Class: Warlord

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The Warlord
Level Special Strategy Max Maneuver Grade Schools Maneuvers Known
1 Inspire +1 Basic 1 4
2 Art of War +2 Basic 1 6
3   +3 Lesser 1 7
4 Art of War +4 Lesser 1 8
5   +5 Lesser 2 10
6 Art of War +6 Lesser 2 11
7   +7 Lesser 2 12
8 Art of War +8 Expert 2 14
9   +9 Expert 2 15
10 Warlord Talent +10 Expert 2 16
11   +11 Expert 3 18
12 Warlord Talent +12 Expert 3 19
13   +13 Greater 3 20
14 Warlord Talent +14 Greater 3 22
15   +15 Greater 3 23
16 Warlord Talent +16 Greater 3 24
17   +17 Greater 3 26
18 Warlord Talent +18 Master 3 27
19   +19 Master 3 28
20 Warlord Talent +20 Master 3 30



Agrias, iconic warlord
"Heed my words, and know victory!"

Trinity has, many times in its history, known war. And though the presence of powerful individuals often tips the scales of balance, the actions of those select groups are often made possible by the actions of armies, whose purpose in this world is not to be the primary force, but the secondary: an alternative should those with significant personal power fail in their endeavors.

In the course of warfare as it is known in Trinity, tactics and stratagems were slow to come to the fore, progress made in fits and spurts by individuals who saw opportunity in taking command of troops in mass combat. Those strategies, it was later found, were equally applicable to those small elite forces: warlords became known as force multipliers, whether on the field of battle or in the depths of dungeons, whether they commanded a thousand men or directed the actions of a select few.

Warlords forgo the specialization in equipment that most other combat-oriented classes acquire; instead, they specialize on learning how to identify openings, how to direct others, and how to improve morale. Warlords learn the basics of weapons and armor, and are able to hold their own against most others, but their martial training falls short of those more focused on taking direct action themselves. Thus, while it is not uncommon for warlords to lead the charge, most take on a support role, leading from the rear and giving direction without getting directly involved themselves.

There are many styles of leadership, and different warlords take advantage of different schools of thought. Exposure to new strategies and different sorts of engagements encourages budding warlords to study other tactics, as well, giving them increasing versatility on the battlefield.

Game Rule Information

Warlords have the following game statistics.

Force Alignment: None.

Force Resistances: None.

Abilities: Intelligence and Charisma are most important for warlords, though some who lead from the front of the fight may also want to focus on Strength and Constitution.

Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Con score.

Hit Points at Each Additional Level: 7 + Con modifier.

Healing Surges: 8 + Con modifier.

Defenses: Fort +2; Ref +2; Will +2; Det +2.

Starting Age: Moderate.

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the warlord.


Weapons: Any two melee, any two ranged, any one.

Armor: Light, shields.

Implements: None.


Warlords are warriors, and as such make use of maneuvers, specific attacks or other abilities attained through rigorous training.

To use maneuvers, warlords must expend gambits, which they gain by making strategy checks to analyze the current tactical situation. Devising a strategy requires 1 round, and the warlord must make a strategy check, which is equal to d20 + her strategy bonus + the highest of her Perception, Intelligence, and Bravery modifiers; you make this roll as you declare your intent to devise a strategy, and if the result is not to your liking, you can cease the attempt and expend only a move action. If the result is at least a 15, you have come up with at least part of a plan, and gain gambits according to the table below.


Warlord Schools
School Primary Ability Description
Insightful Per You lead through careful observation and a knack for predicting your enemies' actions.
Resourceful Brv You adapt to the mistakes and openings your enemies provide and endeavor to create opportunities.
Tactical Int Your leadership takes the form of quick commands, cunning strategies, and tactical superiority.


Maneuvers are almost universally completely physical in nature and have no Force components; they are expressions of the mortal body pushed to its limits. Maneuvers are divided into schools, which represent particular thoughts and approaches to combat, training, and martial abilities. The minimum primary ability needed to use a maneuver is indicated on the table to the right.

Maneuver Stats by Grade
Grade Minimum Primary Ability
Basic 10
Lesser 12
Expert 14
Greater 16
Master 18
Epic 20

You can use any maneuver you know, of any grade you have access to, and for which you have at least one gambit; you have analyzed the tactical situation enough to recognize a few different openings. You must expend a gambit to use a maneuver of that grade or lower; expending a gambit is part of the initiation time of a maneuver. If you gain a gambit for a maneuver grade you cannot access, you cannot use maneuvers of that grade, but can still use that gambit for any lower grade.

If you have gambits remaining from a previous strategy, any strategize attempt you make suffers a -2 penalty for each gambit you have remaining. Even if such a second strategy is successful, you can have no more than three gambits for a given maneuver grade at any one time, and no more than six gambits in total (if a strategy would bring you over six after the limit of three per grade, you lose gambits from highest grade to lowest).

You can willingly lose any gambits you have as a free action on your turn.

The warlord begins with four known maneuvers. She gains knowledge of additional maneuvers each level, as per the class table, above. At fourth level and every four levels after, she can trade out up to two maneuvers for new maneuvers from any school she can access, of any grade she can access.

If you would gain access to a school, you can choose to instead gain a bonus feat, which must be a feat for which you qualify. If you would gain access to a school and already have access to three schools, you gain a bonus feat instead.


Strategy and Gambits
  Strategy Check
Maneuver Grade 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45+
Basic 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Lesser - - - - - 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Expert - - - - - - - - - - 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 - - - - - - -
Greater - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 - -
Master - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 5
Epic - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1


The warlord's key ability for her physical attacks is dependent upon the weapon she wields; when using a maneuver, if her primary ability score for the maneuver's school is greater than the ability score she would use for her weapon, she can use that instead.


As a warlord, your best weapon is not one you wield, but those under your leadership. As such, you have learned to bolster flagging spirits and encourage your allies, and can even bolster yourself if need be.

As a swift action, you can inspire yourself or an ally within Close range (30 feet). The target can spend a healing surge.

Art of War

As a warlord grows in skill, she learns how to better lead those under her command.

At each of the levels indicated on the class table, you can choose one ability from the following list. Unless otherwise specified, each ability can only be taken once.

▶ Bolstering Inspiration

When you use inspire, the target can also make a saving throw.

▶ Emboldening Presence

When an ally who can see you uses their second wind, that ally gains a feat bonus to saving throws equal to your Bravery modifier until the end of their next turn.

▶ Insightful Presence

Prerequisites: Access to the insightful school

When an ally who can see you spends an action point to take an extra action, that ally gains a feat bonus to all Defenses equal to half your Perception modifier, rounded down, until the end of his or her next turn.

▶ Inspired Defense

When you use inspire, the target gains a +2 feat bonus to all Defenses until the end of their next turn.

▶ Resourceful Presence

Prerequisites: Access to the resourceful school

When an ally who can see you spends an action point to take an extra action, and uses that action to make an attack, that ally gains a feat bonus to the damage potency of that attack equal to one-half your Bravery modifier, rounded down, minimum 1; this effect cannot cause an attack to break the damage cap.

If the attack misses, the ally instead gains a shield with potency equal to your Bravery modifier. (When a creature with shield takes damage, that damage is first applied to the shield; this effect ends when the shield is reduced to 0 hp.)

▶ Tactical Presence

Prerequisites: Access to the tactical school

When an ally who can see you spends an action point to take an extra action, and uses that action to make an attack, that ally gains a feat bonus to the attack roll equal to your Intelligence modifier.

An ally can only benefit from this feature once per round.


The following is the warlord maneuver list.

1st-Level Warlord Maneuvers
Maneuver Name Action Type Presence Bonus Effect
Alarm Move Command Awaken all allies; they can stand from prone as a free action.
Brash Assault Standard Strike Insightful Melee attack, luring your target to hit you back; if it does, an ally can attack it.
Commander's Strike Standard Command Grant an ally a melee attack against a creature you both threaten, ally deals bonus damage.
Direct the Strike Standard Command Grant an ally a ranged attack against a creature.
Furious Smash Standard Strike Melee attack deals light damage; grants an ally bonuses to attack and damage against the target.
Inevitable Wave Standard Strike Bravura Melee attack; allies who charge the target deal extra damage.
Inspiring Word Swift Boost Inspiring Heal an ally for potency 2 damage, or grant temporary hit points.
Intuitive Strike Standard Strike Melee attack; allies who have combat advantage against the target gain a bonus to attack rolls.
Opening Shove Standard Strike Resourceful Make an attack; if you hit, no damage, but push creature and a nearby ally can move or attack the target.
Paint the Bullseye Standard Strike Skirmishing Ranged attack; if you hit, allies deal extra damage to the target.
Risky Shot Standard Strike Ranged attack that deals extra damage; you become flat-footed.
Rousing Assault Standard Strike Melee attack; if you hit, your next healing ability increases in potency.
To Arms Move Command All allies can ready a weapon as a free action.
Viper's Strike Standard Strike Melee attack; if you hit, the target provokes opportunity attacks for any movement.
Wolf Pack Tactics Standard Strike Tactical Melee attack; before the attack, an ally adjacent to you or target can shift 5 feet.


2nd-Level Warlord Maneuvers
Maneuver Name Action Type Presence Bonus Effect
Coordinated Offensive Standard Strike Melee attack; two nearby allies can move up to 5 feet.
Cunning Adjustment Reaction Boost When you hit a creature, an ally can move and gains advantage against that creature.
Guarding Attack Standard Strike Inspiring Melee attack; if you hit, adjacent ally gains bonus to AC against that creature.
Hammer and Anvil Standard Strike Melee attack; if you hit, ally can make a melee attack with bonus damage.
Hammer Formation Standard Strike Resourceful Melee attack; if you hit, allies deal bonus damage on next weapon attack.
Knight's Move Move Command The target can move up to his speed as a free action.
Leaf on the Wind Standard Strike Melee attack; if you hit, you or adjacent ally can swap places with target.
Luring Focus Standard Strike Bravura Melee attack; if you hit, pull another enemy towards you.
Nimble Footwork Standard Strike Melee attack; if you hit, you can move 5 feet, and an ally can move 5 feet.
Pin Cushion Standard Strike Ranged attack; you and allies gain bonus to ranged attacks against the target.
Powerful Warning Reaction Boost Insightful When ally is attacked, you grant bonus to AC and saving throws.
Provocative Order Standard Command Ally can make a charge attack, deals bonus damage.
Race the Arrow Standard Strike Skirmishing Ranged attack; an ally can charge or attack the target.
Reposition Move Command Allies within 60 feet can move 5 feet.
Shake It Off Swift Boost One ally can make a save against a status ailment with a bonus.
Strategist's Invitation Standard Strike Melee attack; if you hit, allies who hit the target can move, slide the target, or deal bonus damage.
Tactician's Favor Standard Strike Tactical Melee attack; if you hit, one ally gains bonus on attack rolls against the target.


3rd-Level Warlord Maneuvers
Maneuver Name Action Type Presence Bonus Effect
Adaptive Stratagem Swift Boost Resourceful Grant an ally a bonus to attack rolls or saving throws.
Aid the Injured Standard Boost Heal a touched ally for potency 3 damage, or grant temporary hit points.
Battering Command Standard Strike Melee attack; no damage, but knock the target prone, and ally can attack the target.
Create A Target Standard Strike [Strategic] Melee attack; +1d6 damage, push the target, and forced movement grants allies attacks against it.
Deadly Distraction Standard Strike Melee attack; +1d6 damage, the target cannot make opportunity attacks temporarily.
Forward Observer Swift Boost Skirmishing Allies ignore a designated creature's cover and concealment.
Hold the Line Standard Strike Melee attack; deal +1d6 damage, nearby allies gain bonus to AC and are immune to forced movement.
Inspired Belligerence Swift Boost Inspiring An allies gain combat advantage against a creature who an ally has combat advantage against.
Leader's Instincts Standard Strike [Strategic] Melee attack; +1d6 damage, and an ally can make an attack against the target.
No Gambit Is Wasted Reaction Strike When an ally misses with a maneuver, make an attack against same target; if you hit, ally regains resources spent on maneuver.
Orchestrated Offensive Standard Strike [Strategic] Melee attack; two allies can charge, make an attack, or shift up to their speed.
Pin the Foe Standard Strike [Strategic] Melee attack; +1d6 damage; if two allies threaten the target, target is immobilized.
Reckless Opportunity Swift Boost Bravura An ally and a foe make opposed Initiative checks; the winner gains combat advantage against the loser.
Rub Some Dirt On It Swift Command Grant a bloodied ally temporary hit points.
Shields Up Swift Boost Insightful Grant an ally protect.
Watch Your Back Swift Boost Tactical An ally cannot be flat-footed.


4th-Level Warlord Maneuvers
Maneuver Name Action Type Presence Bonus Effect
Archery Commander Standard Strike [Strategic] Ranged attack; deal +1d6 damage, allies near you don't provoke opportunity attacks for using ranged weapons.
Bait the Hook Standard Strike [Strategic] Melee attack; deal +2d6 damage, target grants combat advantage to an ally and gains vulnerability to their attacks.
Create Opportunity Standard Strike [Strategic] Attack; when you hit a creature, one ally can make an attack or shift.
Form A Line Swift Tactic Create a zone in which allies gain a bonus to AC, bigger bonus if adjacent to other allies in the zone.
Guileful Switch Swift Boost You and an ally switch places in the initiative order.
Invigorating Shout Swift Boost Ally regains a healing surge and is healed for potency 2 damage.
Join the Crowd Immediate Strike Insightful When an ally creates an area effect, melee attack; if hit, half damage, push target into effect.
On My Mark Standard Strike Skirmishing Attack; an ally can also attack your target, with bonus to attack roll if you hit.
Phalanx Assault Standard Strike Resourceful Melee attack; deal +1d6 damage, allies near you gain bonus to AC and Reflex.
Reorient the Axis Move Command All allies can shift up to 5 feet per point of your presence ability modifier.
Rock and Hard Place Swift Tactic [Strategic] Whenever a creature adjacent to you misses an ally, you deal damage to that creature.
Rousing Words Swift Boost Target ally can spend up to two healing surges, heal for potency 3 damage for each surge spent.
Situational Advantage Standard Strike [Strategic] Attack; deal +2d6 damage, allies near you deal extra damage when they have combat advantage.
Sudden Motivation Standard Strike Bravura Melee attack; allies near you gain a move action on their next turn.
Sunder Armor Standard Strike Melee attack; attacks against the target have increased critical threat range.
Surprise Attack Standard Strike Tactical Melee attack; an ally can make an attack against the target with combat advantage.
Surround Foe Standard Strike Melee attack; an ally adjacent to the target can move to any space from which they threaten the target.
Tactical Supervision Immediate Command When an ally makes an attack, grant them a bonus to the attack roll.
War of Attrition Standard Strike Inspiring Melee attack; deal +1d6 damage, allies gain bonus to attack and damage rolls with basic attacks.


9th-Level Warlord Maneuvers
Maneuver Name Action Type Presence Bonus Effect
Deific Rallying Standard Boost [Strategic] Inspiring All allies gain temporary hit points and can make a basic attack against a target of their choice.
Flawless Snare Standard Strike [Strategic] Bravura Melee attack; deal +6d6 damage, mark the target, and when it attacks you, all nearby allies can attack it.
Partners in Battle Standard Strike [Strategic] Skirmishing Ranged attack; deal +4d6 damage, can daze, ally can attack your target, can also daze.
Perfect Front Swift Tactic [Strategic] Tactical When you are adjacent to an ally, when you make an attack roll, roll twice and use the better result; also applies to allies adjacent to you.
Stand Invincible Standard Strike [Strategic] Insightful Melee attack; deal +6d6 damage, you and all allies gain bonuses to AC and saving throws, and resist damage.
Wake of Devastation Standard Strike [Strategic] Resourceful Melee attack, affects an area; deal +4d6 damage, each target gains bleeding (4d6).


Design Notes

Full rebuild, t20 v4.

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