Class: Mage

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The Mage
Level Special Mana Refresh Rate Max Spell Grade Paths Spells Known
1 Arcane Senses 3 1 Initiate 1 4
2 Leyline Manipulation 6 1 Initiate 1 6
3   9 2 Apprentice 2 7
4 Leyline Manipulation 12 2 Apprentice 2 8
5   15 3 Apprentice 2 10
6 Leyline Manipulation 18 3 Apprentice 2 11
7   21 4 Apprentice 3 12
8 Leyline Manipulation 24 4 Journeyman 3 14
9   27 5 Journeyman 3 15
10 Mage Talent 30 5 Journeyman 3 16
11   33 6 Journeyman 4 18
12 Mage Talent 36 6 Journeyman 4 19
13   39 7 Adept 4 20
14 Mage Talent 42 7 Adept 4 22
15   45 8 Adept 5 23
16 Mage Talent 48 8 Adept 5 24
17   51 9 Adept 5 26
18 Mage Talent 54 9 Master 5 27
19   57 10 Master 6 28
20 Mage Talent 60 10 Master 6 30



Tellah, iconic mage
"Reality is malleable. Nothing is impossible."

Hidden in the depths of reality, in places where surely no mortal mind was meant to venture, lie secrets: ancient pathways of power, hewn into the metaphysical depths by forces beyond mortal ken. However, with sufficient knowledge, resolve, and force of will, an individual can tap into these leylines and wrest forth their secrets, revealing powers capable of twisting reality to the wishes of he who tapped into it. Those who steel their minds and seek to map out the myriad twisting lines of power etched into reality are known as mages.

The leylines are not a science, and there is no rhyme or reason to their existence, nor are they predictable in their effects. A mage who taps a given leyline may unlock the ability to heal an ally, while another mage who taps the same leyline instead is able to summon forth lightning from his hand. The nature of the interaction between leylines and the individuals who tap them is a mysterious and unknowable interplay between the leyline and the mage; however, one common thread among all mages is the need to speak aloud their desire when accessing a leyline. The precise wording is often irrelevant; it is the intent that matters, and mages must be very clear about their intentions regarding the energy from a leyline before it becomes unleashed.

Tapping into a leyline is not dangerous by itself, but those who would wield the powers held within must gird their minds and use their own essence to unlock its power. An apprentice mage who has just begun his studies can tap into the simplest and smallest of leylines, while a master can command all but the most dizzying of them. The only vaguely consistent detail of the wielding of magic is the amount of energy an individual must put into a leyline before it unleashes its secrets at his whim: the energy patterns required by each leyline require the mage to make snap decisions with the amount of energy he devotes to a leyline, and brilliant mages are able to conserve their power, giving them significantly greater staying power, while dullards waste their energies summoning even the weakest of spells.

Mages are dangerous opponents. One can never tell what powers a given mage has unlocked merely by looking at him, and magic is a powerful force. With a mere whisper, a mage can mend bone, create pillars of flame, or summon otherworldly creatures to do his bidding. With such power, it is no wonder that mages are often feared: for the goal of many magicians is absolute power, and such power has a tendency to corrupt. While many mages work for the common good, many are all too aware that a mage who decides to pursue his own ends can rapidly turn any opposition to ash, or worse.

Game Rule Information

Mages have the following game statistics.

Force Alignment: Magic.

Force Resistances: PR 5 + level, TR 5 + level.

Abilities: Intelligence is the prime ability for the mage. With a higher intelligence, his mental fortitude improves, allowing him to command more magical energy, as well as access the deeper secrets of the universe. Each path of magic also requires another ability, however, and so mages cannot pursue intellect to the exclusion of all else.

Hit Points at 1st Level: 5 + Con score.

Hit Points at Each Additional Level: 5 + Con modifier.

Healing Surges: 6 + Con modifier.

Defenses: Fort +0; Ref +0; Will +4; Det +4.

Skills: Mages are trained in Arcana (Int), plus any four skills from the mage class skill list, below.

  • Diplomacy (Cha)
  • History (Int)
  • Insight (Wis)
  • Linguistics (Int)
  • Psionics (Int)
  • Research (Int)
  • Science (Int)

Starting Age: Moderate.

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the mage.


Weapons: Any three.

Armor: Mystic.

Implements: Canes, wands.


Mages are casters, which means that they make use of spells, expressions of power ripped from the leylines that metaphysically cross the material plane. As casters, mages must expend mana to cast spells, a metaphysical resource produced by the strength of his will and personal conviction. So long as he is not actively engaged in spellcasting, the mage's mana replenishes naturally over time.


Magic Paths
Path Secondary Ability Description
Artifice Cha Artifice is the art of manipulating magical energies and binding them to items, or otherwise manipulating the magics inherent in objects.
Conjury Wis Conjurations heal creatures, weave protections of both physical and magical natures, and can conjure obstructions and barriers.
Malediction Cha Maledictions are baleful magics, impeding creatures or harming them in subtle ways, or even calling forth the dead.
Sorcery Brv Vulgar magics, sorceries are powerful but obvious, with a wide variety of effects with clear applications.
Thaumaturgy Brv Thaumaturgy deals with the direct manipulation of energies and the elements, giving the mage command over the forces of nature.
Wizardry Wis Subtle magics, wizardry is an art, one whose effects are incredibly varied, which often require clever thinking to utilize to their fullest.


Spells are a combination of the mage's will to modify the world and the power imparted by accessing leylines; as such, so long as the mage has sufficient mana to fuel the spell, it will always function. The mana, minimum Intelligence, and minimum secondary ability needed to use a spell are indicated on the table to the right.

Spell Stats by Grade
Grade Minimum Intelligence Minimum Secondary Ability Mana Cost
Initiate 11 10 1
Apprentice 14 11 4
Journeyman 17 12 9
Adept 20 13 16
Master 23 14 25
Archmage 26 16 36

The mage has an amount of mana at his disposal based upon his caster level, per the class table, above.

Although casting spells is mentally taxing, the mage's mana naturally replenishes over time. At the end of any turn on which he does not cast a spell, the mage regains mana equal to his refresh rate, found on the class table, above.

The mage begins with four known spells. He gains knowledge of additional spells each level, as per the class table, above. At fourth level and every four levels after, he can trade out up to two spells for new spells from any path he can access.

If you would gain access to a path, you can choose to instead gain a bonus feat, which must be a feat for which you qualify. If you would gain access to a path and already have access to six paths, you gain a bonus feat instead.

The mage's key ability for his magical attacks is his Intelligence; if his secondary ability score for the spell's path is greater than his Intelligence, he can use that instead (for instance, if you have a 16 Int and an 18 Wis, you can use your Wisdom for magical attacks made with Conjury spells).

Many magic spells also have secondary effects that depend upon resonance. Your resonance value for a given spell is equal to your ability modifier for the spell's path's secondary ability. When you make a magical attack, if you hit by an amount equal to your resonance value or less, or if you miss by an amount equal to your resonance value or less, the target suffers the spells' resonance effect. Note that only spells that call for a magical attack use resonance.

Arcane Senses

One of the first skills a budding mage develops is the ability to see beyond reality, attuning their senses to the leylines and metaphysics that inform and shape physical existence.

You automatically learn the arcanic language.

In addition, when you look at a creature, you can spend a swift action to detect any and all status boons and ailments that creature is currently affected by.

Leyline Manipulation

Mages are not content to simply take power they are given access to: part of being a mage is learning to wrest every ounce of magic from leylines and twist it to your advantage, commanding reality to obey your whims.

At second, fourth, sixth, and eighth levels, you gain a bonus feat. You can only spend this bonus feat on acquiring [Metamagic] feats.

Mage Talent

At tenth level, and every two levels thereafter, the mage's understanding of the arcane deepens. He may select one of the following talents.

▶ Channel

As a swift action, you can spend any number of hit points. You gain temporary mana equal to half the amount of hit points you sacrificed, rounded down. Temporary mana lasts for 1 round per point of Intelligence modifier you have, and can put you over your maximum mana.

▶ Doublecast

You can, as a full-round action, cast two spells simultaneously, provided neither spell has a casting time of longer than one standard action. The combined mana cost of the two spells can be no greater than double your level.

▶ Quadramagic

Prerequisites: Doublecast

You can, as a full-round action, cast four spells simultaneously, provided none of the spells has a casting time of longer than one standard action. The combined mana cost of the four spells can be no greater than triple your level.

▶ Wish

Prerequisites: Mage level 16th+

You gain knowledge of the wish spell.

▶ Feat

The mage may gain a bonus feat in place of a talent.


The following are mage spells, ordered by path, then by grade.

Artifice Path

Initiate Artifice Spells
Spell Name Effect Resonance
Flameburst Armor    
Icebound Sigil    
Magic Weapon    
Repair Object    
Thundering Armor    


Apprentice Artifice Spells
Spell Name Effect Resonance
Arcane Anchor    
Caustic Rampart    
Ice Shards Trap    
Make Whole    
Reinforced Minion    
Shadowy Figurine    
Use Magic Item    


Journeyman Artifice Spells
Spell Name Effect Resonance
Barbed Automaton    
Corrosive Sigil    
Dancing Shield    
Dancing Weapon    
Flameheart Defender    
Healing Figurine    
Icy Blade    
Magic Weapon, Greater    
Phantom Structure    
Radiant Sigil    
Sigil of Luck    
Static Shell    
Thunderclap Armor    
Use Force Item    
Vampiric Weapon    


Adept Artifice Spells
Spell Name Effect Resonance
Animate Weapon
Chill Armor    
Coiled Springs Trap    
Dimensional Mooring    
Diminutive Bodyguard    
Hellfire Sigil    
Lightning Sigil    
Planestorm Anchor    
Radiant Forcefield    
Spell Magnet    
Stalwart Defender    
Vorpal Edge    


Master Artifice Spells
Spell Name Effect Resonance
Armor of Storms    
Auramorphic Armor    
Haste Sigil    
Synchronized Weaponry    


Conjury Path

Initiate Conjury Spells
Spell Name Effect Resonance
Barrier Target gains barrier against a specified energy type.  ???
Basuna Remove a status ailment with a short duration from a target.  ???
Cure Target can spend one healing surge. Target can spend an additional healing surge.
Light Create a light that shines like a torch.  ???
Protect Target gains protect for 5 rounds.  ???
Shell Target gains shell for 5 rounds.  ???
Wall Erect a magickal barrier.  ???
???  ???  ???
???  ???  ???


Apprentice Conjury Spells
Spell Name Effect Resonance
Aid Target gains a +2 power bonus on all d20 rolls. Bonus increases to +4.
Adloquium Target can spend a healing surge, and gains a potency 4 shield. The shield becomes potency 6.
Astra Target ignores the next status ailment they would be affected by. Target ignores one additional status ailment.
Beacon of Hope Enemies within the area gain weakened, allies can spend a healing surge. Allies can spend two healing surges.
Cura Target can spend two healing surges. Target can spend an additional healing surge.
Daylight Create a zone of bright illumination. ---
Esuna Remove one status ailment from the target. Remove an additional status ailment from the target.
Holy Deal potency 4 holy damage in an area. The target is also stunned.
Raise Remove the dead status from the target, if that status has existed for 5 or fewer rounds. The target does not gain weakened.
Regen The target gains regen for 5 rounds. The target gains an additional copy of regen.
Sanctuary The target gains a +5 power bonus to all defenses until they attack, for up to 5 rounds. The power bonus increases to +8.


Malediction Path


Sorcery Path

Initiate Sorcery Spells
Spell Name Effect Resonance
Expeditious Retreat    
Feather Fall    
Mystical Debris    
Protection from Missiles    


Apprentice Sorcery Spells
Spell Name Effect Resonance
Dimension Door    
Disguise Self    
Dispel Magic    
Force Ladder    
Stinking Cloud    


Journeyman Sorcery Spells
Spell Name Effect Resonance
Arcane Gate    
Black Tentacles    
Dimension Switch    
Energy Devourer    
Grasping Hand    
Hold Monster    
Invisibility, Greater    
Mirror Image    
Resilient Sphere    
Twist of Space    


Adept Sorcery Spells
Spell Name Effect Resonance
Dimensional Journey    
Fly, Mass    
Magnificent Mansion    
Preserving Sleep    
Turn to Frog    
Wall of Force    


Master Sorcery Spells
Spell Name Effect Resonance
Legion's Hold    
Time Stop    


Thaumaturgy Path

Initiate Thaumaturgy Spells
Spell Name Effect Resonance
Arc Lightning Strike up to two creatures with lightning, dealing potency 3 lightning damage. Attempt to strike an additional nearby creature.
Blazing Starfall Shower of light deals potency 2 radiance damage in an area, creatures that leave the area suffer potency 1 fire damage. The target is dazzled until the end of your next turn.
Cloud of Daggers You create dozens of tiny daggers made of arcane energy which fill a space. The cloud follows the original target.
Crushing Wind A blast of wind deals potency 2 wind damage in an area and knocks the targets prone. The targets may also become disarmed.
Magic Missile Unerringly strike a creature for potency 3 arcane damage. ---
Ray of Frost Strike a creature with a burst of cold dealing potency 5 ice damage. Slow the target.
Rune Pillar Create a crackling column of magical energy that deals potency 3 arcane damage to creatures that near it. ---
Scorching Burst Blast creatures in a 5 ft radius with potency 4 fire damage. Inflict ongoing fire damage with potency 1.
Thunderwave Create a burst in front of you that deals potency 3 sonic damage and pushes creatures back. Also knocks targets prone.
Unraveling Dart Shoot forth magical missiles that transform into energy the target is vulnerable to, dealing potency 2 damage of that type. Temporarily removes barrier or resist damage of a random type.


Apprentice Thaumaturgy Spells
Spell Name Effect Resonance
Acid Arrow Blast a creature with acid, dealing potency 5 acid damage, and deal potency 2 acid damage to adjacent creatures. The target takes ongoing potency 1 acid damage.
Arcane Whirlwind Blast an area with wind, dealing potency 3 wind damage to all creatures within it and slide them, and create a zone that allows you to move creatures. Slide the original target further.
Blinding Bolt Temporarily blind a creature with dazzling light and also deal potency 5 radiance damage. Also knock the target prone.
Concussive Echo Deal potency 4 sonic damage; the next time the target makes an attack, it suffers another potency 2 sonic damage. When the secondary effect is triggered, it affects an area.
Empowering Lightning Deal potency 4 lightning damage, and gain a +1 power bonus to the damage potency of the next spell you cast. Increase the bonus to potency to +2.
Flaming Sphere Create a flaming sphere that deals potency 4 fire damage, and persists, dealing potency 2 fire damage to creatures near it. ---
Frostbind Bind a creature with ice, dealing potency 3 ice damage, and the target suffers penalties to their Reflex defense. Target loses evasion for a short time.
Force Orb Deal potency 4 arcane damage to a creature, and potency 2 arcane damage in a 10-foot radius around it. Target is also knocked prone.
Freezing Cloud Create a zone of freezing air that deals potency 3 ice damage, and continues dealing damage each round. The target is also slowed.
Guardian Blades Surround an ally with blades of force, which attack adjacent creatures who make attacks for potency 3 arcane damage. ---
Rolling Thunder Deal potency 5 sonic damage and slide targets; also creates small balls of thunder that deal potency 2 sonic damage when creatures move out of their space. Thunderballs also deafen.
Skewering Spikes Earthen spikes deal potency 4 earth damage to several creatures. Target also becomes immobilized.


Journeyman Thaumaturgy Spells
Spell Name Effect Resonance
Acid Mire Create a zone of acid that deals potency 5 acid damage, then potency 2 acid damage to creatures who stay in the area, or fall prone in it. The target gains acid vulnerability for 5 rounds.
Cinderfall Create a zone of fire and ash that deals potency 4 fire damage, then potency 2 fire damage to creatures who stay in the area, and suffer a -2 power penalty to attack rolls. The target is blind until the end of your next turn.
Color Spray Blast nearby creatures with a flash of light, dealing potency 4 radiant damage and dazing them until the end of your next turn. The target is stunned until the end of your next turn.
Essence Prism You channel raw mana at a creature, dealing potency 6 arcane damage, and temporarily strip them of resists. The target also loses protect, shell, and reflect.
Glacial Armor A blast of cold deals potency 4 ice damage to creatures around you, and encases you in ice, treating you as wearing mail chainmail for a short time that deals potency 2 ice damage to creatures that strike you. You can choose to treat the armor as plate battlegear or leather gear instead.
Ice Knife    
Ice Storm    
Lightning Bolt Deal potency 5 lightning damage to three targets, potency 6 lightning damage to two targets, or potency 7 lightning damage to one target. The target is stunned until the end of your next turn.
Lightning Serpent    
Minute Meteors    
Pinioning Vortex    
Scattering Shock    
Spectral Ram    
Thunder Bomb Deal potency 5 sonic damage in a small area, and slow creatures in the area. The target is also immobilized.
Thunder Cage    
Thunderstaff Deal potency 8 sonic damage to a creature that comes near you, daze and deafen, and push up to 25 feet. The target is also knocked prone.
Volcanic Jaw You erupt volcanic stalagmites from the ground beneath up to three creatures, dealing potency 6 earth damage minus one point of potency per target after the first; creatures near the stalagmites take potency 2 fire damage. The target is immobilized.


Adept Thaumaturgy Spells
Spell Name Effect Resonance
Acid Wave    
Cone of Cold    
Force Volley    
Ice Tomb    
Prismatic Beams    
Titan's Fist    
Twisting Lightning    


Master Thaumaturgy Spells
Spell Name Effect Resonance
Acid Storm    
Chain Lightning    
Meteor Swarm    
Prismatic Spray    


Wizardry Path



The following are a selection of feats that are relevant to mages.


You can turn your reserves of physical energy into magical power.
Prerequisites: Caster.
Benefit: When you spend a healing surge, you can instead choose to gain no HP, and instead regain mana equal to double your refresh rate.


BOON OF THE OCTOPHANT [Legacy - Hecatonchires, Metamagic]
You have been given a boon by Viraxis, the Goddess of Magic, to aid you in seeking out those who would hinder the return of her sister, Edena.
Prerequisites: Hecatonchires.
Benefit: You can cast a spell in such a way as to ignore Magic Resistance.
Casting a spell modified in this way costs an additional 2 mana per grade of the spell.


Your spells are significantly more powerful.
Prerequisites: Caster.
Benefit: You increase the potency of a spell by +2; you cannot increase a spell's potency beyond the potency cap.
Casting a spell modified in this way costs an additional 4 mana per grade of the spell.
Spells without a potency value are not affected by this feat.


Your knowledge of the elements allows you to trade out one sort of energy for another.
Prerequisites: Caster.
Benefit: When you take this feat, choose an energy type.
You can change the descriptor of a spell, and energy damage it deals if any, to one of the types you selected for this feat.
Casting a spell modified in this way costs an additional 2 mana per grade of the spell.
You can take this feat multiple times; each time you do, you select a new energy type.


EXTEND SPELL [Metamagic]
Your spells last significantly longer.
Prerequisites: Caster.
Benefit: You can double the duration of a spell.
Casting a spell modified in this way costs an additional 2 mana per grade of the spell.
Spells without a duration shorter than Brief (5 rounds) or Permanent or longer are not affected by this feat.


Your force of will is strong.
Prerequisites: Caster.
Benefit: You gain a feat bonus to your mana based upon the number of times you have taken this feat.
Extra Mana: Bonus Mana
Times Taken
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
+2 +4 +6 +10 +14 +20 +26 +32 +40 +50
Special: Each time you take this feat, it counts as though you had taken a "half feat" of the Mana Attunement feat (thus, for every two times you take this feat, you gain Mana Attunement as a virtual bonus feat).


Your breadth of knowledge of magic is expansive.
Prerequisites: Caster, access to five or fewer paths.
Benefit: You gain access to another magic path of your choice. You can take this feat multiple times; its effect stacks.


You are more talented than your experience would otherwise suggest.
Prerequisites: Character level 21st+.
Benefit: You gain a talent from the talent list of one of your classes.


Others find it difficult to escape your magical grasp.
Prerequisites: Caster.
Benefit: You can cast a spell in such a way that creatures targeted or otherwise affected by it do not gain the benefits of evasion, grit, mettle, or tenacity. If a creature has an improved or perfect variant of one of these abilities, it is treated as one step weaker. This effect cannot remove a quality with the innate tag.
Casting a spell modified in this way costs an additional 8 mana per grade of the spell.
Spells that do not target a defense are not affected by this feat.


You have a heightened sense of awareness of the ebb and flow of mana.
Prerequisites: Caster.
Benefit: You gain a feat bonus to your refresh rate based upon how many times you have taken this feat.
Mana Atunement: Bonus Refresh Rate
Times Taken
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
+1 +2 +3 +4 +6 +8 +10 +13 +16 +20
Special: Each time you take this feat, it counts as though you had taken a "half feat" of the Extra Mana feat (thus, for every two times you take this feat, you gain Extra Mana as a virtual bonus feat).


You can rapidly summon magical power.
Prerequisites: Caster.
Benefit: You can reduce a spell's casting time to a swift action.
Casting a spell modified in this way costs an additional 4 mana per grade of the spell.
Spells with a casting time shorter than a swift action or longer than a full-round action are not affected by this feat.


You pour additional power into a spell, increasing its resonance bound.
Prerequisites: Caster.
Benefit: You can increase a spell's resonance bound by a number no greater than your level.
Casting a spell modified in this way costs additional mana equal to the amount you increased the resonance bound.
Spells that do not call for a magical attack are not affected by this feat.


Your ability to wield one path of magic is improved.
Prerequisites: Caster.
Benefit: Choose a magic path you can access. You gain a +2 feat bonus on magical attacks with spells of that path. You can take this feat multiple times; each time you do, select a path you can access for which you have not taken this feat.


You have more knowledge of magic than your experience would suggest.
Prerequisites: Caster.
Benefit: You gain knowledge of two additional spells of any grade you can access, of any path you can access. You can take this feat multiple times; its effect stacks.


You have further studied the paths of magic, giving you greater access to their powers.
Prerequisites: Caster.
Benefit: You gain knowledge of one additional spell of any path you can access of a grade one grade higher than you can currently access. You now have access to that higher grade.
If you would later gain access to a new spell grade and already have access to it by virtue of this feat, you gain access to the next higher grade instead.
Special: You can take this feat multiple times. You cannot use this feat to gain access to archmage spells.


You have unlocked the secrets of a spell that transcends the traditional scales of power.
Prerequisites: Caster, ability to cast at least one master spell, 21st+ level.
Benefit: You can learn one archmage spell of your choice from a path you can access. You can take this feat multiple times; each time, you can select a new archmage spell to learn.


UNLOCK WISH [Epic, Magic]
Reality is malleable. Nothing is impossible.
Prerequisites: Caster, 16th+ level.
Benefit: You learn the wish spell.


WIDEN SPELL [Metamagic]
Your area spells can affect an even greater area.
Prerequisites: Caster.
Benefit: You can alter a burst, emanation, line, or spread shaped spell to increase its area. Any numeric measurements of the spell’s area are doubled.
Casting a spell modified in this way costs an additional 3 mana per grade of the spell.
Spells that do not have an area of one of these four sorts are not affected by this feat.


Design Notes

June 12, 2016: Not a complete redesign, but quite close.

Keeping in mind our focus on making resources encounter-based, rather than daily, mages now refresh their mana by a rate of 10% of their maximum on any turn in which they do not cast a spell.

Feb 26, 2017: t20 v4.

Initiate	AW
Apprentice	1E, 1D
Journeyman	3E, 5D, 7E, 9D
Adept		13E, 15D, 17E, 19D
Master		23E, 25D, 27E, 29D

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