Blue: Lambda Meme List

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The meme index includes a full index of all memes in all libraries, as well as an explanation of some of the terms used in these descriptions.


Blue Memes
Meme Index | Abstract · Data · Instance · Lambda · System · Virus


Lambda Meme Descriptions

The following are the lambda memes in alphabetical order.


Classes: Trn
Library: Lambda (Learnable, Technic) [Cosmic]
Processing Time: Standard action
Range: Reach
Target: One creature
Duration: Instant
Defense: Reflex
Blue Opposition: Yes
Recharge: 5
Template: A physical attack that slides.
Summoning all your might, you lash out at a creature, sending it hurtling away.
Make a physical attack against the target's Reflex. If you hit, you deal potency 5 damage, half bludgeoning and half cosmic, and push the target up to 30 feet.
For every 2 points of memory allocated, increase the maximum push distance by 5 feet.
This meme's push effect instead becomes a slide.


Classes: Trn
Library: Lambda (Learnable, Technic) [Earth]
Processing Time: Standard action
Range: Personal
Area: 20 ft radius
Duration: Instant
Defense: Fortitude
Blue Opposition: No
Recharge: 5
Template: An area effect that deals earth damage.
You stomp the ground with your foot, and the ground shakes around you.
You create a small earthquake localized on your position. Make a memetic attack against Fortitude for all creatures and objects within the area of effect, other than yourself. If you hit, you deal potency 8 earth damage; if you miss, you only deal half that amount.
Creatures that are flying or otherwise not in contact with the ground, such as with the float status, are immune to this effect.
For every 6 points of memory allocated, increase the radius of the area affected by 10 feet.
The range of this meme becomes "Range: Medium (100 feet)."


Classes: Trn
Library: Lambda (Learnable, Technic)
Processing Time: Standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Brief (5 rounds)
Defense: None
Blue Opposition: Yes
Recharge: 3
Template: An effect that grants protect or resist damage.
You turtle, focusing on defense.
You gain protect.
For every 2 points of memory allocated, you gain resist damage 1.
You also gain shell.


Classes: Trn
Library: Lambda (Learnable, Technic)
Processing Time: Full action
Range: Close (30 feet)
Target: One creature or object
Duration: Instant
Defense: Reflex (see text)
Blue Opposition: No
Recharge: 3
Template: A physical attack that deals damage and pushes its target.
With a burst of speed, you slam into a creature, harming it and pushing it aside.
You can move up to your speed, and make a physical attack against the target's Reflex, or against an object. If you hit, you deal potency 3 bludgeoning damage; if you also hit the creature's Fortitude with a -5 penalty, you can choose to also push the creature or object 5 feet.
For every 3 points of memory allocated, push the creature an additional 5 feet.
For every 4 points of memory allocated, decrease the penalty to your attack roll to determine if you hit the creature's Fortitude by 1, to a minimum of -0.
You can move up to double your speed instead of up to your speed before making the attack, and this movement does not provoke opportunity attacks.