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The Trainer
Level Special Active Memes Memory Libraries Max Grade Memes Known
1 Mementos 2 1 1 Common 3
2 Trainer Secret 2 1 1 Common 4
3   2 1 2 Common 5
4 Trainer Secret 3 1 2 Uncommon 6
5   3 2 2 Uncommon 7
6 Trainer Secret 4 2 2 Uncommon 8
7   4 2 3 Uncommon 9
8 Trainer Secret 4 2 3 Uncommon 11
9   5 3 3 Rare 12
10 Trainer Talent 5 3 3 Rare 13
11   6 3 4 Rare 14
12 Trainer Talent 6 3 4 Rare 15
13   6 4 4 Rare 16
14 Trainer Talent 7 4 4 Obscure 17
15   7 4 5 Obscure 19
16 Trainer Talent 8 4 5 Obscure 20
17   8 5 5 Obscure 21
18 Trainer Talent 8 5 5 Obscure 22
19   9 5 6 Secret 23
20 Trainer Talent 9 5 6 Secret 24



Locke'mejis and Ashe'cathari, iconic trainers
"Shorts are comfy and easy to wear. Let's fight!"

The world of Trinity is a dangerous place. Some, such as the commonfolk, rely upon their well-trained members of their society to defend them from attackers; others are those defenders themselves. However, some societies lack the comfort of walls or homes, always on the move. Halflings, selkies, and even lunari often find themselves almost always on the move or lacking stable fortifications. While the more aged among their people may be able to fend off an attack, their children are not always so able. Thus: the trainer.

In times past, when the halflings were under attack from prophet moths, they sought a manner of assistance from the gnomes. The gnomes gifted them with knowledge of the blue, of learning to use the abilities of monsters. However, this was ill-suited for the halflings' intentions: they needed a weapon, easily wielded, with which they could arm their children. Taking the lessons taught to them from the gnomes, however, the halflings devised a new idea: rather than learn the abilities of monsters, capture the monsters themselves, and ensure that they could only fight what they were directed to.

The halflings devised a new method of interacting with the blue, which they called meme crystals - small items that were capable of storing a creature or item in the world's memory, such that it could be summoned back at any time. They then began capturing small monsters of Sarteri and training them, then giving the meme crystals in which the creatures were stored to children, instructing them to only use them in dire need. As they grew older, the children were taught the ways of the gun, and passed their meme crystals on to the children that came after them.

Some halflings, however, decided not to become gunslingers, and instead focused on raising the monsters they had been gifted with. Through trial and error, they determined that some creatures were better-suited to some abilities; they devised a basic understanding of genetics, and began breeding creatures to attain desired traits: small, but ferocious, with unalarming appearances so that children would not be frightened to use the creatures.

Centuries have passed since then, and trainers are still relatively rare - but not unheard of. The way of the trainer has spread throughout the world, and though it is often thought of as the path of cowards, it is a welcome relief to those who must fight but have no formal training.

Game Rule Information

Trainers have the following game statistics.

Force Alignment: Blue.

Force Resistances: TO 5 + level, CO 5 + level.

Abilities: Dexterity is important to a trainer, as - in order to capture new creatures - they must be agile enough to accurately throw a meme crystal. Charisma is also important, as a more powerful personality allows them to more successfully exert control over creatures.

Hit Points at 1st Level: 5 + Con score.

Hit Points at Each Additional Level: 5 + Con modifier.

Healing Surges: 6 + Con modifier.

Defenses: Fort +0; Ref +4; Will +0; Det +4.

Starting Age: Simple.

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the trainer.


Weapons: Any two ranged, any one melee, any one.

Armor: Light, mystic.

Implements: Records, tomes.


Trainers are memeticists, and as such make use of memes, conceptual packets of information that are essentially programs that interact with the data that comprises the world in some fashion.

To use memes, a trainer must first ready it, an arduous process that must be performed on a regular basis, updating the meme to ensure that its various structures are synchronized with the world.


Blue Libraries
Library Description
Abstract Directly interfacing with the structures that form the very core of existence, this library gives you extremely powerful but limited ways to manipulate reality.
Data You can delve into the caches of information storage hidden "beneath" the world, learning answers to impossible questions.
Instance Through introduction of new pointers and structures, you can create temporary objects and creatures.
Lambda Relatively simple and direct commands, these memes are useful to modify reality quickly and in fashions similar to those wielded by other Forces.
System Manipulating processes, you can take control of the real world in a wide variety of ways.
Virus Rather than attempt to produce particular effects, you can instead corrupt existing data and processes, causing them to decay or behave erratically.


To access his memes, a trainer must ready them into his active meme slots. A trainer can only modify his active meme slots after a long rest, in a process that takes ten minutes.

Meme Grades
Grade Minimum Wisdom
Common 9
Uncommon 10
Rare 11
Obscure 12
Secret 14
Forgotten 16

To use a given meme, the trainer must meet the minimum Wisdom score for that grade, as per the table on the right.

When an trainer readies his memes, he can also choose to put them into his personal memory, using his own informational process to improve the meme in some fashion. You can change which memes you have allocated into memory with a short rest.

When you process a meme, it becomes temporarily scrambled after its interaction with the world, and you cannot use it again until it recharges. At the beginning of each of your turns, if you have any memes that need to recharge, you roll your recharge die, which is 1d6. If the result of the recharge die is equal to or greater than the recharge value for a given meme, that meme recharges, and you can process it again. The recharge value of a meme is dependent upon the highest grade of meme you can access, per the table below.

All of your memes automatically recharge after a short rest.

You gain additional active meme slots based on your Intelligence modifier; at each even level, you gain a bonus active meme slot, until you have a total number of bonus slots equal to your Intelligence modifier.


Memes: Recharge Values
  Meme Grade
Highest Meme Grade Accessible Common Uncommon Rare Obscure Secret Forgotten
Common 5 --- --- --- --- ---
Uncommon 4 6 --- --- --- ---
Rare 3 5 6 --- --- ---
Obscure 2 4 5 6 --- ---
Secret 2 3 4 5 6 ---
Forgotten 2 3 4 5 6 6


The trainer begins with three known memes. He gains knowledge of additional memes each level, as per the class table, above. At fourth level and every four levels after, he can trade out up to two memes for new memes from any library he can access.

If you would gain access to a library, you can choose to instead gain a bonus feat, which must be a feat for which you qualify. If you would gain access to a library and already have access to six libraries, you gain a bonus feat instead.

The trainer's key ability for his memetic attacks is his Charisma.


By exerting his belief on a meme crystal, a trainer can control the creature held within.

On each of his turns, the trainer can expend a move action to direct the actions of a controlled creature. If he does so, the controlled creature behaves like a summoned monster, until the start of his next turn; if he does not, the creature will defend itself but otherwise take no action, and an uncontrolled bloodied creature will retreat if possible. A trainer cannot control a creature whose level is greater than his trainer class level. An uncontrolled creature will act independently once released, until returned to its meme crystal.

Due to this being a memetic effect, the trainer can issue complex commands to a controlled creature without the need for a shared language. However, the trainer cannot actually communicate with the creature.

Base Statistics By Role
  Skirmisher Brute Sentinel Lurker Controller Ravager
HP @ 1st 10 + Con 20 + Con 15 + Con 10 + Con 5 + Con 5 + Con
HP per Add'l Level 7 + Con mod 11 + Con mod 9 + Con mod 7 + Con mod 5 + Con mod 5 + Con mod
Healing Surges 8 + Con mod 12 + Con mod 10 + Con mod 8 + Con mod 6 + Con mod 6 + Con mod
Fort +2 +4 +4 +0 +0 +2
Ref +4 +0 +0 +4 +2 +2
Will +0 +0 +2 +2 +4 +2
Det +0 +2 +4 +0 +2 +2
Technics Known 4 3 3 4 5 4

Releasing a creature from a meme crystal is a standard action, and the creature appears in an unoccupied square adjacent to the trainer. A trainer can return a creature to its meme crystal by touching the meme crystal to the creature: if the creature is within the trainer's reach, this is a move action, otherwise the meme crystal can be thrown at the creature as a standard action (in such an instance, the trainer automatically hits the creature's Reflex if the creature is currently controlled, but may miss due to concealment or other factors; the trainer must roll to hit an uncontrolled creature normally).

You can apply the controlled condition to a single creature in a meme crystal. You can also apply the controlled condition to additional creatures, but each additional creature requires you to expend one memory to do so; treat this memory as though it were allocated to a meme.

In addition, a trainer can improve a creature's abilities, increasing its level in its role. The creature must be within its meme crystal, and the trainer must meditate for the duration of a short rest, after which the creature gains a level. The trainer cannot grant a level to a creature that would make the creature's level higher than the trainer's class level. Unlike characters, once the trainer begins training a creature in a role, the creature always gains levels in that role.

The trainer can also grant roles to creatures that do not have them, as is the case for many monsters. Once the trainer has captured a creature in a meme crystal (see below), the trainer can spend a short rest to give the creature a role. A creature so trained immediately loses all of its natural statistics, which are replaced as though it had levels in a role equal to its level. The exception to this are all attacks the creature possessed, as well as all racial abilities and traits; in essence, only the statistics on the Roles table are replaced.

Example: Locke captures a 5th-level metroid. Metroids do not have roles, and so he wants to spend a short rest to give it the lurker role, and teach it a meme he thinks will be useful for it. The metroid loses all of its original statistics and becomes a 5th-level lurker, but retains its racial bonuses to ability scores and any abilities it had.
The mementos page has more information on how a trainer's creatures work.