Blue: Lambda Meme List

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The meme index includes a full index of all memes in all libraries, as well as an explanation of some of the terms used in these descriptions.


Blue Memes
Meme Index | Abstract · Data · Instance · Lambda · System · Virus


Lambda Meme Descriptions

The following are the lambda memes in alphabetical order.


Classes: Trn [Learnable]
Library: Lambda
Processing Time: Full action
Range: Close (30 feet)
Target: One creature or object
Duration: Instant
Defense: Reflex (see text)
Blue Opposition: No
Recharge: 3
Template: A physical attack that deals damage and pushes its target.
With a burst of speed, you slam into a creature, harming it and pushing it aside.
You can move up to your speed, and make a physical attack against a creature's Reflex, or against an object. If you hit, you deal potency 3 bludgeoning damage; if you also hit the creature's Fortitude with a -5 penalty, you can choose to also push the creature or object 5 feet.
For every 3 points of memory allocated, push the creature an additional 5 feet.
For every 4 points of memory allocated, decrease the penalty to your attack roll to determine if you hit the creature's Fortitude by 1, to a minimum of -0.
You can move up to double your speed instead of up to your speed before making the attack, and this movement does not provoke opportunity attacks.