Time: Time Jikuu List

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The jikuu index includes a full index of all jikuu in all spheres, as well as an explanation of some of the terms used in these descriptions.


Temporal Jikuu
Jikuu Index | Celestial · Gravity · Null · Numbers · Space · Time


Time Jikuu Descriptions

The following are the time jikuu in alphabetical order.


Classes: Epo
Sphere: Time
Shaping Time: Standard action
Range: Close (30 feet)
Target: One creature
Duration: Instant
Defense: Determination (Harmless)
Temporal Opposition: Yes
Quanta: 0
You give the target a momentary boost in speed through time.
Increase the target's Initiative by 4.
If the target's Initiative is increased to higher than the current tick, the target takes its next turn immediately after your turn ends; this does not modify the target's place in the Initiative order.


Classes: Epo
Sphere: Time
Shaping Time: Standard action
Range: Close (30 feet)
Target: One creature
Duration: See text
Defense: Determination (Harmless)
Temporal Opposition: Yes
Quanta: 1
You imbue the target's timeline with a few extra moments.
The target gains haste until the end of its next turn. (A creature with haste gains an additional standard action on its turns.)


Classes: Epo
Sphere: Time
Shaping Time: Swift action
Range: Touch
Target: One creature
Duration: Instant
Defense: Determination (Harmless)
Temporal Opposition: Yes
Quanta: 2
You briefly connect your timeline with that of a touched creature, and bestow upon them some of your temporal momentum.
Choose one of your actions. The touched creature gains that action on their next turn.


Classes: Epo
Sphere: Time
Shaping Time: Standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Brief (5 rounds)
Defense: Determination (Harmless)
Temporal Opposition: Yes
Quanta: 4
You tap into nearby alternate timelines, producing copies of yourself that allow you to swap between potential futures.
This effect creates one figment, plus one additional figment for every 5 points of FRC you have above +1 (so two figments at +6, three at +11, to a maximum of four at +16). These figments separate from you; during your turn, you may dictate the actions and movements of these figments. You can move into and through an image. When you and the image separate, observers can’t use vision or hearing to tell which one is you and which the image. The figments may also move through each other. The figments may mimic your actions, pretending to cast spells when you cast a spell, drink potions when you drink a potion, levitate when you levitate, and so on, or they may "take" entirely different actions, at your discretion. Their actions have no actual effect.
When you create the images, each one is an exact copy of you at the time this jikuu is used. When each "takes" an action, the image uses resources just as you would, even though the action has no actual effect. The only exception to this are effects that have a "Range: Personal", or abilities that generate quanta. All actions taken are simultaneous - that is, when the "real" you expends an action, all of the figments also expend that same action.
If a figment's Initiative would change, the figment is immediately destroyed, as the bonds between its timeline and yours no longer are sufficiently strong to keep the figment within your timeline. If the "real" you has its Initiative change, all of the figments are immediately destroyed.
The figments cannot use chrono cross, chrono trigger, or chrono break jikuu, nor can they place tracers.
At any time during your turn, as a swift action, you may decide to exchange places with an image; this is not an actual spatial swap, but a switching of timelines. As such, effects that block spatial travel do not stop this effect, but effects that block temporal travel do. Regardless of your action allotment, you can only swap once each round.


Classes: Epo
Sphere: Time
Shaping Time: Standard action
Range: Close (30 feet)
Target: One object
Duration: Instant
Defense: Fortitude (Object)
Temporal Opposition: Yes
Quanta: 1
You rapidly accelerate an object's decay.
You deal potency 8 cosmic damage to the target object.


Classes: Epo
Sphere: Time
Shaping Time: Standard action
Range: Close (30 feet)
Target: One creature
Duration: Brief (5 rounds)
Defense: Fortitude
Temporal Opposition: Yes
Quanta: 5
You cause the restless march of time to speed up for a creature, causing them to erode.
The target gains ongoing entropic damage with potency 3.


Classes: Epo
Sphere: Time
Shaping Time: Standard action
Range: Medium (100 feet)
Target: One creature
Duration: Brief (5 rounds)
Defense: Fortitude
Temporal Opposition: Yes
Quanta: 2
You translate a slowing of temporal momentum into a slowing of spatial momentum.
If you hit, the target gains hobbled for the duration of this jikuu. (A creature with the hobbled status halves all of its movement speeds, rounded down to the nearest 5 foot increment.)


Classes: Epo
Sphere: Time
Shaping Time: Standard action
Range: Close (30 feet)
Target: One creature
Duration: Instant (see text)
Defense: Determination
Temporal Opposition: Yes
Quanta: 2
You cause the target's timeline to loop around on itself, forcing them to repeat an action.
If you hit, you manipulate the creature's perception of the time stream, such that it attempts to repeat its last action. If the situation has changed in such a way that the subject can’t take the same actions again (if its foe is dead, or the subject has run out of power points, and so on), the subject stands still and takes no actions on its next turn.


Classes: Epo
Sphere: Time
Shaping Time: Standard action
Range: Close (30 feet)
Target: One creature with a higher Initiative than your own
Duration: Instant
Defense: Determination
Temporal Opposition: Yes
Quanta: 5
You tie a creature's timeline to your own.
The target's Initiative is reduced to one less than your own.


Classes: Epo
Sphere: Time
Shaping Time: Standard action
Range: Close (30 feet)
Target: One effect (see text)
Duration: Instant
Defense: Determination (see text)
Temporal Opposition: Yes
Quanta: 5
You tap into an effect's timeline, and insert a sliver of time.
You can target an effect that is affecting an area within range, affecting at least one creature or object within range, or is otherwise somehow active within range of this jikuu. You must be sufficiently aware of the effect such that you can distinguish it from others.
If the effect is harmful in some fashion and is targeting a creature or object, you must hit that creature or object's Fortitude with this jikuu; otherwise, this jikuu takes effect automatically.
Increase the duration of the target effect by 1 round.


Classes: Epo
Sphere: Time
Shaping Time: Standard action
Range: Close (30 feet)
Target: One creature
Duration: Brief (5 rounds)
Defense: Determination (Harmless)
Temporal Opposition: Yes
Quanta: 4
You focus temporal energies on a creature, giving it more time to act.
The target gains haste for the duration of this jikuu. (A creature with the haste status gains an additional standard action on each of its turns.)


Classes: Epo
Sphere: Time
Shaping Time: Swift action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Instant
Defense: Determination (Harmless)
Temporal Opposition: Yes
Quanta: 3
With a little temporal energy, you can make moments into more.
You gain a move action.


Classes: Epo
Sphere: Time
Shaping Time: Standard action
Range: Close (30 feet)
Target: One creature
Duration: Brief (5 rounds)
Defense: Determination
Temporal Opposition: Yes
Quanta: 2
You put an anchor on the target's timeline, slowing their temporal momentum.
If you hit, the target gains potency 1 lag. (A creature with lag reduces its initiative by the indicated amount at the end of each round.)


Classes: Epo
Sphere: Time
Shaping Time: Standard action
Range: Medium (100 feet)
Target: One effect with a duration (see text)
Duration: Instant
Defense: None
Temporal Opposition: Yes
Quanta: 3
You tap into the ephemeral and cause an effect to elapse faster than it ought.
You can target a single effect with this jikuu that is affecting a creature, object, area, or event within the range of this jikuu. If you can target at least one of the effect's targets, this jikuu affects the effect in its entirety, not just the "piece" of the effect on the target you have chosen.
The duration of the target effect is reduced by 2 rounds.


Classes: Epo
Sphere: Time
Shaping Time: Swift action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Instant
Defense: Determination (Harmless)
Temporal Opposition: Yes
Quanta: 1
You turn a slice of your timeline into temporal momentum.
Increase your Initiative by 3.


Classes: Epo
Sphere: Time
Shaping Time: Standard action
Range: Close (30 feet)
Target: One creature
Duration: Instant
Defense: Determination
Temporal Opposition: Yes
Quanta: 1
You cause the target's timeline to stutter slightly, delaying their future by moments.
If you hit, decrease the target's Initiative by 4. This change is applied at the end of the round.


Classes: Epo
Sphere: Time
Shaping Time: Immediate action
Range: Close (30 feet)
Target: One creature
Duration: Instant
Defense: Determination (Harmless)
Temporal Opposition: Yes
Quanta: 4
You use stored temporal energy to invigorate the target, allowing them to take more sudden actions.
The target refreshes its allotment of brave actions. (Brave actions are swift actions, immediate actions, reactions, and opportunity attacks. A creature has a number of brave actions equal to its Bravery modifier.)


Classes: Epo
Sphere: Time
Shaping Time: Standard action
Range: Medium (100 feet)
Target: Up to 5 creatures, no two of which can be more than 15 feet apart
Duration: Brief (5 rounds)
Defense: Reflex
Temporal Opposition: Yes
Quanta: 3
You slow the march of time.
If you hit, the target gains slow. (A creature with slow loses either a standard or move action on its turns; the creature decides which. The creature can begin a full-round action on its turn and finish it with its action on its next turn.)


Classes: Epo
Sphere: Time
Shaping Time: Swift action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Until the end of your turn
Defense: Will (see text)
Temporal Opposition: Yes
Quanta: 5
You temporarily become a temporal vampire, capable of stealing time with a touch.
For the duration of this jikuu, whenever you make a successful physical attack against a creature, you can steal one of its standard or move actions from its next turn and add that action to your action allotment this round. To do so, you must make a temporal attack with this jikuu against the creature; if that attack is successful, you steal one action of your choice.


Classes: Epo
Sphere: Time
Shaping Time: Swift action (see text)
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Instant
Defense: Determination (Harmless)
Temporal Opposition: Yes
Quanta: 2
You go back a few seconds in time, undoing the last thing you did.
You may only use this jikuu at the end of your turn.
All of your actions taken this turn are undone. Any damage you have dealt or received is removed; any movement you have taken is "un-taken" (you appear at your original position). You retain awareness of what occurred when you took your previous actions, but no other creature does. For all intents and purposes, your actions this past round were "apparent time" to you, and registers as such for anyone using abilities that detect temporal anomalies. You are now free to retake your actions; you may choose to take the same ones, or different ones.
However, after using this jikuu, the quanta you expended to use it are still expended. In addition, you do not regain the swift action used to use this jikuu.


Classes: Epo
Sphere: Time
Shaping Time: Standard action
Range: Close (30 feet)
Target: One creature
Duration: Instant
Defense: Determination
Temporal Opposition: Yes
Quanta: 5
You summon forth a great gust of raw temporal energy, and hurl it at a creature's timeline, massively reducing its ability to react.
Reduce the target's Initiative by 3d6.


Classes: Epo
Sphere: Time
Shaping Time: Standard action
Range: Medium (100 feet)
Target: Two willing creatures
Duration: Instant
Defense: Determination (Harmless)
Temporal Opposition: Yes
Quanta: 2
You cross the timelines of two creatures, swapping their places in the natural order of time.
You swap the Initiatives of the targets.
This effect can allow a creature to have multiple turns in a round.


Classes: Epo
Sphere: Time
Shaping Time: Reaction
Range: Close (30 feet)
Target: One creature
Duration: Instant
Defense: Determination (Harmless)
Temporal Opposition: Yes
Quanta: 4
You slow down the target's perception of time, allowing them to contemplate their actions.
Use this jikuu as a reaction to a creature making a d20 roll.
The target can take 10 on the roll.