Blue: Mementos List A-C

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The memento index includes a full index of all mementos, as well as an explanation of some of the terms used in these descriptions. Also of use is the general mementos page.


Blue Mementos
Memento Index | A - C · D - F · G - I · J - L · M - O · P - S · T - V · W - Z


A-C Memento Descriptions

The following are the mementos from A to C, in alphabetical order.


Medium Animal [Metal]  
Ability Scores (evolved) Technics
Str: +4 (+2) 1st: Tackle
Con: +2 (+2) 1st: Thrash
Dex: +2 (+0) 1st: Spikes
Per: +0 (+0) 1st: Harden
Int: +0 (+2) 2nd: Rock Tomb
Wis: -2 (+0) 3rd: Bide
Cha: +2 (+0) 3rd: Metal Claw
Brv: +2 (+6) 4th: Shield Bash
Luc: +0 (+0) 5th: Iron Defense
Speed: 20 ft. 5th: Dig
Size/Reach: 5 ft. / 5 ft. 6th: Iron Head
Talent: Battle Armor or Shed Skin 7th: Wide Guard
Evolution: Magroplex 8th: Skull Bash
Evolution Requirements: 11th level 8th: Crunch
9th: Iron Tail
10th: Automatize
11th: Metal Burst

The mature form of an orett, anvelids are a common sight throughout the underground caverns of Ganymede, where they often burrow into the ferrous plates that make up significant portions of the geology of that world. As with many lithovores on Ganymede, they expel oxygen and water vapor as a waste product of their feeding on metal and rock, and thus play an integral role in the ecosystem there, especially in the deep caverns where air exchange with the surface is not as common.

Anvelids are significantly stockier than their juvenile form, and while they are just as agile, they tend to become significantly more sedate and prefer not to move. Being heavily armored in natural layered metal plates, they have incredibly few predators, even on Ganymede.


An anvelid has one of the two following abilities. Once determined, this choice cannot be changed later.

Battle Armor: The anvelid is immune to critical hits.
Shed Skin: At the beginning of the anvelid's turn, if the anvelid is conscious and able to take actions, it can make a saving throw against one status ailment of its choice; if it succeeds, that ailment immediately ends.

Racial Abilities

The following are the racial abilities of all anvelids.

Basic Attack: The anvelid's basic attack deals bludgeoning damage.
Defenses: The anvelid gains a +4 racial bonus to a single Defense of its choice (Fortitude, Reflex, Will, or Determination). Once chosen, this choice cannot be changed.
Radiation Resistance: An anvelid has innate barrier (radiation).