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Martial maneuver descriptions.
Martial maneuver descriptions.
'''[[Martial:_Maneuvers|Maneuvers Index]]''' | '''[[Martial:_Maneuvers_A-E|A - E]]''' | '''[[Martial:_Maneuvers_F-K|F - K]]''' | '''[[Martial:_Maneuvers_L-Q|L - Q]]''' | '''[[Martial:_Maneuvers_R-Z|R - Z]]'''
{{Template:Martial Maneuvers}}
=Maneuver Descriptions=
=Maneuver Descriptions=

Revision as of 19:38, 10 December 2015

Martial maneuver descriptions.


Martial Maneuvers
Maneuvers Index | A - E · F - K · L - Q · R - Z


Maneuver Descriptions

Descriptions are in alphabetical order.


Level: Def 4 [Armor]
Action: Reaction
Range: Reach
Target: One attack
Duration: Instantaneous
Armor Token Cost: 4
When your enemy thinks that he has struck a solid blow, you move in a split second, causing his sword to strike your armor instead.
When an enemy successfully attacks you with a melee or ranged attack, you can initiate this counter to force them to reroll their attack roll with a –6 penalty. You can choose to use this maneuver after an opponent resolves his attack but before he determines damage.


Level: Def 2
Action: Reaction
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Instantaneous
Armor Token Cost: 2
As your foe attempts to beguile you, you concentrate and break free of his influence.
You can use this maneuver when you fail a saving throw against a mind-affecting or fear effect. That effect ends immediately. You also surge with confidence, gaining a +2 morale bonus to Will saves made until the end of your next turn.


Level: Jed 2 [Counter]
Action: Reaction
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 round
Psionic Resistance: Yes
Your subconscious awareness causes you to dodge when you otherwise would not, but also connects you to nearby allies.
When you are attacked, you can activate this maneuver as a reaction.
You gain a +2 insight bonus to your AC.
For the duration of this maneuver, whenever an ally within 30 feet would be attacked, the bonus is immediately transferred to that ally, and the bonus granted increases by +1, to a maximum of your initiator level. If multiple creatures are attacked by the same attack, this bonus moves to the ally with a lower insight bonus to AC, or lowest AC if each has the same insight bonus to AC. The bonus continues to transfer in this manner until this maneuver's duration ends.
Augmentation (1 PP): This maneuver's range becomes "Range: 60 feet," and its target becomes "Target: You or ally."
Augmentation (2 PP): Increase this maneuver's duration by 1 round.
Augmentation (2 PP): Increase this maneuver's granted insight bonus to AC by +1, and the maximum the bonus can improve to by +1.


Level: Def 8 [Armor, Boost]
Action: Swift
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 round
Armor Token Cost: 8
You summon all of your will and perseverance, allowing you to overcome blows that would sunder any lesser mortal.
You gain Heavy Fortification for the duration of this effect.


Level: Def 8 [Shield]
Action: Reaction
Range: Reach
Target: One attack
Duration: Instantaneous
Armor Token Cost: 8
With a roar, you swing your shield to intercept an attack. Even if it still strikes true, your trusty aegis absorbs almost all the damage.
Make an attack defense roll (d20 + all your defensive bonuses) against an attack. If you succeed, the attack misses you. If you fail, the attack hits you, but you gain DR 40/- against that attack.


Level: War 3 (Boost)
Action: Swift
Range: 30 feet
Target: One ally
Duration: Instantaneous
Your companion has the ability and the will. You provide the plan and the motivation.
Until the start of your next turn, the ally gains his or her choice of the following effects - a bonus to damage rolls equal to your Command Bonus; or a bonus to saving throws equal to your Command Bonus.
The ally enjoys both benefits of this maneuver.
When an ally affected by this maneuver makes an attack, they can choose one - double their bonus to damage, or gain temporary hit points equal to your Command Bonus + your presence ability modifier.


Level: Def 2 [Shield, Stance]
Action: Swift
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Until ends
Armor Token Cost: 2
You clench your shield tightly, and your muscles twitch in anticipation. When your foe casts a spell, you immediately raise your shield against the spell, causing it to strike your shield, but leaving you unharmed.
While you are in this stance, you gain a circumstance bonus to your touch AC and Reflex saves equal to your shield bonus.


Level: Def 4 [Boost]
Action: Swift
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 round
Armor Token Cost: 4
You strike your foe in such a way that ensnares him, forcing him to either confront you or overcome you to strike others.
Each attack you make until the start of your next turn grants the target a -4 circumstance penalty on attack rolls against creatures other than you for 1 round. This penalty stacks with itself, but not with other circumstance penalties to attack rolls.


Level: Arc 2 (Strike)
Action: Full
Range: Weapon
Target: Up to two creatures or objects (see text)
Duration: Instantaneous
You move while scanning the field, taking opportunistic shots.
Move up to your speed. You can make two ranged attacks (at your highest attack bonus) at any point in this movement.


Level: Ein 6 (Strike)
Action: Standard
Range: Weapon
Target: One creature
Duration: 1d4 rounds (see text)
You strike your target not for effect, but to weaken their defenses, ripping open a temporary gap for future attacks.
Make a melee attack against a creature. If you hit, the target gains slag for the duration of this maneuver.
If the target is wearing armor, that armor gains the broken status; this status is permanent.


Level: Def 2 [Armor]
Action: Reaction
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Instantaneous
Armor Token Cost: 2
You subconsciously keep your defenses alert, even when you aren't.
You can use your normal AC while flat-footed against a single attack action.


Level: Def 7 [Armor, Shield]
Action: Reaction
Range: Reach
Target: One creature
Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw: Reflex negates
Armor Token Cost: 7
When a creature strikes you, you ensnare them in your armor and shield, preventing them from taking further action.
You can spend any number of additional armor tokens on this ability, up to your initiator level.
Use this ability in response to an attack against you.
The target must make a Reflex save against DC 17 + your Constitution modifier + the number of additional armor tokens you spend on this ability. If the creature fails, it loses the remainder of its actions this turn. It cannot make attacks of opportunity until the start of its next turn.


Level: Def 7 [Boost, Shield]
Action: Swift
Range: Reach
Target: All allies
Duration: 1 round
Armor Token Cost: 7
Keeping a wary eye on your foes, you interpose your shield between them and your allies, becoming - in essence - a mobile fortress.
For the duration, all allies within your reach gain concealment. This effect does not affect you.


Level: Ein 3 (Stance)
Action: Swift
You balance your fighting style, centering yourself.
While in this stance, reduce all penalties for two-weapon fighting by 2, to a minimum of -0. You gain a +4 insight bonus to Initiative checks, and deal an additional 1d6 points of damage with weapons while wielding two weapons.


Level: Ein 3 (Strike)
Action: Standard
Range: Reach
Target: One creature
Duration: 1d4+1/level rounds
Saving Throw: Fort partial
You strike at your opponent's eyes, blinding them.
Make a melee attack. If you hit, you deal an additional 2d6 damage, and the target must make a Fortitude save. If the target fails the save, the target is blinded for the duration of this maneuver.


Level: Arc 2 (Strike)
Action: Standard
Range: Weapon
Target: One creature
Duration: 1 round
Your shot takes your quarry by surprise, making them reel from the blow.
Make a ranged attack. If you hit, the target is flat-footed for 1 round.


Level: Ein 3 (Boost)
Action: Swift
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 round
You put all your strength behind your blows, trading accuracy for power.
When you use this maneuver, you can choose to take a penalty to all attack rolls for 1 round, up to your BAB. If you do, you deal extra damage on all attacks equal to that amount; if you make an attack with a two-handed weapon, deal extra damage equal to double that amount instead.


Level: Ein 5 (Boost) [Healing]
Action: Swift
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Instantaneous
The defeat of a foe leaves you flooded with adrenaline, ready for more.
When you successfully kill a creature with a number of Hit Dice equal to at least half your initiator level, you can use this maneuver.
You can spend a healing surge to heal yourself for 25% of your maximum hit points.


Level: Ein 2 [Counter]
Action: Reaction
Range: Reach
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
A blow enrages you, and you strike back with ferocity.
You can use this maneuver in response to taking damage from a melee attack.
Make a melee attack against the creature that just attacked you. If you hit, you deal +2d6 damage.


Level: Jed 1 (Strike)
Action: Standard
Range: Close (25 feet + 5 feet/2 initiator levels)
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Psionic Resistance: Yes
You use the power of your mind to push a creature.
You can make a bull rush attack against a creature within range of this power, without needing to move into their space. To resolve this bull rush, you use the ability score (or its related skill) associated with your psionic focus (if you have multiple psionic foci, you choose which to use), and suffer no penalties (and gain no bonuses) from your size. There is no limit to the distance you can push your target.
Augmentation (1 PP): You gain a +1 insight bonus on the opposed check.


Level: War 1 (Strike)
Action: Standard
Range: Weapon
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Your bold lunge leaves you open to an enemy’s counterattack, but that’s just what you want.
Make a melee attack against the target. If you hit, you deal normal damage.
The target can make a melee basic attack against you as a free action and gains a +2 bonus on the attack roll. If the target makes this attack, an ally of your choice within 30 feet of the target can make a basic attack against the target as a free action and gains your Command Bonus as a bonus on the attack roll.
If the target of this maneuver chooses to attack you, an adjacent ally of your choice gains an insight bonus to AC equal to your Command Bonus until the start of your next turn.


Level: Arc 1 (Strike)
Action: Standard
Range: Weapon
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
You look for a weakness in your target's defenses.
As part of using this maneuver, make a Spot check with a DC equal to your target's AC, then make a single attack against that creature.
If you make the Spot check, you deal an additional +2d6 damage; this is considered precision damage. If you fail the Spot check, you suffer a -2 penalty on the attack roll.


Level: Def 2 [Boost]
Action: Swift
Range: 60 feet
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates (see text)
Armor Token Cost: 2
You taunt a creature, luring it to attack you.
You can spend any number of additional armor tokens on this ability, up to your initiator level.
The target must make a Will save against DC 12 + your Constitution modifier + the number of additional armor tokens you spend on this ability. If the creature fails, it must make an attack against you on its next turn, or else it is dazed for 1 round.


Level: Ein 2
Action: Standard
Range: Reach
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
You come in at an unusual angle, forcing your opponent to move.
Make a melee attack against a creature. If you hit, after you resolve the attack, you and the target of your attack switch positions. You and your target must still be within each other's reach after this movement. This is considered forced movement.


Level: Har 1 (Counter)
Action: Reaction
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Instantaneous
Temporal Opposition: Yes
Your attention to the timeline allows you to act when you otherwise wouldn't be able to.
You can use this maneuver while flat-footed, and in a surprise round in which you would be unable to act.
You may act normally in the surprise round and are not flat-footed.


Level: Def 1
Action: Reaction
Range: Reach
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Armor Token Cost: 1
With your companion in immediate danger, you interpose yourself, taking the blows yourself.
If a creature within your reach would attack another creature within your reach, the attacker must instead resolve his attack action against you.


Level: War 1 (Command)
Action: Standard
Range: Reach
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
With a shout, you command an ally to attack.
One ally who threatens the target can take a free action to make a melee basic attack against the target. The ally gains a bonus to the damage roll equal to your Command Bonus.


Level: War 2 (Strike)
Action: Standard
Range: Weapon
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
You draw the enemy’s attention long enough for one ally to move to safety and another to move into position.
Make a melee attack against the target.
If you hit, you deal normal damage, and one ally adjacent to you or to the target of this maneuver can shift 5 feet as a free action. (A shift is movement that does not provoke attacks of opportunity.)
You slide one ally adjacent to you or to the target 5 feet to a square adjacent to no enemies.


Level: Def 5 [Shield]
Action: Reaction
Range: Reach
Target: One ally
Duration: Instantaneous
Armor Token Cost: 5
As a foe strikes your ally, you interpose your shield at the last moment.
Make an active defense roll against a creature's attack against an adjacent ally. If you succeed, the attack fails. If you fail, your ally gains DR 10/- against the attack.


Level: Ein 2
Action: Standard
Range: Reach
Target: One creature
Duration: 1 round + 1 round/2 initiator levels
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Your attack leaves a gory wound which continues to bleed.
Make a melee attack. If you hit, you deal +2d6 damage, and the target must make a Fortitude save; if the save is failed, the creature gains bleeding (2d6) for the duration of this maneuver.


Level: Ein 1
Action: Standard
Range: Reach
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
You overwhelm your opponent's defenses for a moment.
Make a single attack. If you hit, your opponent is flat-footed until their next turn.


Level: War 2 (Boost)
Action: Reaction
Range: Reach
Target: One ally
Duration: Instantaneous
Your strike creates an opening your ally seizes to his or her advantage.
Use this maneuver in reaction to hitting a creature with a melee weapon.
The target shifts up to 15 feet as a free action, and gains combat advantage against the triggering enemy until the start of your next turn. (A shift is movement that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Combat advantage grants you a +2 bonus to attack rolls against a creature.)


Level: Arc 1 (Strike)
Action: Standard
Range: Weapon
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
You can exploit even the tiniest crack in cover.
As part of using this maneuver, make a Spot check with a DC equal to your target's AC, then make a single attack against that creature.
If you make the Spot check, you ignore any cover less than total cover the target has.


Level: Def 7 [Shield, Strike]
Action: Standard
Range: Reach
Target: All foes within reach
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial
Armor Token Cost: 7
You make a wide swinging arc with your shield, bashing all enemies within your reach and dizzying them.
Make a shield bash attack against all adjacent foes. Each successful attack inflicts an additional +4d6 points of damage, and dazes any creature that fails a Fortitude save for 1 round.


Level: Def 5 [Shield]
Action: Reaction
Range: Reach
Area: 15-ft cone
Duration: Instantaneous
Armor Token Cost: 5
As a blast of energy comes hurtling towards you, you use your shield to halt its progress.
When you are in the area of an area of effect, you can remove a 15-ft cone from its area. The origin of the cone is you, and the cone must be oriented away from the center-point of the effect.
If you use this ability against a line, the effect splits in two, using your square as the point of origin and proceeding in a direction that would be parallel to the edges of a 15-foot cone centered on you, facing behind you. If the effect would deal damage, the new lines deal half that damage; if it has other effects, creatures get a +4 bonus to their saving throws against it.
This ability has no effect on an emanation or spread.


Level: Ein 3 (Strike)
Action: Standard
Range: Reach
Target: One creature
Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial
You strike your opponent soundly, temporarily dazing them.
Make a melee attack. If you hit, you deal +3d6 damage, and your target must make a Fortitude save. If the target fails the save, they are dazed for one round.


Level: Def 2 [Armor, Shield, Stance]
Action: Swift
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Until ends
Armor Token Cost: 2
You hold your shield close and keep your body clenched, protecting yourself more fully at the cost of moving slowly.
When you initiate this stance, and at the beginning of each of your turns while it is active, you may - as a non-action - reduce your movement speed by up to half, in 5 foot increments. For each 5 feet speed reduction, your armor bonus and shield bonus to AC each increase by +1.
Special: You cannot use this maneuver while in a defensive stance.


Level: Ein 2
Action: Standard
Range: Reach
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
You bring your weapon down on your foe with all your might, piercing defenses.
Make a melee attack against a creature. If you hit, you deal an additional +2d6 damage and ignore Hardness, DR, and the protect status.


Level: War 1 (Command)
Action: Standard
Range: 60 feet
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
You direct an ally to attack as an enemy lowers its guard.
The target can take a free action to make a ranged basic attack against the target.


Level: Ein 2
Action: Standard
Range: Reach
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
You strike your opponent's weapon hand, attempting to disarm them.
Make a melee attack. If you hit, you can immediately attempt to disarm the creature as a free action; if you fail, the target does not get a disarm attempt against you.


Level: Ein 1
Action: Standard
Range: Reach
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fort partial (see text)
You strike your opponent in such a way as to put them out of position.
Make a melee attack against a creature. If you hit, the target must also make a Fortitude save, or their next d20 roll is made with a -4 penalty.


Level: Arc 1 (Boost)
Action: Swift
Range: Weapon
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
You fell one creature, then - in a flash - take a shot at another nearby target.
You can only use this maneuver after you have dropped a creature during your turn.
You can make a ranged attack against a creature adjacent to the square your dropped target was in.


Level: Har 1 (Stance)
Action: Swift
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Stance
Temporal Opposition: Yes
You manipulate your timeline subtly, allowing beneficial effects to last longer and reducing the duration of ailments.
While you are in this stance, beneficial effects with a duration longer than instantaneous have their durations doubled, while harmful effects and status ailments have their duration halved, rounded down, to a minimum of 1 round.
If you leave this stance, all effects on you return to their normal duration; if an effect's duration would have expired normally, it expires immediately, but effects that have expired due to this stance do not return.


Level: Ein 5 (Strike)
Action: Full
Range: Charge range
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial (see text)
You ram into a foe with all your might, leaving him gasping for air.
Make a charge attack as a full-round action. If you hit, you deal +10d6 damage, and your target must make a Fortitude save; if the target fails the save, the target is nauseated for 1 round.


Level: Def 1 [Armor]
Action: Reaction
Range: Reach
Target: One creature
Duration: 1 round
Armor Token Cost: 1
You twist and turn, contorting your armor, making attacks against you tiring and exhausting.
A creature making an attack against you becomes fatigued for 1 round.


Level: Ein 1 (Stance)
Action: Swift
You focus on one opponent, improving your defense against them but leaving yourself open to others.
When you initiate this stance, choose one creature you can see. You gain a +2 dodge bonus to AC against that creature's attacks. You suffer a -2 penalty to AC against all other attacks.


Level: Jed 1 (Strike)
Action: Standard
Range: Reach
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will partial
Psionic Resistance: Yes
You strike not just at your target's physical form, but at their morale, as well.
Make a melee attack against a creature. If you hit, the target must make a Will save; if the target fails, the target becomes shaken. (A shaken creature suffers a -2 penalty to attack rolls, skill checks, saving throws, and ability checks.)


Level: Def 1 [Boost, Shield]
Action: Swift
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Until expended (see text)
Armor Token Cost: 1
With a twist of your wrist and an adjustment of your grip on your shield, you become adept at deflecting particular types of energy damage.
Choose an energy type. You gain energy resistance to that energy type equal to your Constitution modifier + your shield's AC bonus. This energy resistance can absorb an amount of damage equal to your Constitution modifier x your initiator level.
If your shield has an elemental quality, such as fiery, and you use this maneuver to gain resistance to that energy type, your total resistance is doubled and the total amount of damage this effect can absorb is tripled.
Special: If an effect dealing energy damage to you has the [mind-affecting] descriptor, your energy resistance does not apply (thus, you cannot use this ability to gain resistance to psychic damage).


Level: Jed 1 (Stance)
Action: Swift
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Until ends
Psionic Resistance: Yes
You hold your weapon with telekinetic force, allowing you to strike from otherwise impossible angles.
Choose one square that is adjacent to you. You treat this square as if you occupied it for the purpose of determining your reach and threatened area, replacing your normal reach and threat area (if you are Large or larger, you effectively shift your reach and threatened area by 5 feet). You may change your effective square as a swift action.


Level: Def 1 [Strike]
Action: Standard
Range: Reach
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates
Armor Token Cost: 1
You strike a creature more with the intent to taunt and maim than to actually deal damage.
Make a normal attack against a creature.
The target must make a Will save. If failed, the creature becomes enraged for 1d6 rounds. While raging, the creature gains a +4 circumstance bonus on attack rolls against the initiator.