Chaos: Avaos A-K

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A list of the avaos for the anarch class.

Avao Index | A - K | L - Z

Avao Descriptions

Grade: Ana Gtr
Active Use Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Effect: One item
Duration: 1d6 rounds/2 anarchist levels (D)
Chaos Opposition: Yes
Can you make it... cooler? Yeah, I'd say it needs to be about 20% cooler.
Active: You can modify an item to make it more useful. You can imbue an item, mundane or Force-enhanced, with additional abilities - for instance, you could make a normal pair of boots a pair of boots of striding and springing, or make a cloak of resistance +4 into a cloak of resistance +5 and cape of the mountebank. The maximum value of the additional abilities cannot exceed your anarchist level x 1000 gp, and cannot result in the item's end value being more than 20% greater of what it was originally. An item so affected gains an almost comical, cartoon-like appearance, and it is evident to anyone looking at it that it has been modified in an extreme manner.
You can grant an item any quality you so desire, however granting an item a quality that is solely Blue or Temporal alone in nature is not possible.
A single item can be affected by this avao once a day.
Artifacts are already cool enough, and cannot be affected by this avao.
Causal: When a Force effect is used within Close range of you, you may choose to intensify the effect. This functions effectively as the Empower Spell feat, but can be used on any Force effect, even those that a metamagic feat could not normally be applied to (such as a warlock's eldritch blast); if Empower Spell would not be applicable, you cannot affect it with this use of this avao. If the effect is Blue or Temporal, you must make an anarchist level check against the effect's origin's CO to affect it.
Precausal: This avao has no precausal use.


Grade: Ana Lsr
Active Use Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1d4 minutes/2 anarchist levels
Chaos Opposition: Yes
I'm going to fight his bare hands with my bear hands!
Active: You gain the strength of a bear, gaining a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength.
Causal: When you remove your gloves, rings, gauntlets, or similar items, you can also remove what appear to be your natural hands, revealing that you - in fact - have bear hands. You gain two claw attacks, which deal 1d8 damage for a Medium-sized anarch. (Removing all of your arm-gear in order to use this avao is a move action.)
Precausal: This avao has no precausal use.


Grade: Ana Gtr
Active Use Time: 1 round
Range: Close (25 feet + 5 feet/2 anarchist levels)
Effect: One creature
Duration: 1 round/2 anarchist levels (D)
Chaos Opposition: No
A scene that comes right outta nowhere, has little to no bearing whatsoever on the plot, is way over the top in terms of ridiculousness even in the context of the movie, and after it happens, no one ever speaks of it again.
Active: You can summon a creature whose appearance is bizarre that is not native to the terrain you are currently in. You may select a single creature from any summon nature's ally list whose druid spell level is at most one-third your anarchist level (so if you are a 16th-level anarch, you can select a creature from up to summon nature's ally V) whose environment does not include the environment you are currently in. You ignore any restrictions on summoning creatures into environments in which they could not survive; any such creature gains the ability to survive in the new environment, though no new movement speeds (thus a creature with no land speed summoned onto land could not move from the square you summon it into).
After the duration expires, the creature simply vanishes.
Causal: This avao has no causal use.
Precausal: This avao has no precausal use.


Grade: Ana Ovr (Break)
Active Use Time: 1 immediate action
Range: Medium (100 feet + 10 feet/level)
Target: One dead or dying creature
Duration: 1 round
Chaos Opposition: Yes
You temporarily suspend the rules regarding death.
This is a (Break) avao. As such, unlike other avaos, it cannot have causal or precausal uses, and using its active use requires the expenditure of trigger slots as though it were being used causally.
You temporarily suspend the rules regarding death and dying for the target. Until the end of your next turn, the target cannot die, regardless of its current hit points. A creature with negative hit points will continue to bleed, if applicable, and must continue tracking its hit points below -10.


Grade: Ana Lsr (Break)
Active Use Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 feet + 10 feet/level)
Target: One creature
Duration: 1 round
Chaos Opposition: Yes
You temporarily suspend the rules regarding current hit points.
This is a (Break) avao. As such, unlike other avaos, it cannot have causal or precausal uses, and using its active use requires the expenditure of trigger slots as though it were being used causally.
You temporarily suspend the rules regarding current and maximum hit points for the target. Until the end of your next turn, the target's current hit points are not constrained by their maximum hit points, allowing their current hit points to exceed their maximum hit points. When this effect ends, if the target has more hit points than their maximum, they lose hit points until their current hit points are equal to their maximum hit points; this does not count as a loss of hit points.


Grade: Ana Ovr (Break)
Active Use Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 feet + 10 feet/level)
Target: One creature
Duration: 1 round
Chaos Opposition: Yes
You temporarily suspend the rules regarding movement.
This is a (Break) avao. As such, unlike other avaos, it cannot have causal or precausal uses, and using its active use requires the expenditure of trigger slots as though it were being used causally.
You temporarily suspend the rules regarding movement for the target. Until the end of your next turn, all of the target's movement speeds become "arbitrarily large" - that is, no matter how far the creature moves, it still have movement left available, and thus can move a theoretically infinite distance in a single move action.


Grade: Ana Ovr (Break)
Active Use Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 feet + 10 feet/level)
Target: One creature
Duration: 1 round or until expended (see text)
Chaos Opposition: Yes
You temporarily suspend the rules regarding resource usage.
This is a (Break) avao. As such, unlike other avaos, it cannot have causal or precausal uses, and using its active use requires the expenditure of trigger slots as though it were being used causally.
You temporarily suspend the rules regarding resource usage for the target. Until the end of your next turn, the next ability the target uses that would expend a resource of any sort - hit points, Force-related resources, daily resources, or similar - instead uses none of those resources. The target must be able to expend the resource to use the ability (that is, the target cannot use an ability if they have 0 daily uses remaining, for instance), but does not expend them. Once this avao affects a single ability used, it is expended.


Grade: Ana Lsr (Break)
Active Use Time: 1 immediate action
Range: Medium (100 feet + 10 feet/level)
Target: One creature
Duration: 1 round
Chaos Opposition: Yes
You temporarily suspend the rules regarding current hit points.
This is a (Break) avao. As such, unlike other avaos, it cannot have causal or precausal uses, and using its active use requires the expenditure of trigger slots as though it were being used causally.
You temporarily suspend the rules regarding a status effect for the target. Choose one status effect on the target other than dead; until the end of your next turn, the target ignores that status effect.


Butterfly Effect
  Grade: Overwhelming
  Active Use Time: ---
  Range: Personal
  Effect: See text
  Duration: Instantaneous
  Saving Throw: See text
  Chaos Opposition: See text

  Active: This avao has no active use.

  Causal: When you would be able to expend Trigger Slots to use a causal use of an avao, you may instead use any other causal
  use of an avao.

  Precausal: This avao has no precausal use.
  Grade: Overwhelming
  Active Use Time: 1 standard action
  Range: See text
  Effect: See text
  Duration: See text
  Saving Throw: See text
  Chaos Opposition: See text

  Active: When you use this avao, designate a target within Medium range (100 feet + 10 feet/level); you may choose to target
  yourself. Then roll 1d%, and consult the following table.
d% Chaos Effect
01 Anarch or target (50% chance of either) is affected by the noncausa avao for 2d6 rounds.
02 Slow target for 10 rounds (Will DC 15 negates).
03 The next skill check the anarch makes is made with a +20 bonus.
04 The next lie the anarch speaks becomes true (as though it were a wish).
05 Anarch and target switch physical locations (no save).
06 Faerie fire surrounds the target.
07 Anarch or target (50% chance of either) is affected by the weird avao for 24 hours.
08 Anarch gains the akashic's delve into blue ability, as an akashic of his anarch level, for 1d4 hours.
09 Target is teleported 1d100 miles in a random direction, leaving his footware behind, which begin smoking.
10 The next chaos trigger effect the anarch suffers from becomes permanent.
11 The anarch or target (50% chance of either) spontaneously evolves, gaining a mutation from the metamorph table at random.
12 The anarch and the target both spontaneously contract the slarecian language virus.
13 - 14 Deludes anarch for 1 round into believing the avao functions as indicated by a second die roll (no save).
15 All metal within 20 feet of the anarch becomes affected by heat metal.
16 Gust of wind, but at windstorm force (Fortitude DC 14 negates).
17 A disembodied voice seems to speak through the anarch, "I know kung fu," and another disembodied voice, seemingly from the target, replies: "Show me." The anarch and the target both gain knowledge of all karateka techniques and each have 2d6 additional attacks of opportunity each round (each gain the same number of additional AoOs). This effect lasts for one minute.
18 The next effect that attempts to determine any fact about the anarch returns only that the anarch "is over nine-thousand," and renders the effect unusable by its origin for 24 hours. If the effect is an item or device, the item is destroyed.
19 All water within 20 feet of the anarch becomes a palatable dry red wine.
20 The next spell cast within 100 feet of the target is countered, and an arcanomental of level equal to the anarch appears next to its caster.
21 Anarch learns target’s surface thoughts (as with detect thoughts) for 1d4 rounds (no save).
22 A 20 ft. radius around the anarch is filled with giant bubbles that last for 1d6+1 rounds. A square with bubbles is considered difficult terrain.
23 For 1d6+1 rounds, whenever the anarch says "Ni!," all creatures within 30 feet of the anarch suffer 1d6/level sonic damage (Fort save for half). Using this ability is a move action. While this ability lasts, whenever a creature within 60 feet of the anarch says "it," the anarch suffers 2d6 damage (Fort save DC 10 + HD of speaker for half).
24 Target is affected by a reverse gravity effect for 2d4 rounds.
25 A wild Tyr'calas appears!
26 The anarch gains 1d6 temporary Luck Points that last for 1 hour.
27 Stinking cloud at 30-ft. range (Fortitude DC 15 negates).
28 A sphere of annihilation appears 1d10x10 feet in a random direction from the anarch for 1d4 rounds.
29 Target becomes a magnet (as per the device; consult SteamWorks) for 1d4 rounds.
30 Heavy rain falls for 1 round in 60-ft. radius centered on anarch.
31 A train of police vehicles appears, with 2d6+6 police armed and equipped as real-world police, and arrest the target; the police are immune to any supernatural effects. The convoy then leaves with the target. The target spontaneously appears in the nearest vacant jail cell from his original location at dawn the next day.
32 A blue phone booth appears, then disappears.
33 The avao becomes the center of a roulette meme with a 60 foot radius.
34 Nothing happens. (Other results can still occur; this does not cancel other results of this avao.)
35 Summon an animal: a rhino (1 on d4), elephant (2 on d4), or mouse (3-4 on d4); 1d4x5 feet in random direction from target.
36 The nearest stained-glass window permanently animates into a glass golem.
37 The subject's race changes, as though he had just been reincarnated.
38 - 39 Lightning bolt (70 ft. long, 5 ft. wide), 6d6 damage (Reflex DC 15 half), in target's direction.
40 Target is flung into the air 2d4x10 feet.
41 One of the target's items transforms into a random item of similar type.
42 The anarch knows the correct answer to the question next asked him, regardless of whether or not he could know the answer.
43 Anarch gains fast healing 5 for 2d4 rounds.
44 Anarch is afflicted by lunar eclipse (poison: 3d6 Con, 3d6 Con, Fort DC 32).
45 Anarch struck by a falling anvil, taking 3d6 points of damage. The anvil dematerializes after 1 hour.
46 Target is affected by baleful without soul (nihil).
47 Stream of 600 large butterflies pours forth from the anarch's mouth and flutters around for 2 rounds, blinding everyone (including the anarch) within 25 ft. (Reflex DC 14 negates).
48 The target is placed in suspended animation and sunk 200' into the ground below where he was standing. A medium-sized dungeon appears, with the target being the treasure at the end of the dungeon. Once the target is retrieved and brought out of the dungeon, the dungeon disappears.
49 Anarch or target (50% chance of either) casts no shadow until the next sunrise.
50 - 51 Enlarge person if within 60 ft. of the anarch (Fortitude DC 13 negates).
52 The target is affected as though by the double jikuu for 2d6 rounds.
53 An 80-ft.-diameter hemisphere, centered on the target, is bathed in full moonlight.
54 Darkness, 30-ft.-diameter hemisphere, centered 30 ft. away from the anarch.
55 All fires within 60 feet of the anarch are extinguished with extreme prejudice, giving total concealment to any squares that contained a fire for 1d4 rounds.
56 All ranged attacks for the next 1d6 rounds will target the target if their origin is within 100 feet, even if originally targeting something else.
57 For 2d4 rounds, all creatures within 20 feet of the anarch can hear his surface thoughts.
58 Target affected by a death ray (see Steamworks) that has been charged for 2d6 rounds.
59 Nearest structure house-sized or smaller constructed primarily of wood crumbles.
60 - 61 Grass grows in 160-sq.-ft. area before the anarch, or grass existing there grows to ten times normal size.
62 The target's square becomes the origin of a singularity grenade.
63 - 64 Turn ethereal any nonliving object of up to 1,000 lb. mass and up to 30 cu. ft. in size.
65 The target can communicate telepathically and only telepathically for 1d6x10 minutes.
66 Reduce the anarch to 1/12 height (no save) for 2d6 rounds.
67 Shurikens rain from the sky in a 30-ft. radius centered on anarch for 2d6 rounds. Any creature in the area takes 3d6 damage each round from the shurikens, all of which are +2 (Chaos-aligned). The shurikens disappear after 1 hour.
68 Lightning strikes a single spot near the anarch (determine as though it were a grenade-like weapon) 2d10 times. If there is a creature standing there, it takes 3d6 damage for each lightning bolt.
69 Anarch gains the ability to replicate any seen effects, as though a mimic of his anarch level, for 2d6 rounds.
70 - 71 Fireball at target or 100 ft. straight ahead, 6d6 damage (Reflex DC 15 half).
72 All creatures within 20 feet time hop (as per the jikuu) for 1 round.
73 A swarm of corgis appears and surrounds the target, who can do nothing for 1d6 rounds but play with the corgis, who will then vanish into the surroundings through any and all corgi-sized holes. Any damage done to a corgi causes the target to go into a rage, as though a barbarian, for 1d6+2 rounds. The corgis are small enough that they only occupy the target's space, regardless of size.
74 A bunny with a pancake on its head appears directly between the anarch and the target. No creature within 60 feet of the bunny can take any action. The bunny disappears at the start of the anarch's next turn.
75 Nearest tree animates and becomes a treant for 2d4 hours.
76 - 77 Anarch affected by mirror image.
78 The target gains a random Force resistance (1d10, 10 indicates no resistance) equal to the anarch's anarchist level for 2d6 rounds.
79 The next Force effect used within 50 feet of the target automatically targets him, rather than its original target. If the effect does not target, he becomes the center of its area; if it has no area, the effect fails.
80 Invisibility covers the anarch for 2d6 minutes.
81 All of the anarch's move speeds are multiplied by ten for 1d10 rounds. Whenever he moves, he leaves a plaid trail behind him, which dissipates after 1 round.
82 All metal within 20 feet of the anarch becomes affected by chill metal.
83 The target becomes invisible for 2d6 minutes.
84 The next non-artifact item the anarch attempts to retrieve from his person or belongings is not there. The nearest animate creature looks towards the anarch's location and says, "...but I eated it." The item is irrevocably lost.
85 Leaves grow from target if within 60 ft. of the anarch. These last 24 hours.
86 The target turns into a newt for 2d6 rounds, then gets better.
87 The target gains darkvision of 120 feet until the next midnight.
88 10-40 gems, value 1 gp each, shoot forth in a 30-ft.-long stream from the anarch's fingers. Each gem deals 1 point of damage to any creature in its path: Roll 5d4 for the number of hits and divide them among the available targets.
89 Target is affected by the phrase of perfection prayer.
90 Anarch and target affected by the chrono break jikuu.
91 A 200-ft.-long, 10-ft.-high, 5-ft.-thick wall of stone appears wherever the anarch wishes.
92 Shimmering colors dance and play over a 40-ft.-by-30-ft. area in front of the anarch. Creatures therein are blinded for 1d6 rounds (Fortitude DC 15 negates).
93 The effects caused by the last time the anarch used the chaos avao are undone. If this is the first time the anarch has used this avao, reroll.
94 The largest piece of metal on the target's person instantly rusts.
95 The target's square and surrounding squares become affected as though a fractal ice effect had been affecting those squares for 2d4 rounds.
96 Anarch (50% chance) or target (50% chance) turns permanently blue, green, or purple (no save).
97 Flesh to stone (or stone to flesh if target is stone already) if target is within 60 ft. (Fortitude DC 18 negates).
98 Nothing happens.
99 Roll again twice. All effects happen simultaneously (yes, this result stacks). If "nothing happens," none of the effects occur.
100 The anarch's butterfly effect avao is triggered.
  Causal: This avao has no causal use.

  Precausal: This avao has no precausal use.
  Grade: Greater
  Active Use Time: Standard action
  Range: Touch
  Effect: See text
  Target: One creature
  Duration: See text
  Saving Throw: See text
  Chaos Opposition: See text

  Active: You light a creature's mind aflame with chaos, filling their mind with random thoughts. If you successfully touch
  the creature, the creature must make a successful Will save or suffer 1d4 temporary Wisdom damage. This damage wears off after
  1 round/anarch level.

  Causal: When a creature reads your mind, it must make a Will save or else be confused for 2d4 rounds.

  Precausal: You cause a creature within Medium range (100 feet + 10 feet/level) to be confused for 1d4 rounds. When you do
  so, the creature gains complete understanding of your mental state when you use this ability (emotional state, surface thoughts,
  and possibly one or two deep thoughts). The creature may make a Will save to avoid the confusion effect; if it makes the save,
  however, the creature still gains knowledge of your thoughts and emotions.
Chaos Nova
  Grade: Lesser
  Active Use Time: 1 standard action
  Range: Personal
  Area: 10-ft. radius burst, centered on you
  Duration: Instantaneous
  Saving Throw: Reflex half
  Chaos Opposition: Yes

  Active: You expel a blast of chaotic energy from yourself, dealing 1d6/3 level points of chaotic damage to all creatures within ten
  feet. A successful Reflex save halves this damage.

  Causal: When you reach -10 hit points and die, you cause yourself to explode in a massive burst of chaotic energy, dealing
  1d6/level points of chaotic damage to all creatures within 10 feet. A successful Reflex save halves this damage.

  Precausal: You explode in a massive burst of chaotic energy, dealing 1d6/level points of chaotic damage to all creatures
  within 10 feet; a successful Reflex save halves this damage. You then die.
  Grade: Subtle
  Active Use Time: 1 standard action
  Range: Personal
  Effect: See text
  Duration: 1 round/level; see text
  Saving Throw: None
  Chaos Opposition: Yes

  Active: You infuse your hands with chaos, allowing you to form fiery balls of chaotic energy. You can throw these energy
  balls at creatures with a ranged touch attack. If they hit, the balls deal 1d6 points of damage, half of which is fire and half
  of which is chaotic; the ball deals an additional +1d6 points of damage for every four anarch levels you have (so 2d6 at 4th, 3d6
  at 8th, 4d6 at 12th, 5d6 at 16th, and 6d6 at 20th). Forming an energy ball takes a move action. This ability lasts for 1

  Causal: When you take fire damage, you may wreathe yourself in fiery chaotic energy. At the beginning of your turn, all
  creatures within 10 feet take 1d6 points of damage plus an additional 1d6 for every six anarch levels (so 2d6 at 6th, 3d6 at 12th,
  and 4d6 at 18th), half of which is fire damage and half of which is chaotic damage. A successful Reflex save halves the damage.

  In addition, at the beginning of each of your turns, you suffer 1d4 points of fire damage.

  Precausal: You wreath yourself in fire, as the causal application of this avao. When you do so, you take 2d6 points of
  fire damage.
Chaotic Energy
  Grade: Greater
  Active Use Time: Full-round action
  Range: Personal
  Effect: See text
  Target: You
  Duration: See text
  Saving Throw: See text
  Chaos Opposition: See text

  Active: For 1 round/2 anarch levels, all energy effects with you as their origin have half their energy damage changed to
  chaotic damage. 

  Causal: When you are dealt energy damage, roll 1d12, and consult the following table. The energy effect instead deals energy
  damage of the new type.

  1		Acid
  2		Cold
  3		Electricity
  4		Fire
  5		Sonic
  6		Magnetic
  7		Arcane
  8		Psychic
  9		Holy
  10		Shadow
  11		Chaotic
  12		Physical (that is, DR applies, but ER cannot)   

  Precausal: This avao has no precausal use.
Grade: Ana Sub
Active Use Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Effect: You
Duration: 1 round/2 anarchist levels (D)
Chaos Opposition: No
How many clowns fit into a car? Let's find out!
Active: You can share space with friendly creatures. If you end your movement in a square with a friendly creature, you nor the creature suffer penalties for squeezing.
After the duration expires, if you are sharing a square with a creature, you and the creature are automatically squeezing.
Causal: When an extradimensional space within Close (25 feet + 5 feet/2 anarchist levels) range is used, you can attempt to cause that space to spill its contents. The user of the space can use Chaos Opposition to ignore this effect, and may make a Will save to negate it. If the CO and save fail, the space spills its contents; up to 5 cubic feet per anarchist level of the space, nearest its opening, immediately spew forth from the space into a square adjacent to its opening.
Precausal: This avao has no precausal use.


Grade: Ana Lsr
Active Use Time: ---
Range: Personal
Effect: One item (see text)
Duration: See text
Chaos Opposition: No
If only you had a wheelbarrow, that would be something.
Active: This avao has no active use.
Causal: Whenever another creature other than yourself mentions a need for an item, you may reach into a pocket or similar holding-space and produce said item. You must have a space where such an item could possibly fit (Force-based means of holding items, such as a bag of holding, count for purposes of this ability), and if you were to actually have the item, its weight must not increase your carried load. The item must be non-Force-aligned, can have a value of up to 10 gp/anarchist level, and is otherwise a standard item.
The item continues to exist until you return it to whence it came. It counts as an actual item for purposes of encumbrance of other creatures; if you return it to where you took it from, it ceases to exist.
So long as the item continues to exist, you cannot use this avao again. If the item is consumable (food, for instance), you cannot use this avao again until your trigger slots reset.
Precausal: This avao has no precausal use.


Deny Gravity
  Grade: Subtle
  Active Use Time: 1 move action
  Range: Personal
  Target: You
  Duration: 10 minutes/level
  Saving Throw: None
  Chaos Opposition: No

  Active: You use chaotic power to ignore the tug of gravity. For the duration, she can float a foot above the ground. Instead
  of walking she glides along, unconcerned with the hard earth or difficult terrain. While she remains within 1 foot of a flat
  surface of any solid or liquid, she can take normal actions and make normal attacks, and can move at her normal speed (she can
  even “run” at four times her normal speed). However, at distances higher than 1 foot above any surface, her speed diminishes to 10
  feet per round.

  Causal: When you fall, you may fall slower, as though using feather fall with a duration of "until landing."

  Precausal: You benefit from feather fall. However, while you do so, you are also affected by a reverse gravity effect. This
  effect lasts one round per level.


Grade: Ana Ovr
Active Use Time: 1 immediate action
Range: Personal
Effect: One status effect
Duration: 1d6 rounds/3 anarchist levels
Chaos Opposition: No
I choose to ignore your version of reality and substitute my own.
Active: You alter your timeline by disrupting it with chaotic energy, delaying the onset of a negative effect. If you would be affected by a negative status, you can activate this avao to delay the effect taking place until the end of this effect's duration.
Causal: When a creature within Close range takes an action that involves at least one roll of any kind, you can delay the result of the roll until a later time. The effect occurs, buts its random outcome is not determined until 1d6 rounds later. Any effects that are dependent on the random roll seem to occur, but are not actually determined until the roll is resolved.
Once a given roll or action has been destabilized, it cannot be destabilized again.
Precausal: This avao has no precausal use.


Grade: Ana Ovr
Active Use Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 feet + 5 feet/2 anarchist levels)
Target or Area: One creature or item, or a 20-ft radius burst
Duration: Instantaneous
Chaos Opposition: Yes
Never gonna give never gonna give never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down...
Active: You interfere with the ability of the Forces to operate. This effect is as per the area or targeted versions of dispel magic, except it affects all Forces. Your maximum anarchist level bonus to the dispel check is +20.
Using this effect to dispel a Blue or Time effect has the a base DC of 16, rather than 11.
Causal: You inject chaos into a Force effect being created. This effect is as per the counterspell version of dispel magic, except that you can counter a Force effect of any Force.
Using this effect to dispel a Blue or Time effect has the a base DC of 16, rather than 11.
Precausal: This avao has no precausal use.


Grade: Ana Gtr
Active Use Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Effect: A tunnel through material, up to 5 feet deep/level
Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Chaos Opposition: Yes (Object)
Should've taken a left turn at Albuquerque...
Active: You can touch a solid material and cause a passage through it to materialize in the form of a pitch-black tunnel. The maximum distance such a tunnel can go is 5 feet per anarchist level. The tunnel must be a straight line, but it may be at any angle or incline you choose, which must be determined upon the use of this avao.
Causal: Whenever a portal is opened within Close (25 feet + 5 feet/2 anarchist levels) range, you may cause that portal to open onto a wall of similar construction to the material the portal is set in. The portal must be a physical door of some manner, and must be a passage through a material rather than simply a lid for a container or similar. This effect lasts for one round or until the door is closed, whichever comes last, after which the door can be opened again onto its normal opening (provided you do not use this avao again).
Precausal: This avao has no precausal use.


Grade: Ana Gtr (Illusion)
Active Use Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 feet + 10 feet/anarchist level)
Target: One creature
Duration: 1 round/3 anarchist levels (D)
Chaos Opposition: Yes
Saving Throw: Will negates
Active: You create an illusion of a double rainbow that only the target can see. The creature becomes fascinated for the duration of the effect unless they make a successful Will save against the effect.
Causal: Whenever a creature creates an effect with the Pattern subschool or subtype, you may immediately apply a single Metamagic (or similar appropriate feat dependent upon the effect's Force alignment) to the effect. You may choose any metamagic feat, provided the level adjustment of the feat is no greater than one-third your anarchist level. This effect has no effect on the casting time of the ability that triggered it.
Precausal: This avao has no precausal use.


Entropic Reversal
  Grade: Greater
  Active Use Time: ---
  Range: Close (25 feet + 5 feet/2 levels)
  Target: One creature
  Duration: Instantaneous
  Saving Throw: Will negates
  Chaos Opposition: Yes

  Active: This avao has no active use.

  Causal: Whenever a creature is healed by a supernatural or Force-based effect, you may cause that effect to instead deal
  damage equal to the amount of healing that would have been granted. The target is allowed a Will save to ignore this effect and
  receive healing normally.

  Precausal: Whenever a creature is dealt damage, you may instead turn it into healing. The amount of healing is one-half the
  damage that would have been dealt. The creature dealing damage is allowed a Will save to ignore this effect and deal damage
Entropic Shield
  Grade: Subtle
  Active Use Time: 1 full-round action
  Range: Personal
  Target: You
  Duration: 1 minute/level
  Saving Throw: None
  Chaos Opposition: No

  Active: You use chaos to blur your appearance, making you difficult to target with ranged weapons. Ranged attacks against
  you suffer a 20% miss chance, as though you had concealment.

  Causal: If you get hit by any attack, you may use chaos to completely distort how you appear to others, granting you a 20%
  miss chance against any attack rolls made against you. This effect lasts 1 round/level.

  Precausal: You may use chaos to completely distort your appearance, granting you a 20% miss chance against any attack rolls
  made against you; this effect lasts 1 round/level. The next attack that you would suffer automatically hits.
Escape Bonds
  Grade: Lesser
  Active Use Time: 1 standard action
  Range: Personal
  Target: You
  Duration: 1 day
  Saving Throw: None
  Chaos Opposition: No

  Active: You gain a +4 chaotic bonus on Escape Bond checks, grapple checks, and to your touch AC.

  Causal: When you are about to become immobilized, you may use the power of Chaos to free your body. This has several effects.

  This avao enables you or to move and attack normally for 1 round/level, even under the influence of magic that usually impedes
  movement, such as paralysis, solid fog, slow, and web. The subject automatically succeeds on any grapple check made to resist a
  grapple attempt, as well as on grapple checks or Escape Artist checks made to escape a grapple or a pin.

  The avao also allows the subject to move and attack normally while underwater, even with slashing weapons such as axes and swords
  or with bludgeoning weapons such as flails, hammers, and maces, provided that the weapon is wielded in the hand rather than
  hurled. The avao does not, however, allow water breathing. 

  Precausal: This avao has no precausal use.
Free Mind
  Grade: Subtle
  Active Use Time: 1 standard action
  Range: Personal
  Target: You
  Duration: 1 day
  Saving Throw: None
  Chaos Opposition: No

  Active: You gain a +4 resistance bonus on Will saves against mind-influencing effects.

  Causal: When you are affected by a mind-influencing effect, the origin of the effect must make a Force-user check against
  DC 11 + your anarchist level. If the check fails, you are immune to that effect and all further mind-influencing effects from
  that origin for 24 hours.

  Precausal: This avao has no precausal use.
Fumbling Strike
  Grade: Lesser
  Active Use Time: ---
  Range: Close (25 feet + 5 feet/2 levels)
  Target: One creature wielding a manufactured weapon
  Duration: Instantaneous
  Saving Throw: Will negates
  Chaos Opposition: Yes

  Active: This avao has no active use.

  Causal: When a creature fumbles, you may use your chaotic power to cause the thrown weapon to strike a nearby creature
  instead. Make a ranged attack roll as though you were using the weapon, against any creature within 30 feet of the creature that
  fumbled. If you hit the creature, you automatically score a critical hit on the creature.

  Precausal: When a creature criticals, you may use your chaotic power to cause the creature to lose its grasp on its weapon.
  Treat this as the creature fumbling. A successful Will save negates this effect.
Gamble with Life
  Grade: Subtle
  Active Use Time: ---
  Range: Close (25 feet + 5 feet/2 levels)
  Target: One creature
  Duration: Instantaneous
  Saving Throw: Fort negates
  Chaos Opposition: Yes

  Active: This avao has no active use.

  Causal: If a creature within Close range must attempt to stabilize, you can double their chances to do so (normally, a
  creature has a 10% chance to stabilize, so with this avao, you give them a 20% chance). However, if you do so, and the creature
  fails to stabilize, it loses twice as many hit points as it normally would for bleeding.

  A creature may attempt to make a Fortitude save against this effect, even though it is not conscious or aware.

  Precausal: This avao has no precausal use.
Gambling Strike
  Grade: Subtle
  Active Use Time: ---
  Range: Personal
  Target: You
  Duration: Instantaneous
  Saving Throw: None
  Chaos Opposition: Yes

  Active: This avao has no active use.

  Causal: When you make an attack roll against a creature, you may opt to roll d%. If the roll is 01-50, you fumble. If the roll
  is 51-100, you automatically threaten a critical.

  Precausal: This avao has no precausal use.
Ice Fractal
  Grade: Lesser
  Active Use Time: 1 full-round action
  Range: Medium (100 feet + 10 feet/level)
  Area: One 5-foot square; see text
  Duration: Concentration + 1 round/level
  Saving Throw: None
  Chaos Opposition: No

  Active: You imbue the ground with chaotic ice, causing it to freeze in a fractal pattern. Moving over a square covered in ice
  requires 2 squares of movement, and the DC of Balance and Tumble checks are increased by 5. A DC 10 Balance check is required to
  run or charge against ice.

  Each round, so long as you concentrate, the ice expands in a fractal pattern. Each square that shares a side with the affected
  square becomes covered in ice. Each round that you concentrate on this effect, it continues to expand.

  Once you cease concentrating, the fractal no longer expands. The ice lasts for 1 round/level after you cease concentrating, after
  which it vanishes.

  You can use this effect to allow creatures to move over water, by freezing the water in a fractal pattern. When a square of ice
  is first covered, the ice is 1 inch thick; every round you concentrate thereafter, it becomes one category thicker.

  ICE THICKNESS	Small		Medium		Large		Huge
  1"		At risk		Break		Break		Break
  2" - 3"	Safe		At risk		Break		Break
  4" - 6"	Safe		Safe		At risk		Break
  7" - 23"	Safe		Safe		Safe		At risk
  24"+		Safe		Safe		Safe		Safe

  Safe: The ice will not break.

  At Risk: Creatures who run, charge, or jump on the ice have a 50% chance to break it.

  Break: The ice breaks. The ice collapses in a 5-foot radius around where the creature was on the ice.

  Causal: Whenever you take cold damage, all creatures that occupy a square that shares a side with the square you are in suffer
  half the cold damage you did.

  You can trigger the causal use of this avao multiple times for the same event. Each time you do, you can cause this effect to
  fractalize. Each creature that occupies a square that shares a side with a square occupied by a creature you caused to take cold
  damage from the initial effect, suffers a quarter of the cold damage you did.

  Precausal: You can cause all the creatures that occupy squares that share a side with your square to suffer 1d8/level (max
  10d8) points of cold damage. You suffer double this damage.
  Grade: Greater
  Active Use Time: 1 minute
  Range: Personal
  Effect: See text
  Duration: 1 day (D)
  Chaos Opposition: Yes

  Active: You ignore the effects of fortune and karma. For the duration of this ability, whenever you would roll a d20 for any
  reason, you instead "take 10," even if you normally could not do so.

  You do not roll any dice. Instead, you take the average result of whatever dice you would have rolled, rounded down.

  Causal: Whenever you roll a natural 1, you gain a karma token. Before rolling a d20, you may spend a karma token and treat the
  roll as a 20. Karma tokens last for 1 minute.

  Precausal: Before you roll a d20, you may opt to treat the roll as a natural 1. If you do so, you gain a karma token. Before
  rolling a d20, you may spend a karma token and treat the roll as a 20. Karma tokens last for 1 minute. You cannot use this ability
  in a situation in which you could not "take 10" normally.
Know Chaos
  Grade: Subtle
  Active Use Time: 5 minutes
  Range: Touch
  Target: Touched item
  Duration: Instantaneous
  Saving Throw: None
  Chaos Opposition: No

  Active: You learn all the functions of a chaotic item.

  Causal: This avao has no causal use.

  Precausal: This avao has no precausal use.