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'''June 5, 2016:''' Complete rebuild.
'''June 5, 2016:''' Complete rebuild.
jikuu grades
'''Mar 22, 2017:''' Significant modification - grades are the mechanic of the day, so having a class that doesn't use them is weird.
format fixer
[[category:Base Classes]]
[[category:Base Classes]]

Revision as of 07:58, 22 March 2017

The Epochent
Level Special Quanta Acquisition Max Quanta Pool Max Jikuu Grade Spheres Jikuu Known
1 Tracer Minor 3 Hadronic 1 4
2 Chronos Lore Lesser 6 Hadronic 1 6
3   Lesser 9 Hadronic 2 7
4 Chronos Lore Lesser 12 Baryonic 2 8
5   Lesser 15 Baryonic 2 10
6 Chronos Lore Moderate 18 Baryonic 2 11
7   Moderate 21 Mesonic 3 12
8 Chronos Lore Moderate 24 Mesonic 3 14
9   Moderate 27 Mesonic 3 15
10 Epochent Talent Greater 30 Bosonic 3 16
11   Greater 33 Bosonic 4 18
12 Epochent Talent Greater 36 Bosonic 4 19
13   Greater 39 Fermionic 4 20
14 Epochent Talent Major 42 Fermionic 4 22
15   Major 45 Fermionic 5 23
16 Epochent Talent Major 48 Leptonic 5 24
17   Major 51 Leptonic 5 26
18 Epochent Talent Grand 54 Leptonic 5 27
19   Grand 57 Leptonic 6 28
20 Epochent Talent Grand 60 Leptonic 6 30



Nox, iconic epochent
"Time is not a linear thing, but a nebular web of existential freedom..."

Time is a powerful thing. Those who study the nature of Time gain insights into its passage of which laymen can only dream; not content to be carried along by the river of moments, epochents seek to take control of their own fate, twisting time and space to their whims to accomplish that end. Through long years of study, epochents learn how to attune themselves to the timestream itself: rather than letting seconds pass by, epochents transform their bodies and minds into a quantum net, allowing them to capture the tiniest motes of temporal energy. This temporal energy - this quanta - is the epochent's source of power: with it, the learned chronist can alter gravity, space, even time itself, allowing her to unshackle herself from the relentless march of moments.

Epochents often have a distorted - from the perspective of others - view of reality. Their ability to break the linkage between cause and event, even the power to change the course of history, gives them a distinctly alien outlook on events around them; for an epochent, this reality is merely one of an infinite number of possibilities, one that they only happen to inhabit by chance, and - if something occurs that is not to their liking - they may very well be able to make it such that that thing never came to pass to begin with. That such a task would result in a paradox is of no concern to the epochent; to her, "paradox" is simply a term that the unlearned use to describe something they think is impossible. For the epochent, the impossible is merely the improbable, and so long as that sliver of probability exists, time can be bent and hammered to her whim to make what was once only a mathematical possibility the reality that everyone remembers.

However, not all epochents deal solely with time. Time and space are intricately interwoven, and as such, epochents are able to command several other aspects of reality, even the concept of enumeration itself: the passage of time is a numerical march upwards from zero, and thus more esoteric epochents are able to interact with reality through manipulation of its numbers. Less esoteric are the studies of celestial objects and gravity; while both seem tangential to time, they are an integral part of space, and as such epochents who choose to do so can learn how to manipulate these facets of existence, as well. Some judge these epochents as lesser than those who interact with time directly, but the power they wield over objects that exist in space or the fields of gravity that bind them together can become just as overwhelming as the power to change history, albeit in a different fashion.

Ironically, while an epochent can modify the world around her, while those in the changed world remember events as she shaped them, she does not: the epochent, through being the agent of change in the timeline, recalls her own twisted path through time, and events that she may remember clearly become fiction to those closest to her. As an epochent progresses in her career, this possibility almost universally becomes certainty: most powerful epochents have very clear, very real memories of events that have since been removed from time entirely. It should be no surprise that no small number of epochents gradually lose their minds and become lost in the tides of time, being utterly unable to relate to anyone due to just how much they changed reality from the one they remember.

Game Rule Information

Epochents have the following game statistics.

Force Alignment: Time.

Force Resistances: UO 5 + level, CO 5 + level.

Abilities: Intelligence, Wisdom, and Bravery are important to the epochent. Intelligence determines her ability to wield jikuu effectively; Wisdom improves her capacity for quanta, and thus improves her staying power; and Bravery helps her fend off paradox, which can cripple her ability to manipulate the timeline.

Hit Points at 1st Level: 5 + Con score.

Hit Points at Each Additional Level: 5 + Con modifier.

Healing Surges: 6 + Con modifier.

Defenses: Fort +0; Ref +2; Will +4; Det +2.

Starting Age: Complex.

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the epochent.


Weapons: Any three.

Armor: Cloth.

Implements: Measures, pendulums.


The epochent's ability to manipulate time are collectively known as jikuu, and are grouped in spheres, which are particular specializations within the study of time and temporal phenomenon.


Temporal Spheres
Sphere Description Base Jikuu
Celestial Deep within the void of space are celestial objects, and chronists are able to manipulate these objects to their own ends. something
Gravity Harnessing the crushing power of objects that occupy space, this sphere manipulates gravitational and magnetic forces. drop
Null Between every moment, between every atom, there is nothing: this sphere specializes in the exploitation of that emptiness. ruin
Numbers Time is often measured, be it by seconds of the clock or grains of sand; this sphere interacts with the metaphysical concept of enumeration itself. something
Space Space and time are intricately interwoven, and thus - by extension of temporal manipulation - a chronist can also manipulate space. something
Time Acceptance of the malleability of time and temporal events leads to the ability to change history. something


The epochent does not prepare her jikuu ahead of time. Instead, she must open her mind to the passage of time around her, and gather the temporal energies inherent in the current moment. You can gather quanta as a swift, move, standard, or full action, but can only do so once on each of your turns; the amount of quanta you can gather is dependent upon your chronist level and the action you spend to gather, but if you spend a full action to gather quanta, you gather enough to put you at your maximum.

Jikuu Stats by Grade
Grade Minimum Intelligence Quanta Cost
Hadronic 11 1
Baryonic 14 4
Mesonic 17 9
Bosonic 20 16
Fermionic 23 25
Leptonic 26 36
Tachyonic 23 49

To use, or shape, a jikuu, you must expend a certain amount of quanta; the amount required is indicated on the table Jikuu Stats by Grade, to the right.

The maximum amount of quanta you can have at any one time is dependent upon your level (max quanta pool, on the table above).

Time, however, is a fickle mistress, and temporal energy acts as an anchor to the moment from whence it was drawn, inhibiting the chronist's ability to draw upon quanta from other moments, and - as the temporal resistance builds as time passes on - can also inhibit the chronist in other ways. At the beginning of your turn, if you have any quanta, you gain 1 point of paradox. For every point of paradox you have, you suffer a -1 penalty to all quanta rolls (to a minimum of 0); if you have more paradox than your Bravery modifier, you also suffer your total amount of paradox as a penalty to all temporal attack rolls and lose that amount of quanta at the end of each of your turns. If at any time you have no quanta, you immediately lose all accrued paradox.

At the end of your turn, you can willingly lose all your remaining quanta as a non-action.

To use any given jikuu, the epochent must have an Intelligence score per the table on the right.


Jikuu: Quanta Acquisition
  Quanta Acquisition Grade
Action Taken Minor Lesser Moderate Greater Major Grand
Swift 1 1d3 1d4 1d8 1d12 2d8
Move 1d4 1d6 1d8 2d8 3d8 4d8
Standard 1d6 1d10 2d8 2d12 3d10 5d10
Full Max Max Max Max Max Max


The epochent begins with four known jikuu. She gains knowledge of additional jikuu each level, as per the class table, above. At fourth level and every four levels after, she can trade out up to two jikuu for new jikuu from any sphere she can access.

The epochent's key ability for her temporal attacks is her Intelligence.


One of the most important lessons an epochent learns is how to mark their passage through time. This allows her to ensure that, even if she becomes hopelessly lost amid the infinite possible futures, she will always be able to find her way home.

As a standard action, an epochent can set a tracer. This is a metaphysical object that exists specifically at a single place, in a single moment. The tracer emits temporal energy both forward and backwards and time, and can be detected as a temporal effect.

However, the act of setting a tracer puts the epochent slightly out of phase with time, reducing her ability to gather quanta. Each time she sets a tracer, the epochent suffers a -1 penalty to her quanta rolls; this penalty stacks with itself. This slight temporal error corrects itself over time, and all penalties from this ability are removed after the epochent takes a long rest.

A tracer lasts for 12 hours, and an epochent can only ever have one tracer in existence at a time; if she creates a new tracer, the older is immediately and irrecoverably destroyed.

While she has a tracer active, the epochent knows exactly how much time has passed since she placed it, and exactly where she is in relation to it.

Chronos Lore

Epochents all choose the spheres of jikuu they wish to study, but - universally - epochents also study how to make use of their tracers. As she gains experience, an epochent learns how to work with the temporal energy gathered by her tracer, allowing her to perform incredible feats of time travel, spatial manipulation, and more.

At each of the levels indicated on the class table, you can choose one ability from the following list. Unless otherwise specified, each ability can only be taken once.

▶ Predict

As a standard action, you can use your tracer and your current point in time to attempt to triangulate the position of a possible future that you want to come to pass. Until the start of your next turn, whenever a random roll of any sort is made, two rolls are made instead, and you choose which of them becomes real, as you use the temporal energy of your tracer to influence the present.

This ability is a temporal effect, and is blocked by effects that prevent temporal travel or manipulation. If you are not on the same plane as your tracer, this ability fails, and your tracer remains intact.

If your use of this ability succeeds, it ends your tracer.

▶ Save

As a standard action, you can replace a creature with an exact replica of itself from the moment you set your tracer, essentially replacing the target with an earlier version of itself. The target must be willing. The target loses all knowledge of what has occurred since you set your tracer. Any items the target had been carrying that have since been given to others, lost, or consumed are lost in the translation from past to present.

This ability is a temporal effect, and is blocked by effects that prevent temporal travel or manipulation. If you are not on the same plane as your tracer, this ability fails, and your tracer remains intact.

If your use of this ability succeeds, it ends your tracer.

▶ Reset
Sidebar: Reset
When you use this ability, all players need to essentially make a copy of their character sheet as it exists at the moment the tracer is set, and the DM needs to note precisely when you set it. Make sure that everyone at the table is prepared for you to use this ability before moving on.

As a standard action, you revert time, returning back to the precise moment when you set your tracer. You retain all knowledge of what transpired since you set it, but only this knowledge is retained; all other events that occurred since you set your tracer are undone.

This ability is a temporal effect, and is blocked by effects that prevent temporal travel or manipulation. If you are not on the same plane as your tracer, this ability fails, and your tracer remains intact.

If your use of this ability succeeds, it ends your tracer.

▶ Restore

As a standard action, you return a touched object to its state from when you set your tracer, replacing the item with an earlier version of itself. This resets its charges to the number it had when you set your tracer, and also restores any encounter or daily powers it had.

This ability is a temporal effect, and is blocked by effects that prevent temporal travel or manipulation. If you are not on the same plane as your tracer, this ability fails, and your tracer remains intact.

If your use of this ability succeeds, it ends your tracer.

▶ Warp

As a standard action, you and all willing allies within 60 feet of you are instantly teleported to your tracer. You occupy the square that your tracer was placed in, and all other creatures retain their positions relative to you as they had prior to the teleport. If a creature would be teleported into a space containing solid material, they are shunted to the nearest empty space.

This ability is a teleportation effect, and is blocked by effects that prevent teleportation. If you are not on the same plane as your tracer, this ability fails, and your tracer remains intact.

If your use of this ability succeeds, it ends your tracer.

Epochent Spheres and Jikuu

The jikuu index can be found here.

Celestial Sphere

Celestial Jikuu
Quanta Jikuu Action Effect
Basic Guidance Standard Grant an ally a bonus to their next d20 roll.
1 Flare Standard Summon a burst of energy from the heavens that deals potency 2 damage to a creature.
1 True Strike Standard Target's gains a bonus on their next attack roll.
2 Darkvision Standard Target gains darkvision.
3 Meteorite Standard Summon a meteorite that deals potency 4 damage in an area.
4 Confusion Standard Target gains confusion.
5 Comet Standard Summon a comet that deals potency 5 damage in an area.
5 Regen Standard Target gains regen.
6 True Sight Standard Target gains truesight.
7 Nova Standard Summon a celestial nova that deals potency 6 damage in an area.
7 Reflect Standard Target gains reflect.
8 Reraise Standard Target gains reraise.
9 Meteor Standard Summon a heavenly meteor that deals potency 8 damage in an area.
10 Insanity Standard Target gains innate confusion.
11 Quasar Standard Summon a quasar that deals potency 10 damage in an area.
12 Choose Destiny Standard Choose the result of all your rolls until the start of your next turn.


Gravity Sphere

Gravity Jikuu
Quanta Jikuu Action Effect
Basic Drop Standard Cause a creature to fall prone or an object to immediately hit the floor.
1 Attract Immediate Redirect the target of an attack.
1 Deflect Immediate Use gravity to protect yourself from an attack.
1 Drag Immediate Target falls faster.
1 Float Immediate Target gains float.
1 Hovering Disc Standard Create a disc of gravitic energy that follows you and can hold extreme weight.
2 Defy Gravity Standard You can move a creature or object vertically through gravity manipulation.
2 Gravity Bow Standard Touched ranged weapon deals increased damage.
2 Gravity Pull Standard Force a creature to move.
2 Lead Blade Standard Touched melee weapon deals increased damage.
3 Gravity Thrust Standard Turn normal objects - or creatures - into deadly missiles via gravitational manipulation.
3 Immobilize Standard Target gains immobilized.
3 Momentum Immediate Creature deals increased damage after moving.
3 Undeniable Gravity Standard Target cannot fly.
4 Demi Standard Target loses 25% of its current hit points.
4 False Gravity Standard Target chooses its gravitational orientation.
4 Overdrive Standard All of target's weapon attacks temporarily gain penetrating.
4 Unstoppable Standard Target gains temporary immunity to effects that restrict movement.
5 Gravikinesis Standard Move objects by manipulating their gravitational field.
5 Gravity Cage Standard Trap a creature in a sphere of gravitic force.
5 Gravity Shield Standard Make area around you more difficult to move through.
5 Null Gravity Standard Create an area in which gravity is nullified.
6 Fly Standard You or a target creature gains the ability to fly.
6 Gravity Pulse Standard Deal potency 3 magnetic damage in an area, pull creatures to center.
6 Gravity Tether Standard Target becomes nigh-immovable.
6 Gravity Well Standard Create a gravity well, causing nearby objects and creatures to fall towards its center.
7 Reverse Projectiles Standard Reflect projectiles back at their origin.
7 Reverse Gravity Standard Temporarily flip gravity's direction in an area.
8 Crush Standard Immobilize, restrain, and deal ongoing magnetic damage to a creature.
8 Demira Standard Target loses 50% of its current hit points.
9 Wall of Gravity Standard Create a barrier of gravitic force.
10 Tiny Standard Drastically reduce a creature's size.
11 Demija Standard Target loses 75% of its current hit points.
11 Graviton Burst Immediate Counter an avoidance effect or saving throw.
12 Black Hole Standard Create a temporary black hole that utterly destroys anything drawn into it.
12 Implosion Standard Use drastic gravitational forces to cause a creature or object to collapse in on itself.


Null Sphere

Null Jikuu
Quanta Jikuu Action Effect
Basic Ruin Standard Deal potency 2 damage to a creature at range.
1 Lethargy Standard Target gains dex down.
1 Sleep Standard Target gains sleep.
2 Darkness Standard Create an area of darkness.
2 Fade Standard Target gains fade.
2 Silence Standard Create an area of silence.
2 Vanish Standard Target gains invisible.
3 Amnesia Standard Target gains amnesia.
3 Dull Element Standard Target gains barrier against an element of your choice.
3 Esuna Standard Remove status ailments from a target.
3 Strip Standard Remove status boons from a target.
4 Blind Standard Target gains blind.
4 Ruinga Standard Deal potency 2 damage in an area.
4 Weakness Standard Target gains weakness.
5 Insubstantial Standard Target gains insubstantial.
5 Skip Standard Target loses its next turn.
5 Temporal Dodge Immediate Briefly leave time to ignore one effect.
6 Antilife Shell Standard Create a barrier through which living creatures cannot pass.
6 Phase Standard Target gains phasing.
6 Undo Time Standard Negate temporal effects.
7 Delete Data Standard Permanently remove information from multiple creatures' minds, world memory.
7 Eject Standard Target gains eject.
7 Null Defenses Standard Target's evasion, mettle, grit, or tenacity is reduced.
7 Vanishga Standard Multiple targets gain invisible.
8 Null Drive Standard Target gains pacified.
8 Null Force Standard Target gains sealed.
8 Null Mind Standard Target becomes temporarily mindless, either beneficially or detrimentally.
8 Undo Force Standard Negate Force effects.
9 Doom Standard Target gains doom.
9 Null Element Standard Target gains immunity against an element of your choice.
10 Ethereal Standard Target becomes ethereal.
10 Banish Standard Purge creatures from your current plane back to their home planes.
11 Nondetection Standard Target is undetectable.
12 Erase Standard Erase a target from existence.
12 Null Soul Standard Target becomes temporarily soulless, either beneficially or detrimentally.


Numbers Sphere

Numbers Jikuu
Quanta Jikuu Action Effect
Basic Libra Standard You gain libra.
1 Blink Standard Target gains image.
2 Imperil Standard Target gains a vulnerability of your choice.
5 Bubble Standard Target gains bubble.
6 Balance Standard Deal damage to a creature equal to the amount of HP you have lost.
6 Reverse Standard Target gains reverse.
8 Double Standard Create a copy of a creature for a short time, after which both disappear.
12 Triple Standard Create two copies of a creature for a short time, after which all disappear.


Space Sphere

Space Jikuu
Quanta Jikuu Action Effect
Basic Slide Standard Force a creature to move some distance.
1 Escape Move Willing target teleports up to their speed.
1 Propel Standard Increase target's speed.
2 Dimension Swap Standard Switch ally's places.
2 Fold Space Standard Fold space in on itself.
3 Immobilize Standard Target gains immobilize.
3 Quake Standard Spatial disruption deals potency 3 earth damage in an area.
4 Expand Space Standard Stretch space out, creating more area.
4 Retrieve Standard Teleport an object you can see to your hand.
5 Distort Space Standard Distort space around a creature, making it difficult for it to specify targets.
5 Disable Standard Target gains disable.
6 Quara Standard Spatial disruption deals potency 4 earth damage in an area.
6 Wormhole Standard Create a portal between two points in space.
8 Teleport Standard Instantly travel with other creatures to a nearby place, with a chance of failure.
9 Quaga Standard Spatial disruption deals potency 6 earth damage in an area.
12 Teleportaga Standard Instantly travel with other creatures to a distant place.


Time Sphere

Time Jikuu
Quanta Jikuu Action Effect
Basic Accelerate Standard Increase a creature's Initiative by 4.
1 Alacrity Standard Target gains haste on its next turn.
1 Crumble Standard Deal cosmic damage to an object through extreme aging.
1 Moment Swift Increase your Initiative by 3.
1 Pause Standard Reduce a creature's Initiative by 3.
2 Bestow Time Swift Grant one of your actions to a touched creature on its next turn.
2 Decelerate Standard Target gains hobbled for 5 rounds.
2 Déjà Vu Standard Target repeats its last action.
2 Lag Standard Target gains lag.
2 Temporal Edit Swift Undo your actions since the start of your turn.
2 Time Swap Standard Swap ally's Initiatives.
3 Hustle Swift You gain a move action.
3 Lapse Standard Decrease the duration of an effect or status.
3 Slow Standard Multiple creatures gain slow.
4 Chrono Cross Standard Make multiple temporal copies of yourself.
4 Haste Standard Multiple creatures gain haste.
4 Refresh Immediate Target regains all of its brave actions.
4 Time to Pause Reaction Target can take 10 on a d20 roll.
5 Decay Standard Target takes ongoing cosmic damage.
5 Delay Standard Target's turn is delayed until after your next turn.
5 Extend Standard Increase the duration of an effect or status.
5 Steal Time Swift Steal actions from a touched creature.
5 Temporal Shove Standard Drastically reduce a creature's Initiative.
6 Compress Time Standard Target gains compress.
6 Echo Standard Target relives the last round.
6 Immediacy Immediate Gain a move action.
6 Quick Standard Target gains a standard action immediately.
6 Temporal Buffer Standard Give yourself a buffer in which you can store actions for future use.
7 Stop Standard Target gains stop.
7 Temporal Acceleration Standard You gain a set of actions in which to freely act, but cannot interact with the world.
8 Day's Rest 5 minutes Target gains advantages of a long rest.
8 Time Ebb Standard Make time pass faster or slower in an area.
8 Chrono Trigger Standard Set up a contingent effect.
9 Rewind Standard Go back in time to the last round.
9 Temporal Rewrite 1 round Alter your actions in the past.
10 Stopaga Standard Multiple targets gain stop.
10 Time Cache Standard Gain a few rounds' worth of apparent time.
11 Temporal Abstraction Full Gain a number of additional actions.
12 Chrono Break Standard Gain an extra turn in the Initiative order.



The following are a selection of feats that are relevant to epochents.


CHAIN JIKUU [Metajikuu]
You can cause a jikuu to tug at the timelines of creatures near the original target.
Prerequisites: Chronist.
Benefit: Any jikuu that specifies a single target and has a range greater than touch can be chained so as to affect that primary target normally, then arc to a number of secondary targets equal to one-half your chronist level (maximum 10). Each arc affects one secondary target chosen by you, all of which must be within 30 feet of the primary target, and none of which can be affected more than once. You can choose to affect fewer secondary targets than the maximum.
If the chained jikuu deals damage, the secondary targets each take half as much damage as the primary target (rounded down), and your temporal attack must also hit the target's Reflex. For jikuu that don't deal damage, your temporal attack is treated as 4 lower against secondary targets.
Cost: 3 quanta, and increases the shaping time by 1 step.


You fight to win.
Benefit: Your BAB increases by +1, but cannot increase to greater than your character level. You can take this feat multiple times; its effect stacks.


EXTEND JIKUU [Metajikuu]
You can temporally manipulate a jikuu, allowing its effect to linger longer than normal.
Prerequisites: Chronist.
Benefit: An extended jikuu increases its duration by one step. A jikuu with a duration of concentration, instantaneous, or permanent is not affected by this feat.
Cost: 1 quanta.


Your attunement with quanta improves, improving your access to your personal timeline.
Prerequisites: Chronist.
Benefit: You gain a feat bonus to your quanta die, per the table below, based on the number of times you have taken this feat. You can take this feat multiple times.
Extra Quanta: Bonus Quanta
  Times Taken
Action 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Swift +0 +1 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4
Move +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 +5 +5
Standard +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7 +7 +8


Your breadth of knowledge of time is expansive.
Prerequisites: Chronist, access to five or fewer spheres.
Benefit: You gain access to another temporal sphere of your choice. You can take this feat multiple times; its effect stacks.


You are more talented than your experience would otherwise suggest.
Prerequisites: Character level 21st+.
Benefit: You gain a talent from the talent list of one of your classes.


Through intense training, you have become exceptionally attuned to your Force, improving your resistances to other Forces in that trinity.
Benefit: Choose a Force for which you are Force-aligned. Your resistances to other Forces in that Trinity increase by +2.
Force effects that would detect your Force that are from Forces that you are opposed within the Trinity for which you applied this feat register you as your Force-user level being two levels higher than it actually is. (Example: A technologist using a watcher against a mage with this feat would register the mage as being two levels higher than he really is).
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Each time you do, you can either improve your resistances for an already chosen Force by +2, or you can choose a new Force to which you are Force-aligned.
This feat only affects race- and class-based Force resistances. It does not affect resistances granted by Force effects or by items.


Your mere presence alters the manner in which reality functions.
Benefit: Your race- and class-based Force resistances extend in a 5-foot radius around you, albeit at 5 lower than your resistance. If an effect that affects an area or multiple targets fails to overcome your resistance, it must check to see if it overcomes your field's resistance; if it does not, the area of your "force field" is also not affected (if an area, that area is unaffected; if targeted, no targets in your field are affected).
However, effects that prohibit or otherwise block Force creatures of your Force alignment treat the entirety of your "force field" as your area; thus, if you are Magic-aligned and an effect prevents Magic-aligned creatures from coming near, you are blocked an earlier 5 feet than you normally would be.
Your Force resistances are considered 5 higher for purposes of attempting to use Force-aligned items of Forces to which you are naturally opposed.
Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Each time you do, the radius of your "force field" increases by 5 feet, and the resistance granted to that area is further reduced by 5. If a portion of your field would be reduced to a Force resistance of less than 1, that portion of your field does not exist.
The increase to Force resistance for purposes of using Force-aligned items applies only the first time you take this feat.


JIKUU FOCUS [Temporal]
Your manipulations of time and space are harder to resist.
Prerequisites: Chronist.
Benefit: Choose a temporal sphere you can access. You gain a +2 feat bonus on temporal attacks with jikuu of that sphere. You can take this feat multiple times; each time you do, select a sphere you can access for which you have not taken this feat.


You have investigated the mysteries of time deeper than your peers.
Prerequisites: Chronist.
Benefit: You gain knowledge of two additional jikuu of any quanta cost you can access, of any sphere you can access.


Your familiarity with certain manipulations of time allow you to expend less temporal energy to shape them.
Prerequisites: Chronist, FRC +3.
Benefit: Choose a number of jikuu equal to your Intelligence modifier (min 1). The quanta cost for those jikuu is reduced by 1, to a minimum of 1.
Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Each time you do, you can do one of the following: choose a new set of jikuu, for which you reduce the quanta cost by 1; or reduce the quanta cost of a jikuu already chosen with this feat by another 1 point (minimum 1).


You are a being of many talents.
Benefit: Your SKL increases by +1, but cannot increase to greater than your character level. You can take this feat multiple times; its effect stacks.


You have further attuned yourself to motes of time, allowing you to hold onto more.
Prerequisites: Chronist.
Benefit: You gain a +2 feat bonus to your maximum quanta pool. You can take this feat multiple times; its effect stacks, and you gain an additional +1 bonus for each previous time you have taken this feat.


By expending a significant amount of temporal energy, you can shape a jikuu in considerably less time than normal.
Prerequisites: Chronist.
Benefit: A quickened jikuu has its shaping time reduced by two steps, to a minimum of immediate.
Cost: 4 quanta.


Your proficiency with a selected jikuu is so strong that you can alter the timeline faster with it than normal.
Prerequisites: Jikuu Mastery.
Benefit: Choose a jikuu you have selected at least once with Jikuu Mastery. The shaping time for that jikuu is reduced one step: from 1 round to 1 full action, from 1 full action to 1 standard, from standard to move, from move to swift, or from swift to immediate.
You cannot reduce the shaping time for a jikuu below 1 immediate action.
If the shaping time for the chosen jikuu is more than 1 round, it is reduced by 1 round.
If the shaping time for the jikuu is measured in minutes, then it is reduced by 1 minute. If the shaping time of the jikuu is 1 minute, it is now measured in rounds (ie, 10 rounds).
Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Each time you do, you can do one of the following: choose a new jikuu previously chosen with Jikuu Mastery, for which you can reduce the shaping time by one step; or reduce the shaping time of a jikuu already chosen with this feat by another step.


REPEAT JIKUU [Metajikuu]
You twist and fold the temporal energy of a jikuu, causing it to shape itself again on your next turn.
Prerequisites: Chronist.
Benefit: A repeated jikuu is automatically shaped again at the beginning of your next turn. No matter where you might have moved since your last turn, the second jikuu originates from the same location and affects the same area as the original jikuu. If the original jikuu designates a ranged target, the repeated jikuu affects the same target if it is within 30 feet of its original position; otherwise, the second jikuu fails.
Touch range jikuu cannot be affected by this feat.
Cost: 3 quanta.


You can count moments, and sometimes there seem to be more than there should be.
Prerequisites: No levels in a chronist class.
Benefit: You gain access to a single temporal sphere, and learn two jikuu of your choice from that sphere with a maximum quanta cost of 2. You can spend a swift action to gather 1 quanta, or a standard action to gather 1d3 quanta.
Special: If you take a level in any chronist class, you must immediately retrain this feat; the new feat cannot be a [Job] feat.


TWIN JIKUU [Metajikuu]
When shaping a jikuu, you can expend additional temporal energy to shape it twice simultaneously.
Prerequisites: Chronist.
Benefit: Shaping a twinned jikuu causes the jikuu to take effect twice in the same area or on the same target simultaneously. Any variable characteristics (including attack rolls) or decisions you make about the jikuu (including target and area), are applied to both jikuu, with affected creatures receiving all the effects of each jikuu individually (including getting two saving throws, if applicable).
A jikuu whose effects wouldn't stack if it was activated twice under normal circumstances will create redundant effects if successfully twinned.
Cost: 8 quanta.


You have unlocked the secrets of a jikuu that transcends the traditional scales of power.
Prerequisites: Chronist, ability to shape at least one jikuu costing 12 quanta, 21st+ level.
Benefit: You can learn one tachyonic jikuu of your choice from a sphere you can access. You can take this feat multiple times; each time, you can select a new tachyonic jikuu to learn.


Your knowledge of the Forces is expansive, as is your ability to wield them.
Benefit: Your FRC increases by +1, but cannot increase to greater than your character level. You can take this feat multiple times; its effect stacks.


WIDEN JIKUU [Metajikuu]
You can alter the spatial aspects of a jikuu, affecting a larger area than normal.
Prerequisites: Chronist.
Benefit: You can alter a burst, emanation, line, or spread shaped jikuu to increase its area. Any numeric measurements of the jikuu's area are doubled.
Jikuu that do not have an area of one of these four sorts are not affected by this feat.
Cost: 2 quanta.


Design Notes

June 5, 2016: Complete rebuild.

Mar 22, 2017: Significant modification - grades are the mechanic of the day, so having a class that doesn't use them is weird.