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; [[Class: Trainer|Trainer]] : Trainers specialize in the use of ''mementos'', small creatures bred typically bred specifically for combat, but that can also fill other roles. While they learn memes, they do so as to be able to train their minions; they use their memory explicitly to assist them in maintaining control over their pets.
; [[Class: Trainer|Trainer]] : Trainers specialize in the use of ''mementos'', small creatures bred typically bred specifically for combat, but that can also fill other roles. While they learn memes, they do so as to be able to train their minions; they use their memory explicitly to assist them in maintaining control over their pets.
==Ability Grade Equivalencies==
{| class="collapsible" width="98%" style="border:1px solid silver; text-align:center; clear:both; font-size:75%; font-family:verdana;"
! colspan="13;" style="background:#E47833;" align="center"|<div style="margin-left:0px;"><font color="white" style="font-size:13.5px; font-family:tahoma;">Ability Grade Equivalencies</font></div>
!width="10%" style="background:#E47833;"|<font color="white">'''Martial'''</font>
!width="10%" style="background:#CD0000;"|<font color="white">'''Magic'''</font>
!width="10%" style="background:#7D26CD;"|<font color="white">'''Psionics'''</font>
!width="10%" style="background:#858D95;"|<font color="white">'''Technology'''</font>
!width="10%" style="border:1px solid silver; background:#FFFFFF;"|<font color="black">'''Divine'''</font>
!width="10%" style="background:#000000;"|<font color="white">'''Void'''</font>
!width="10%" style="background:#228B22;"|<font color="white">'''Nature'''</font>
!width="10%" style="background:#F5DD72;"|<font color="black">'''Time'''</font>
!width="10%" style="background:#733D1A;"|<font color="white">'''Chaos'''</font>
!width="10%" style="background:#007FFF;"|<font color="white">'''Blue'''</font>
|style="background:#dfbffe;" rowspan="2"|Science
|style="background:#C2C2C2;" rowspan="2"|Refined
|style="background:#CFC7BD;" rowspan="2"|Lesser
|style="background:#dfbffe;" rowspan="3"|Art
|style="background:#C2C2C2;" rowspan="2"|Improved
|style="background:#CFC7BD;" rowspan="2"|Greater
|style="background:#F6D2BB;" rowspan="2"|Master
|style="background:#FCA294;" rowspan="2"|Master
|style="background:#ACD4AC;" rowspan="2"|Major
|style="background:#B6CEE2;" rowspan="2"|Secret

Revision as of 09:21, 11 May 2017

Just some stuff, don't mind me.


The nine Forces are an intrinsic and essential part of the worlds of Trinity. They are at the core of almost every conflict the worlds have ever known.

Unlike in other settings, nearly every sentient being in Trinity is aware of the Forces and their basic interactions. Commoners may not be well-versed in how the Forces work, but they typically know of them and are not confused or awed by typical displays of power.

The Trinities

The Forces are divided into three Trinities. These are the Trinity of Reality, in which Magic, Psionics, and Technology reside; the Trinity of Philosophy, in which Divine, the Void, and Nature lie; and the Trinity of Remembrance, in which Time, Chaos, and the Blue dwell.

Each Force in a Trinity opposes the other two Forces in the same Trinity.

Force Alignment

An individual who studies a given Force is said to have a force alignment to that Force.

Individuals with a force alignment are naturally resistant to the other Forces in that Trinity.

When Forces of the same Trinity interact or are otherwise near each other, visible sparks appear in the vicinity between them. These sparks are harmless, but indicate that there is an interaction occurring between opposing Forces, each seeking to be dominant. Generally, the amount of sparks generated is related to the relative strengths of the Forces involved, and can be a useful gauge for how weak or powerful a given Force-aligned person, item, or place is. The coloration of the sparks is based upon the Forces involved: for instance, magic and technology interacting will produce red and silver sparks.


Color: Red
Gemstone: Ruby



Color: Purple
Gemstone: Amethyst



Color: Silver
Gemstone: Zircon



Color: White
Gemstone: Pearl

One of the primordial Forces that shaped the universe, Divine concerns itself with all aspects of creation - it is for this reason that some claim that it is the most powerful of the Nine. The Trinity of Philosophy concerns itself primarily with the metaphysics of the universe, each of its member Forces existing both within and outside of the concept of reality. The Divine's goal is to know every aspect of creation intimately, to remake all things in its own image, that all might serve a common goal. In this, it is directly opposed to Nature, which insists that all things follow their natural course and forge their own paths; and is directly opposed to the Void, which seeks to unmake all things and return all of existence to an eternal unending abyss of nothingness.

Opening oneself to the Divine is a monumental task, as the origin of the Force has been forcibly sealed away into a distant metaphysical realm, from whence it cannot escape. However, over the many eons since that occurred, the Divine has found it is able to carve channels of communication between it's prison and reality. It is through these channels that the Divine entities - saints and lucavi - gain access to Divine power, which is then filtered to their petitioners. Alternately, some mortals' souls have been accidentally imbued with a tiny fraction of the essence of a slain deity, giving them direct access to the Divine itself. Regardless of the means, all petitioners ultimately draw their power from the Divine, and in exchange for faith, they receive the power to rename - and thus remake - aspects of creation.

The aspects of creation that a learned petitioner can bend to her will are as varied as the elements of creation itself. However, as mortals, petitioners are rarely able to modify all of reality - they slowly gain access to more domains over which the Divine holds sway, the truth within their souls and the powers of the patron dictating what parts of reality respond to their prayers.

Divine interacts well with both Magic and Time. In Magic, the Divine finds an ally who understands the need to take control of the world and put it towards one's own ends, who is familiar with the idea of accessing power outside of oneself and learning to use it to gain leverage over existence. In Time, the Divine finds common ground in the restraints placed upon those who call upon a higher power - for the petitioner, this is their patron, while for the chronist, it is the timeline itself that restricts or enforces their actions.

Game Mechanics

Petitioners expend blessings to utter their prayers, specific words and phrases in the original tongue of the Divine that bend reality to their whim. Each prayer requires the expenditure of a blessing of a specific grade.

To acqure blessings, petitioners must petition either their patron or the Divine itself for it, spending 1 round in contemplation and supplication. However, patrons - and the Divine - cannot answer all prayers at once, and so the number of blessings gained varies upon the result of a petition check. If the petitioner does not like the result, they can instead only spend a move action, aborting the petition attempt early and gaining no blessings.

If a petitioner attempts to acquire blessings while she still has some remaining, she suffers a penalty to her petition check.

All petitioners gain innate nature inhibition (NI) and void inhibition (VI). These oppositions indicate that petitioners are naturally resistant to Natural and Void effects, even those that are beneficial in nature.

Some specific petitioner classes use some of these abilities in unusual ways. Remember to fully read a class's description for explanations of how its specific mechanics may differ from the general.

Races and Classes

The following races and classes are either Blue-aligned or have strong ties to the Blue in some fashion.


Refugees from another world, the draenei have an inherent connection to the Divine, a gift bestowed upon them to combat their mortal enemies that lie somewhere beyond the worlds of Trinity.


Incarnates are those born with a fraction of a slain deity's power infused into their soul. Their direct connection to the Divine gives them versatility in the domains they can access, and can condense their Divine power into a few moments to become almost akin to the deities themselves.
Paragons of a particular patron, paladins are warriors who seek to defend the members of their faith from harm. Channeling the Divine powers of their patron in combination with strict martial discipline, paladins are powerful combatants.
Followers of a particular patron, priests uphold the virtues of their faith, gaining access to all of the domains over which their patron has influence.



Color: Black
Gemstone: Jet



Color: Green
Gemstone: Emerald



Color: Yellow
Gemstone: Topaz

Time deals primarily with time and space, and distortions of them. The Trinity of Remembrance interacts primarily with the "mechanics" of the universe; whereas Reality interacts directly with physics, Remembrance is more concerned with the underlying framework that physics takes place in. Time's goal is to take command of these forces to gain power: through manipulating time and space, the fabric of reality itself can be manipulated, and total power can be achieved, able to manipulate the threads of fate to one's advantage in all situations. This is in direct opposition to the Blue, which demands that causality be respected and the timeline remain static, and Chaos, which subverts Time's command over existence by refusing to acknowledge that time exists to begin with.

To achieve their ends, those who would pursue the power of Time must come to understand time as it truly is: not as a linear arrow, but a nebulous web of existential freedom. All moments exist at all times, even those moments that have not come to pass; as the student of Time's knowledge grows, their understanding of their own personal timeline increases, and they learn to manipulate themselves first and foremost, borrowing power from their past and lending it to their future, stealing it from themselves and gifting it to an alternate version in a parallel timeline. Once the trainee accepts that she herself is immortal through the infinite lives across infinite parallel times she lives, she can tap into her fullest potential: for infinite parallel times means an infinite power source that can never truly be exhausted.

Once a chronist - as students of Time are known - has determined how to manipulate time and space, she can then learn how to modify them. This gives her incredible power, both over information and the battlefield: she can learn secrets that only her future self knows, and she can turn the very laws of physics on their head, by manipulating objects in time. Of these things, she gives no outward sign: the source of this power is not external or internal, but existential in nature, and the pulling of power from the threads of time requires only concentration and the knowledge of how to do so, nothing more.

Time interacts well with both Magic and the Divine. In Magic, Time finds a common interest in seeking ways to command the universe to one's bidding; mages make comparisons between the leylines they use and the timelines that chronists use, and while they are wholly different in the powers they grant, they are alike in that both leylines and timestreams criss-cross reality, just out of mortal sight. In the Divine, chronists find an ally that understands that their gifts ultimately come from a higher power, and that those powers must be respected; for petitioners, that external power is their patron, who can bequeath or withdraw their gifts as they see fit, while the chronist is at times bound by the constraints of the timeline itself, forced into action or inaction by the actions of the chronist herself in a distant future or far-flung past.

Game Mechanics

Chronists expend quanta to shape their jikuu, specific manipulations of time or space that incur specific effects. Each jikuu costs a set number of points.

To acquire quanta, chronists must gather it, spending an action on their turn to generate a random amount of quanta dependent upon the action spent to gather. As chronists grow in power, the amount of quanta they gather - and the maximum amount of quanta they can hold at any given time - increase.

At the beginning of each turn, if a chronist has any quanta remaining, he suffers a point of paradox. Each point of paradox incurs a penalty to rolls made to gather quanta. In addition, if the chronist has too much paradox, he also suffers a penalty to temporal attacks equal to his amount of paradox.

All chronists gain innate blue opposition (UO) and chaos opposition (CO). These oppositions indicate that chronists are naturally resistant to Blue and Chaotic effects, even those that are beneficial in nature.

Some specific chronist classes use some of these abilities in unusual ways. Remember to fully read a class's description for explanations of how its specific mechanics may differ from the general.

Races and Classes

The following races and classes are either Blue-aligned or have strong ties to the Blue in some fashion.


Refugees from the far future of an alternate timeline, the thran spent millenia unbinding themselves from causality in a bid to save their world. Unsuccessful, their attempt instead led them to this timeline.


Epochents are pure chronists, dedicating themselves to the study of time and how to manipulate it. Their temporal abilities yield many strange and varied results, and their ability to literally go back in time is powerful in skilled hands.
Adepts, harriers combine study of the temporal with study of the arts martial. They focus on speed and agility, using their knowledge of time to give them an incredible edge in combat that allows them to strike between moments, faster than most can follow.
While epochents focus on time in a general sense, oracles choose to look forward, attempting to find the best path through the myriad timelines that branch from the current moment. They are able to manipulate the fate of other creatures, bringing weal to friend and woe to foe.



Color: Brown
Gemstone: Citrine

Chaos is chaotic, and its willfulness is sometimes hard to describe given that it has purview over a disharmonious set of concepts. The Trinity of Remembrance interacts primarily with the "mechanics" of the universe; whereas Reality interacts directly with physics, Remembrance is more concerned with the underlying framework that physics takes place in. Chaos, then, seeks to subvert and upend those rules, or disrupt existence in a general sense, desiring the ability to make choices for itself without constraint. This is in direct opposition to Time, which seeks to control and harness causality, the strictest of rules, and Blue, which demands the causal chain be respected and all things be put in order.

Of the nine Forces, Chaos is the least-understood, and it is uncertain how it is that anarchists gain their power. The strangest claim is the idea that the world is actually an illusion, and all that happens in it is governed by strange rules in another universe: anarchists who are proponents of this claim that their powers come from cheating in that other world, which translates into effects in this one. Claims such as this are why many are content to not question how it is that anarchists do what they do.

Exactly how an individual becomes an anarchist is similarly unclear. Due to their nature, anarchists rarely seek to train others in their ways, and some even deem intentional learning of how to access Chaos as impossible. However, there are also those that claim that they intentionally sought out these powers and stumbled upon them. It seems that any claim one makes about Chaos can be refuted by at least one counter-example.

Chaos interacts well with Psionics and the Void. In Psionics, Chaos finds a similar sense of self-reliance and a fellow free spirit, in the sense that both Chaos and Psionics seek mastery over the self, just in different realms. In the Void, Chaos shares the same sense of rebellion that gave rise to the Void in the first place, and the Void's sense of destruction matches Chaos' understanding of entropy almost perfectly, albeit applied to the whole of reality instead of just the rules of reality.

Game Mechanics

Anarchists build a deck out of their whims. A deck can only have so many copies of a given whim, and the size of the deck is limited based on the anarchist's class and level.

Anarchists select a set of triggers, which are events chosen from a list. When a trigger occurs, the anarchist can draw a number of whims from his deck, dependent upon the trigger. The anarchist has a max hand size, which is the maximum number of whims he can hold at once. At the end of his turn, if he has more whims than his max, he must discard until he has no more than his max.

When he effects a whim, he discards it.

When the deck is empty, the discard pile is shuffled and returned to the deck.

All anarchists gain innate blue opposition (UO) and time opposition (IO). These oppositions indicate that anarchists are naturally resistant to Blue and Temporal effects, even those that are beneficial in nature.

Some specific anarchist classes use some of these abilities in unusual ways. Remember to fully read a class's description for explanations of how its specific mechanics may differ from the general.

Races and Classes

The following races and classes are either Chaos-aligned or have strong ties to Chaos in some fashion.




Main caster.
Alt caster.



Color: Blue
Gemstone: Sapphire

The Blue deals with memory, knowledge, recollection, and causality. The Trinity of Remembrance interacts primarily with the "mechanics" of the universe; whereas Reality interacts directly with physics, Remembrance is more concerned with the underlying framework that physics takes place in. The Blue's first and foremost goal is maintaining memory: events that have occurred have occurred, and should not be meddled with. This is in direct opposition to Time, which reorganizes the timeline as it sees fit, and Chaos, which has no concern for proper order and pointedly ignores the notion of causality.

Pursuit of this goal is achieved through accessing the akashic record, which is - essentially - the world's memory. Every event that occurs, every piece of knowledge attained, every fact that exists also exists within the record. Accessing the record is not an easy feat, and requires a certain degree of reorientation of how one looks at the world. To assist in this process, those who study the Blue prepackage concepts and ideas from the world memory into "memes," packets of information that assist budding memeticists - as students of the Blue are called - in utilizing the Blue to the extent of their abilities.

Because of their interaction and concern with memory, memeticists are also - to some degree - students of the mind. Though largely incidental to their primary skills, memeticists have abilities that seem on the surface to be quite similar to telepathy, though in fact memeticists are reading the information from the world memory and not accessing minds directly. That said, memeticists can "implant" ideas into creatures' minds, by manipulating pointers and other more technical aspects of the world memory, allowing them to interfere with physical reality through manipulating the framework on which reality operates.

The Blue interacts well with both Technology and Nature. In Technology, Blue finds an ally who understands the importance of causality and structure; some technologists compare the Blue to an incredibly large and impossibly complex computing engine, a comparison that memeticists find difficult to deny. In Nature, memeticists find individuals who share their belief that the natural order must be upheld, that there is a certain way things work and that such structure shouldn't be meddled with. Naturalists appreciate the Blue's focus on the world and its memory, and share in common their ability to look "past" the obvious physicality of the world and interact with what lies beneath the facade.

Game Mechanics

Memeticists load their memes into a cache, and can use them at will. When she readies a meme, a memeticist can also allocate that meme into memory, if she has free memory. Memes allocated into memory are significantly stronger, or have other effects.

After processing a meme, it becomes locked, and is not available for use until it recharges. At the beginning of your turn, you roll a recharge die, which is 1d6, and all memes with a recharge value of the result or lower become unlocked and available for use again. The recharge value of a meme changes dependent upon the highest grade of meme you can access.

All memeticists gain innate chaos opposition (CO) and time opposition (IO). These oppositions indicate that memeticists are naturally resistant to Chaotic and Temporal effects, even those that are beneficial in nature.

Some specific memeticist classes use some of these abilities in unusual ways. Remember to fully read a class's description for explanations of how its specific mechanics may differ from the general.

Races and Classes

The following races and classes are either Blue-aligned or have strong ties to the Blue in some fashion.


The adu'ja have a long and storied Blue tradition, and they use this in combination with their strong ties to Nature to study the purpose of their existence.
Gnomes have a strong historical bent, and can innately access the world memory. As a culture, they seek a fusion of the study of the past with the study of the future, and thus combine the Blue with Technology.
Vesuvans are innately Blue-aligned, and draw sustenance from learning new information. A secretive lot, they are capable of manipulating the Blue in various ways, specifically the ability to alter their shape.


Akashics are pure memeticists, investigating the mysteries of the Blue to the fullest extent. Akashics excel at information-gathering tasks, and are an indispensable source of knowledge to an adventuring group. Their ability to pull from the world memory at a moment's notice allows each akashic to have an incredibly varied skill set.
Learners are adepts, combining study of the Blue with the arts martial. Whereas akashics delve into the world memory to improve their skills, learners instead acquire new abilities by directly observing creatures' abilities in action, accessing the pointers in world memory to these abilities and changing them slightly as to be usable by the adept.
Trainers specialize in the use of mementos, small creatures bred typically bred specifically for combat, but that can also fill other roles. While they learn memes, they do so as to be able to train their minions; they use their memory explicitly to assist them in maintaining control over their pets.



Ability Grade Equivalencies

Ability Grade Equivalencies
Martial Magic Psionics Technology Divine Void Nature Time Chaos Blue
Basic Initiate Devotion Prototype Minor Cursory Minor Hadronic Subtle Common
Lesser Apprentice Science Refined Lesser Shallow Lesser Baryonic Lesser Uncommon
Expert Journeyman Moderate Yawning Moderate Mesonic Rare
Greater Adept Art Improved Greater Deep Greater Bosonic Greater Obscure
Master Master Major Abysmal Major Fermionic Secret
Augmented Miraculous Tenebrous Leptonic Overwhelming
Epic Archmage Opus Perfected Salient Ominous Ancient Tachyonic Inconceivable Forgotten



Race Listing

Race Homeworld Origin Type Subtype Force(s) Description Ability Modifiers
Human Adnez Natural Humanoid Spoken Neutral A versatile race, humans can be found nearly anywhere that can support life. Relatively short-lived, humans are renowned for being able to take up any profession and excel in it. +2 to one
Adu'ja Arcturas Natural Animate Plant Nature Blue After the partial destruction of Arcturas, gradually new life found a way. Always at harmony with nature and memories of those who came before, the adu'ja led a relatively simple lifestyle until the arrival of the Arcturas. Exposure to the Adnezians has led many of their people to wander the worlds of Trinity. +2 Con, +2 Wis, -2 Per
Ancelari Arcturas Natural Humanoid Spoken Void Time The original primary inhabitants of the world of Arcturas, the Ancelari fled across the vast reaches of space to escape the Tyranids, while some of their number stayed behind to attempt to destroy their planet to stop the threat. Those ancelari that made the journey became forever changed by it. +2 Per, +2 Wis, -2 Brv
Artilect Adnez Elemental Animate Construct Technology A race of sentient machines, the first artilects were built by Ada Fralizte during the 4th century CR. Since then, they have proliferated slowly across the Philomenic system. Artilects are relatively common wherever Technology is present. +2 Con, +2 Int, -2 Cha
Burmecian Adnez Natural Humanoid Spoken Neutral Descended from rats and similar rodents that managed to survive the Ageless Winter, Burmecian history is fraught with danger, and they have a particular hated for dragons of all kinds. Burmecians are known for their extraordinary leaping abilities, having founded the art of lancing. +2 Con, +2 Dex, -2 Per
Clavat Adnez Natural Humanoid Spoken Psionics Void Standing slightly shorter than humans, clavats hail from the continent of Distarin. In the distant past, they were a warlike race, until the Saint Konoe Ishikaru united them. Known for being strongly family-oriented and having a hint of latent psionic talent, clavats are hard to rattle and tend to be very focused beings. +2 Wis, +2 Cha, -2 Dex
Coure Adnez Elemental Humanoid Spoken Chaos Mischievous and elusive, the coure are a race of tiny fairies who revel in tricking other races for entertainment. Their inherent ties to Chaos make them incredibly unpredictable, and their ability to wield strange powers related to that Force are nigh-unparalleled. +2 Dex, +2 Luc, -2 Str
Draenei Extraplanar Elemental Humanoid Spoken Divine Travelers from another plane, the draenei speak of their sojourn to escape the clutches of an ancient evil that exists in worlds far distant from Trinity. Immensely tied to their faith, the draenei each seem to have acquired an ancient spark of divinity, a tiny touch of the Divine that resides within their souls. +2 Cha, +2 Brv, -2 Dex
Dromite Ganymede Natural Humanoid Spoken Void Blue A race of insectoid humanoids, the dromites are a distant off-shoot of the Tyranids, brought to Ganymede during the Zerg Invasion. Originally intended to serve as the template for their forces on Ganymede, when the Tyranids retreated, they left these creatures on Ganymede, who over time became the dromites. Strongly communal, dromites are - essentially - to Ganymede what humans are to Adnez, being nearly everywhere... or at least were, until the colonists from Adnez arrived. +2 Con, +2 Cha, -2 Str
Dwarf Adnez Natural Humanoid Spoken Technology Divine Living beneath the mountains for as long as anyone can remember, the dwarves have been a constant, persistent force in the background of Trinity. Rarely coming to the fore, dwarves instead influence neighboring cultures immensely, their mathematically-oriented minds leading others to forward the fields of architecture and engineering. +2 Con, +2 Wis, -2 Cha
Elf Adnez Natural Humanoid Spoken Magic Nature Arrogant and typically ancient, the elven race has seen much of Trinity history. Well-versed in the ways of Magic, elves often find themselves tangled up in the affairs of younger races, where they - typically - try to take charge and ensure that disasters are averted. Elves are known for their ability to hold a grudge. +2 Dex, +2 Wis, -2 Con
Esper Adnez Elemental Humanoid Spoken Magic Born in areas saturated with Magic, or born of two Espers, they often lose most of the traits of their parents and instead become living beings made of Magic itself. Able to turn their lifeforce into magical effects - and sometimes, able to absorb Magic - espers are well-known for being more adept with Magic than any other race that walks Trinity. +2 Int, +2 Cha, -2 Str
Forsaken Adnez Natural Animate Undead Neutral Sentient free-willed undead, the forsaken are the remnants of various necromantic energies gone wrong over the ages, with the majority having been originally created by Kotrit to serve in his armies. Distrustful and envious of the living, the forsaken generally keep to themselves in small enclaves throughout the worlds of Trinity. +2 Wis, +2 Brv, -2 Cha
Gerudo Adnez Natural Humanoid Spoken Neutral Nomadic wanderers of the deserts and other inhospitable places of Adnez, the gerudo are a race of lizardmen who have been present on Trinity since time immemorial. They are highly insular and resistant to change, with a strong culture that has changed little over the millenia. +2 Con, +2 Wis, -2 Per
Githyanki Extraplanar Natural Humanoid Spoken Psionics Time A servitor race brought to Trinity by the invasion of the illtihids in ages past, the githyanki hail from a strange plane on which time passes in incredibly strange ways. They have an alien outlook, and since the destruction of the gate back to the Penumbral Empire, they are now trapped here in the worlds of Trinity. +2 Con, +2 Int, -2 Cha
Gnome Adnez Natural Humanoid Spoken Technology Blue Traders of information, gnomes are sensitive to the Blue, the memory of the world itself. Able teachers, merchants, and researchers, gnomes often seclude themselves from the world, preferring instead quiet lives of research and study, though some are at least partially responsible for some of the greater technological wonders of the world, such as the flying city of Urilaulri and the construction of the Analytic Network. +2 Con, +2 Int, -2 Str
Goblin Adnez Natural Humanoid Spoken Psionics Blue Originally a race of barely-sentient primitives on the continent of Lotharien, goblins were enslaved during the reign of Anabstercorian, to be used primarily as grunt labor. As with most other races on the continent, however, the goblins eventually developed innate psionic abilities; due to how rapidly they breed, goblins became among the most psionically-powerful among the Lotharie peoples, and were instrumental in the downfall of the alhoon. +2 Dex, +2 Wis, -2 Cha
Goron Ganymede Natural Humanoid Spoken Neutral Dwelling deep within the lava tubes that form a labyrinthine network beneath the surface, the gorons are a race of lithovores, feeding upon the rocks and metals of the land. Composed primarily of rock themselves, they are able to survive in the harshest of environments. +2 Str, +2 Con, -2 Int
Gremlin Adnez Natural Humanoid Spoken Technology Chaos A race of scavengers and hoarders, gremlins were discovered by the dwarves during the Ronkan Empire. Adaptable and with keen intelligence, gremlins rapidly attempted to integrate themselves into society, though most find their lack of understanding of privacy and social etiquette prevents them from escaping the ghettos to which their kind naturally tends toward. Gremlins have an almost-racial barely-friendly animosity with moogles, with whom they typically vie for jobs. +2 Per, +2 Int, -2 Cha
Gria Adnez Natural Humanoid Dragon Neutral The descendents of dragons, the gria are most of what remain the legacy of the true dragons of Trinity. Sporting wings and tails of the color of their progenitor, gria are strong, proud, and haughty, often finding work as bodyguards and gladiators. +2 Str, +2 Brv, -2 Dex
Halfling Adnez Natural Humanoid Spoken Neutral Wanderers of the world, halflings are short of stature, but braver than their appearance would suggest. Renowned for being able to take any field of study and put it to near-immediate applicable use in their travels, halflings are a pragmatic but optimistic people, and often pick up a variety of skills. +2 Per, +2 Brv, -2 Str
Hobgoblin Adnez Natural Humanoid Spoken Neutral Highly militaristic and with a strong, albeit strange, sense of honor, hobgoblin society is a complex and intricate system of bureaucracy and hierarchy. Evolved from predatory stock, they prefer to communicate with hand signals and value stealth. +2 Str, +2 Int, -2 Wis
Isci Extraplanar Elemental Humanoid Spoken Void In ages past, the Void sought to wage war on all of creation itself. To do so, it fashioned creatures as a mockery of those of the world, and these became the isci. Intrinsically tied to the Void, the isci are a disturbed people, quiet but often incredibly determined, and those that manage to survive to adulthood are either incredibly stoic or incredibly fanatical. +2 Cha, +2 Brv, -2 Str
Minotaur Adnez Natural Humanoid Spoken Neutral Bestial in appearance, minotaurs are natives of Chaliraz. With a warrior culture designed to constrain the beast within, minotaurs struggle to maintain civility in society while keeping their anger and animalistic mannerisms in check. +2 Con, +2 Brv, -2 Int
Miqo'te Adnez Natural Humanoid Spoken Magic Time A race of cat-like humanoids native to the forests of Chaliraz, the miqo'te are a keenly curious race, and some believe that they are not truly native to the worlds of Trinity - but where they may have come from, none can say. +2 Dex, +2 Per, -2 Str
Moogle Adnez Natural Humanoid Spoken Technology Nature Descended from rabbits, moogles - also called mogri - hail from Distarin, where they were found by clavats and introduced to the notions of civilization. With an intrinsic tie to the rhythms of elemental energy in the world, but a curiosity that immediately led to them seeking to understand technology, moogles often move, speak, and think at a frenetic pace. +2 Dex, +2 Int, -2 Con
Orc Adnez Natural Humanoid Spoken Neutral In the savage peaks of Sarteri, a race of would-be prey rose up and instead became predators. More bestial than humanoid, orcs are barely capable of language and civilization, and their own culture has barely become more than that of animals. Their incredibly versatile genetics allow them to interbreed with almost any known species, and some varieties of orc have taken to more intellectual pursuits. +2 Str, +2 Dex, -2 Int
Rito Adnez Natural Humanoid Spoken Neutral A race of birdmen, the rito roost high in the mountains of the world. Flighty and prone to wanderlust, many of their kind travel throughout the worlds of Trinity, taking to the skies on whatever world they call home. +2 Dex, +2 Cha, -2 Str
Seeq Adnez Natural Humanoid Spoken Neutral A seafaring race of pigmen, the seeq sail the seas of Adnez - and in more recent times, the skies, and space as well - generally terrorizing folk and engaging in piracy. Not all seeq take to this way of life, and while not particularly bright, they are capable of finding their way in modern society. +2 Str, +2 Brv, -2 Int
Shardmind Adnez Elemental Animate Construct Psionics When Kotrit Wayveri shattered the Force of Psionics, some of the fragments of the force became sentient in the process. Able to manipulate their crystalline bodies, these individuals came to be known as shardminds. Alien in mindset and elemental in nature, these creatures wander the worlds of Trinity seeking purpose. +2 Int, +2 Wis, -2 Dex
Thran Arcturas Elemental Humanoid Spoken Time Refugees from the far future of an alternate timeline, the thran were originally ancelari: in their time, however, the attempt to thwart the Tyranids failed, who then devoured almost all life in the Philomena system. The few ancelari left adapted to these conditions, eventually transforming themselves utterly in the quest to right what had gone wrong. +2 Wis, +2 Brv, -2 Per
Tiefling Adnez Natural Humanoid Spoken Magic Divine The cursed lineage of one of the participants in the battle that created the Lost, tieflings have an unnaturally demonic appearance. Descendants of a mage who had brokered deals with infernal powers in exchange for arcane knowledge, they remain twisted in that image as a reminder, both for themselves and others, of the power of the Lucavi. +2 Dex, +2 Int, -2 Cha
Troll Adnez Natural Humanoid Gigas Magic Void Natives to the jungles and lowlands of Ashkar, the trolls have persisted in lands that most find inhospitable for a very long time. Engaging in unsavory practices - namely cannibalism - a great many found trolls at least somewhat abhorrent, but since their introduction to society and a prolonged war with the elves long ago, the trolls have since abandoned most of their repulsive cultural norms. +2 Con, +2 Dex, -2 Int
Vesuvan Adnez Elemental Humanoid Spoken Blue Shrouded in mystery, the vesuvans universally hail from the Vesuvan Archipelago off of the coast of Ashkar. A people of reflections, vesuvans are able to change their shape, mimicking that of others. Partially composed of memory itself, vesuvans are able to sustain themselves simply by learning new information. +2 Dex, +2 Cha, -2 Con
Viera Adnez Elemental Humanoid Spoken Nature Strange fey creatures borne of trees, the viera are an ancient race that has dwelled quietly in the forests of the world since antiquity, their culture almost unchanged from its inception. Few of their number venture out of their forests, and those that do are considered outcasts. +2 Dex, +2 Wis, -2 Brv
Vulpine Adnez Natural Humanoid Spoken Nature Chaos Natives to the forests of Chaliraz, the vulpines are a small race of fox-folk, and have strong cultural attachments to nature. Strongly curious with a trickster streak, vulpines often come across as whimsical to other peoples, with a reputation for flighty and eccentric behavior. Their culture is naturally strongly divided along gender lines. +2 Dex, +2 Per, -2 Con
Yuanaga Adnez Humanoid Humanoid Spoken Neutral One of the first sentient races on Adnez, the yuanaga are serpentine creatures that were among the first to investigate the nature of the Forces. However, during the Ageless Winter, many went into a deep slumber within citadels they built in the hidden parts of the world, and few have emerged - those that do rarely come to the forefront, preferring instead advisory roles to the younger races that have risen since. +2 Wis, +2 Cha, -2 Per
Zora Adnez Natural Humanoid Spoken Neutral Dwelling within the coral reefs scattered across the world, the zora are an aquatic people, living beneath the waves for nearly as long as anyone can remember. Their ability to transition between living beneath the waves and functioning in land-based societies has led them to become a versatile people, exploring many avenues of thought. +2 Con, +2 Per, -2 Str
Zzithrani Ganymede Natural Humanoid Vermin Psionics Nature Originally simple insects, the zzithrani have mutated greatly over time, primarily due to the nature of their homeworld, but also due to the interference from the Tyranids. While they have attained sentience, they have done so as a hivemind, and as such come off as incredibly alien. +2 Con, +2 Brv, -2 Cha