Prestige Class: Zzithrani Zoanthrope

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The Zzithrani Zoanthrope
Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special Manifester Level Geomancer Level
1 +0 +2 +0 +2 Psionic Evolution +1 level of existing manifester class +1 level of existing geomancer class
2 +1 +3 +0 +3   +1 level of existing manifester class -----
3 +1 +3 +1 +3 Tyranid Legacy ----- +1 level of existing geomancer class
4 +2 +4 +1 +4   +1 level of existing manifester class +1 level of existing geomancer class
5 +2 +4 +1 +4 Psionic Zzith +1 level of existing manifester class -----
6 +3 +5 +2 +5   ----- +1 level of existing geomancer class
7 +3 +5 +2 +5 Synaptic Collective +1 level of existing manifester class +1 level of existing geomancer class
8 +4 +6 +2 +6   +1 level of existing manifester class -----
9 +4 +6 +3 +6 Assimilate ----- +1 level of existing geomancer class
10 +5 +7 +3 +7 Norn Queen, Talents +1 level of existing manifester class +1 level of existing geomancer class


Zzithrani Zoanthrope

"The mind and body are malleable."

Zzithrani who seek to unlock the potential of the genetic legacy left to them by the tyranids, as well as the psionic limits of their hive minds, reach an apotheosis among their kin: the zoanthrope, an incredibly adaptable zzith hive led and controlled by an incredibly strong psionic queen.


To qualify for the Zzithrani Zoanthrope prestige class, you must fulfill the following requirements.

Race: Zzithrani.

Force Alignment: Psionics and Nature.

Psionics: Must know at least one Telepathy Science.

Nature: Must have access to Lesser Mutations.

Special: You must be considered a manifester and a geomancer.

Game Rule Information

Zzithrani Zoanthropes have the following game statistics.

Force Alignment: Psionics and Nature.

Force Resistances: SR 5 + level, TR 5 + level, DI 5 + level, VI 5 + level.

Abilities: Whatever ability scores were important to the zzithrani's prior classes are important to the zzithrani zoanthrope, as this prestige class is an extension of those classes.

Hit Die: d8.

Class Skills: The zzithrani zoanthrope's class skills are Autohypnosis (Con), Concentration (Con), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (Nature) (Int), Knowledge (Psionics) (Int), Knowledge (The Forces) (Int), Naturecraft (Wis), Psicraft (Int), Search (Int), and Vitality (Con).

Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Ethos: Any.

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the zzithrani zoanthrope.


Zzithrani zoanthropes gain no new weapon or armor proficiencies.

Manifester Level

At the levels on the table above, the zzithrani zoanthrope gains new abilities as though he had also gained a level in any one manifester class he belonged to before he added the prestige class.

Geomancer Level

At the levels on the table above, the zzithrani zoanthrope gains new abilities as though he had also gained a level in any one geomancer class he belonged to before he added the prestige class.

Psionic Evolution (Ps/Na)

After a night's rest, the zzithrani zoanthrope can choose to reroute some of its psionic power into its component zzith. At the beginning of each day, you can choose to convert your PP into MP, as though a metamorph; 3 PP can be converted into 1 MP. The maximum amount of MP you can gain in this manner is equal to your class level.

You can also convert your latent evolutionary power into raw psionic strength, though doing so requires the sacrifice of zzith. You can choose to sacrifice a mutation you currently possess, gaining PP equal to the MP required for that mutation; if you do, you take damage equal to that amount, as those zzith dedicated to that mutation are drained of their essence by the queen of the hive.

In addition, your natural weapons are considered Psionic-aligned.

Tyranid Legacy (Ps/Na)

At third level, the zzithrani zoanthrope has unlocked the dormant genetic code within its zzith, allowing it to undertake psionic-guided evolution. Add zzithrani zoanthrope mutations to your mutation list.

Psionic Zzith (Ps)

At fifth level, you have learned how to produce zzith that act as nodes for your psionic powers, enhancing them in some fashion and improving your psionic abilities. The new breeds of zzith you can produce are dependant upon which psionic disciplines you have chosen as a psionic focus.

  • Clairsentience: Something.
  • Imagiportation: Something.
  • Metacreativity: Something.
  • Psychokinesis: Something.
  • Ratiovitality: Whenever you would regain hit points, you may choose to expend a healing surge and regain that amount of PPs instead of hit points.
  • Telepathy: Something.

You can only produce new breeds of zzith that match your psionic foci; however, you produce all the appropriate types for all your psionic foci (so, if you have three psionic foci, you produce three new breeds of zzith, and gain the benefits for each).

Synaptic Collective (Ps)

At seventh level, you have learned the secrets behind your hivemind's consciousness - the synaptic node, a holdover from your Tyranid roots. Due your ability to control your physiology, you can alter this organ, vastly improving your hive's mental signal and allowing you to tap into other minds, albeit at less strength: while you cannot control other creatures, you can manifest your powers through this link.

As a standard action, a zoanthrope can join a number willing targets into his collective equal to his key manifesting ability modifier or half his manifester level, whichever is higher. The zoanthrope must have line of sight to each target, each target must have a Wisdom score of at least 1, and all targets must be within Medium range (100 ft. + 10 ft. per class level). The zoanthrope is always considered a member of his own collective, and does not count against this limit.

The zoanthrope can choose to remove a member as a free action on his turn, and any member can voluntarily leave the collective as a free action on their turn. Any member whose Wisdom drops to zero or who moves out of range of the collective is automatically removed. If a member enters a null psionics field, the connection to the collective is suppressed until that member leaves the field. A member who leaves the collective for any reason immediately loses any and all benefits they may have gained from being a member. A zoanthrope is aware of the status of his collective and can, roughly, sense the presence of each member, although beyond telling if such a creature is still a member, this has no mechanical benefit.

A zoanthrope can manifest his psionic powers through the collective. If a psionic power specifics one or more willing targets (or is harmless) and has a range greater than personal, the zoanthrope can manifest it on a member of the collective regardless of the range of the actual power. All other non-range restrictions still apply.

If a member of the collective dies, the member is removed from the collective and the zoanthrope must make a Fortitude save (DC 15) or lose 1 PP for every Hit Die of the fallen member and be sickened for an equal number of rounds.

Creatures that are immune to mind-affecting effects cannot be affected by this ability.

Assimilate (Ps/Na)

You have unlocked the more terrifying aspects of the tyranid hivemind, and can use it to more readily bend creatures to your will.

As a standard action, you can attempt to force an unwilling creature into your collective. You must have line of sight to the target, the target must have a Wisdom score of at least 1, and the target must be within Medium range (100 feet + 10 feet/level). To perform this action, you must make a special psionic attack check (bonus: d20 + your manifester level + your key manifesting ability + any bonuses you have to your psionic power saving throw DCs) against the target's Will Defense. If you hit, the target is added to your collective.

If a creature you use this ability on has psychic resist, they add that amount as a circumstance bonus to their Will Defense against this ability. A creature with barrier (psychic) gains a circumstance bonus equal to their Hit Dice.

You can manifest your psionic powers on unwilling members of the collective, as though you had used those powers normally, ignoring any range restrictions. All other non-range restrictions apply.

Each unwilling creature in your collective can, as a standard action on their turn, attempt to shut you out. The creature must make a Will save against DC 10 + your manifester level + your key manifesting ability + any bonuses you have to your psionic power saving throw DCs; the creature gains a bonus to this saving throw equal to any psychic resist they have, and/or their Hit Dice if they have barrier (psychic).

If an unwilling member of your collective dies, the member is removed and you can spend a healing surge to gain PP equal to the Hit Dice of the creature.

Creatures that are immune to mind-affecting effects cannot be affected by this ability.

Norn Queen (Ps/Na)

You have unlocked the final secret of the Tyranids: the ability to treat the bodies of other creatures as a direct extension of yourself, manipulating their genetics at will, though your powers are not as great as those of your ancient progenitor. You can use this knowledge to imitate, at least partially, the horror of the swarm.

As a standard action, you can imbue a creature you touch who is part of your synaptic collective with a mutation; this costs an amount of PP equal to the MP required for the mutation, and also reduces your maximum HP by the same amount, as you impart some of your zzith to the target. The mutation can be any mutation to which you have access. You can retract these mutations at any time as an immediate action, immediately restoring your current and maximum HP by the amount you expended.

As a full-round action, you can command some of your component zzith to "bud off" and restructure themselves into what is effectively a new creature, completely under your command. To create this new creature, begin with the base template on the table (which is not yet present, but will be soon). As part of the action to create it, you can further modify it by giving it mutations to which you have access, by spending PP and reducing your max HP by an amount equal to the MP cost of each mutation. This tyranid acts on your turn and has a full complement of actions; so long as you are conscious, it behaves as you desire. If you fall unconscious, the tyranid gains confusion, with a result of "hurts itself" causing it to instead rush to you and merge back into your body. When the tyranid merges with your body (a standard action on its part), you immediately regain current and maximum HP equal to the amount you spent to create the creature.

You share your healing surges with all tyranids you have created. If you were affected by any status effects when you created the tyranid, those status effects also affect the tyranid; status effects with the innate tag are not transferred, however. When a tyranid merges back into your body, all of its status effects it gained while separate are transferred to you.

Your created tyranids are always considered part of your synaptic collective and do not count towards the maximum number of creatures in it. You can sense everything your tyranids can sense, with whatever senses they have; you can communicate through a tyranid, either physically or telepathically, if you so desire, as though you were in that tyranid's space.

You can have a number of tyranids created at any time equal to your Constitution modifier, minimum 1.

Mutations and Evolutions

These abilities are accessible only to a zzithrani zoanthrope who has acquired the tyranid legacy class feature. These mutations are added to the zzithrani's mutation list. All of these abilities are both Natural and Psionic.


Minor Zzithrani Zoanthrope Mutations
Mutation Name Effect
Enhanced Brainstem Gain +2 Intelligence.
Psionic Nodes Choose a psionic discipline. You gain a +1 bonus to Manifestation checks for that discipline. If you have this ability as both a mutation and an evolution, you can choose another psionic discipline, or increase the existing bonus to +3.
Information Retrieval Gain a +8 bonus on Knowledge checks.


Lesser Zzithrani Zoanthrope Mutations
Mutation Name Effect
Mettle Gain mettle, but only in regards to Will saves. If you have this ability as both a mutation and an evolution, it improves to improved mettle.
Mind Shield Gain a +8 bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting effects.
Resilient Control Lose your hive mind racial ability.
Psychic Resistance Gain resist psychic 10. If you take this ability as both a mutation and evolution, you also gain barrier (psychic).


Improved Zzithrani Zoanthrope Mutations
Mutation Name Effect
Illithid's Brain Gain +6 Intelligence.
Psychic Feedback Whenever a creature attempts to contact your mind and you successfully resist the effect, you affect the creature as though you had manifested mind thrust with PP allocated equal to one-half your manifester level. If you have this ability as a mutation and an evolution, the mind thrust is treated as though it had PP allocated equal to your manifester level. This effect is subject to PR and NI.
Undetectable Mind You are invisible to thoughtsense.
Synapse Node You can attempt to telepathically control creatures with the Synaptic template (such as tyranids). This effect is subject to PR and NI.


Greater Zzithrani Zoanthrope Mutations
Mutation Name Effect
Shadow of the Warp You exude an aura that prevents teleportation effects. Whenever a teleportation effect would affect a creature, object, or area within 30 feet of you, the origin must make a level check against DC 11 + your manifester level, or else the effect fails. If you take this ability as a mutation and an evolution, this ability also affects teleportation effects that would bring a creature or object to within 30 feet of you. This effect is subject to PR and NI, and does not affect you or effects you produce.
Psychic Static You exude an aura that interferes with psionic abilities. All creatures within 30 feet of you suffer a penalty on Manifestation checks equal to your Charisma modifier (min 1). If you take this ability as a mutation and an evolution, choose one - extend the range to 60 feet; or increase the penalty to Manifestation checks by your Charisma modifier (so the effective penalty is double your Charisma modifier; min 2). This effect is subject to PR and NI, and does not affect you or effects you produce.