Blue: Memes K-M

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A list of blue memes for all Blue-using classes.

The memes index includes a full index of all memes, as well as an explanation of some of the terms used in these descriptions.

Memes Index | A - C | D - F | G - J | K - M | N - Q | R - T | U - Z

Memes (K - M)

The following is an alphabetical list of Memes, from K to M.

Classes: Aka Meme [Mind-affecting]
Activation Time: Standard action
Range: Close (25 feet + 5 feet/2 memory invested)
Target: One creature
Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw: Will negates
Blue Opposition: Yes
You produce a particularly virulent and infectious semantic meme, and transmit it to a creature via the Blue.
The target gains the babel status. (A creature with the babel status is unable to communicate in any meaningful language, and cannot use abilities that are dependent on speaking, including magic spells and divine prayers. In addition, the creature is unable to comprehend written languages, and any writings the creature produces while affected are indecipherable to others.)
Memory: For each point of memory you have invested in this meme, increase the duration by 1 round.
Belief-Space: While this meme is part of your belief-space, your mind is constantly partially incoherent, partially disabling your language comprehension while protecting your mind from intrusion. For each memory invested in this meme, you gain a +1 insight bonus to Will saves against mind-affecting effects, and a -1 penalty to Decipher Script, Sense Motive, and Diplomacy, and the saving throw DCs of any language-dependent effect you produce are reduced by 1.
In addition, the status effect this meme causes becomes contagious. Any creature that attempts to communicate with a creature afflicted with the babel status caused by this meme, or read anything that the creature has written, must make a Will save against the original saving throw DC of this meme or else also contract the babel status for the same duration.


Classes: Aka Meme
Activation Time: Standard
Range: Touch
Target: One creature, event, location, or object
Duration: Until expended
Saving Throw: Will negates
Blue Opposition: Yes
With a touch, you gain access to the most intimate of secrets of that which you touch.
If using this meme on an event, you must be touching an item that you know for certain was present for that event, or be touching an item storage device (such as a book or an akashic stone) that has information pertinent to that event.
If using this meme on a creature or object that is attended, it gains a Will save against this effect.
Regardless of the particular target of this meme, you gain a +5 insight bonus to the next check you make interacting with the creature, event, location, or object you used it on.
Creature: You learn something about the creature that is incredibly rare knowledge. In effect, you automatically make a DC 40 delve into blue check to learn something about the creature. You can choose to specify a question when you use this meme, to which the creature must answer truthfully (this is a reflection of your acquisition of their memory, not an actual conversation); alternatively, you can simply let the Blue bring something from their past to your mind. (Belief-Space: Once you use this meme on a creature, you forever gain a +2 insight bonus to an interaction skill of your choice against that creature. Once chosen against a creature, your selection can never be changed, and the insight bonus only applies while learn secret is bound to your belief-space.)
Event: You learn something about the event that would be nigh-impossible to learn, such as a part of a conversation that was never recorded and then erased from all but one person's mind who is now long-dead. You can choose to specify a question when you use this meme, to which the event must answer truthfully; alternatively, you can simply let the Blue bring something from that event to your mind. (Belief-Space: Once you use this meme on an event, you forever gain a rough memory of that event. You can use this to use event loresight on the event, but only while learn secret is bound to your belief-space.)
Location: You learn something about the location that would be incredibly difficult to learn, such as gaining a glimpse of the architectural blueprints or knowledge of how the materials were gathered. You can choose to specify a question when you use this meme, to which the location must answer truthfully; alternatively, you can simply let the Blue bring something from that event to your mind. (Belief-Space: Once you use this meme on a location, you forever can roughly picture it in your mind, accurately enough to teleport there with minimal chance of failure, and can use location loresight on it even while not there. You gain access to this information only while learn secret is bound to your belief-space.)
Object: You gain intimate knowledge of the object, learning something about it that would be incredibly hard to come by. You can choose to specify a question when you use this meme, to which the object must answer truthfully; alternatively, you can simply let the Blue bring something from that event to your mind. (Belief-Space: Once you use this meme on an object, you forever gain a +2 insight bonus on checks to interact with it or otherwise use it. You gain access to this information only while learn secret is bound to your belief-space.)
Memory: For each point of memory you have invested in this meme, the insight bonus on your next check increases by +2.
Belief-Space: While this meme is part of your belief-space, you are preoccupied with the information you have gained from using this meme in the past. You suffer a -1 insight penalty to all Perception-based checks for each creature, event, location, and object you have used it on in the past. This penalty does not apply towards creatures or objects you have used it on, nor in locations on which you have used it. The benefits you gain from having this meme bound to your belief-space are outlined above.


Classes: Aka Meme
Activation Time: Standard action
Range: 0 feet
Area: 30-foot radius spread
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Blue Opposition: Yes (Object)
You allow the history of an area to flood your mind, gaining information relating to it.
You learn significant facts about the area in which you stand. Though the radius is listed as a 30-foot burst, this effects basically affects the room in which you stand.
Facts Learned
1st When the location was created. If natural, you learn roughly the time-period in which it came to its present appearance.
2nd Name of last creature to pass through location, if any, other than you.
3rd Race of last creature to pass through location, if any, other than you.
4th Name of location's creator (if natural, the creator is "Nature").
5th Race of location's creator, if any.
6th Name of location's longest occupant, if any.
7th Race of location's longest occupant, if any.
8th Name and race of location's current owner or master of the location, if any.
9th Brief description of most significant event that happened in location.
10th Force ability or property of location, including Nature elements present (random if more than one).
11th Most significant event that occurred in location of which you are unaware.
Multiple uses of this meme allow you to gain more information. If you already know all of the above, you continue to learn more significant events, though their significance decreases over time.
Memory: For each point of memory you have invested in this meme, you learn an additional fact per use.
Belief-Space: While this meme is part of your belief-space, you have the ability to incorporate the history of the location into your memory, giving you increased ability to interact with it. This gives you a +1/two memory insight bonus to any Hide, Search, and Survival checks in any location in which you have used this meme. This bonus lasts for 1 round/memory invested.
While this meme is bound to your belief-space, you have a preoccupation with the importance of locations and the role they play in the creation of history; in particular, this preoccupation overrides your interest in creatures, objects, or events. You cannot have this meme bound to your belief-space and any other loresight meme bound at the same time.


Classes: Aka Meme [Mind-affecting]
Activation Time: Standard action
Range: 0 feet
Area: 60-foot radius spread, centered on you
Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw: Will negates
Blue Opposition: Yes
You intercept information packets with haphazard and jumbled memes, preventing information in your immediate vicinity from becoming permanent.
When you use this meme, you can choose whether or not you are affected by it.
For the duration of this effect, events that occur are effectively transient, incapable of becoming permanently settled in either creatures' or the world memory. After a time, the entirety of time of this effect's duration becomes cloudy in creatures' minds, and they become unable to precisely recall what occurred.
Any attempt to gain information regarding anything that occurred within this effect's duration must make a Force-user level check against DC 11 + your memeticist level. If you opted to retain memory of what transpired, the DC is instead 5 + your memeticist level, and a recall memory used on you will remove the check entirely, opening the memory up to the world (as well as all creatures, objects, and locations that were present for the time).
Memory: For each point of memory you have invested in this meme, this effect lasts an additional round.
Belief-Space: While this meme is part of your belief-space, you become secretive and protective of knowledge, but your recollection of knowledge is enhanced by your constant awareness of it in your mind. You gain a +1/memory invested insight bonus to all Knowledge checks, but each time you would share information with someone, you must make a Will save against this meme or else opt not to share. Effects that attempt to read your memory, such as creature loresight, must succeed on a Force-user level check against DC 11 + your memeticist level, or else reveal nothing; and you gain a +2/memory invested insight bonus to Will saves against learn secret and similar effects.


Classes: Aka Meme [Mind-affecting]
Activation Time: Standard action
Range: Close (25 feet + 5 feet/2 memory invested)
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates
Blue Opposition: Yes
You overload a creature's memory processing with a barrage of information.
The target takes 1d6 psychic damage.
Memory: For each point of memory you have invested in this meme, the damage increases by an additional die.
Belief-Space: While this meme is part of your belief-space, your mind is randomly occupied with conflicting ideas and hordes of memes, prepared to be shared. However, most of this information is not terribly useful, and instead clutters your mind, making thinking harder. The base damage of this meme increases to 1d10, but the activation time for all other memes increases by one step.


Classes: Aka Schema
Schema Cost: Active Meme Slots - 4 / Memory - 6 / Belief-Space - 3
An understanding of the metaphysics of the universe has led you to an unnerving, but undeniable, conclusion.
You become aware of the game mechanics underlying your existence. In essence, you can discuss mechanical aspects of the world as they function and can identify the influence or impact of game mechanics in things you perceive. You can explain in-world interactions in terms of game mechanics, and understand the precise nature of probability within the universe.
While you have this schema active, you can use loresight memes to gain access to game mechanic information that would otherwise not be readily apparent, such as the precise Force-user level of a Force-aligned object.


Classes: Lrn Meme [Learnable]
Activation Time: Standard action
Range: Close (25 feet + 5 feet/2 memory)
Area: 10-ft radius burst
Duration: 1 round/2 memory invested
Saving Throw: Will negates (Harmless)
Blue Opposition: Yes
Recharge: 6
You weave a shield of power around your allies, protecting them from harm.
All allies in the area gain the protect and shell status for the duration of this effect. (A creature with the protect status halves the damage it takes from physical sources; this effect is functionally equivalent to a variable DR. A creature with the shell status gains a bonus to saving throws against Force effects equal to one-half its hit dice.)
This effect, while it grants multiple status effects, is considered a single status effect in and of itself. If one of its constituent status effects is removed, the entire effect is removed.
Memory: For every 3 points of memory invested, increase the radius of the area affected by this ability by 10 feet.
Belief-Space: While this meme is part of your belief-space, allies affected by this meme also gain the haste status for the duration of the effect.