D20 Mechanic: Implements

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This page discusses implements, an item type in Trinity that is imported from D&D 4e.


Forces and Implements
Force Implements
Magic cane, wand
Psionics dorje, orb
Tech gadget, widget
Divine icon, verse
Void mirror, spread
Nature essence, totem
Time measure, pendulum
Chaos coin, dice
Blue record, tome

Implements are to sparks what weapons are to warriors: tools of the trade, enhancing your abilities within a particular realm. For implements, each Force has at least one type of implement associated with it: these are item types that are, by their nature, naturally aligned to the Force in question, and through investing Force energy into these types of items, that energy can be returned in the form of impact upon the user's abilities.

Implements provide no benefit beyond those found in each individual implement enhancement's description.

Materia and Desynthesis

Implements, like weapons and armor, can have materia slots.

Because of their intrinsic abilities, implements can be desynthesized into materia. This process is somewhat involved, taking an hour, and requires a spark of the same Force as the accessory in question. When the process is completed, the item is transformed into a materia that, when slotted into an item, allows that item's wearer or wielder to benefit from the materia as though the item it is slotted into were also the original item.

Materia created through desynthesis can be slotted into any item, but has a lower attunement cost when slotted into an item of the same type. Materia created in this fashion have the same Force alignment as the item it was desynthesized from.

The attunement cost of a materia created through desynthesis depends on the item's rarity: if common, 1; if uncommon, 2; if rare, 4; if mythic, 8. If you slot a materia into an item that is of a different type than the item from which the materia was made, the attunement cost increases by +1.

Bonuses provided by materia do not stack; that is, if you have two materia that grant you an enhancement bonus to your Reflex, only the highest bonus applies.

Economics of Implements

Implement Costs
    kp gp dp
Common --- 4000 ---
Uncommon --- (16000) 16
Rare --- --- 32
Mythic --- --- 64
Artifact --- --- (100)
Desynthesis Common --- 200 ---
Uncommon --- 1000 1
Rare --- --- 2
Mythic --- --- 4
Artifact --- --- ---
(X) Can only be sold in the listed economy as though it had X value.

Implements are Force items, and as such typically exist only in the mox economy, due to the requirements involved in crafting permanent Force items of any real strength. While minor implements can be had for mere coins, more powerful items require more exotic currencies.

Common implements can be purchased for the price of 4000 gp, and can be purchased through the gold economy. The imbuing of Force energies into these objects is not as complex or demanding as more powerful items, and the reagents required to permanently bind the powers to such an item do not require powerful components. Any spark or adept is capable of desynthesizing these implements, and so charge only a nominal fee in the gold economy. Common implements have no place in the mox economy.

Uncommon implements cannot be purchased in the gold economy, but can be sold in it as though they had a price of 16000 gp. Uncommon implements are the beginnings of true power, in terms of Forces: these are items whose effects are significant, or are combinations of existing abilities set into one item, making it that much more useful. Any spark or adept capable of crafting implements can desynthesize uncommon implements; as such, while the availability is reduced, this service can still be attained in the gold economy, though such individuals are also willing to take mox economy currency for their trouble. Uncommon implements cost 16 dp in the mox economy.

Rare implements cannot be traded in the gold economy whatsoever. Rare implements are true power, being imbued with as much energy from their aligned Forces as most mortals can muster: either entire suites of less-powerful abilities, or an effect synonymous with "epic" from its parent Force. Sparks or adepts capable of desynthesizing rare implements are much rarer, due to required spark level checks; as such, availability is significantly reduced, and those who can render it will expect mox economy goods for the service. Rare implements cost 32 dp in the mox economy.

Mythic implements cannot be traded in the gold economy whatsoever. Mythic implements are extreme expressions of power, being unique one-of-a-kind items imbued with strange and unusual powers that, while not indestructible, are particularly resilient to deconstruction. Sparks or adepts capable of desynthesizing mythic implements are ridiculously rare and are often loathe to do so, as such items are incredibly - if not outright impossible - to replicate. Such items are often not traded in the open market, but can sometimes be found in high-brow auctions. Mythic implements cost 64 dp in the mox economy.

Artifact implements cannot be purchased in any economy whatsoever; they can be sold in the mox economy as though they had a value of 100 dp to someone who is looking for that particular artifact. There is no particular market for them: to trade an artifact, you must find seek out (or be found by) an individual who wants it. Artifacts are not just unique items, they are also nigh-indestructible fonts of incredible power, and thus cannot be desynthesized. Mortals are incapable of intentionally creating artifacts.

Properties and Powers

Implements have abilities that come in two forms: properties and powers.

Properties are passive effects that you benefit from while you are wearing the item and it is attuned to you. Properties do not stack: if two properties provide a bonus to the same stat, use the higher bonus.

Powers are active effects that you can activate. Powers come in several varieties.

  • At Will: You can use these powers at any time without restriction.
  • Encounter: You can use these powers once per encounter, or once every 5 minutes.
  • Daily: You can use these powers once per day. Daily powers refresh at sunrise each day.

If an item has multiple at will powers, you can use all of them.

If an item has multiple encounter powers, you can use one of them each encounter or every 5 minutes, regardless of how many powers it has.

If an item has multiple daily powers, you can use one of them each day, regardless of how many powers it has.

General Properties

This section details properties that any implement, regardless of Force alignment, can have.


Implements - General Properties
Name Description Rarity Cost
Acidic This implement hisses and steams, as though it were being slowly dissolved. Common 4000
Arcane Covered in arcane runes, this implement is inclined towards ignoring the rules of reality. Common 4000
Bone This grisly implement has been made primarily from bleached bone, and carries the faint stench of death. Common 4000
Chill This implement is cold to the touch. Common 4000
Cosmic This implement seems larger than it is. Common 4000
Crag This implement feels heavier than it ought, as though it were made out of solid stone. Common 4000
Empathic You feel like this implement knows what you're thinking. Common 4000
Entropic This implement always seems disheveled and in disrepair. Common 4000
Fiery This implement is warm to the touch. Common 4000
Focusing This implement is designed to help you focus your energies, allowing you to strike with certainty. Uncommon 16
Gale This implement feels lighter than it ought, as though it were made out of feathers. Common 4000
Holy This implement has been touched by a Divine presence. Common 4000
Luminous This implement glows brightly when used. Common 4000
Magnetic This implement always seems to attract other objects to it. Common 4000
Shocking This implement zaps you lightly when you touch it, and smells faintly of ozone. Common 4000
Thundering Every sound this implement makes is magnified tenfold. Sometimes it seems to whisper something about stealing donuts. Common 4000
Umbral This implement seems to always be in shade. Common 4000
Venom This implement often has a small amount of unpleasant-colored liquid dripping from it. Common 4000
Wave This implement is always wet to the touch. Common 4000
Zheron This implement glows slightly with a sickly green color. Common 4000


General Property Descriptions

Descriptions of general properties for implements.


This implement hisses and steams, as though it were being slowly dissolved.
Implement - Any
Rarity: Common
Whenever you use an ability with the [acid] descriptor, you gain an item bonus to your attack or effect roll equal to your attunement bonus.
Whenever you use an ability with the [acid] descriptor that deals damage rated by potency, you gain a +1 item bonus to that effect's potency.


Covered in arcane runes, this implement is inclined towards ignoring the rules of reality.
Implement - Any
Rarity: Common
Whenever you use an ability with the [arcane] descriptor, you gain an item bonus to your attack or effect roll equal to your attunement bonus.
Whenever you use an ability with the [arcane] descriptor that deals damage rated by potency, you gain a +1 item bonus to that effect's potency.


This grisly implement has been made primarily from bleached bone, and carries the faint stench of death.
Implement - Any
Rarity: Common
Whenever you use an ability with the [necrotic] descriptor, you gain an item bonus to your attack or effect roll equal to your attunement bonus.
Whenever you use an ability with the [necrotic] descriptor that deals damage rated by potency, you gain a +1 item bonus to that effect's potency.


This implement is cold to the touch.
Implement - Any
Rarity: Common
Whenever you use an ability with the [ice] descriptor, you gain an item bonus to your attack or effect roll equal to your attunement bonus.
Whenever you use an ability with the [ice] descriptor that deals damage rated by potency, you gain a +1 item bonus to that effect's potency.


This implement seems larger than it is.
Implement - Any
Rarity: Common
Whenever you use an ability with the [cosmic] descriptor, you gain an item bonus to your attack or effect roll equal to your attunement bonus.
Whenever you use an ability with the [cosmic] descriptor that deals damage rated by potency, you gain a +1 item bonus to that effect's potency.


This implement feels heavier than it ought, as though it were made out of solid stone.
Implement - Any
Rarity: Common
Whenever you use an ability with the [earth] descriptor, you gain an item bonus to your attack or effect roll equal to your attunement bonus.
Whenever you use an ability with the [earth] descriptor that deals damage rated by potency, you gain a +1 item bonus to that effect's potency.


You feel like this implement knows what you're thinking.
Implement - Any
Rarity: Common
Whenever you use an ability with the [psychic] descriptor, you gain an item bonus to your attack or effect roll equal to your attunement bonus.
Whenever you use an ability with the [psychic] descriptor that deals damage rated by potency, you gain a +1 item bonus to that effect's potency.


This implement always seems disheveled and in disrepair.
Implement - Any
Rarity: Common
Whenever you use an ability with the [entropic] descriptor, you gain an item bonus to your attack or effect roll equal to your attunement bonus.
Whenever you use an ability with the [entropic] descriptor that deals damage rated by potency, you gain a +1 item bonus to that effect's potency.


This implement is warm to the touch.
Implement - Any
Rarity: Common
Whenever you use an ability with the [fire] descriptor, you gain an item bonus to your attack or effect roll equal to your attunement bonus.
Whenever you use an ability with the [fire] descriptor that deals damage rated by potency, you gain a +1 item bonus to that effect's potency.


This implement is designed to help you focus your energies, allowing you to strike with certainty.
Implement - Any
Rarity: Uncommon
You gain an item bonus to force attacks equal to your attunement bonus.


This implement feels lighter than it ought, as though it were made out of feathers.
Implement - Any
Rarity: Common
Whenever you use an ability with the [wind] descriptor, you gain an item bonus to your attack or effect roll equal to your attunement bonus.
Whenever you use an ability with the [wind] descriptor that deals damage rated by potency, you gain a +1 item bonus to that effect's potency.


This implement has been touched by a Divine presence.
Implement - Any
Rarity: Common
Whenever you use an ability with the [holy] descriptor, you gain an item bonus to your attack or effect roll equal to your attunement bonus.
Whenever you use an ability with the [holy] descriptor that deals damage rated by potency, you gain a +1 item bonus to that effect's potency.


This implement glows brightly when used.
Implement - Any
Rarity: Common
Whenever you use an ability with the [radiant] descriptor, you gain an item bonus to your attack or effect roll equal to your attunement bonus.
Whenever you use an ability with the [radiant] descriptor that deals damage rated by potency, you gain a +1 item bonus to that effect's potency.


This implement always seems to attract other objects to it.
Implement - Any
Rarity: Common
Whenever you use an ability with the [magnetic] descriptor, you gain an item bonus to your attack or effect roll equal to your attunement bonus.
Whenever you use an ability with the [magnetic] descriptor that deals damage rated by potency, you gain a +1 item bonus to that effect's potency.


This implement zaps you lightly when you touch it, and smells faintly of ozone.
Implement - Any
Rarity: Common
Whenever you use an ability with the [lightning] descriptor, you gain an item bonus to your attack or effect roll equal to your attunement bonus.
Whenever you use an ability with the [lightning] descriptor that deals damage rated by potency, you gain a +1 item bonus to that effect's potency.


Every sound this implement makes is magnified tenfold. Sometimes it seems to whisper something about stealing donuts.
Implement - Any
Rarity: Common
Whenever you use an ability with the [sonic] descriptor, you gain an item bonus to your attack or effect roll equal to your attunement bonus.
Whenever you use an ability with the [sonic] descriptor that deals damage rated by potency, you gain a +1 item bonus to that effect's potency.


This implement seems to always be in shade.
Implement - Any
Rarity: Common
Whenever you use an ability with the [shadow] descriptor, you gain an item bonus to your attack or effect roll equal to your attunement bonus.
Whenever you use an ability with the [shadow] descriptor that deals damage rated by potency, you gain a +1 item bonus to that effect's potency.


This implement often has a small amount of unpleasant-colored liquid dripping from it.
Implement - Any
Rarity: Common
Whenever you use an ability with the [poison] descriptor, you gain an item bonus to your attack or effect roll equal to your attunement bonus.
Whenever you use an ability with the [poison] descriptor that deals damage rated by potency, you gain a +1 item bonus to that effect's potency.


This implement is always wet to the touch.
Implement - Any
Rarity: Common
Whenever you use an ability with the [water] descriptor, you gain an item bonus to your attack or effect roll equal to your attunement bonus.
Whenever you use an ability with the [water] descriptor that deals damage rated by potency, you gain a +1 item bonus to that effect's potency.


This implement glows slightly with a sickly green color.
Implement - Any
Rarity: Common
Whenever you use an ability with the [radiation] descriptor, you gain an item bonus to your attack or effect roll equal to your attunement bonus.
Whenever you use an ability with the [radiation] descriptor that deals damage rated by potency, you gain a +1 item bonus to that effect's potency.


Magic Implements

Canes and wands are magic implements, used by mages and spellblades. Canes have a variety of effects that can improve your spellcasting in some fashion, while wands contain fragments of arcane power which you can use a few times each day, even if you are not a caster.


Canes are essentially staves or poles, usually three or four feet long, and typically made of wood.


There will be a table of these here eventually.

Cane Descriptions

Descriptions of implements of the cane type.


Stylized architectural and elemental motifs adorn this cane, which helps you control spells that create barriers or change terrain.
Implement - Cane
Rarity: Common
When you cast a spell that creates a zone or a wall, you can affect an additional number of squares equal to your attunement bonus; each additional square must be adjacent to at least one other square created by the effect.
As a standard action, you can reshape one existing wall effect you cast. At least one square of the wall must remain stationary.


A black raven’s head with diamond eyes tops this mighty staff. It bolsters your fate, increasing your odds of survival and allowing you to act when others aren’t quick enough.
Implement - Cane
Rarity: Rare
When you make a magical attack using this implement that reduces a target to 0 hit points, you can spend a healing surge.
When you make a magical attack using this implement that reduces a target to 0 hit points, you can spend a swift action to gain a standard action.


This crook is as light as wood, but it seems to be made of earth and stone with a fine crystal atop it. It can bind your enemies to the earth.
Implement - Cane
Rarity: Uncommon
When you a spell you cast gains resonance, you can make that target restrained until the end of your next turn.
Against your magical attacks that impose the immobilized, petrified, restrained, or slowed conditions, enemies suffer a -4 item penalty to saving throws made to end those conditions.


A sizeable ruby inlaid with mox tops this staff of rugged spruce shod with carabini.
Implement - Cane
Rarity: Rare
Special: This item's property only functions if you are a mage.
The first spell you cast on each of your turns does not count as having cast a spell for purposes of regaining mana at the end of your turn.


A thick staff made of carved oak, topped with a crook.
Implement - Cane
Rarity: Common
This implement has no additional properties.


This rune-covered staff emits waves of thunder that deal damage and knock enemies prone.
Implement - Cane
Rarity: Common
When you cast a spell that would push a creature, you can instead choose to knock that creature prone and deal sonic damage to that creature with potency equal to the number of squares you would have pushed it.



The average wand is almost a foot long and is typically made of wood, though metal, stone, or even more unusual materials are not unheard of. While some individuals may prattle on about the particulars of wand construction, such as using the hair of mythical beasts for the "core" and so on, most of this is nonsense, and the arcane energies imbued into the wand are significantly more important.

If you are not proficient with magical implements, you suffer a -4 penalty to any magic attack made with a wand.


There will be a table of these here eventually.

Wand Descriptions

Descriptions of implements of the wand type.


A relatively plain piece of oak carved into a stick-like shape, with a strap of leather tied about the thick end for a grip.
Implement - Wand
Rarity: Rare
This item has 5 charges, and fully recharges at dawn each day.
This wand contains an Adept spell.
If you are a caster, while you are attuned to this item, you treat the spell contained in this item as though it were on your spells known list.
As a free action, spend a charge. You cast the spell contained in this wand; if you are not a caster, use your Intelligence for magic attacks, if any, required by the spell. This casting requires you to spend the action normally required to cast the spell.


A relatively plain piece of oak carved into a stick-like shape, with a strap of leather tied about the thick end for a grip.
Implement - Wand
Rarity: Uncommon
This item has 5 charges, and fully recharges at dawn each day.
This wand contains an Apprentice or Journeyman spell.
If you are a caster, while you are attuned to this item, you treat the spell contained in this item as though it were on your spells known list.
As a free action, spend a charge. You cast the spell contained in this wand; if you are not a caster, use your Intelligence for magic attacks, if any, required by the spell. This casting requires you to spend the action normally required to cast the spell.


A relatively plain piece of oak carved into a stick-like shape, with a strap of leather tied about the thick end for a grip.
Implement - Wand
Rarity: Common
This item has 5 charges, and fully recharges at dawn each day.
This wand contains an Initiate spell.
If you are a caster, while you are attuned to this item, you treat the spell contained in this item as though it were on your spells known list.
As a free action, spend a charge. You cast the spell contained in this wand; if you are not a caster, use your Intelligence for magic attacks, if any, required by the spell. This casting requires you to spend the action normally required to cast the spell.


Psionic Implements

Dorjes and orbs are psionic implements, used by psionicists and jedi. Orbs have a variety of effects that can improve your manifesting in some fashion, while dorjes contain fragments of psionic power which you can use a few times each day, even if you are not a manifester.


Psionic crystal sticks with powers in them.

If you are not proficient with psionic implements, you suffer a -4 penalty to any psionic attack made with a dorje.


There will be a table of these here eventually.

Dorje Descriptions

Descriptions of implements of the dorje type.


This piece of crystal has been carved into a shape convenient to hold with one hand.
Implement - Dorje
Rarity: Rare
This item has 5 charges, and fully recharges at dawn each day.
This dorje contains an Art power.
If you are a manifester, while you are attuned to this item, you treat the power contained in this item as though it were on your powers known list.
As a free action, spend a charge. You manifest the power contained in this dorje; if you are not a manifester, use your Intelligence for psionic attacks, if any, required by the power. This manifestation requires you to spend the action normally required to manifest the power.


This piece of crystal has been carved into a shape convenient to hold with one hand.
Implement - Dorje
Rarity: Common
This item has 5 charges, and fully recharges at dawn each day.
This dorje contains a Science power.
If you are a manifester, while you are attuned to this item, you treat the power contained in this item as though it were on your powers known list.
As a free action, spend a charge. You manifest the power contained in this dorje; if you are not a manifester, use your Intelligence for psionic attacks, if any, required by the power. This manifestation requires you to spend the action normally required to manifest the power.


This piece of crystal has been carved into a shape convenient to hold with one hand.
Implement - Dorje
Rarity: Common
This item has 5 charges, and fully recharges at dawn each day.
This dorje contains a Devotion power.
If you are a manifester, while you are attuned to this item, you treat the power contained in this item as though it were on your powers known list.
As a free action, spend a charge. You manifest the power contained in this dorje; if you are not a manifester, use your Intelligence for psionic attacks, if any, required by the power. This manifestation requires you to spend the action normally required to manifest the power.



Orbs are gemstones sanded down into something easy to grip with a single hand. The connection between gems and psionics has always been strong, but became particularly entrenched after Kotrit Wayveri attempted to destroy the very Force of psionics itself; instead, the powers of psionics became buried within the gems of the earth, and those who would practice the art had to hold a stone that contained the power they desired. Psionics has long since been freed from this prison, but gems retain traces of those powers, and can be used as a focus to improve a manifester's abilities.


There will be a table of these here eventually.

Orb Descriptions

Descriptions of implements of the orb type.


This thin chunk of crystal leaves a visible shimmer in its wake when brandished about.
Implement - Drilbu
Rarity: Uncommon
Special: This item's properties only function if you are a gestalt.
You and your thrall gain proficiency in Initiative checks. If you already have proficiency in Initiative checks from another source, you gain expertise in Initiative checks; the same applies to your thrall.
Once per turn, you can spend 2 cathexis to grant a creature in your collective an Action or a Bonus Action, which the target uses immediately during your turn.


A manifester channeling his mind through this orb gains mental prowess over foes, forcing them to relive the effects of a power.
Implement - Orb
Rarity: Common
When you make a psionic attack against a creature's Will, when the target next makes a saving throw against that power, the target must roll twice and take the lower result.


This ruby orb is perpetually coated in a thin layer of metaplasm.
Implement - Orb
Rarity: Common
Whenever you create an object or creature with a psionic power, it gains additional hit points equal to your level.


This orb holds a grip on your enemy’s sanity, forcing him to act in uncharacteristic ways.
Implement - Orb
Rarity: Uncommon
As a swift, when you successfully deal psychic damage to a creature with a psionic attack, you force that target to make a basic melee attack against an adjacent creature of your choice as a free action.


This orb is significantly heavier than it looks.
Implement - Orb
Rarity: Uncommon
As a reaction, when you hit a creature with a psionic attack that causes a status ailment, that creature suffers an item penalty to saving throws made to remove that ailment equal to your attunement bonus.


This simple quartz gemstone resonates with ancient psionic power.
Implement - Orb
Rarity: Common
This implement has no additional properties.


Technological Implements

Gadgets and widgets are technological implements, used by engineers and machinists. Gadgets have a variety of effects that can improve your devices in some fashion, while widgets are self-contained devices which you can use a few times each day, even if you are not a student.


Gadgets are complex pieces of technology compressed into something that could be reasonably carried. Most gadgets have clips, cables, or tubes that are intended to be attached to other devices, allowing them to take advantage of the capabilities of the gadget, while others have small built-in printers or screens to display information for the user. Due to the nature of Technology, these devices often have extraneous functions, sometimes even superfluous details, to concentrate more "tech" into them, which can - at times - make them more reliable to function in areas hostile to Technology.


There will be a table of these here eventually.

Gadget Descriptions

Descriptions of implements of the gadget type.


A simple widget, with a multitude of small functions that can enhance the function of other devices.
Implement - Gadget
Rarity: Common
This implement has no additional properties.



Widgets are essentially devices the creator has managed to work the kinks out of, and make "idiot-proof," so that anyone can use them.

If you are not proficient with technological implements, you suffer a -4 penalty to any technological attack made with a widget.


There will be a table of these here eventually.

Widget Descriptions

Descriptions of implements of the widget type.


This unwieldy contraption has a number of switches, levers, and a large red button marked "Go."
Implement - Widget
Rarity: Rare
This item has 5 charges, and fully recharges at dawn each day.
This widget contains an Improved device.
If you are a student, while you are attuned to this item, you treat the device contained in this item as though it were on your devices known list.
As a free action, spend a charge. You activate the device contained in this widget; if you are not a student, use your Intelligence for technological attacks, if any, required by the device. This activation requires you to spend the action normally required to activate the device.


This unwieldy contraption has a number of switches, levers, and a large red button marked "Go."
Implement - Widget
Rarity: Common
This item has 5 charges, and fully recharges at dawn each day.
This widget contains a Refined device.
If you are a student, while you are attuned to this item, you treat the device contained in this item as though it were on your devices known list.
As a free action, spend a charge. You activate the device contained in this widget; if you are not a student, use your Intelligence for technological attacks, if any, required by the device. This activation requires you to spend the action normally required to activate the device.


This unwieldy contraption has a number of switches, levers, and a large red button marked "Go."
Implement - Widget
Rarity: Common
This item has 5 charges, and fully recharges at dawn each day.
This widget contains a Prototype device.
If you are a student, while you are attuned to this item, you treat the device contained in this item as though it were on your devices known list.
As a free action, spend a charge. You activate the device contained in this widget; if you are not a student, use your Intelligence for technological attacks, if any, required by the device. This activation requires you to spend the action normally required to activate the device.


Divine Implements

Used by priests, paladins, and incarnates, divine implements help focus the petitioner's prayers and provide a stronger channel to the Divine than just using the conduit provided by the soul.


The implement of priests and paladins, icons are literally the symbols of Saints and Lucavi, often embossed or painted onto metal or wood. In addition to icons representing specific Divine entities, icons can also be made that represent pantheons, or even simply the concept of the Divine itself - these "generic" icons can often be used by any petitioner, regardless of their religious affiliation. While many people throughout Trinity carry symbols of their patron Saint or Lucavi, icons are specially prepared and imbued with Divine power, granting their wielder enhanced command over existence.


There will be a table of these here eventually.

Icon Descriptions

Descriptions of implements of the icon type.


A pendant of silver embossed with the symbol of a starburst, the commonly-accepted symbolic representation of the Divine.
Implement - Icon
Rarity: Common
This implement has no additional properties.


Your pious hatred for an enemy is enhanced by this icon.
Implement - Icon
Rarity: Rare
When you hit with a divine attack, as a swift action, the target gains vulnerable (damage) until the end of your next turn.


This icon glows with an inner light, preserving a fragment of your life force to bestow when you or an ally needs it most.
Implement - Icon
Rarity: Common
When you hit with a divine attack, you can spend a healing surge as a free action; if you do, a dying ally of your choice within 20 squares of you gains hit points as if he had spent a healing surge.


This icon gathers the power of your divine attacks, allowing you to rechannel that might.
Implement - Icon
Rarity: Common
Special: This item's property only functions if you are an incarnate.
When you hit with a divine attack, you can spend a healing surge as a swift action; if you do, your divinity ability will not consume a blessing at the start of your next turn.


You channel your conviction through this icon and grant yourself or a nearby ally remarkable regenerative powers.
Implement - Icon
Rarity: Uncommon
When you use a divine attack to reduce a target to 0 hit points, you or one ally within 5 squares of you gains regen until the end of the encounter.


You draw strength from your pious devotion, which allows you to stand fast in the face of any terror.
Implement - Icon
Rarity: Common
You and all allies within 5 squares of you gain an item bonus to saving throws against fear effects equal to your attunement bonus.


This symbol allows you or one of your allies to shrug off certain debilitating conditions.
Implement - Icon
Rarity: Common
When you hit with a divine attack, you or any one ally within 10 squares of you can make a saving throw against any effect that includes the dominated, immobilized, restrained, or slowed condition, with an item bonus to the saving throw equal to your attunement bonus.


This icon delivers a debilitating attack that saps your enemy’s vitality and impairs its ability to persevere.
Implement - Icon
Rarity: Common
When you hit with a divine attack, the target suffers a -2 item penalty to saving throws and cannot regain hit points by any means until the end of your next turn.


A fist-sized chunk of crystal inlaid with some sort of unusual circuitry, with a clearly technological socket on one end designed to interface with technology not of the worlds of Trinity. Housed within is the entity that calls itself Hellion - but what is the nature of this creature, that claims Divine heritage?...
Implement - Gadget and Icon
Rarity: Artifact
Force: Technology, Divine
You gain an item bonus to divine attack rolls and technological attack rolls equal to your attunement bonus.
You gain a +2 item bonus to damage potency for divine attacks and technological attacks.
When you make a d20 roll based on Strength, Charisma, or Bravery, you can spend an action point to gain an untyped bonus to the roll equal to your attunement bonus.
As a swift action on your turn, you can spend an action point to enter a divine rage. This functions as per the incarnate Divinity ability, as though you had all logos abilities from the Hatred, Madness, and Metal domains whose level prerequisites you meet. You can spend action points as though they were blessings to maintain the duration of this divine rage.
You gain immunity (charm) and immunity (domination).
Whenever you strike a creature with the minion of Unity quality with a divine attack or technological attack, you gain a +2 untyped bonus to damage potency and your attack can break the damage cap.
You can concentrate on this item to attempt to communicate with Hellion, the entity housed within it. If you do, you can ask one question each round that Hellion can either choose to ignore or answer truthfully; if he chooses to answer, he can then choose to make a divine attack against your Determination to attempt to dominate you (this effect bypasses the immunity (domination) this item grants), which lasts for 1 round plus an additional round for every point by which he beats your Determination defense. You can also communicate normally with Hellion if you so choose, without forcing him to choose to answer truthfully or not at all; this mode of communication does not enable Hellion to make attacks against you, and can be used to change his attitude toward you.
This item has an additional hidden property.
This item has an additional hidden property.



The implement of voidchildren, spreads - also sometimes called a "tarot" - are collections of cards imprinted with symbology pertinent to various nihilist philosophies. Often used in folk divinations, spreads are imbued with a sliver of Void power, and their usage can foretell the future or divine an individual's fate; in the hands of a trained nihilist, however, they can be used to further empower nihils.


There will be a table of these here eventually.

Spread Descriptions

Descriptions of implements of the spread type.


A set of lacquered cards, embossed with various symbols common to nihilist ideology.
Implement - Spread
Rarity: Common
This implement has no additional properties.



The implement of shamans and druids, totems usually take on the form of carved wood or woven wicker, sometimes in the shape of an animal or representation of a force of Nature.


There will be a table of these here eventually.

Totem Descriptions

Descriptions of implements of the totem type.


This totem is fashioned from leaves and bone shards. It embodies the spirit of autumn and the inevitability of death.
Implement - Totem
Rarity: Common
You gain an item bonus to damage from your natural gifts equal to your attunement bonus against bloodied creatures.


A small carved piece of wood, shaped to resemble a tree.
Implement - Totem
Rarity: Common
This implement has no additional properties.


This totem carries the primal magic of spring. It represents the power to restore life.
Implement - Totem
Rarity: Common
Whenever you roll a natural 20 on a natural attack, one ally within Close range (30 feet) is healed for potency 2 damage.
Power (Daily): As a free action, when you hit a creature with a natural gift, you can choose an ally within Close range (30 feet). That ally gains regen until the end of the encounter.


Summer brings growth, and the primal energy channeled through this item helps spawn vines that hinder your foes.
Implement - Totem
Rarity: Common
Whenever you roll a natural 20 on a natural attack, the target of that effect is restrained until the start of your next turn.
Power (Daily): As a swift action, you create a 20-foot radius emanation in which vines and other natural growth hinder your foes. Enemies treat the area as difficult terrain until the start of your next turn.


This totem, covered in owl feathers and talons, grants you the ferocity of a hunting bird against weakened prey.
Implement - Totem
Rarity: Uncommon
You gain combat advantage against creatures that are suffering from the ongoing damage status.


When you wave this totem, decorated with dried herbs, healing light streams forth from it.
Implement - Totem
Rarity: Uncommon
Whenever you roll a natural 20 on a natural attack, one ally within Close range (30 feet) of your choice can spend a healing surge as a non-action.


This bone totem gradually changes colors in your hand, shifting from green to grey to black to green again.
Implement - Totem
Rarity: Uncommon
Power (Daily): As a reaction, when you miss all targets with a natural gift, choose one ally within Close range (30 feet). Until the start of your next turn, if that ally make an attack that requires resource expenditure and misses all targets, that ally immediately regains all resources expended on that ability.


This totem of blackened wood is shaped like a stylized bat, and allows you to pierce the veil of night.
Implement - Totem
Rarity: Uncommon
You gain darkvision.
Power (Daily): As a swift action, until the end of your turn, your natural attacks ignore cover and concealment (except total cover or total concealment).


This charred totem grows hot to the touch as your enemy erupts in hungry flames.
Implement - Totem
Rarity: Common
You gain an item bonus to saving throws made against ongoing fire damage equal to your attunement bonus.
Power (Daily): As a free action, when you hit a creature with a natural gift with the [fire] descriptor, choose one - all enemies adjacent to you; all enemies adjacent to your target; or all enemies adjacent to a creature you have summoned. The chosen enemies take ongoing fire damage equal to your level (Ref save ends; DC equal to 10 + your natural attack bonus).


This totem is fashioned from dry wood and white fur. It embodies the spirit of winter and a time when nature sleeps and life grows weak.
Implement - Totem
Rarity: Common
Power (Daily): As a free action, when you hit a creature with a natural attack, that creature becomes weakened until the start of your next turn.


Temporal Implements

Used by epochents, harriers, and oracles.


A measure is a mathematical measuring tool, often used in measuring distance or in producing more complex geometrical shapes. It is in tools like this that chronists find themselves able to imbue temporal power, creating objects that can carry a single jikuu.

If you are not proficient with temporal implements, you suffer a -4 penalty to any temporal attack made with a measure.


There will be a table of these here eventually.

Measure Descriptions

Descriptions of implements of the measure type.


What looks like a complex carpenter's square or nautical compass seems to tinct in time, indicating the powers it hides.
Implement - Measure
Rarity: Rare
This item has 5 charges, and fully recharges after a long rest.
This measure contains a Bosonic or Fermionic jikuu.
If you are a chronist, while you are attuned to this item, you treat the jikuu contained in this item as though it were on your jikuu known list.
As a free action, spend a charge. You shape the jikuu contained in this measure; if you are not a chronist, use your Intelligence for temporal attacks, if any, required by the jikuu. This shaping requires you to spend the action normally required to shape the jikuu.


What looks like a complex carpenter's square or nautical compass seems to tinct in time, indicating the powers it hides.
Implement - Measure
Rarity: Uncommon
This item has 5 charges, and fully recharges after a long rest.
This measure contains a Baryonic or Mesonic jikuu.
If you are a chronist, while you are attuned to this item, you treat the jikuu contained in this item as though it were on your jikuu known list.
As a free action, spend a charge. You shape the jikuu contained in this measure; if you are not a chronist, use your Intelligence for temporal attacks, if any, required by the jikuu. This shaping requires you to spend the action normally required to shape the jikuu.


What looks like a complex carpenter's square or nautical compass seems to tinct in time, indicating the powers it hides.
Implement - Measure
Rarity: Common
This item has 5 charges, and fully recharges after a long rest.
This measure contains a Hadronic jikuu.
If you are a chronist, while you are attuned to this item, you treat the jikuu contained in this item as though it were on your jikuu known list.
As a free action, spend a charge. You shape the jikuu contained in this measure; if you are not a chronist, use your Intelligence for temporal attacks, if any, required by the jikuu. This shaping requires you to spend the action normally required to shape the jikuu.



The implement of epochents and harriers, pendulums are timepieces imbued with motes of temporal energy. Not all are necessarily pendulums - some are watches, sundials, or hourglasses - but all are commonly referred to as pendulums.

Regardless of their form, all pendulums have at least one moving part, which moves without warning and sporadically: pendulums sway by themselves; the hands of a watch move erratically; the sands in an hourglass shift, sometimes even moving against gravity.


Implement - Pendulums
Name Description Rarity Cost
Blitz Metronome With each blow of your weapon, this metronome ticks faster. Rare 32
Broken Metronome The only time this metronome seems to tick is when time isn't moving at all. Rare 32
Doubletime Metronome This metronome ticks twice as fast as you'd expect, but it makes you pick up the pace. Common 4000
Gravitonne Metronome This metronome has a needle made of gravity-resistant material, and keeps ticking no matter what. Common 4000
Hourglass of Forward Momentum The sands in this hourglass always fall slightly askew, as though they were under constant positive acceleration. Uncommon 16
Hourglass of Paradox The sands in this hourglass run backwards, giving you the ability to fight the forward flow of time itself. Rare 32
Hourglass of Time's Grasp The sands in this hourglass fall slowly, and you can tap into this power to make your foes move slowly as well. Common 4000
Hourglass of Time's Passage The more you have recently manipulated the timeline in powerful ways, the slower the sands in this hourglass fall. Common 4000
Hourglass of Transposition This hourglass increases your command over space, allowing you to move allies to safety when invoking the powers of time. Uncommon 16
Parallel Metronome This metronome has two hands, counting the passage of time in two sister timelines. Uncommon 16
Pendulum of Alacrity The mote of time contained within this pendulum can be rapidly bestowed upon an ally, allowing them to act with alacrity. Common 4000
Pendulum of the Forked River This elegant platinum pendulum stops swinging once you have tied yourself to a moment in time. Rare 32
Pendulum of Sudden Moves This simple pendulum sometimes sways suddenly into motion with great force, as though it had always been moving. Common 4000
Pendulum of Temporal Dissonance You can cause a hiccup in time to give your allies a tactical advantage. Uncommon 16
Pendulum of the Temporal Juggler This multicolored pendulum allows you to steal bits of time from your enemies to accomplish more than you normally could. Uncommon 16
Pendulum of Time's Chasm This elegant birch pendulum on an exquisitely-made silver chain is capped with a brilliant topaz, whose power can cast foes out of time - but not beyond your reach. Rare 32
Pendulum of the Traveler This ruddy pendulum looks as if it has seen many lands and many times, and it offers you the same opportunities for travel. Common 4000
Quickening Metronome This metronome doesn't just count moments - it sometimes creates them for you in moments of great need. Uncommon 16


Pendulum Descriptions

Descriptions of implements of the pendulum type.


With each blow of your weapon, this metronome ticks faster.
Implement - Pendulum
Rarity: Rare
Special: This item's property only functions if you are a harrier.
When you hit with a temporal maneuver, you can initiate another temporal maneuver as a free action by spending an amount of quanta as though it were a jikuu of the same grade.


The only time this metronome seems to tick is when time isn't moving at all.
Implement - Pendulum
Rarity: Rare
When you hit a creature with a temporal attack, if your attack with a -5 penalty also hits the target's Determination, the target is stopped until the end of your next turn.
As a swift action, you can end any stopped condition you have caused. If you do, you gain a standard action.


This metronome ticks twice as fast as you'd expect, but it makes you pick up the pace.
Implement - Pendulum
Rarity: Common
Whenever a jikuu allows you to teleport, you can teleport the same distance as you teleported using the triggering jikuu.


This metronome has a needle made of gravity-resistant material, and keeps ticking no matter what.
Implement - Pendulum
Rarity: Common
You gain an item bonus on saving throws against the immobilized and slowed conditions equal to your attunement bonus.
When you gain immobilized, as a reaction you can teleport up to your speed.


The sands in this hourglass always fall slightly askew, as though they were under constant positive acceleration.
Implement - Pendulum
Rarity: Uncommon
Special: This item's property only functions if you are a harrier.
When you hit with a temporal maneuver, you gather an amount of quanta as though you had spent that action gathering, halved.


The sands in this hourglass run backwards, giving you the ability to fight the forward flow of time itself.
Implement - Pendulum
Rarity: Rare
As a swift action, you can convert any lag status you have into compress with the same value.
When you hit a creature with a temporal attack, as a swift action you can convert any compress boons the target has into lag ailments, and any haste boons into slow ailments; the new conditions are save ends in addition to their original durations.
When your quanta pool empties, you can convert all of your paradox into quanta.


The sands in this hourglass fall slowly, and you can tap into this power to make your foes move slowly as well.
Implement - Pendulum
Rarity: Common
When you make a temporal attack with a jikuu that affects an area, you can spend a swift action. If you do, all creatures in the area of the jikuu are slowed until the end of your next turn.


The more you have recently manipulated the timeline in powerful ways, the slower the sands in this hourglass fall.
Implement - Pendulum
Rarity: Common
Special: This item's property only functions if you are an epochent.
Reduce the penalty to quanta rolls you suffer from setting tracers by an amount equal to your attunement bonus.


This hourglass increases your command over space, allowing you to move allies to safety when invoking the powers of time.
Implement - Pendulum
Rarity: Uncommon
When you make a temporal attack that targets an area, any allies in the area can teleport to the nearest unaffected space of their choice rather than be affected by the jikuu.


This metronome has two hands, counting the passage of time in two sister timelines.
Implement - Pendulum
Rarity: Uncommon
Special: This item's property only functions if you are an epochent.
When you use a chronos lore ability and expend your tracer, you can use another chronos lore ability off of that same tracer.


The mote of time contained within this pendulum can be rapidly bestowed upon an ally, allowing them to act with alacrity.
Implement - Pendulum
Rarity: Common
When you hit with a temporal attack, as a swift action you can choose an ally within 30 feet. That ally takes his next turn as soon as your turn ends; move his place in the initiative order to directly after your own.


This elegant platinum pendulum stops swinging once you have tied yourself to a moment in time.
Implement - Pendulum
Rarity: Rare
Special: This item's property only functions if you are an epochent.
You can have an additional active tracer.
If you use the reset Chronos Lore ability, regardless of which tracer you return to, the other is automatically removed due to temporal destabilization. You retain the paradox that that tracer generated.


This simple pendulum sometimes sways suddenly into motion with great force, as though it had always been moving.
Implement - Pendulum
Rarity: Common
Special: This item's property only functions if you are a harrier.
During a surprise round, you can spend a move action to teleport up to double your speed.


You can cause a hiccup in time to give your allies a tactical advantage.
Implement - Pendulum
Rarity: Uncommon
As a swift action at the end of your turn, you can spend a healing surge. If you do, all combatants make Initiative checks and the combat proceeds in the new order of initiative. You and all your allies gain an item bonus to the initiative check equal to your attunement bonus.


This multicolored pendulum allows you to steal bits of time from your enemies to accomplish more than you normally could.
Implement - Pendulum
Rarity: Uncommon
When you use a temporal attack to cause the dazed or stunned conditions, you can gain a move action as a reaction.


This elegant birch pendulum on an exquisitely-made silver chain is capped with a brilliant topaz, whose power can cast foes out of time - but not beyond your reach.
Implement - Pendulum
Rarity: Rare
When you hit a creature with a temporal attack, as a swift action, you can give that creature eject until the end of your next turn.
You can see and target creatures and objects with eject as though they did not have that status.


This ruddy pendulum looks as if it has seen many lands and many times, and it offers you the same opportunities for travel.
Implement - Pendulum
Rarity: Common
When you score a critical hit with a temporal attack, if you confirm the critical hit, you can teleport the target up to a number of squares equal to your attunement bonus, instead of dealing extra damage.
Whenever you shift, you can instead teleport the number of squares you would have shifted.


This metronome doesn't just count moments - it sometimes creates them for you in moments of great need.
Implement - Pendulum
Rarity: Uncommon
When you hit with a temporal attack using the highest grade jikuu you can access, you can use a basic jikuu as a free action.



The implement of akashics and learners, records are often spherical blue gems into which memories have been imbued; however, they can take many other forms, such as stones etched with ancient writing, small discs that project images, or music records that play music.

Regardless of their form, records - in this sense of the term - are often made with a specific memory, which imprints into the wielder's mind and empowers their abilities in some fashion. It may be the memory of a tough-won victory, the grief over the loss of a loved one, or surprise in the final moment before death: records carry whatever memory is necessary to successfully imbue the memetic powers within into the wielder, with the more powerful the implement, the more powerful the memories.


There will be a table of these here eventually.

Record Descriptions

Descriptions of implements of the record type.


An orichalcum key, more symbolic than utilitarian, the size of a small tree branch. Set in the handle inside nigh-unbreakable crystal is a faded portrait of a gnomish family, singed and warped as though it had been in a terrible fire. The key pulses with energy, the last relic crafted by a dying sage...
Implement - Record
Rarity: Mythic
You gain an enhancement bonus to saving throws against effects produced by Dragons equal to double your attunement bonus.
You lose all vulnerabilities to damage, and cannot gain vulnerability to any damage type.
You gain immunity to fire.
Any ability you use is empowered in respect to Dragons.
You gain innate libra against Dragons. (A creature with libra knows the current hit points, weaknesses and resistances, and Force alignment of any creature they look at within 60 feet.)
Special: This implement's daily power is only usable after this item has been attuned for a week.
Power (At-Will): As a standard action, you can attempt to control a Dragon. Make a memetic attack against a Dragon you can see within 60 feet, resolved against Will; if you hit, you control the creature until the start of your next turn; if you miss, you are dazed until the start of your next turn.
Power (Encounter): As a reaction, when you are subject to an effect that deals energy damage caused by a Dragon, gain immunity to that energy type until the end of the encounter.
Power (Encounter): As a reaction, when you hit a Dragon with an effect that deals energy damage, you can grant that effect penetrating. (A penetrating effect ignores any effect that would reduce its damage.)
Power (Daily): As a standard action, you teleport to Jamison's Workshop, a memetic space woven into the world memory. This power only functions when near the physical space into which this memetic space is woven. You can return from the workshop as a free action; you return to the space where you used this power.


A plain stone, sanded down to be smooth to the touch, that glows gently with a blue diffuse light.
Implement - Record
Rarity: Common
This implement has no additional properties.


A glowing blue stone containing the memory of a successful ambush.
Implement - Record
Rarity: Common
Power (Encounter): As a reaction, when you successfully make a memetic attack against a creature, that creature grants combat advantage to you and all allies until the start of your next turn.


A glowing blue stone containing the memory of the loss of a close relation.
Implement - Record
Rarity: Common
Power (Daily): As a reaction, when you would gain the confusion ailment, you negate the ailment.


A glowing blue stone containing the memory of an old man recalling the events of his youth.
Implement - Orb
Rarity: Uncommon
Power (Encounter): As a free action, when you use a meme, it immediately recharges.


A seemingly normal book, imbued with memories ancient and powerful by an akashic who delved through the sands of time in search of knowledge. Yet in the space between moments, secrets lie hidden - and sealed within this tome lies the key to one such moment...
Implement - Orb and Record
Tool - Knowledge
Rarity: Mythic
Force: Psionic, Blue
You gain truesight with a 20 foot radius.
Psionic and memetic attacks you make with this implement deal +2d6 psychic damage against creatures with the Vesuvanati quality.
You gain immunity to unwanted telepathy.
You gain immunity to libra.
You gain immunity to assay.
You cannot be detected with thoughtsense.
You gain innate blur. (Targeted attacks against a creature with blur have a 20% chance to miss.)
Power (At Will): As a standard action, you can examine a single creature within 60 feet. You learn all the mental status ailments the target is suffering from.
Power (At Will): As a move action, you can fold this item in on itself, turning it into a hilt for a jedi weapon. When you do, it ceases to be a Tool - Knowledge and becomes a Weapon of the type you can manifest. You can revert it to its normal form as a move action. If you are not a jedi, this ability does not function.
Power (Daily): When a creature within 60 feet of you is charmed, controlled, or dominated, as a free action you can make a psionic or memetic attack (your choice) against the effect's DC. If you hit, you remove the effect, and the target of this ability is immune to the charmed, controlled, and dominated conditions for five minutes or until the end of the encounter.
Power (Daily): When you are aware of a creature impersonating you (by shape, voice, mind, or any other means of impersonation), as a free action you can cause yourself to glow bright blue in the vision of your allies (this affects your body, your words, and your thoughts - the manifestation of this effect on your voice and thoughts is difficult to describe, but it is obvious to all allies if you are the source of words or thoughts for the duration of this ability). This effect lasts for ten minutes.


Design Notes

m	cane; staff, crook			wand
p	orb; drilbu, gem			dorje
t	gadget; apparatus, gizmo		widget
d	icon; symbol, emblem			verse
v	spread; tarot, bones			mirror
n	totem; fetish, idol			essence
i	pendulum; hourglass, metronome		measure
c	dice; chits, reels (blah)		coin
b	record; memory, register		tome


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