Class: Mimic

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The Mimic
  ----------------- Memetics -----------------
Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special Active Memes Memory Belief-Space
1 +0 +1 +1 +1 Action Mimic 1 --- ---
2 +1 +2 +2 +2   2 --- ---
3 +1 +2 +2 +2 Mimic Save 3 --- ---
4 +2 +2 +2 +2   3 --- ---
5 +2 +3 +3 +3   4 1 1
6 +3 +3 +3 +3   5 2 1
7 +3 +4 +4 +4   6 3 2
8 +4 +4 +4 +4   6 5 2
9 +4 +4 +4 +4   7 6 3
10 +5 +5 +5 +5 Mimic Talent 8 7 3
11 +5 +5 +5 +5   9 9 4
12 +6/+1 +6 +6 +6 Mimic Talent 9 10 4
13 +6/+1 +6 +6 +6   10 11 5
14 +7/+2 +6 +6 +6 Mimic Talent 11 13 5
15 +7/+2 +7 +7 +7   12 14 6
16 +8/+3 +7 +7 +7 Mimic Talent 12 15 6
17 +8/+3 +8 +8 +8   13 17 7
18 +9/+4 +8 +8 +8 Mimic Talent 14 18 7
19 +9/+4 +8 +8 +8   15 19 8
20 +10/+5 +9 +9 +9 Mimic Talent 15 21 8



Gogo, iconic mimic
"Anything you can do, I can do better."

Sometimes, the best thing to do has already been done. This is the stratagem of the mimic: rather than develop a suite of abilities of her own, she mimics the abilities of those around her.

Adventures: For the mimic, life is an adventure. While she has hobbies, skills, and goals of her own, a mimic is often in a state of near-perpetual awe regarding the world around her. An adventuring mimic is one who has grown tired of the sights of wherever she hails from, and seeks new and exciting experiences.

Characteristics: Mimics are often intensely curious creatures, seeking to understand the world around them even as they copy nearly perfectly what is happening in that world. Akashics are too withdrawn and distant from their subjects of study,learners are too martially-driven to really put much thought into their abilities, and trainers only make use of the Blue by a technicality; mimics, however, are right in the thick of the creation of memory, and deal with it while it is still fresh. Despite being tied to the world memory, they are more interested in the now than the past.

Ethos: Mimics usually straddle the line between Blue and Red ethoi, favoring the thinking and curiosity of blue beliefs while also holding creativity and freedom to be paramount virtues. Like almost all users of world memory, mimics' beliefs are often tinged White, believing in order. In terms of beliefs, mimics have more in common with anarchs than akashics.

Religion: Coming soon...

Background: Coming soon...

Races: Any race with a penchant for curiosity has potential to give rise to mimics; moogles in close proximity to gnomes, in particular, are more likely than most to look to the path of the mimic. As with most classes, almost any race in existence has the potential to give rise to mimics, given the right circumstances.

Other Classes: Despite their Force alignments clashing, mimics often get along swimmingly with anarchs; oftentimes the philosophical opposition is abstract and removed enough that members of the two classes can work in tandem. Surprisingly, mimics do not get along well with most other members of their Force, primarily due to the other classes heavy into memetics are too far removed from the present for the mimic's taste. In general, mimics prefer their companions to be as varied as possible, to better experience more and different things more readily; as such, mimics tend to be welcoming to almost anyone.

Role: A mimic is limited to what the creatures and people around her are capable of; on her own, a mimic is almost completely without skills. Provided she has companions, however, the mimic is able to fulfill any role her companions can fill, though perhaps not as well. The saying "jack of all trades, master of none" almost certainly applies to the mimic.

Game Rule Information

Mimics have the following game statistics.

Force Alignment: Blue.

Force Resistances: TO 5 + level, CO 5 + level.

Abilities: All ability scores are important to a mimic; however, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma improve her memetics, allowing her to mimic more, longer, and better.

Hit Die: d6.

Class Skills: The mimic's class skills are Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Disguise (Cha), Listen (Per), Mimic Voice (Cha), Perform (Cha), Read/Write Language, Search (Per), Speak Language, and Spot (Per).

Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int.

Alignment: Any.

Starting Age: Moderate.

Starting Gold: 4d4 x 10gp.

Favored By: None.

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the mimic.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A mimic is proficient with simple weapons and light armor, but not shields.

Memetics (Me): As with all classes aligned with the Blue, the mimic utilizies memetics. Unlike other Blue-aligned classes, however, the mimic is much more active in his usage of memes; whereas other classes pull deep from the world memory, mimics' talents lie in utilizing just-formed memories.

Active Memes (Me): A mimic's active memes are those she learns through her class features.

At the end of each of her turns, a mimic's active memes are flushed.

You gain additional active meme slots equal to your Wisdom modifier.

Action Mimic (Me): Whenever an action is taken, the mimic may - as a non-action - declare the action as an active meme. If she does so, she records the type of action and what d20 rolls were made, as well as their modifiers.

If she takes the action, she uses the exact same modifiers for any d20 rolls involved that the original action used. Rolls made that are independent of the origin of the action - such as equipment - are informed by the mimic's equipment and independent effects, rather than the origin.

Example: A creature makes an attack with a masterwork greatsword, which the mimic - who is wielding a +2 longsword - uses action mimic on. The creature has a +4 attack roll. The mimic can make an attack with her weapon at +5 to attack (+3 from the creature's own attack roll, +2 from her own sword), but uses her normal damage bonuses.

This ability allows the mimic to use skills and feats she otherwise does not possess or meet the prerequisites for.

If the mimic has insufficient active meme slots open, she may flush an active meme slot and fill it with the new action.

Mimic Save (Me): At third level, the mimic can mimic the saving throw of another creature, if she is affected by the same effect. As an immediate action, she can use an active meme slot to make a saving throw with the same bonus as the mimicked creature; the active meme slot is then flushed.

If the character in question benefits from an ability that improves their saves in some fashion, such as evasion, the mimic enjoys the benefit of that ability for a mimicked save.

Belief-Space (Me): Beginning at fifth level, a mimic can begin fully imitating the abilities of those around her. At the beginning of each day, she may gain a "virtual level" for every belief-space she has open; this virtual level gives her the class features of the first level of any one base class. A creature must be present who has at least as many levels in the class as she desires virtual levels, and must remain present for at least an hour, during which the mimic studies the creature.

A mimic can, if she has enough belief-space, acquire multiple virtual levels in a class. She must invest one belief-space in a class for each virtual level she desires.

An ability acquired through virtual levels must have memory invested in it before it can be used.

Investing virtual levels into a class that is capable of using Force abilities does not automatically grant her access to those Force abilities; she must invest memory into the virtual levels before she can do so. In addition, using Time or Chaos abilities requires her to make a virtual level check of the class in question, and she must exceed her own TO or CO, or else the ability fails.

If you have a Charisma modifier, you gain an additional belief-space at seventh level and every two levels after, until you have bonus belief-space equal to your Charisma modifier.

Memory (Me): Beginning at fifth level, a mimic has become sufficiently advanced in her understanding of the Blue to begin investing part of herself and her memory into the abilities she mimics.

As a free action, a mimic can assign her memory to her active memes. If she does so, she gains a +1 insight bonus to any d20 roll involved in the active meme. A mimic can only invest memory into an active meme equal to her mimic level.

She may also invest memory into her belief-space; if she does so, she may invest memory into class features gained through her virtual levels. If the class has Force abilities (such as spells, nihils, or the like), she gains access to one Force ability of a level or grade that she could access of her choice for every point of memory.

She may invest memory into any class features she would have access to by virtue of her virtual levels; if she invests memory equal to or greater than the level at which the ability is gained, she can use the ability.

You gain additional memory equal to your Intelligence modifier.

Mimic Talent: At 10th level and every two levels thereafter, the mimic gains a deeper understanding of the ways of mimicry. Choose one of the abilities below.

  • Counter Mimic (Me): When the mimic is the target of an attack or other ability, she may - as an attack of opportunity, after the ability is resolved - use an active meme to mimic the ability (as per action mimic) and use it against the origin of the ability. The active meme slot is then flushed.
    • Final Mimic (Me): When the mimic is the target of an attack or other ability that drops her below 0 hit points, she may - as an attack of opportunity, after the ability is resolved - use an active meme to mimic the ability (as per action mimic) and use it against the origin of the ability. The active meme slot is then flushed, and the mimic falls unconscious and/or dies. (Prerequisites: Counter Mimic)
  • Extended Memory (Me): When the mimic's active memes would be flushed, she may invest memory into them to avoid this. At the end of each of her turns, if she invests a point of memory into a meme, it is not flushed that round; this is cumulative. If she frees up the memory invested in an active meme for this purpose, the slot is immediately flushed.
  • Mimic Mastery (Me): When the mimic acquires an action as an active meme, she may use the original rolls for the action rather than make her own.
  • Photographic Reflexes (Me): Whenever an action is taken, the mimic may - as an immediate action - use an active meme to mimic the ability (as per action mimic) and use it. The active meme slot is then flushed.

Design Notes

In terms of memetics, I envision the mimic using belief-space to acquire class features, and memory to power them. Active memes would be actions taken...