in fact, seeing it.

Thus does the world come to know Naxx'rithal, and a world that has seen far worse than the war that is about the strike the Coldlands Territory...

Game Information

Some basic information regarding this game.

Game Time

The Naxx'rithal game will be played Monday nights, from roughly 6 pm to 9 pm.

A start date has not yet been decided, due to a variety of real-world factors. As soon as a start date has been determined, it will be announced here and to those interested in playing.

Players / Wait List

Naxx'rithal brings some new blood into the Trinity universe.

  • Orby
  • Catface
  • Frank the Jew
  • Panda
  • Jocelyn
  • Red
  • Andy (?)

At this time, the game has no wait-list. Once the game has begun, a wait list will be kept for those interested in joining this game.

Character Creation

Players may choose to use a 32 point buy or use the standard Trinity generation method.

Ability Scores

Trinity standard (the standard six and Perception), and Luck will also be used (for the rolling method, this means that you roll nine, keep eight).

Race Selection

Any Adnez-native race is allowed.

Class Selection

Any class is allowed.


Characters begin with 15,000 experience points, which is sufficient for a standard race to be 6th level (an LA +1 race would be 5th, and so on).


What follows is the cast and a summary of each game session.

Dramatis Personae

The PCs and such, when we get to that point.